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_.��.._.�.&i;r�;�r�: ' " - ��-" ' - — � <br /> ---- �c1�ilSii� ";� -aCi~ 5�e�' " �.r. .ris _�- L. Yy.s .� ' +ri��,.- 3�"�aF �- <br /> ' Eb'..:n:z ' ��hiur Y��Hl1�� _ '�m�s�_4 <br /> - — __ � .... . .. � � <br /> � � r ` <br /> -+ ' � . . �1� �- � _ f . <br /> D�iED'�F TRtlST' ` �0-�- �O�"1`�"I _ <br /> ,r„s��a cF rpusr C&eCUdly�ns�umen!'�LS maQe an this 23r.d �,�,. Ja�uary . <br /> � 1e��_��;� ,(�arl G Cirmnns ard ��i,CP M_ $,irrrmnc �h�ieha�d aed w�fp� � <br /> {•Boriowsr').Ths ttustM u Gwnme�'CiaS Federat S8vi1►gs and Loat►ASSOeiatiocr. <br /> . (°'iY�tiii'}•Ttst Gw�n�:arll iSCorTVT'�erasi Fsdtta!°.l5�sn�F.C3n °• . Y�h.�!s org3n3z8tt 8�exis!h�ut�d?r the�c'�ws Q!Nebr�ka,3�d wMSe AdQress is A4fi0 FamNn.Qrtsahar <br /> ��,��.�,,,�.r�.s„�.a„o„��„��,mof Twen�y thousand fiye hundred dollars and 14/�00------- � <br /> tus s 20.5Q0.14 !.�.�s aeot ts evioeneed as►eocrawer'e nota datea tne samo<sate asiti�s sew�ty tr�strumsnt�•ntote).wn�n ao�;aes ro�rnonn,�r�ay!ne�c�.w�n,me <br /> ���������� February 10, 1995 _ <br /> 'TNS S�euritY kf�trunMx ascu�s tc Lenda':(a)1he ropayn�nt of ths dtbt evKlenced by the Note.with interest.and afl renewals.extens�orrs and madfieations:(b)the paymet�t at ell o8►er <br /> ' s+uris,wMh inewNL ad�neW and�r parssra�7 to pr�tect t�e secu►dY of tltis SeCUtiry truWmen�and(c)the psrtortnance of Bortawer's wvenarHS and a4reert�enb-Far this pu[pose. <br /> 6aa�wer i�oc+Eh 9�►ts and cotMys to Truues•in trvst.witlt power ot a8e.tne tawwing eexribed Prmerry�ae�a�n�Idl l Coumy,Nehrasica: <br /> Lot 12, Bloctc 1, Gosda Subdivision, Hall County, Flebrask� . <br /> • 4045 �illie. Qrive � �r��u� Island , � <br /> wn�cn r�,m�a�asss o� . <br /> (Stseet) (City) <br /> : �e�� 68803 t'Froaenv aaeress�: . <br /> TOGETHER wilh dl 8is itnprousrt�ents now a heree�r erected on the Droper►Y.and ell easemertts.rights.aPDur+�_n�s.rants.myralGes.mineraL cid rd gas�ts and profib.vratFS' <br /> rfpl%s fnd a�Ddc and IiY fu2u�now a Mrwiter a parE�Lhe property All ropteCe.�ts en0 additions ehail eiso be c,:.���Y this SewritY Instrumer:Ai�.d tho fCteqoing is t8t9rteA tO;rm . <br /> � Mis$�ariA!ItMY1MNCM os 1M'PropNty-' � � . . <br /> gQRqpYYEti'�COVENANTS M►�Barawec is IaM�ty seised of tlie estate heroby canreyed and has tAe�gM ta grart an0 convey the�perty arb lhat the Property is unencumberad, � <br /> exapl br�ncurt�b�anc�s W ncord.8ur+aw�r wrrranb and will defer�aesurally the title to ihe Property�.rst all Gaims and demarids,a.�oject to any encumbrancss ot reoord. <br /> THIS 8ECUAITY iNSTFtUAIEIYT combiMS�a�iform cowtsants fa�raYen�l use and noroamitorm cov�-.a.