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2� 17��8�5 <br /> A�� �nsurance pfl�icies required by Lender and r�n�wals of such pal�cies sha���b�sub�ec��� Lender's r�gh�to <br /> d�sappra�e such pa�ic�e�, sha�� �nciud�a standard mar�gag���ause, and sha�l narne Lender as mar�gagee <br /> andlor as a�a add�t�onal Ioss payee. Len�er sha�l hav�the right�o ha�d the pol�cies and renewal cer�if�ca�es. �f <br /> L,�nder requ�res, Borr�w�r shal�promp��y give to Lender a�� rece�p�s of paid premiums and renewa� notices, <br /> �f Borrower ob�ains any form of insurance coverage, not o�herwise required�y I�:nd�r, for dam.age to, or <br /> destruct�an af, the Prap�r�y, such p���c�r sha�l �nclude a standard mortgage c�ause and shall name L�nder as <br /> n�ortgagee andlor as an add�tional loss payee. <br /> �n th�ev�nt of lnss, Borrower sha�� g��re promp�no��ce to the insurance carr�er and Lender. Lender may <br /> make pro�f of lass �f na�made promptly�y Ba�rr�wer. Unless Lend�r and Borrower atherw�s�agree in <br /> wri�ing, an� insuranc��roceeds, whe��er�r no��he under�ying �nsurance was requ�red b�r Lender, shall be <br /> applied to restora�ion or repa�r of the Proper�y, �f�he restaration or repair is econ�micai��feas�bl�and <br /> Lender's securi�y is not Iessened. Dur�ng such repa�r and res��ra�.ion per�ad, Le�.der shali ha�re�he right�o <br /> ho�d such insuranc�proceeds unt�� Lender has had an oppor�unity�a �nspect such Proper�y to ensure the <br /> wflrk has been compl�ted to Lender's sat�sfact�on, pr��ided�ha� su�h inspe�t�on shall be und�r�aken <br /> prompt�y. L.�nd�r may disburse prac��ds far�he repairs and res�oration in a s��gl�paymen�or in a series of <br /> pr�gress pa�ments a�the work is cornplet�d. Unl�ss an agre�ment �s made in wr���ng�r Appiicabl�Law <br /> requires in�eres�t�be paid an such insurance proceeds, Lender s�a1�not be required to pay Borrower any <br /> xnterest or earnings on such proceeds. Fees for public adju�ters, or o�her th�rd part�es, re�ained b�r B�rrower <br /> s�a�l not he pa�d ou�of t�e insurance�roceeds ar�d shal�be the s�ie�b�iga��on�f Barrower. If�h�restara�ian <br /> �r r�pair is not econom�ca��y fea�i�ble or Lend�r's se�urity wau�d b�Iessened, �he xnsurance proc�eds shaii b� <br /> applied ta the sums secured by th�s Securi�� Ins�runr�ent, v�h�ther or nat then due, vvi�h the ex�ess, if ar��r, <br /> paid�o Borrower. Such insurance pr�ceeds shai�be appl��d in th�order pra�id�d for�n Secti�n 2. <br /> �f Barrower a�andans the Proper�y, Lender may f��e, negatia�e and s���Ie any ava�la��e insuran�e claim and <br /> related ma��ers. If Barro�rer does no�respond w�th�n 3D days to a not�ce fram Lender�ha�the�nsurance <br /> carrier has offered to se�t�e a c�a�m, ��en I.ender may negv�ia��and settle�he clairn. The 30-day per�od�v�rill <br /> begin when�he no�ice xs given. �n e���er e�en�, �r if Lender acqu�res the Proper��under Se���on 22 or <br /> atherwise, BorrQwer here�y a�s�gns to Lender(a} Borrawer's r�ghts�o any insurance proc�eds in an amount <br /> no�to e�c�ed the amounts unpa�d under�he Note or��.is Security�ns�rumen�, and�h} any o�her�f <br /> Borrower's r�gh�s �a�her�han�he r�ght ta any refund of unearn�d premiums paid by Borrower}under all <br /> �nsurance policie� ca�ering�he Pr�pe��, �nsofar as such r�ghts are appl��able�o�he�overage af the <br /> Proper�y, Lender may use the�nsurance proce�ds either to repa�r or res�ore�he Prop�r�y or to pay a�mounts <br /> unpaid under�he No��or this Securi�y Ins�rument, v�hether or no�then due. <br /> �. �ccu�an�y. Borrower sha�� accupy, estab�ish, and use�he Proper�y as Borrav�er's principal resid�nce <br /> v��thin 6�days after the�x�cution of thxs Secur�ty �nstrument an.d shall cont�nue to occupy�he Prop�rty as <br /> Borrawer's princ�pa�res�dence for at leas��ne year after�he date�f occupancy, unless Lender atherwi�e <br /> agrees in wr�ting, which consen�shal�no�be unreasona��y withheld, or un�ess extenuat�ng circums�ances <br /> ex�s�w�ich are�ey�nd Borr�wer's cantral. <br /> 7. Pres�r�ation, N�ainter�ance and Protection af the Property: lnspections, Borrower sha��no�destr��r, <br /> damage or impa�r the Pr�per�y, a��ow the Praperty to deteriarate or comm�t was�e on the Pr�per��r. '��.ether <br /> or not Borrower�s re�id�ng �n the Praper�y, Borrower shall nza�n�a�n�he Praper�y�n order�o preven��he <br /> Proper�y fr�m d�teri�rat�ng or de�rea.s�ng in�al.rxe due to i�s c�ndxt�an. Un�ess ���s de�ermi.ned pursuan��a <br /> Section S tha�repair or res�orat�on�s not economical�y feasible, B�rrower shai�pronlp�ly repa�r the Praper�y <br /> if dama�ed�o avoid further de�erioratxon or damage. �f xnsurance or c�ndemna�ion proc�e�.s are pa�d in <br /> con.n�ct��n wi�h dama�e ta, or�ie�aking of, the�roper��r, Borrower sha��be responsib�e for repa�ring ar <br /> res�aring �h�Proper�y only if Lender has released pr�ceeds for�u�h purp�ses. Lender nr�a�disburse proceeds <br /> NEBRASKA-5ir�gfe Family-�annie Mael�reddie Mac UNtFORM INSTRUMENT Farm 30�8 11�� <br /> VMP Q VMP6tN�y t13��; <br /> Walters Kluwer�inaneial 5�r�ic�s Pa�e 7 of 17 <br />