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2� 17��8�5 <br /> required�y RESPA, and Borrower shal�pa�t� Lend�r the am�un�n�cessar�r to make up�he deficzen�y in <br /> accardance w��h RESPA, bu� �n no more than �Z mon�h�y paymen�s. <br /> Up�n payment in full of a�l sums s��ured���h�s Securit��nstrumen�, Lender sha��promp�iy r�fund�� <br /> Borrower any Funds he�d b� Lend�r. <br /> 4. �harg�s; Liens. Barrovver sha�� pay a11 taxes, ass�ssments, charg�s, f�nes, and impasitions attributab�e tn <br /> the Property vwhxch can a�tazn prior�ty over this S�curzty�ns�rument, iea�eho�d paym�nts or ground ren�s on <br /> the Praperty, �f any, arad Communit�Ass�cia�ion I3u�s, F�es, arzd Ass�ssments, zf any. Ta�he ext�nt�ha� <br /> these items are�scrow It�ms, Borrower sha11 pay thenz�n�he mar�n�r provided�n Sect�on 3. <br /> B�rr�wer shal�pramptl�discharge any lien which has pr�ori��r�ver thi� Security Ins�ru�men�un�ess <br /> