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vEEa �F T�usT <br /> 2� 17��8� 1 <br /> Loan Nv: ��'I 3���5� �Cant�nued} Page 3 <br /> sv lang as Trus�or has notified Lender in writing privr ta dving s❑ and s❑ lang as, in Lender's so�e vpinion, L�nder's <br /> in�eres�s in �h� Praperty are n�t jeopardized. Lender may require Trus�or to post adequate seGurity ❑r a surety <br /> bond, reasonahly satisfac�ory t❑ Lender,to p�atect Lender's infierest. <br /> Du�y to Pro�ect. Trustor agrees nei�her fi� abandan or �ea�e unattended �he Praperty. Trustor sha�l do all vther <br /> ac�s, in additian t�those ac�s sefi�orth ahv�e in�his se�t�on, which�rom the character and use of the Property are <br /> reasonably necessary�a prafiec�and preser�e the Property. <br /> DUE DN SALE- C�NSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, at Lender's optian, decfare immedia�ely due and payable all sums <br /> � secured by�his Deed af Trust upon the sa�e or transfer, withau� Lender's prior written consen�, ❑f all ❑r any part of the <br /> Real Property, or any infieres� in�he Real Praperty. A "sa#e or firansfer" means the con�eyanc� o� Real Proper�y ❑r any <br /> right, titIe or infierest in the Rea� Property; whethe�- legal, beneficial or equi�able; whe�her �alun�ary vr in�oluntary; <br /> whether by outr�ght sale, deed, insta��men� sal� contraGt, iand contract, can�rac� fior deed, leasehold in�erest with a <br /> �erm greater than three �3} years, lease�opfiion cantract, or by sal�, assignmen�, or trans�er ❑f any beneficial in�erest in <br /> vr�a any land trus� holding fiitle ta the Real Prvper�y, ar by any ❑ther methvd ❑f con�eyance o� an interest in the Real <br /> Praperty. If any Trus�or is a corparation, partnership o� limified liabi�ity campany, �ransfer aIsa inGludes any change in <br /> ownership vf mvre than twenty--�ive percenfi ��5°/0� af the�o�ing stack, par�nership in�eres�s or(imited liabi�ity company <br /> interes�s, as �he �ase may be, af such Trustor. Howe�er, �his optian shall nvt be exercised by Lender if such exercise <br /> is prahibi�ed 1ay�ederal law ar by Nebraska law. <br /> TAXES AND L1EN5. The follawing pra�isians relating �� the taxes and liens on fihe Proper�y are part ❑f �his �eed ❑f <br /> Trus�: <br /> Payment. Trusfiar shall pay when due �and in all e�ents privr to delinquency} all taxes, special taxes, assessments, <br /> charges {including water and sewe�-}, �ines and imposi�ions le��ed against ❑r an accoun� of the Properfiy, and shali <br /> pay when due all claims fior work done on ❑r�for ser�ices rendered or ma�erial �furnished fio the Property. Trustor <br /> shall main�ain the Praperty�ree v�all liens ha�ing priority ❑�er❑r equal �o the interes�of Lender und�r this Deed of <br /> Trus�, except �or the lien o# taxes and assessm�nfis no� due and except as otherwise pro�ided in this Deed of <br /> Trus�. <br /> Right to Contest. Trustor may wifihhold payment of any�kax, assessment, or claim in connection wi�h a gaod faith <br /> dispu�e ❑�er the ❑bligation�❑ pay, sv Iang as Lender's in�er�s��n fihe Proper�y is not jeopardiz�d. I�a iien arises or <br /> is filed as a result ❑� nonpayment, Trustor sha1� withEn fifteen ��5} days af-�er th� �ien arises vr, i� a �ien is �iled, <br /> within �ifk��n �15} days after Trusfior has nvtice of�he �i��ng, secur� �he discharge ❑��he lien, ar if requ�s�ed by <br /> Lender, depasi�with Lender cash❑r a sufficient corporate surety bvnd ❑r�ther securi�y sa�isfac�vey�v Lender in an <br /> amoun�su��icient