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_ � � a,�i� <br /> .;..� . . . : e�� <br /> �.�u- �• •°-�-- • .. <br /> — �� . - _�n...�'.�n�"..`s4cYstLitC.a:�i���"c<a7Tie �,'rJy� - __.c3Li:�s::�_,;�,� -k,a�`' ' '�'^1 V F���itsFi-Yi""`'�°�_ „_`�� ♦ • 4 k+�- <br /> - _ — __-- ' �ta.i" ra�:�.._ <br /> � , � . � -- - � <br /> g�_, I00'7�7 � � '-- � .. <br /> �p, Q�trpw�i tt+pt q�(MMA•ForpN�a�sC�By L�tfd��Ho!a Nhtv�r.ExtensiCn pt the rme tar palR�est or mpd�Acanon ot amarhrat�art o!the sums secured by this Seramty Instrumerrt <br /> grgn;ed py�r��fty�ilc�snr In int�of(iomclwer shatl not cparate to release tAe Iiabilit�'otth9 original Bortowec or Borrowor's sucoessors in vrterest.Lender sh�l:not be�eq�i2d <br /> �p pprtmynt�prpcai��'�1st grry gtkeQlppr in inter95t or re?use to e�ctend time tar payment or othorwise moddyt amor6zaUOn ot the sums secured by this SeCUrity�lnstcument by�eason <br /> of eny demand maQe by the orfginat 8ortaurer or Borrower s succe�sars in inte25t.Any far�earance by lender in exerci5ing any►ight or remeCy ch�11 nat be a w3�ver ct or precfude the <br /> ezerrlse at arty right ot remedyr. �. • <br /> ��,���f�gpu�fd;,lakit ana S�yrrat Wb(lity;Co-slQtf�rs.The co•ronartts and acy�eements of tnis Secunty mstrument shall Oind and den�t fhe successors end <br /> Iessignsofl.enderandBorrawer.susjeettotheprovfsionsotparagrnph17.8orroxer'scovenantsandagreementsshallpeJoinlandseveral.AnyBortawerwhoco-s:g�sth:�Secunrylnstrument <br /> but dpes note�ceqt�t!e the Nute:(a)isCo-sigrtirtg this SeCUriPy h�shument onty to mortgage.gram ar:d tarney that Barto�xePs mte[est in the Properiy under tha tesms o1 tRis Securiry Instrumenr <br /> (b)Is rat petsaralty abl'gated to pay th9 sums sscured by trts Sewriry Irutrumerti:and(c)egrees Usat Lender and any ofher Borr�wer may agree to extend.modifyh torbear or make any <br /> amosnndations wdh cegautf w tt!e tertna of thts 3ecurity InsnvmeM or the Note wstAOUt that Bo:rower's cons�nt. ' <br /> �2 Lp�l1,fi.�{f�<flth@ Ipa(158CUted 6j(fhis SOtufiry(nStMifent iS SUbj6G1 co F1 iavV MR:iCfi 53ts mBximum F7an charge5,and L'tat tatnr is fin2lfy interpt2t¢O 56tn3t th8 iilte[¢sEOr GLher to2n . . <br /> e�atgaS Co1i�.YEO o►to be eOHeCted in axinection with tl�s faart eXCaeR Ne permitted fimita.Usen:(a)any such Goan charg6 shal De reduceQ by ths amaunt necessary ta reduce the Charge <br /> to thB pemMt@d Grteit:a�d @?+�Y����Y���m��r whiett excEeded pertnitted timits wdl Oe retunded to Borto�w3r.Lender may choose to make Lhis refund by red�ccing <br /> thg prinC�,pal owsd under the Note a by making a dirett payment to e�afund reduces princiflaf.tha�eCuction wi11 be tceateA as 8 partial prepayment without any prepayment charge <br /> urAer Ute Nota. ' <br /> � . 13,t�rldion Aff�eW�p Lrnd�r'�FliDhb.ff enactment or expiration of eppt:ea�b tzws has ihe eflect al rendering arry pmvision of the Note or mis Seeurity[nsfi,ment unenlacea6le <br /> arr,prdnyg to its terms.Lender,84�oplion may require immcMiate payment in futl oPall sum9 EBCUred by ihis Securiry tnshumertt and may hrvake any remedies pertnitted Dy Paragraph 19. <br /> ;f Lender e�cereises this opfioo,Lender sha11 take the steps apecifie�in ihe seco:�d paragraph of paragraph 77. <br /> 91.NofkM.My rwtica to Bortawer A�mridcd for in ths Seturity�nstmment sh2i1 bg giver�hy delitaering it ar by mail"vrg it by tirst Gass ma�i uNes.s apptiCaGle law requires use o!arwther . <br /> meltqd.Ths�otice shall te d'irocted to the Froperty Ad�fress ar 8Ry 4iher adCress BorrCK�e�designates by no6ce to LenCer.Any notice to Lerber sha11 be given by first Gass mail to Lenders <br /> adQress stated herein cr arry other address Lender designatea try notice ro 8ortower_My n�lioe provl�ed far in this Secur�ry Instrumertt shall ba deemed to have been given to Borro�xer or • <br /> Lender whep giueti as provi�ed in Utis par8gr2ph. ' <br /> • 95.�ior�ns(ny Law;Stvw�DiHty.This SPCUrity InstrumecKshall be govemad 6y tederdt 1.3x artd the!�x of tha jurisdicCan in which ihe Propeny is tocated.ln the event�nat arry proQision , <br /> or dause af this Searrity Insirument or the Note wni�icts wi1Sc a;�lica6te taw,sucA canflict Stfa11 not effect other prowstons of thia Securiry tnstrument or the Nuta whiah can be given eftact , <br /> witfqut the oaMictirt{�prwision.To Nis end the provlsians af�i5 Securiry Ins�ument and tPus Note are declared to Ce severabfe. • <br /> 16.Bor-awl�Cop}l.Borra+r8r st►3116a given one con?�-�tl copy of tt�6 iQ�te and of tt�is Securiry Instrument - <br /> 17.'I!��d tl1�Pe�rlM or�B�Hc�d Inl�rasi I�z B,Gr:�w�r.ll a(I o:�rry Part ot t^�e Preperty or any interest in it is sotd or transfened(or if a beneficlal inie[est in Borrower is sold <br /> a Vensisr!r3 a.�d:Bdr��9*i�(at a oaturat person)wittK�t+,.ssaier's prior written consent,LFr.�er may,at its opt�on.�quire immediatg payment in hdl ot all s�.:�secured by this Security <br /> InGtrume:r�?n��s apkicf shall not�e exercised by Le:t�sr if exardse is prohibited by tederal lar�as ol ttse date of this Security fnsUUment. , <br /> �}����;��,����+y�give gpnower rtatice of acceteratlon.The notice shail provPde a perfcd of not loss than 30 days from iho Qate ttta n�.�e is delive�ed or mailed <br /> withinwt."-�.":?ortGxrormustpayellsumssaH,�adbymisSearitylns�rumer�t.IfBortcwerfailstopayYmesesumspriortatheexpirationotthisperioC,lendermayim�akeartyrerr.euespermiried ' ' . <br /> ' by ds's Searity tnstrument witlaut ti:rt�er,:�:ix or eemaM on Borro•+rec ' <br /> 1!. BOt!�MYS Rtpht to Fi�tnshM.It Bortower meets cartain condi4ons.Borrower shaJl have tt�e right to have enfarcement ot this Secur.":;:sWment disCantinued at arty�r:e prior to • <br /> the earfierot(a)5 days(a such othar Qariod as applicable�aw may speufy tor re�rsstatemenq betara sale af the Property pursuantto any poxer ci sa;e conha;ned in this SeCUn.ry fnstrumem; <br /> or(b)entry oE a judgnent entortang this Sealriry Instrumax,.7hose canAiGans are that Barra�ver.(a)pays Lender all sums wh;�.�-wsn waufd�e due unde:thls Securiry Instrument and the <br /> IYOte Ffad no aCCBteretfon xcuRed;(b)wres any defautt cf anj-�ther cav�nants or ag2emeMS;(c)pays all expenses incurteC�:es��-�r,:g.his SeCUriry Instrument,inGuding,but rtot fimited <br /> fi,reasonable attomeys'fees;and(0)takes such action 2;;�nder may reasonably requUe to assure that the hen uf this Securr.y I�stl:�er;t_endaPS rights in the Proparty and Bortower's � <br /> ablgation to p8y fhe sum�secvrad by thiqSscurity Instr�.