2� 17��854
<br /> DEE�3 �F TRUST
<br /> Loan No: '1���D214� {Continued} Page 3
<br /> sa Iong as Trus�or has noti�ied Lender in wri�ing prior ta daing so and sa long as, in Lender's sole opinian, Lender's
<br /> in�e�-es�s in the Proper�y are not jeopardized. Lender may require Trustor to pvst adequate security ar a sure�y
<br /> �ond, reasonabiy sa�isfac�ory�a Lender,�o protect Lender's in�erest.
<br /> Du�y fio Protect. Trustor agrees neither fio abandon ar lea�e unattended the Property. Trustor shall d� all vfiher
<br /> acts, �n addi�ion�a those ac�s set farth abvWe �n this section, which from the character and use o�F the Property are
<br /> reasonably necessary�o prv�eG�and preser�e�h� Praper�y.
<br /> DUE DN SALE�CDNSENT BY LENDER. Lender-may, at Lender's ❑ption, dec�are immedia�ely due and payab�e a�� sums
<br /> secured hy this fleed a�Trust upan th�sale ar�ransfer, without Lender's privr written �vnsen�, of a�l or any par�v�the
<br /> Real Property, ❑r any interest in�he Reai Prvperty. A "sale or transfer" means �he can�eyance of Real Properfiy ❑r any
<br /> righ�, ti�le or interes� in �he Real Praperty; whether legal, beneficial or equitable; whether �a�untary or in�olunfiary;
<br /> whe�her by vutright sale, deed, instalImen� sale contract, land contract, �ontra�t �ar deed, leasehold in�eres� wi�h a
<br /> term greater than �hree �3} years, �ease-op�ion cantract, or hy sale, assignment, or�ransf�r of any bene�icial in�eres� in
<br /> or�o any �and �rust holding title ta the Real Property, or by any ❑ther method ❑�f con�eyance vf an inte�est in the Real
<br /> Properfiy. I� any Trustar is a ��rporation, partnership ar limi�ed �iability company, transfer also includes any �hange in
<br /> �wnership of more than twenty-fi�e percen� �25°/0� ❑�F fihe�oting s�v�k, partnership in�erests ❑r limi�ed �iabiiifiy campany
<br /> in�erests, as �he case may �ae, vf such Trus�ar. H�we�er, this v�tion shall no� be exercised by Lender if such exercise
<br /> is pr�hibi�ed by�ederal law ❑r by Nebraska law.
<br /> TAXES AND LIENS. The �ollowing prv�isions re�ating tv the taxes and liens ❑n �he Property are part vf this ❑eed ❑f
<br /> Trus�:
<br /> Payment. Trus�or shall pay when due {and in al! e�ents prior to delinquency} afl taxes, special�axes, assessments,
<br /> charges �in�luding water and sewer}, fines and �mposifiivns levied agafnst�r on account of the Property, and shall
<br /> pay when due all claims fvr work done ❑n or for ser�ices rendered ❑r material furnished ta the Prope�ty. Trustor
<br /> shall maintain�he Praperty free ❑�all liens ha�ing priority v�er or equal to�he interest o�f L�nder under�his ❑eed o#
<br /> Trust, except �ar the lien of �axes and assessmen�s nat due and except as otherwise pro�ided in �his ❑eed of
<br /> Trust.
<br /> Righf to Contes�. T�-usto� may withho�d payment of any�ax, assessment, or ��aim in connectian with a gaod faith
<br /> dispute ❑Wer the ob�igat�vn�o pay, s❑ Iong as Lender's interest in the Property is nat�eopardized. lf a lien arises or
<br /> is filed as a result af nonpayment, Trusfio�- shall within �ifteen {�5� days atter the lien arises ❑r, if a lien is fil�d,
<br /> wi�hin fifteen ��5� days a�ter T�ustar has nvti�e of the filing, secure �he discharge of the lien, ❑r i� requested by
<br /> Lender, deposit with Lender cash ❑r a sufficient corporate surety band ar❑�her security satisfac�ory t� Lender in an
<br /> amaunt su�ficien�to discharge�he li�n p�us any casts and attorneys' �ees, ❑r other �harges tha�could ac�rue as a
<br /> resu�t❑�a forec�osure ar sale under the lien. ln any contest, Trustor shall defend i�sei�and Lender and shafE satisfy
<br /> any ad�erse judgment befo�-e enfor�emen�agains��he Proper�y. Trustor shall name Lender as an addi�ional ❑bligee
<br /> under any surety bond furnished in�he contest proceedings.
