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2� 17��854 <br /> DEED �F TI�UST <br /> Lvan No: �D13��'14'i ��ontlnued} Page 7 <br /> Proper�y, fihe �vllection a-F such rents, issues and prof�ts, and �he applica�ion thereof shall not cure ❑r <br /> wai�e any de�auit or nofiice a�F defau�t under�his ��ed of Trus�❑r �n�alidate any act done in response to <br /> such de�ault or pursuant�t❑ such notice o�de�au�t; and, natwithstanding�he con�inuance in possessivn a� <br /> �he Praperty or the Gollec�ion, receipt and applica�ion o� ren�s, issues ❑r pro�its, Trusfiee or Lender shai! <br /> he entit�ed to exercise e�ery righ� pro�ided �or in the No�e vr the Re�ated D�cuments ❑r by law upan �he <br /> o�Gurrence of any e�enfi of default, in�luding the �ight to exer�ise the pnwer❑f sale; <br /> �b} Commence an actian t❑foreclose this ❑eed a�Trust as a mor�gage, appoint a recei�er or specifically <br /> �nforce any�f the c��enants hereof; and <br /> �c� ❑eli�er tv Trustee a written declaration o�F defaul�and demand for sale and a written nofiice o�default <br /> and electi�n�❑ cause Trus�or's infieres�in the Proper�y�o be sold, which no�ice Trustee shall cause ta be <br /> duly filed-�o�-reco�-d in the apprapriate affices o�the Coun�y in which the Proper�y is located; and <br /> {d� Wi�h respect ta all vr any pa�t o�the Personal P�aperty, Lender shall ha�e all �h� righ�s and remedies <br /> of a secured par�y under the Ne�raska Unifivrm C�mmercial Cade. <br /> Fvreclosure by Power of 5a�e. ff Lender elec�s�o fore�lose by exercise ❑��he Pawer o�Sale herein confiained, <br /> Lender shall nati�y Trus�kee and shall deposifi with Trustee this Deed o�Trus� and the Nvfie and such receipts <br /> and eWidence o�expenditures made and secured by this Deed of Trusfi as Trustee may require. <br /> {a� Upon re�eipfi of such not�ce �rvm Lender, Trus�ee shall cause tv be recorded, puh�ished and deli�ered <br /> to Trustor such No�kice ❑f De�Fau�t and Nati�e of Sale as �hen required by �aw and k�y �this ❑eed vf Trust. <br /> Trustee shal�, wi�hvut demand on Trus�or, after such time as may then be required by law and af�er <br /> recardation o�such Natice o� Defaul� and after N�tic� of Sale ha�ing been gi�en as required by law, sell <br /> the Pr�perty at �he �ime and placs o� sale fixed hy i� in such NotiGe o� Sale, either as a who�e, or in <br /> separat� lo�s ar parcels or i�ems as Trusfiee sha[l deem expedient, and in such order as it may determine, <br /> at public auc�ion ta fihe highes� b�dder for �ash in lawful money vf the United States payable at�he fiime <br /> o� safe. Trus�ee shall deli�er to such purchaser or purchasers thereaf i�s good and sufificien� deed or <br /> deeds canWeying the properfiy so sold, 1�ut wi�hout any ca�enant or warranty, express a� implied. The <br /> recitals �n such deed of any matters or fac�s shall 1�e canclusi�e proof ❑�f the �ru�hfulness �hereof. Any <br /> person, inc�uding with�u�limitation Trustor, Trustee, ar Lender, may purchase at such sa�e. <br /> �b} As may be permitted by �aw, after deduct�ng al1 casfis, �ees and expenses ❑f Trus�ee and of this <br /> Trust, in�luding �osts ❑f eWidence of ti�le in c�nn�c�ivn wifih sale,Trus�ee shall app[y the proc�eds af sale <br /> to paymen�of �i} all sums expend�d under�he terms of this ❑eed of Trus�❑r under the terms of�he Nate <br /> nvt then repa�d, includ�ng bu� nvt limited t� accrued int�rest and lafie �harges, �ii} al� other sums �hen <br /> secured hereby, and �iii��he remainder, if