-:s vnfh limrted wariatiana by jurisdidion to constilufe a uniform escuriry instrumeM <br /> coMririA rspl propxry. • ' <br /> tJN►FdRM COVENANTS.8or'rowsr and LenCer cownant and egree as tdlows: . <br /> , 1, ply�nMM pf/lFIC1�1�nd NMMNt;P�prynNnt and I�E�ChrpN.Bort4wer sita.l prompity Da�/when due the�r:+ci�al of and irrterest on ths deb4 evidenced by fhe Nd9 end eny ! `� <br /> r preGr�rrtIMM ufd ItM Ch�fpN Gtw unWr ttN Note. <br /> 2 Fw�da for 7��M�nd tnMrM�c+�Sub�sct to eppNCabie taw w to a writien waioer by Lender,Borrais�r shait pay to Ler�er on tAe day monthty payments ere c�e urvJer ths Nots,untiJ � <br /> :.1e Nols is paid in WN,a aum('Fund�'�equai to orto-tweStfl ot:(a)yeaAy tax�s end esaessrttenb NfniCh may attain pdoriry over Mls SeCUYIy tnstrumEnt;(b)yletly isasetio�d payRnsnti a ' - <br />.� grpurM roMS pn th�propaty,it any:(c)yserty Mza�rO inaurance prom�ums:end(d)yeaAyr morigage insurar+ce Premiums,i}eny.These items ere calbd"escrow items."lends►mayr eslim�te <br /> IM Ftxd�du�on 1tN bYis d curnM dMa and ra�OnYble eltimatss oi future escraw Hem9. <br /> Ths Fwidt sh�N br ANd in m inetAiNOn tH�Mpw�ls or�ecamb ot which ars insured ar puaranteed by a feQaral ar 6tate ac�ency(inCluding LenGer il LeMer is auch an inatihnion)•LencFSr - <br /> sh.aN eppty the Funds b pry tM eeaow items.Lender may►wt charge tor hMdlnp and apptying tM FunQs.anatyzing the account or veritying the escrow itemA uniess Lander pys Bortc� •�'.. <br /> Intw�st on IM Funde ar�d opplicaDlP tiw pwmaa LK�der to m�ice such a cturge.L'crra•�ar ond Lender may cgrea in vrriting that int�s�t shaA be p�on t.he iurMe.!Jnlre isn�ement i_ - <br /> rn�a�pplk�abi�Mw nquNlra k�xMt to b�D�id.t,enWr at�no1 b�nQuieed to pay Barower any intsresl a eunlrgs on th�Funds-Lerbar shall give to Barrower,withan . v <br /> arsti;a!�rg d U+�F�atwwf�►��crad"Aa and debits to Ihe Funds an0 the purpo»ta whkh each�sfi�t to the Funds vras maaa.7tie FunQs aro pbdged es edditiorW sscurity lor the <br /> 1 'y� <br /> sums ekurod bY���Y Instru.TQrf- , <br /> M 1M arrbwx a11M Fw�Os hMd bY Inrtci�r,�oqsft+�e w�h tfle tutuee moninN OaYmsnb of Funds D�11�1e C�a to 1he dua dates n1 the escrow Yr�m�.ehall exceed th�amount roqulnd to pay <br /> th�Ncrow iNrtu wtw�du�,tlN�xcs�o 3�alt be,at��wefs optbn,eifher promptly ret�aid to Borrower a credfted to Bortower on monthly paymenU of Fur�.H ths�rrauM of tM FunCa <br /> MId by UndM is nd iuffiCi�nl to pey the escraw rtc-�s when due,Ba�rower shall pay to t�nder any a:.cunt necessary:o make up Ihe deficienCy in one or more payrtants as repuiroC[ry <br /> Lender. <br /> Uppn pryrMfN in qtN pt aN eums�c'.re�!py thls Security InsTrument.LenOer ahdH promptly rofund�c C�Srrowor any Fund9 heta by LemAer.If under parpgraph 19 the Property i�sold or <br /> acqulr�d py LerW�r,Ur�r aA`I�r��tater than immediately prior to the sale ot f he Propeny a its hr.�-=�sition by Lender.any Fund9 hetA bY�e�et the time ot appiication as e aedit t <br /> - �kMltlNlYrtf�ML1M�dG'YtMlS�Wttttv(�1t1ltN�flflt. <br /> a. �ov�aree a rr�nw.urw.�.aev+�caws�aw v.ww.s ane�se,aIl payrnents rocenM by Lender undM paragrephs t and 2 sha�l be epplk0:fir�f,to tats chsrges aua undei the . <br /> NoM;sMfond,b php�ytnMM tfwryN due undw t►K Nots;third,to arnourN�pay�Ws under paragraph 2;fourth,to intsrest d�.a;and�ast,ro prinGpal due. <br /> 4. CMrNs;LMn�.BonowM eh�M pay aN�ceQ.�assrt�enq.chvgss,fines anA impositans atU�Cutable to the Pr�pPrty which may attarrt priorrty ovar tl�b Sacuriry •� <br /> {NMttold payrllMMs o��ottnd renti.if any.BortowKr sPra�tl psy these obligelana in the manner provlded in paregraph�f n�t paid In Met manner.Borrowe►sh UI psy U�em or1 tifrN dire�:�3y <br /> � to the peroon awd peyrtf�rM.Borrorwf�ha�t prom�Yry tumis�to LerMer a�l notices o1 amourHS to be paiid under this p; 8arrovYnr makea these paymsnts directly,Borrower ShaF � �• <br /> p!v�r.�qy fixrasn ro�eno«rece+pRS eai�i.cing�ne paymerts. , � <br /> Borrower ehaY pmnlplty dixharys���y^���en whi�h has prioriry over thls Security InstrumeM unless Bonower,(a)agrees in wrili�zg ro trF�:�ayment o1 the obligation secured by the Iien in a <br /> , nwx�r acaptaDis tC lerWsr;!b)c�M��r3 in goot!1aAh the I'�en by,or delends againsf enfarcement c7 the lien in,tegal proceedings wttr��s in the LendeYS opinion operete to preveM�Jie <br /> snloro�nNnf ol tM fl�rt or IortMWrs o1 any p�rt pl ths Proprrty;or(c)sewres frorn the hddf,r o!tha lien an aqreement satisfactory to LenQer suDOrdmating the lien to tMa Sxuriry Instrument <br />' H L,�nder delerrNrNC ra!any p�rt ol ths Prop�rly i9 stR�jett to e tian whbh may eHdln prlotlry over this SeCUrily InStrumenL Len68r may gnre Borrower a notice ldentityirg the lien.9orcowe� <br /> shall satqfy ths li�n:,�:ak�crN ar man ot the ection�set fort�abovo withln 10 day�ol the giving of noGCO. <br /> � 6, iiWM h�wrano�BorrBwer sh�il kNp the impravements now existmg a h�re�tler erectsd on the Property insured aga�nst toss by fim,hazerds included withtn fhb fErm"exlended <br /> Caw�,7�"pnb eny oyNt hat�rtls fa nhs�h Lentfer rot�ltes Insurance.7hi9 insuranos shall be maint8(ned in tho amounta and tor tho pArioCS I�at lertCer roquires.Tho inG+xanCO caalnr <br /> �yrpri6irtq ths inaurarso�ai�aN p�chosvi Cy Borrower wbject to lender's a�aval whlch sh�ll not be unrnac,cnably withhold. <br /> /U�rt�xrfps ppliCly�nd rene+Mts r�-aN be acceptable to Lertder eM sliall inckds e sfendafd mOrtiut�9 Clau,^,e.L@nde/Shall havp thB nght t0 hOb the polide9 and rAnewal9.11 lend0r <br /> r��Int,Bonav�en�M promply gh�b lsnder etl recelpls ol paid prnmlums and nr�ql notices.In Ihe event of loss,Eotro'erer shall givo prompt nOtiCe io th4 insuranco carrier and LenCS.'. � <br /> UrMet may rtWn poof d bu H not msde pr�knpty Oy Borrovrer. <br /> �nt�I.�ndN�rb 9a►OMer oMerwise a9►ee i::w�ting,insur2nCe p�oceetl�et�all be eppUed lo restoration or repu.r d.t:�v Property damaged,it the restoratwn or repair�s economicti'.f <br /> baAiDb�n0 Lu�de'e s�curky is nM bsBer►ed.H t*e:�95toratqn or repair i9 not earnomkalty taasibte or Lander's securiry would be IessenttU,lhe insurenCe proCeed9 Shall be epptiod to tho <br /> , eu�t�s�crxsd by 1hM S�C1xky Ir►e6urtM�'1,wF»tF�er a not then due,wdh eny excess pald to Barrawer.It BorraHer abar•dons the Property,or does not answer wilhin 30 days a notke frum <br /> �,�ffG�l tl�M 1FN{n�uritKw cairNr hta¢tft�ed to 6ettte e el�im,tM LerWer may colteet tAe insurance proceeQ9.Lender may us�tho proceeds to�epan or reatore the Proparty w to poy sums � <br /> �qJnp tiy tlfi/$�qxily k1ctrlMrNrM,wt�stlt�r a nOt tAa�due.T11e 30-day period wi!I begin when the notiCe is g�ven. <br /> Unl�q��r�r and Bpno�rptl»rwbe eg�ee in wr�dng,o�y eppliCa!ion otproceeds to prir,cfpa)sha11 rrot e�Rend or postpono tho dua dete ot Ihe monitfly pa�mentc referrod to in paragraphs <br /> 1 arb 2 a ch�ths�maunl of ths piymerttl.11 unCer payagraph t91he Praperty is aaquired by Lender.Barro•+w:'a rig�t to any�nsuranco pof:c:os nnd proceed3 resulUnr�from Aamago to <br /> ttw P'topstry ptlot 101M�CquMOn atWi p�b Ls�d�r to the exlent o1 the s�m!s�curod by thl�Security Instrument immeOratMy prior ro the UoQvisA�on. <br /> �, /w�y�pe M/M�NMNwro�o!M�tJalrty;L,M�N�Wd�.8orrowrrehall ra!destroy,cfamag�or substantiatry chango the Prc�perrly,aUpw the Property to detonorato or commd waste. - - - <br /> H thN S�Ctxily MrhurtrNM Is On I�NNqId,8or►uwv shall cortply wiHr tRe provisi0n!01 the bass,and i160rrOwer oCquiros tee 6tle to Uw Prpporty,the Ieasehold and tee Gtte shall twt morge ; T <br /> uni�LendM�pw�b NN mMgR in wrxkg. <br /> 7. ProMCibn W L,w+f�r's M�1Mr In 1M Ptop�ety;�tatql�Insunna.II Borra�er fa:1s to peHorm the covenarrts and aqreoments coniame0 in ihis Securrry Instrumant,or thore is a <br /> I�pY prooeW��tRM m�y��rRy a�hcf Lende+'e rghts N the Prnpelty(SUCh tt�e proCeed�ng in banhruptCy,�tandemnatbn or to entorCe law9 Or regul8tWn9�,than lendet , <br /> m�y Qp aM piy lOr vMatw�r b nete�es�y to protect tlre value ot the Properry and lender's rigYits�n the Propoity lcndor's actions may�ncluCo pa�ing any s�m9 seCUrod by a i�en which hns <br /> pipri►ypvrr tfrs$eCUri�y instrum�M,eppa�rinp m Cpurl,payirg reasonabb eROmey9 fees entl eM�ring on thb PrOpesty io mako repa��a Afthovgh Londe�may tako nct�on