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<br /> UN�FORM COV£IV�taTS. Bnt�ow.rr and I.endercovcnant and a�tte�.s fo3tows:
<br /> l. Pay�ent of PrIIacip�tl�nd Issttrea�Prepsyatea�t aad Late Chuges. B�sr�awer shall promptly pay when due
<br /> tht principal of and intetest on the debt evidenea!by the Note auid any prepayment an�tate eharges due under the Note. `
<br /> 2. Funds for Taxes autd Insuratice. SubJ�t to applicable taw ar ta a written waiver by Lender,8orrower shall pay , .
<br /> [o Lendcr on the day rrrnntL��ty pay�ents are:due under the Note,until the.Nate is paid in full,a sum("Funds")equai to
<br /> [ one-twelfth of: (al yeartp taRes and �e.F�tnents which �ay attain priority ov�r this Seeurity insirument; (b1 yeariy
<br /> � leasehold payments or grennd rents an,.the Property. if any; (c)yearly hazard insurance premiums; and (d) yeartg
<br /> mort$age insurance premiums,if an�#•'£t�ese items are called"escraw iums."Ler�der may estimate the Funds due on the
<br /> basisofcurrentdataandrcasont+blaesiitnausaffutureescrowitems. . �
<br /> The FundsshAll be held in an in��tution the deposits or aceounts of which are insured or�uaranteed 6p a federat or ' .
<br /> state agen��(i..+tGluding i.cirder i�:G:ndr:t is such an institution).�.ender shall apply shc Funds to pay the escraw iterrts.
<br /> Ixnder may nar.c6arge far holdl�t�and upplying the Funds,an.alyziR3 tha accmunt.or verifying the escYaw items,ura4ess
<br /> Lender pays Sor-e��Pr interes:or�t�s Fnnds and appli�ubte lavr€:petmits Leader ta rnake such a charge. Borrower and '
<br /> Lender may agree in wrting th�t int�ts�t sha11 be pai�an thC Fur.ds. UnteSS arz agreement is made or appJicable law
<br /> roquires interest cQ be ptt'sd, Lendet=�h�,1l�not be required to pay Borrower any interesE or earnings on ihe Funds.Lender
<br /> � shall give to�nr•..cnrvr�without cht►r��i.an ar►nual accounting of the FundS showing credits and debi3�tQ the Funds and the
<br /> pnspose forwhiFh each dcoit:tn t6�.F.uads was made.The F�nds are pledged as additional security fortY�e sums secured by
<br /> thiSSecuiitN Iaftrumeni.� '
<br /> If the rfmoant af ih��unds held by Lender.togeiher with the futWre mo:ithly paytnenu of�e�ds payable prior to
<br /> the due date��f the�r����tqms,shall exceed the aaount required to pay thz escrow items when due,the excess shalY be,
<br /> at Bonower's aptiun,eitf[ez promptly repaid to Borrower or sred:�tu Ba:�awer on manthly paycaents of Funds.If Lhe
<br />, . amount of the Funds heId bu Lender is not sufftcient to pay the es�rovs ite�R�hen da,:,��-rowet�hall pay to L.tn�ler any
<br /> amount nec�ssary tfl make c�F t.�e defcc�e�oy in one or more pay:�'�a:ts zs requL:ed by Le=��.r, '
<br /> Upon payment irt f�L����sJ�s secured by thi§Security Instruraer��.,bender shall promy�IG refc�-�d tss Banower . .
<br /> any F�nds held by L.ender.if rsn�er�aragraph 19 the Propeny is sold or ac�-�i-ed by Lender.Lend����ail ag���,no later
<br /> than isnmediately prior to the sate cg�s Property or its acquisition by Lea�:r, any Funds held by ri.�nder at tt��time of
<br /> apptication as a credit agairest the su�ssecured by this Security Instrument.
<br /> 3. Applicatioe ot Payments. Unless applicable taw p►ovides otherwise,�F�a�ments received by Ixud-:r under
<br /> paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied first,to late charges due under the Noie;su�u�::��prepayment charges due under the
<br /> Note;third,to amounts payable under paragraph 2;fourth,to interest due;ar_�tast;t�principal due.
<br /> 4. C6suges;Liens. Boreow�shall pay all taxes,assessments.charges,fin�and impasitions attributa�L��tn the
<br /> Property which may attain priorit�:a�rer this Security Instrument, and leasehold ��;ments or graund rentts,; ::F t1.�y.
<br /> Bonower shall pay these obligations i�s t�e manaer provided in paragraph 2,or if not�S��n that manner,Borrc�R�shall • �
<br /> pay them on time directly t:�the persoz owed payment.Borrower shall promptly iarn;�u r:�Lender all notices e*�iounis .
<br /> to be paid under this para�^�tz�h. Yf Bonower makes these payments directly,Borrower shall promptly furnish u:�4.ender
<br /> receipts evidencing the pay��ents.
<br /> Borrower shall promp�:y discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Borr,�wer:(a) : .