any,�a�he persan or persans �egally en�ti�led�here�o. <br /> 4c� Trustee may in the manner pro�ided by law pvstpone sale of al� or any par�ion of the Prvperty. <br /> Remedies Not Exclusive. Trustee and Lender, and each af them, shall be entit�ed �❑ enfvr�e paymen� and <br /> perfa�man�e of any Fndebtedn�ss ar❑bligations secured by�his Deed ❑f Trust and�o exercis� a�� rights and powers <br /> under this Deed afi Trus�, under�khe Note, under any a�the Related Documents, or under any o�her agreement or <br /> any [aws now o�- hereafter in�arce; notwEthstanding, some or all ❑f such indebfiedness and vbligatians se�ured by <br /> �his Deed of Trust may nvw ❑� hereafker he atherw�se secured, whether by mor�gage, deed of trus�, pledge, lien, <br /> assignmen� ❑r ❑therwise. Neither �he acceptan�e of this �3eed ❑f Trust nor its enforcement, whether by court <br /> action ar pursuant fiv the pawer af sale or o�her pawers contained in fihis ❑eed o�Trust, shafl prejudice ❑r in any <br /> manner affe�t Trus�ee's or Lender's right t❑ realize upan ar enfarc� any o�her securi�y now ❑r hereafter held hy <br /> Truste� vr Lender, it being agreed�ha�Trustee and Lender, and each af them, shalf be en�i�led�o enf�rce this Deed <br /> of Trust and any o�her s�curity now ❑r herea�ter he[d by Lender or T�-ustee in such order and manner as they vr <br /> ei�ther of fihem may in �heir abso�ute discretion determin�. N❑ remedy cvnferred up�n or reser�ed t❑ Trustee ❑r <br /> Lender, is intended t❑ be exclusi�e o�any ❑ther remedy in this ❑�ed of Trust or 1ay law pravided vr permitted, l�ut <br /> each sha�l be cumula�i�e and shafl be in additian to e�ery other remedy gi�en in �his Deed ❑f Trus� ar naw or <br /> hereaf�er existin� a�iaw or in equity or by statute. E�ery power ar remedy gi�en by the Nvte or any of the Rela�ed <br /> D�cumen�s t� Trus�ee or Lender ❑r to which ei�her v�F them may be o�herwise entitled, may be exercised, <br /> c�ncurrently or independently, fram time to �ime and as often as may be deemed expedient by Trus�ee or Lender, <br /> and ei�her ❑�f them may pursue incvnsisten� remedies. No�hing in this �eed ❑f Trust sha�i be canstrued as <br /> prvhik�iting Lender from seeking a de�ficiency�udgment agains�t the Trus�or tn the extent such ac�ion is permi�fied by <br /> faw. Electian by Lender fiv pursue any remedy shall not exclude pursui� ❑�F any oth�r remedy, and an electian to <br /> make e�€pend�tur�s or t❑ �ake action fi❑ per�orm an obligation of Trustvr under�his Deed ❑f Trust, a#ter Trus�or's <br /> �ailure tv per�arm, shaii nnt affec�Lender's right ta dec�are a de�aulfi and exercise i�s remedies. <br /> Request�or Nottce. Trustor, on behal�o#Trustor and Lende�-, hereby requests that a cvpy vf any Natice o#Default <br /> and a �opy o�any Natice ❑�5ale under�kh�s Deed of Trust b� mail�d �o them afi the addresses set�arth in the first <br /> paragraph of thEs Deed o�Trus�. <br /> Attorneys' Fees; Expenses. I� Lender ins�titutes any suit or activn �tv en�orce any of the terms ❑f th�s Deed of <br /> Trust, Lender shall be entitled tv reco�er such sum as�he cnurt may adjudge reasonable as at�orneys' �ees a�trial <br /> and upon any appeal. Whether or no� any cour� actian is in�ol�ed, and tv �he exten� not prohibi�ed by �aw, all <br /> reasanable �xpens�s Lende�r incurs tha� in Lender's opinEvn are necessary at any time far the prvtection vf tts <br /> in�erest❑r the enfiorcement vfi i�s rights shall bec�me a par�of the lndebtedness payable on demand and shall bear <br />