2� 17��858
<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> Lvan Nv: ���3��'138 {ContNrlu�d} Page 7
<br /> Praper�y, �he cfl�lection ❑t suGh ren�s, issues and profi�s, and the applica�ion �hereo-� shall nat cure ❑r
<br /> wai�e any de�ault o� natice of defaul� under�his Deed of Trust or in�alidate any act done in �espanse t�
<br /> such de�auit ar pursuant to such no�ice ❑f de-�aul�; and, no�withstanding the continuance in passession ❑�
<br /> the Property or the collec�ion, receipt and applicafiion ❑f rents, issues ❑r prafits, Trus�ee o� Lender shall
<br /> �e entitled to exercise e�ery righ� pro�ided �or in �he Nate or�he Rela�ed }�acuments or by law upon the
<br /> occurren�e of any e�ent af dsfault, includ�ng the right�o exercise�h� power of sa�e;
<br /> �h} Cvmmence an ac��on�❑ �o�eclose�his ❑eed vf Trus� as a mortgage, appoin� a recei�er ar speci�ica�ty
<br /> en�arce any of�he ca�enan�s hereaf; and
<br /> {c� ❑eli�er to Trustee a writ��n declara�ian❑�defau�t and demand �ar sale and a written notice of de�autt
<br /> and e�ec�ion to cause Trus�or's interest in the Property ta bs sold, which notice Trustee shaI� cause�o be
<br /> duly��led for record in the appropria�e offices❑f�he Caun�y in which the Property is located; and
<br /> {d� Vllith respect to all or any par�❑f�he Persanal Property, Lender shall ha�e a��fihe rights and remedies
<br /> of a secured par�y under�he Nebraska Uni�orm Cvmmercial Cade.
<br /> Foreclosure by P�wer�f 5ale. lf Lender elects to fore��ose hy exerGise of�he Power of Sale herein contained,
<br /> Lender shall nv�ify Trus�ee and shall depasit wi�h Trustee �this aeed ❑f Trus� and the Nv�e and such receipts
<br /> and e�idence of expendi�ures mad� and se�ured by this ❑eed ❑f Trus�as Trustee may require.
<br /> �a� lJpon receipt❑f such no�i�e firvm Lender, Trustee shaii cause tv he recorded, pubfished and deli�ered
<br /> �o Trustor such Notice ❑f ❑efaul� and No�ice vf Sa�e as �hen required by law and by this Deed a#Trust.
<br /> Trustee shall, without demand an Trustor, after such fiime as may then be required �y law and a�ter
<br /> recordation ❑f such Notice ❑f De�au[t and after Notice o� 5a�e ha�ing been gi�en as required by law, sell
<br /> the Property at the time and place ❑f sale fixed by ifi in su�h No�ice ❑f Sale, e�ther as a whvle, ❑r in
<br /> sepa�-ate lo�s or parce�s or items as Trustee shall deem expedient, and in such �rder as i�k may determine,
<br /> afi public auctian tv the h�ghest bidder for cash in Iaw�Fuf money ��the United States payable at the time
<br /> of sa�e. Trust�e sha�� de�i�e�- �a such purchaser ❑r pur�hasers �hereof its gvod and suf�icien� deed or
<br /> deeds con�eying the property so sold, bu� without any co�enan� ❑r warran�y, express ❑r impli�d. The
<br /> recitafs in such d�ed ❑-� any ma��ers ❑r �acts sha�l be cvn�lusi�e proo� o�the truthfulness therevf. Any
<br /> persan, including wi�houfi limi�a�ion Trustor,Trus�ee, or Lender, may purchase at such sale.
<br /> {�} As may b� permitted by law, a�rer deducting all cos�s, fees and expenses of Trustee and ❑fi this
<br /> Trust, including costs��e�idence vf title in �vnnec�kion wi�h sale,Trus�ee shall apply the proceeds of sale
<br /> �a payment o� �i} all sums expended under�he�erms o�this Deed vf Trus�or under�he terms o�the Na�e
<br /> nafi then repaid, including but not limited �❑ accrued in�eres# and �ate charges, �ii� all ather sums then
<br /> secured hereby, and �iii}the remainder, i�F any,�o the pers�n or�ersons fegally entit[ed theretv.