<br /> agrees in wtiting to the payme.�t of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender;(b)conte�i�in gaad `. ,_
<br /> faich the lien by,or defends against enforcement uf the lien in,legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to � -
<br /> pr�vent the enforcement of the lien or fvrfeiture of any pan of the Property;oc(c)secures from the holder of the lien an
<br /> agrament satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to this Security Instrument.If Lcnder determines that any part of
<br /> the Properiy is subject ta a Len wh3c�t may attain priority aver this Security lnstrumeut, l.ender may give Borrower a -
<br /> � notice identifying the lien.B�srrower�itall satisfy the lien or take one�r more of the acti�r:s set forth above witl:�� 60 days
<br /> of the giving�5 notice. �;
<br /> 5. �ard InsYrt�et. Borrower shall ke�the irnrca��ements naa existing�r:�:e2�cer er�;.?ed on the�operty •�:—
<br /> ir.�arod ag�n�i Icbss by Frw�azards i*�cluded witt:c�z1t.terarn'`�r,�ended coverage"and�;,�other ha�ards for wht�":fl.ender
<br /> requires irsur.Xace. This insurance sIsall be mai:.ts,irce� in eis�_z;nounts and for the �a.�ods that Lender requ:ic�. 'The
<br /> insurance�er providing the insuraace shall�e cii�sen hS� l��orrower subject to Le.��zr's approval which shzl;not be �
<br /> � unreasonably withheld.
<br /> All insurance policies and renewals shall be acceptabte to Lender and shaU include a star,+i;�e�d mortgage clause. �
<br /> � Lender shaU have the right to hold the policies and renewals. Ii'Lender requires.Borrower shatl�r��!:ptly give to l,ertder
<br /> a11 receipts oF paid premiums and r�newal natices.ln the event o1'loss,Borrawer shpll pL�e prompt notice to the:c:wrance �' �
<br /> carrier and l.ender.Lender may ma�e��raof'of loss if not made promptty by Horrower. . �'
<br /> . Unless Lender and Eorrower otherwise agree in writing,insurance pracceds shall be applied to restoratior���repair �"
<br /> of the Property damaged,if the restoration or reRai�is ecan�mically feasible and Lender's security is not lessen°d. If the �
<br /> restoration or repair is not economically feasible or�ndc:r's 5ecurity woutd be lessened,the insurance proceeds shaU be
<br /> applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument, wttcfl�er or nat then due,with any cacess paid to Bor:ower. If
<br /> ' Borrower ab.�,ndons the Property.ar does not unswer witFin .3(�days a natice from Lender that the insurance carrier has
<br /> ott'ered to settle a claim,then Lender may coltect the insurance proceeds.L.ender may use the proceeds to repair or restore
<br /> the Property or to pay sums securcd by this Secarity instrument,whether or not then due.The 3Q•day period will begin
<br /> when the notice is given.
<br /> . Untess Lendcr and Barrower otherwise agrec in writing.any apptication nf praceeds to principal shall not extend ar
<br /> postpone the due date�f the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1�nd 2�r cl�ange thc amount of the payments. If
<br /> under paragraph 19 the Property is acquired by Lender.$orrower's right ta any insurance pc�ticies and proceeds resulting
<br /> from damage to the Property prior ta the acquisition shall pass to Lender to the eatent of the sums secured by this Security
<br /> lnstrumcnt immediately prior to the acquisition. "
<br /> 6. Preserration�nd M�ieteniace of Proyerfy;Leaseholds. Borr�wer shaQ nnt destroy.damage or substantiaUy
<br /> change thc Property,allaw the Property to deteriorate or commit waste. If this Secunty Instrument is on � leaschvld,
<br /> Borrowcr shall comply with�he provisions�f'the lea.5e,and ii Borrower acyuires fec tidc to the Prt�perty,the leasehnld and ,__ __:-_
<br /> fee titl�shall not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in writing. •
<br /> 7. Protection a4 I.ender'� Rights in the Property: �fort�Re lnsurance. If Borrowcr fails to perform the .
<br /> cvvenants and agreements cornained in this 5ecurity Inssrument,or there i�a Iegal proceeding that mc+y sign�&cantly af�ect ' -
<br /> LendPr's rights in the Property (such as a pr�xeeding in bankruptcy, probate. far cc�ridemn€itiun or tn enforce I�ws or �
<br /> ' f�r,ttl�itv�rs}.ii�t-i�Lrit�irr i�i�y dv mcS�r�y fvr wh�trari i�t�ctir�,�iy!ir�.+rut�t thc�alu�af the Pr�;.rty artd Lcc�dcr'4 s':ghis . `
<br /> yn the Property. Lender's actinns may inciude paying any sums cecured by a lien �citich has privrit} e�++er this 5erutity
<br /> � Inslrt�mtnt.:�ppearin�in court,paying ceasunable attorneys'fecs and entcr�ng an the i'mperty to makr repa�rs.Although
<br /> Lender may t�ce ac�tor�utt�ier Ihis paragraph 7,t,ender dct;s nut have t�du�:�.
<br /> Any:�mnunts d�sbursed by l.ender under thtis paragrapl�7 sh�l!berurne ctcichtianal debt c.f flc�rniuer tiecured by th« .,�
<br /> 5tcnnty Inserutnen�.Unlesv Hotrua�er ar�d I.tnd�r agree tc�ather term�c�f�ayment.there ami�unts shatl brar�nten�t frnrn ti
<br />: the clate of disbursemeut at the N��te ro�c and �h�ll ne p�y��bte, t��=h �ntcrctit, uptm nt�tire from Lender tv [inrrnaer �y�
<br /> rcyucwUng payrrtcnt.
<br /> , �
<br />