-ent shall contir,�e u;ichanged.Upon reinstatemenl hy Borrower,this Security lnstru�^ent and Me o0ligations secured hareby shall <br /> remain tutly eftecfive as if no acceteration ha3 accuved.Hawever,thls right tc censtate shaU aot apply in the case o1 acceleration under paagr�hs 13 ar 17. <br /> NON-UNIWRM:.OVENAMS_Boaower a^.d Lender(urther cove�ant a,�C agseo as tollaws: , <br /> tY. Atal�ntlon;R�nwd�a.L�r thall9tw noUee ta Borrow�r prlor L�aeal�r�t�oo tollowing Bortawwt bn�cfi a!eny covemnt or aprNment In thts Security InstrurrNnt <br /> (but not prlor to�eeM�%a�s ur�r pua�nphs 13 and 1�c�nbss applfabh law prorkies otherw(ss).The notk�shal!sg�a:iEy:(sJ tM d�tault;(D)tM�tlon nquind to Cur�the , <br /> d�huit;te)�d�M,ewt M�s ah�n 30 dry�irom tM d�lr ete�notle�ta p[v�r t�8orroN�,fTl wf�icn th�e�faun muat w eurw:ane(�ttwe tallutr to eue tM aMwlt ore a pMOr� � <br />. t!N dN��ei1Yd In 64r s+o1k�rn�fl nwft tn�af tM sums�sd hf►MisBs�eurky Instrum�+ft and saM ot t!�Prop�rtyr.TM nolk�siult faeSwr tMonn Borrow�of r.'` <br /> ttr ApM 10 ee�rnlrM�soeMrrstlon a�d!f!+�HpM to bHnp s eourt�:a�sMrt th�non♦xltt�nee of�dHauft o►any otMr dNms�of Horrofwrto ae�on se+d taM.B <br /> uu d.�,�ule i�na ewna an ar e.toie Urie e�tr�p�dH�d�n m.natlw.�a�r�t ns eM+on m+�r r�a���rar.r+�dWt�v�m M wn oe.��a�an•s�,nd by th(s s.euril�r t+e�u�+Nnc � <br /> wM(wutt�a7�sd�nM�daete�g ke�9terporwr of sal�and�rry otMrnrtMdNs Pemitt�d by sppNcabt�I�w.L�nd�rshallb��ntitNdtrscaiisct aI1��fNStne�1�a�tnp <br /> tlf�nttMWr providW F�L'tis p�raprspN 1!,IncWdlnQ.bsit not Itmitb to.n�sonabk sttormya'fNS�nd Cons of tit1�tvldenc�. <br /> N tM powM W�aN f�irrrok�Q.7tus�sh�ll ncord a eotta of dN�utt In Nch counry In whlct�arry p�rt o1 the Vrop�rty I�IocatW a�b sh�ll msit copl�s of sucA notla!n th� � ,'�,: <br /> nMnn�►PnrcAb�d bY�p�abl�Nw to Barrowv and to tM otMrpusons R�'�aefibid bY�pplkablR Iwv Aft�r ttN dnN�squl�d by�pplicaAM taw�7tusN��hall yiw pubtic notlu <br /> p1�W tp q�pwwn�and fn ih�mannv pntertbb by�pplkabl�taw lYuate�.wfthout d�mand on Bormw��aAall aNl tM Prop�rty�t pubtic�uctlon to tM h{pt»at Dldda�t th� <br /> tUn��nd pNe�rnd undu tfN hrnf�dMi��t�d In ttN notte�of wN In on�or Rwn parats�nd In�ny ord�r iFustN drbrmtn�r.TrustM maY Patpont sste ot all a any paral • � ' <br /> d tIM Pro�rtr by pulillc atxwunoKn�rK�t 1M Wn��nd Wao�of arry pnviousty sctf�duiW sat�.l.�nE�r or Ia dNlQn�s mey pu►cMs�tls�Prap�rty�t any uM. - <br /> Upon nni0t of pymMlt ol tlf�prfe�6kf�1tutlM shall dNhA►to th�purehaaN itustM's dNd conwyinp Uf�prop�rty.Th�neiuls in�he 1twtM9 dMd iMtl b�pri►n�taCi� <br /> wiMi�ol tM tru@1 of tM WqnMnb��N tMtNn.TrustN sh�lt apply th�proa�ds of th�aN In th�tolAwinp udK:(�)to a0�xp�nv�s of tM aN,includiap,but not IImItW " - <br /> to.�va�'s i�N pwmifil�0 by uppNeabM f�w�nd n��on�bM morn�ys'hn:(b)to all wms Mcund by thls S�curity Imt►unNnt;�nd�e�anY�xcns to 1M qrson a p�rsons ,_ <br /> MpNly M1tlINd b fL > - <br /> �, l.endlr(n pbse�h�Upon acceleraHOn under paraqraph 19 or abandcnment of the Property.Lender(�n persan,by agent or by judi�iaPf appointed ceceiv�er)shall be enGtted to , - <br /> errter trppn,taka posas�+on of nrb manar,�e 1l:e Property and ta wllect the rents ot the Property indud�ng tfiose past Aue.Arry reats collecteC by LnnQer or tt+e rece�ver shall bo sppNed Iirst , <br /> tn paya[ the costs nt maruge�nent ot Che Property and coltection o1 rents,incle:ding,but not�imited to,rece:gr's feas,premiums on recener�G��Qa and reasonabfe attome�rs fpes,and . `� <br /> then to tts s�ms secured tsy ihis Security tr.