<br /> Eviden�e v�Payment. Trustor sha�� upon demand �urnish to Lende�-sa�isfactvey e�idence a�payment of the taxes
<br /> ❑r assessments and shall authorize�he appropriate �oWernmen�al a�ticiai to deli�er t❑ Lender at any time a wrEtten
<br /> statemenfi o�the taxes and assessmen�s against the Praperty.
<br /> Noti�e ❑�Constructian. Trus�or shall not��y Lender at �east fif-keen ��5} days before any work is commenced, any
<br /> ser�ices are furnished, vr any ma�erials are suppfied to fihe Prvperty, if any me�hanic's lien, materialmen's lien, or
<br /> afiher lien �ould be asserted on accaunt of the wvrk, ser�i�es, �r materials. Trus�ar will upan request v�F Lender
<br /> �urnish to Lender ad�ance assurances sat�s-�actary to Lender that Trusto�- can and will pay the �ost of such
<br /> impro�ements.
<br /> PRDPERTY DAMAGE fNSURANCE. The following pra�isivns relating t� insuring�he Property are a parfi v��his Deed af
<br /> Trust.
<br /> Ma�ntenance of lnsurance. Trustor shal[ pracure and maintain policies o� �fire insurance with standard extended
<br /> cv�e�-a�e endvrsements an a replacement basis for the �u�l insurable value co�er�ng all Impro�ements ❑n �he Rea�
<br /> Property in an amaun� sufficient to a�oid applica�ion v� any coinsurance clause, and wi�h a standard mortgagee
<br /> clause in�a�vr fl�Lende�. Trustor shall alsv prv�ure and maintain comprehensi�e genera! fiability insurance in such
<br /> co�erage amounts as Lender may request with Trustee and Lender laeing named as additional insureds in such
<br /> liabiiity insu�-ance policies. Addi�ionally, Trus�or shall maintain su�h o�her insurance, including hut not limi�ed to
<br /> hazard, business interruptivn, and I�oi�e� insurance, as Lender may reasonai�ly require. Policies shall be writ�en �n
<br /> �orm, amounts, ca�erages and laasis reasonably accep�able to Lender and issued by a company o�- companies
<br /> reasonably accep�kab�� to Lender. T�ustar, upan request ❑f Lender, wif[ deli�er �a Lender from time �a time �he
<br /> poEicies ar cerfiificates ❑�F�nsurance in-�orm satisfactvey�o Lender, including sfiipula�ivns �hat �o�erages will nv� be
<br /> cancelled �r diminished withvut at least ten ���} days pri�r written notEce t❑ Lender. Each insurance policy also
<br /> shal� include an�ndarsement pro�iding�hat coverage in fa�or❑f Lender will nat be impa�red in any way by any act,
<br /> omission ❑r defau[t❑fi Trus�vr ❑r any ather person. Should the Real Praperty be located tn an area designated by
<br /> the Administrator vf the Federa� Emergency IUlanagement Agency as a special �lood hazard area, T�-ustvr agrees to
<br /> ❑btain and main�ain Federal Flood insurance, i� a�ailable, w�thin 45 days a�ter notice is gi�en by Lender �hat�he
<br /> Prvper�y is located in a spe�ial flvod hazard area, fvr the full unpaid prin�ipal balance ❑f the loan and any pr�vr liens
<br /> on the �raperty securing the loan, up t❑�he maximum palicy limits set under th� NationaE Flood Ensuran�e Prvgram,
<br /> or as o�herwise required by Lender, and�o maintain such insuran�e f��-the term of�he loan.
<br />