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<br /> f i;Lender required mortgage insurance ss a condition of making the loan secured by this Security Instrurrtent,
<br /> � Banower shal}paythe premiums reqyired to maintain the insurance in effect until such time as the requirement for the
<br /> insurastce teiu►inaies in aecordance with Borrower's and Lender's written agreement or applicable taw.
<br /> l.:,,�Ctiqo. Lendee or iu agtnt may make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Pr�periy. Lender
<br /> shall give Borrawer notice at the time of Qr pzior ta an inspecuon spe.ifying reason3bte cause fer the inspection.
<br /> 9. Condemnatfon. 'Y`he proceeds of any award or ctaim for damages.direct dr eonsequential,in connection with
<br /> . any candemnation or other taking ef any paat af the Property, or for con1 eyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby
<br /> assigned and shaJl be paid to Lender.
<br /> In the event of a toial taking of the Fmperty,the praceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security
<br /> t►istrument,whether or not Ehen due.with�a�eacess paid to Borrower.ln ihe eveni of a partial taking of tke FFOperty.
<br /> un�ess Borrower 2sid Lender othera�ise agree��.-citing,t�ce��secured by this Secu�ity Ia..nru�ent shall be re�uce3 by
<br /> � the amount af the�F¢rceeds muItip'*ed bv t�e��:.`��uing�ctio�:{a)tke total amaun3 of the�s��csre�imt[aediately
<br /> fxfore tlse taking.ciecided by(b)t���ir � ���g�`1�ef the L''roperty immediatety befare che t��,Ang b.:ta?ee shall be
<br /> , paid to Rorrower. ' �
<br /> If the Property is abaa����:�;%nz�;rra+—►�����-'='=nctice by�.ender to B�rsc�rr th.a:3he co�d���r affers to
<br /> malce an award or settie a elaim���ma�.ffc..-��ver f�:s to:espond t��ender v��thin 30 days afzer the�te ti�e notiee is ,
<br /> given,Lender is autE�:r.�to collect and�tv_,:�1:pro�:;�:at iu opt'v;�.either tn restoration c�r c�gair of tIie�'r�perty or `
<br /> to the sams secura3�y this Securiiy Instrume�:x,whzther�?-+-s�t then due. . • �
<br /> U�less l.,ender and Bonower otherwise a�ree in wtiting,any application afg�r�ds to principal shall e�textend or
<br /> � postpone th2 due date of the monthly paymen�s refened to in paragraphs 1 and 2 er�i�ange the amouni of sucL payments.
<br /> Y0. Borrower Not Rel�sed; Forbear�tace By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of the time for payment or
<br /> ' modification of amortizarion of the sums secnted by this Security I�ument granted by Lender to any successor i�. ,
<br /> � inter�uf Bonower shall not operate to reiease the liability�oFthe original Borcower or Borrower's sacc�ssors in interest. : �
<br /> . Lender shall not be required to commence praceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to eatend time fca
<br /> payment or otherwise modify amortiiation of the sams se+cured by thes Security Instrument by reason of any demand mad:. '
<br /> by the original Borrower or Bonower's succ�ssors in interest.Any torbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remec�r: •
<br /> shall not be a wniver of or preclude the exerci��of any aght or remedy.
<br /> 11. Successon and Assigas Bound;�oint and Several Lia6tUty;Co-signers. The cuvenanu and agrcernents c£ • � ;
<br /> this Security Instrument shall biad.:ad benefit the ssccessars and assigns of Lender and Borrower,subject to tt��provisions . .. �
<br /> ' of paragraph 17.Borrower's ca-�cr�,�ts and agreemenu shall be joint and several.Any Barrower who co-signs this Security
<br /> Instrument but does not execute tiie Note:(a)is co-signing this Sei:urity tnstrument only to mortgage,grant and convey
<br /> � that Borrower's interest in the Property under the terms oithis Security Instn:ment;(b)is not personally obligated to pay '
<br /> the sums secured by this Security [nstrumea�t;and (c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend,
<br /> modify,forbear or make any ascommodations with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without
<br /> that Borrower's consent.
<br /> � 12. Lo�n Charges. lf the loan secured by this Security Instrument is•subject to a law which sets maximum loan
<br /> '. charges, and that !aw is finally interpreted so ihat the interest or ather loan charges collected or to be caltected in �
<br /> connection with the toan excer,d the permitted timits, then: (a)any such laan charge shall be reduced by the amount . _ _
<br /> ' necessary to reduce the charge to the petmitted limit and(b)any sums already collected fram Borrawer which exceeded '
<br /> , permit��'limits will be refunde,�ta Borrower. Lender may chonse to make this reFund by reducing the principal owed t—
<br /> under the Note or by making a dFr:et payment to Bonawer.Df a refund reduces prineipal,the reduction will be treated as a �
<br /> � partial prepayment without ang p*epayment charge under the Note.