�ument. ! � <br /> 21. q�r,ort+ny�ne�.Upon pa/ment of a0 cuns soCUred by this Security Instrumenl,LenGer shall request Trustoe to recanvey the Property end shall surrender this Securiry Instrument and <br /> all rates evldenc:ng debt secured by thls Security Instrumsnt to Trustee.7rustae sha11 rvwrn.t°�the Property without wanan�r ar.0 without charge to the persort or persons tegalry entilled to <br /> rt.SuCh person or p6roona shall pay any recordation costs. : <br /> • xL $upl�tltubltuqN.Lender,at iis optian,may hom time to time►emave Trustes and apyCint a suCCessor trustee to arty T:ustee appoinled noreunQor hy an instrument reCOrded in the , t� <br /> oourttyr ir.�.rkh 1hLs Slourity InftrurtNnl is mcaded.WitMOUI oorrveyanCe ot I►re PropeAy,tRe LuCCessor Irustee shaU suCtegd to all the titte,power and duties conf3rred upon Trustee herein � <br /> 43 R�q�at�Hotk�s.Borrowel re�lssis that copies of the notices of default and s�le bo sent to Bora�sr:Ys address which is tho Pr;�earty Address.Borrowar tuMer requests that �. <br /> Copbs ot the noUCES of default ar�d sab be sent to each person who is a party horeto at the address o1 such psrson set forth herein. <br /> � 2{. RIEus tothN S�c:iNty InstrunNn4 I}one or more riders are executod by Borro�+ver 2r.d recorded togetner wAh thi9 Securiry Instrumenf,1he covenants and aqreements o(each such � <br /> rider shall ba arxorporate�� and shall emend antl supptement the covenants and agreom�y!�of thls Sc3curity Insfrument as it Ihe rider(s)wem a pan ol th:s..Gecurity Instrument.(Check • <br /> appGCab�e box(es?1 .`!��' <br /> �AEj�stebte Re:s Rider Q Condominium fi�dar [] 2d Fam�ty Rider <br /> Q Gradu3tecl Pa;�:'t??'i�or J Plannod Unit Oevalopmont R:y�r ! � <br /> p Otner(s)Ispecitrl <br /> BY SIGNIN(3 BElOYd P.ur•;.wer accepts anA agrees to t`o co:ms and eovenants contained in this Security Instrumont and in a�ry rider(s}oxecutod by Borrower and rewrded wilh i1. <br /> � �%,, i <br /> ' . //�L/..(- '� .�;�f-v-ia�»t'-s�_Y. (uc8d1) <br /> � " <br />� -BOTTOWO� <br /> r, ' <br /> ...�-. -.:� �r ���St _�.. t' f t 5901 <br /> �`r`�, - L.bV � <br /> -Boirawei <br /> (Space Befow Thls t�':a��or Acknowledgmentj <br /> State ot lk,G:a-,ka 1 <br /> ) ss: <br /> counry ot:1ta17 � <br /> p„�h;s 23rd aa o} Januarv .,9g0 .betorome,allotaryPubficinthoStatoul Nebraska . <br /> af��ry���� (�erle G. Simmons and Janice ��. 5immons (husband and wife) -_ _� _ <br /> to mb personalty known to be the porson(s)name0 m nnd who oxec�ted tho lo�oqomg mstrumont,und acknovrtedqed tnat_'�7�,yL._.__.___�xecuted Iho samo as _rsl_ � <br /> voNntary eCt and de9d. / <br /> RJly CCmmiss'san Expires . _.�l�:r'' `� �����('!�; -•�- <br /> � rn.. ' NQTAfiY PUBL�C ' r <br /> ��^ ??..,, _ <br /> � ��afaia0flll�►� • � - � <br /> '•���iiELIE M.CAtlAMAM � <br /> �tato of r�eCrast�� 1 M C ,Ex .Au .1�iD � <br /> I ► ss � <br /> Courtlr o1 ---- -� <br />; pn Ih�9-�.--d81 GI--- -- -- — -- - �g - -.6C�o••A m�J �I101yy Pu!Sl:t er�IhU St�10 o} - - -- ---- -- ._ _ , . <br /> ;rbrs3r,a;'/�FxZ::-.S _ . �{R} <br /> 10�t1�J G°1Shnd1P/tl�Ghl1 t0 60 fliE L2�SG^(5}OJn1U0��r d�✓.)Wib OtftJtGd lh0'•btpq�rni�m5Vllm�^�t ;lr.r��!krv�V!!cv�;�nd rt�dl .. . UNOCUCis flt0 S.1rtP 85 - <br /> - r.ivfi•Yr�OGt ttr�0 Cle,7tl f <br /> ry � <br />, �A'fC4lr.rn37�9PEr�(L�5 -- - - - � - -.. . . <br /> �.��rn��ri.;i��..;. <br />� <br />�: . • �•.t � <br />