2� 17��854
<br /> Lvan Nv: 'I�'13��'i 4� tContinued} Page 6
<br /> EVENTS �F DEFAIJLT. Each of�h� �ollowing, a� Lender's ❑pti�n, shaI� constifiu�e an E�ent vf Default under fihis Deed
<br /> of Trus�:
<br /> Payment De#au[t. Trustor fails�❑make any payment when due under the Indebtedness.
<br /> ��her ae�aults. Trustor �ails to comply with ❑r �o perform any other term, obligation, cvWenan� or condition
<br /> cantained in �his Deed ❑� Trust or in any o� �he Rela�ed Documen�s or fiv comp�y with or t❑ per�vrm any �erm,
<br /> abligatian, co�enant ar c�nditi�n contained in any ather agreement between Lender and Trus�ar.
<br /> Cnmplian�e Default, Failure �o camply with any ather term, abligatian, co�enant ❑r condi�ion con�ained in �his
<br /> Deed ❑f Trus�,the Note or;n any af the Rela�ed Dacumen�s.
<br /> Defaul�on �ther Paymen#s. Failure ❑f Trustor within the�ime required by�his �eed a�f Trus�to make any paymen�
<br /> �or tax�s or insurance, or any other paymen�r necessary to pre�ent filing o�ar to ef�ect discharge a#any lien.
<br /> False Statemen�s. Any warranty, representa#ion vr statement made ❑r furnished to Lender by Trus�or ar an
<br /> Trus�or's laehalf under�his Deed of Trust o�the Related �ocumen�s �s false ar misleading in any materiai respect,
<br /> either now vr at fihe�ime made ar�urnished❑r becomes�als�or misleading at any time thereaf�er.
<br /> De�ec�ive Col�a�eralization. This Deed ❑f Trus� or any of the Rela�ed Documents ceases to be in �ull torce and
<br /> effect �in�luding failure of any cvlla�era� documen�to create a �alid and perfected security interes� or lien} at any
<br /> time and for any reason.
<br /> InsoiWency. The dissolution ❑r�ermina�ion ��Tl'L15��F''S existence as a gv;ng business, the insol�ency o�Trustar,
<br /> the appaintmen� ❑f a recei�er for any part ❑f Trustor's property, any assignment �for �he hene�it o� credi�ors, any
<br /> type ❑�creditvr workvut, or the �ommencement of any praceeding under any bankruptcy❑r insal�ency laws hy vr
<br /> agains�Trustor.
<br /> Creditor vr Farfei�ure Pro�eedings. Cammen�emen� of foreclosure ❑r �orfei�ure proceedings, whefiher hy judicial
<br /> proceeding, self-he�p, repassession or any other method, by any credi�ar o�Trustvr❑r by any go��rnmental agency
<br /> against any proper�y securing the �ndebtedness. This includes a garnishment vf any of Trus�or's accounts,
<br /> including depasit accounts, with L�nder. H�we�er, this E�ent ❑f De�fau[�t shall nofi apply �� there is a gvod faith
<br /> dispute by Trustor as to the �alidity ❑r reasanablen�ss of the claim which is the basss ❑f the credi�or❑r forfeiture
<br /> prviceeding and i� Trus�vr gi�es L�nder written natice vf �he credi�ar or fvr#eiture pr�ceeding and depasits with
<br /> Lender manies or a sure�y band �Fvr the credi�or❑r-�orfeiture proc�eding, in an amount determined by Lender, in its
<br /> sole dEscre�ion, as being an adequate reser�e or bond far�he dispu�e.
<br /> 6reach of��her Agreement. Any �reach by Trusfior under the terms vf any othe�agreement between Trustor and
<br /> Lender tha� is n�t remedied within any grace peri�d provided therein, including wi�hout limitation any agreement
<br /> cancern�ng any indeb�tedn�ss ❑r❑ther abligation❑�Trustor to Lender, whether existing now or�ater.
<br /> Events Affect�ng Guaran�ar. Any of�he preceding e�ents ❑ccurs with respec�t❑ any �uaran�or, endorser, sur�ty,
<br /> �r accammodation party ❑f any of the Endebtedness ❑r any guarantor, endorser, surety, o� ac�omm�dation party
<br /> dies or becomes incvmpefient, ❑r reWokes or disputes �he �alidity ❑f, or liabi�ity under, any Guaranty o-� the
<br /> Indeb�edness.
<br /> Adverse Change, A material ad�erse �hange occurs in Trustor's finan�ial candition, or Lender belie�es �he
<br /> prospec�v�payment vr performance of the Indeb�edness ts impaired.
<br /> lnsecurify. Lender in good�aith belie�es i�sel�insecure.
<br /> Righ�ta Cure. I�any defaul�, o�her�han a defaul-�in paymen�, is curab�e and if Trustor has not been gi�en a notice
<br /> of a brea�h❑f the same prvvEsion v€this Deed of Trust wi�hin�he p�eceding twel�e ���� mon�hs, i�may be cured if
<br /> Trustor, after Lender sends wri�ten notice�❑Trustvr demanding cure❑f such de�aul�: t�} �ures the defau�t within
<br /> fif�e�n {�5y days; or �2� ��f�he cure requires mare�han �ifteen �15� days, immedia�ely ini�iat�s steps whi�h Lender
<br /> deems in Lender's sole discre�ion to be su�€�icient �v cure the defaul� and �hereafter continues and completes all
<br /> reasvnable and necessary steps sufficient�o prvduce cvmpliance as svvn as reasonably prac�ical.
<br /> RlGHTS AND REMEDIES ❑N DEFAULT. lt an E�ent❑f ❑efaul�o�curs under�his Deed ❑f Trust, afi any time thereafter,
<br /> Trustee or L�nder may�xercise any one or more❑f fih�fnllowin� ri�hts and remedies:
<br /> Accelerativn Upvn Defaulfi;Additional Remedies. lf any E�ent❑f Default o�curs as per the terms of the Nate
<br /> secured hereby, Lender may declare all lndebtedness se�ured hy this Deed �f Trust to be due and payabl� and
<br /> the same shall�hereupvn be�ome due and payable without any pres�n�ment, demand, prates�ar no�ice of any
<br /> l�ind. Thereafter, Lender may:
<br /> �ay Either in person ar i�y agen�, with �r with�ut bringing any ac�ion a�- proc�eding, vr by a recei�er
<br /> appainted hy a court and withou�regard to the adequacy of�ts security, enter upon and �ake possessivn
<br /> ❑f the Property, or any part�fihereo�F, in its ❑wn name ❑r in the name of Trus�ee, and do any acts vvhich it
<br /> deems necessary�r desirahle to preser�e the�alue, marke�ability ar rentability❑f the Prvperty, ❑r par�❑f
<br /> the Prop�rty ❑r interest in �the Property; increase the incom� from the Property ❑r protect the securi�y o�
<br /> the Pr�perty; and, wEth �r withvufi �aking passessivn of the Pr�perty, sue for or otherwise cvlle�fi the
<br /> ren�s, issues and prafits ❑f the �roperty, including those past due and unpafdr and apply�he same, less
<br /> cos�s and expenses��❑peratian and co�lection at�vrneys' fees,t� any indeht�dness secured by this Deed
<br /> of Trus�, all in such arder as Lend�r may determine. The entering upon and taking possessian ❑f th�
<br />