t❑ discharge the lien plus any costs and attorneys' �ees, ar ather charges that cauld a�crue as a <br /> resul�o�a fvreclosure or sa�� under the lien. )n any contest, Trus�ar sha�[ de�end itselfi and Lender and shall satisfy <br /> any ad�erse judgmen�befare enforcement against the Property. T�rustar shall name Lender as an additianai ❑b��gee <br /> under any sure�y bond�furnished in�he contest prv�eedings. <br /> E►ridence o�Payment, Trus�or shal� upan demand furnish �ka Lend�r satisfactory e�idence ❑# payment o�the taxes <br /> or assessmen�s and shali au�hvrize �he appropria�e go�ernmental ❑fficial tv deli�er�o Lender at any time a written <br /> statemen�❑f�he taxes and assessments aga�nst the Property. <br /> Natice o�Cons�ruGtion. Trus�or shall nati�y Lender at least fif�een �15� days 1ae�ore any warl� is c�mmenced, any <br /> ser�ices are furnished, vr any ma�erials are supplied to the P�-ope�ty, ifi any mechani�'s lien, ma�erialmen's lien, �r <br /> o�her fien could be asserted ❑n a�count of�he work, ser�ices, �r materials. Trustor will upon request ❑f Lender <br /> furnish to Lender adWance assurances satis�factory to Lender tha� Trustor can and will pay fihe cvs� of such <br /> impro�ements. <br /> PR�PERTY DAMAGE �NSURANCE. The fvllvwing pro�isions rela�ing �o insuring the Property a�-e a pa�t o��his Deed v� <br /> T�ust. <br /> Ma�nfienance o� �nsurance. Trustor shal� prvGure and maintain policies a� ��re insurance wi�h standard ex�end�d <br /> �o�erage endorsements on a replacement basis for the �ull insurable �alue co�e�-ing all imprv�ements on the Real <br /> Praperty in an amvunt su��icien� �o a�aid applica�ion a� any coinsurance c�ause, and with a standard mor�gagee <br /> �lause in fa�or of Lender. Trustor shall a�so pracure and mainta�n camprehensi�e general lialaili�y insurance Fn su�h <br /> co�e�-age amaunts as Lender may request with Trustee and Lender being named as addi�ional insureds in such <br /> liabil�ty insurance policies. Additionally, Trustvr sha�� rnaEnta�n su�h o�h�r insurance, including hut not [imi�ed to <br /> haza�d, �usiness interruptian, and boiler insurance, as Lender may reasvnably require. Policies shall be wrifi�en �n <br /> form, amaunts, co�erages and basis reasonably acceptab�e �❑ Lender and issued �y a company ❑r companies <br /> reasonably accepta��e �o Lender. Trustar, upvn request of Lender, will deli�er to Lender from time ta �ime �khe <br /> pvlicies or certi�i�a�es a�insurance in form sa�isfac�ary to Lender, including stipulatians�hat co�erag�s will not be <br /> cance�led ❑r dimin�shed wi�haut afi least ten �1�} days prior written notice t❑ Lender. Each insurance pvl�cy also <br /> shall in�lude an endorsement pro�iding that co�erage in�a�or❑f Lender wi�[ nv�be Empaired in any way by any act, <br /> ❑mission or defaui�k o�Trustar or any other persvn. Sh�uld the Real Property �e �ocat�d in an area d�signa�ed by <br /> �he Administratvr���he Federal Emergen�y Management Agency as a speciai flood hazard area, Trus�vr agrees to <br /> ob�ain and main�ain Federal Flood lnsurance, if a�ailal�le, within 45 days after notice is gi�en hy Lende�- �hat the <br /> Prvperty is located in a special flood ha�ard area, for the full unpaid principal balance of the loan and any prior liens <br /> on the praperty securing the loan, up�a the maximum policy limits set under the Natianal Flvod lnsurance Prvgram, <br /> ❑r as otherwise required by Lender, and t� maintain sucf�insuran�e fvr�he term o�f the Ioan. <br />