<br /> 13. Le�slatlon Aliectiag I.ender's Rights. iP enactment ar expiration of applicable laws has the effect of
<br /> rendering any provision oithe l�c�e or this Security Instrument unenfarceable according to its terms,l.ender,al its option. ���
<br /> may require immediate paymer•:t r�:full of all sums seca��by this Security Instrument and may ineroke any remedies
<br /> permitted by paragraph 19.�E L�ader eaercises this opticc�,Lender shall take the steps specified in the second paragraph af
<br /> � paragraph 17. '
<br /> 14. Notices. Any r_�t::e to Borrouet y�rovided for in iri5��:i_.rity Instrumeni shal)be given by delivering it or by
<br /> mailing it by first class mail L�tess applicable law requires use cE:::�other method. The natice shall be directed to the ,
<br />: Property Address ar any ather address Borrower desi�rs;:.:es by notice ta Lender.Any natice to Lendcr shall be given by
<br /> first class mail to Lender's address stated herein or any atner address Lender designates by notice to Borrower_Any notice '
<br /> � provided fot in ihis Security lnsirument sh��i(�e deemcd to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided �!
<br /> � in thisparagraph.
<br /> IS. Goveming l.sw;Severability. This Security Instrument sh�ll be gover�ed Ey f%�1F:r�:I t�w and the law of the
<br /> juric�i�eaon in which the PraFercw is located.in th�e��eat�?�at any provisian or ciaus�ef th�y Security lnstrument or the
<br /> Note�nflicts with stpplica�s'.e 1;:,�k,such cc�.!':ct shait act affect other provisions of t�is Securitr Instrument nt the Note
<br /> which can be given�.�'ect without the conR�:c�ssg provision. To this end the provisions of this 5�a�rity lnstrument and the
<br /> � Note are declared r.���e severable.
<br /> 16. Barrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one conformed r�py c�f the hMe and af this 5ecurity Instrument.
<br /> 1?. Tr9nsfer of the Prnpa�rty or a Benefl¢ial liscerest in Borrower. lf a11 or any pan of the Yroperty or any ^
<br /> interest in it is sold or transferrui(��r if a beneficial interest�n Borrower is sold or transfcrred and Borrower is nnt a natural
<br /> persan)without Lender's prior writien ccr�_�.�nt. Lender may,at its option, reyuire immediate payment in full of all sums
<br /> secured by this Sec4rity Instrument. iljuvu���r, Ahis option shall n�t be exerciscd by Lender if exercise is prohibited by
<br /> fecleral law as of thc date of this Security Ir,�trument. -_--�---
<br /> if l.,ettder exercises this optian,Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration."the notice shall prc�vide a pericxl �
<br /> o#'not less than 30 days from the date the nntice is delivered or mailed within which Barrow�er must pay aU�;�r,:�secured by
<br /> this 5ecurity Insirument.li'I3c�rrower faits tn pay these sums prior to the expitation of this petind.I.eitder may invoke any ,
<br /> �emediespermitted by this5ec:u:ity lnstrument without further not�cc c�rdemand on Horroti:er. ,
<br /> i8.Borrower's Rigi�t to Keinstate. ff ltorraw�r meets certain condirians,IioTrc�w�er sh.�if huYe[i►r r jgtr�to `;�•.
<br /> enforcement nf thisSecurity instrument dixuntinued at any tinec privr ta the carlier nf:(a)5 c�ays Ior such c�ttter per.c���s �
<br /> L appliceble law m,�y speciPy f�r re�nstatement)hefore sate of the Prapetiy�+ursua�it tc+uny��o�ver of sale consained in*i�ss
<br /> Securit} In��sumrnt:c,r(h}entry of a judKrrtent enforcing tfi�s�ccurtty Instcument. 'I'ho�c conditinm arc that E�orrrn�e:.
<br /> l�)�ayti Lender all snms wh�ch then �•ould be due under thiti Secunty 6n�trume��t ancl the ti��te had no acceler��um
<br /> o:currecl; (h)cures any default of any othet covenants or agreement�;{c) pay� ali ex{�en5e�incurred in crtforcing this �
<br /> Secunt�• Instnintrru. �nclutltug, but nut ftRnited to. reasnn:�ble .ittnrney�feeti: and!d)takrc�uch�cti�m ati lcndcr may uEti
<br /> �•ea<:�n;ihly tet�uue trti a�sure that the Itcn of this 5ecurity lnstrurnetit, I,t i1l�CC��f�E.jh�4 1!1 tlll�'re?perty� and Hc+rrv�cet ti �
<br />. �zbl��ttnn �a �+sy the �urn� cecured hy �b�s Sccunty In�trument �hatt crmrmire usntiangec� t'pore rrtn44atc:mcnt hv � �
<br /> 13ntr��wer,thic ti:r��nty In�trumenE arid thc obhgat��n�:tecure�i ttcrehc•�lialf rr+u.rii�f��ll}•zflttit���r ati�f n����rceter:3uori hact
<br /> �,c:�rrrc! H�,uc��er.th�o n�;3it h►fein�l�te Si��lt tt:�!appfy in the c:�ce�}f:t�reler;i�iF,n e�nElrr��.ir.i��a{�F�� I?:+r i 7
<br />, �
<br />