undar thls � <br /> " 7.L�r do�t#haw to do eo. ' - - <br /> . Alyl ertbNMS diebW�ld by LK�dM under thi�par�apA 7 sha,l Decoma edCRanat tlab'ut Borrowef GoCUred by thig Socur�ty InAtrumen! Un!ess Bonower and Lnndor agreo to uthor term> <br /> 01 pherMM,th�N inq�xds shW bsr ir�tare�f trom the daM of disburaemenl A1 tNe Pio!e�81e aM shell be p9yeDie..Ydh in�erest,upon nOtice Irom L�ndCr to f3orrower requesting paimgnt. <br /> 1 H Lender reat�wJ r.rr!gage insur�tce e�d xn�� ot ms��rrg tho ban secured by I��s SeCUriry rn�frumenl,8orco�wr shatl pa�t�e p.�emwms requ�rod to ma�ntain tho msurunco in ettott <br /> iun2d such tims as U�s requwwn�M tOr lRe msurence tmm:nate9�r,occordaneer w�th Borrowei's ar.0 Lander's wr:ttsn agreemnnf or aDpt,caC!e IaN <br /> ' S. (ff�/Kt10fL LQndEr W�P3 AgMt may m8ke t8t1SOn3bb�ntri85 upUn anA�nSpelCt�Ons of thD PrOaerty Lander sh11k giro 6�rraxqr noLC�n;thQ I.rnO o!Or pripr t0�n�nspoct.oh sQCCdy�ng <br />- fQSHX1aMA CAIf9��Of HM�R7QlCl1�(1 <br />�� �. (iOfIfN11M�Of1,TAe ptpCaAd9 cf Ony�rd f�CI�:m IOr d�tn.�gCS.dcr�Ct Ot canStfyvenh�l,m LOnnect:Cr�vnth�f^y LCIiQCfT7fl:ll:fifl O�GfI1Ct f.11'�y.Gf 8n��,+dtf Uf,hU P�UpQ�1'/.G��Ui � <br />�,rance m i�ev ut c�rklemnitbn,ats necebl assi�r�ocl and Shn'1 pti p.3:Q to LCn�er � <br /> (n th0 evenf W 0 t��,li tikeny U!II�e Vt4QNty tho praeed3 Sh�(3 b8 aypl�gd t0 th8 Surn9 SxurBd Gy Ih�g S�unh/In;1fU:*9nt ��hpthCr or r�`1RUn NuD ��dh;tnq ox�CS�p.ia1 Io f3:4or:Li In <br /> ;he a:+enf o!a Rart:ai takb:s3 of(i�s�'ro�rty ��raosl ii;:r:cr�ncr n^d LunACe olr.orw:�0 tIC,�;CU T Yl(.�1f�) �:a s:�r,i.cC:ure3 b1•=.�g<c,,•i�r�strc^�.�•e s=_s:t i���•e�.,�eit f,�:RC��au^.t of mc. <br />.. (;:c�96d�m�t'r��*.acl b�j W3 r`.^�,�r,r�!j ti�rt�5r,�rei mn rta��T4U��?r,�f tr�0�l:,,m�56.u'CJ�mmCC:;fICr/Geta-c�tn.2 tv+_�.� n-r�t=n���`�:r r�,•k�t�nnrr��s;�a t�•��.��fi,r�m�-c-d��'•r`✓'�e'�--� � o <br /> � �''�t�Y:stg 11lvy GM3KA Slt31f GE U�!?d30trcw8i ' <br /> } OVf ��t tts r.! � r r!1 ��. . T r.� . ..�i� ��.• _ . 1. A������.t.� . . .'�t' <br /> �� ^ vi+��t+��a^arrS!=r:e!f�•�(�'_-�rc:�ttr A »Ste �"oGyta co .�LU,.or�v �a! �r.onJcr' �o•n�c .i.��•r�, �r..rvt. r����� , �i.�•,,,. � , , <br />.. �rr:,Iqr K.,��rr 37 t�Tj4:I�Mr('.7�7�:7 t��T^L�'_CO>�!�C�i t n�vfvr�3 f7U�h^,t•tqryrl•�t r;:n��.�..�1;_L.1.��n(,.. �,.1 , ..q.! . r-f�i•�!.. � .�.. .�. � , , ..i�� � � ,�.••i.r:: . . <br /> .,^�..i'Cy1 Gy 4'1•3.°�:7.1 i����•tu^�Ul�!,rT.E:hG'!GI!}rn IJ'±9 <br />� r i;:::J:;e rtrr!vi G�t9l;+..xr��t7�t.:lt+�+,^.O G(3.'C!O a:I."�r.i 1��:�(7,;:��. _.'�3�.rA�,.�v t:...�.;.,��.. ,.-C� ._ i i r .. . � . .. . .. � � . �• � ��. �. �� .`<' . � �• � , l. . . � 1 <br />:_ t.:"J;I ta c�'.J:.;{.9 S"n.^.T.r,.:nt t.t;•i h t 7(;:��,�. 1 <br /> r .�� <br /> , ' .'•' . <br />