<br /> �c� Trus�ee may in the manner pro�ided by law pvstp�ne sale o�aff ar any pvrtivn of the Pr�perty.
<br /> Remedies No# Exclusirre. Trus�ee and Lender, and each of them, shall be entitled to enforce paymen� and
<br /> per��rmance of any indelatedness or obliga�ivns secured by�his Deed of Trust and�a exer�ise ali rights and p�wers
<br /> under�his Deed vf Trus�, under�he No�e, under any a�fihe Related Documents, vr under any vfiher agreement or
<br /> any laws now or hereafte�- in fvr�e; n��wi�hs�anding, some or all of such indebtedness and o�ligatians secured by
<br /> this ❑eed vf Trus� may now ❑r h�reafrter be otherwise se�ured, whe�her by mor�gage, deed o�trust, p[edge, lien,
<br /> assignment or otherwise. Neither �he accep�kan�e of this Deed o� Trust no�- its enfor�ement, whe�her by court
<br /> acti�n ❑r pursuan�to the pawer of sale ar o�her powers can�ained in this ❑eed of Trust, shall prejudice a�- in any
<br /> manner af�ect Trus�ee's or Lender's righ� ta realize upon or en�orce any ❑ther security now or hereafter held by
<br /> Trus�ee or Lender, it being agreed tha�Trustee and Lender, and eaCh of them, sha[I b�entitled tv en�orce this Deed
<br /> v�F Trust and any vther security n�w or hereaf�er heid 6y Lender ar Trus�ee in such �rder and manner as they or
<br /> �ither of �h�m may in their absolute discr��ion determine. No remedy conferred upon ❑r reser�ed ta Trus�ee vr
<br /> Lender, is intended t� be ex�lusi�e of any other remedy �n �his ❑eed af Trusfi vr by law pro�ided or permitted, �ut
<br /> each shall he cumuEafiiWe and shall b� in additian to every a�her rem�dy g��en �n �his ❑eed o# Trust r�r now �r
<br /> hereafter exis�ing at law or in equity❑r by statufie. E�e�y pawer��-remedy gi�en by the Note or any o�the Related
<br /> Documents to Trustee vr Lender or to which either of them may 1ae a�herwise entitled, may be exercised,
<br /> concurrently ❑r independen�ly, -�rom �Eme�❑ t�me and as ❑ften as may be deemed expedi�n� by Trustee or Lender,
<br /> and eifiher ❑f them may pursue inconsistent �emedies. Nothing in this Deed ❑f Trust shal� be cons�rued as
<br /> prohil�i�ing Lender frvm seeking a deficiency judgment against the Trustor to the extent such actian is permitted by
<br /> law. Electivn hy Lender to pursue any remedy shall not exc[ude pursuit of any ❑ther remedy, and an electian to
<br /> make expenditures ar ta take actt�n to perform an ob��gatian vf Trustvr under this ❑eed o�Trust, after Trustor's
<br /> failure to perfarm, shall nvfi affect Lender's right tv declare a default and ex�rcise its remedies.
<br /> Request far Nvtice. Trus�or, on behalf of T�-ust�r and Lender, herelay r�quests that a copy�f any Notice❑f De�ault
<br /> and a �opy v�any No�ice af Sale under this �eed ❑#Trusfi be mailed t❑them at the addresses s��for�h in fihe�irst
<br /> paragraph❑f this Deed af Trust.
<br /> At�orneys' Fees; Expenses, 1� Lender institutes any suit ❑r action �o enforce any o�F �he terms o# this ❑eed a�
<br /> Trust, Lender shall be entitled t❑ reco�er su�h sum as th� court may adjudge r�asonable as a��orneys' fees at triaE
<br /> and up�n any appea�. Vllhefiher or nat any cvurt actian is in��i�ed, and ta �he ex�ent not prvhii�ited by law, a��
<br /> r�asonabie expenses Lender in�urs that in Lend�r's opinion are necessary at any time for the pro�ection of its
<br /> interest�r�khe enforcemen�❑�i�s rights shall k��come a par�v��he �ndeb�edness paya�le on demand and shall 1�ear
<br />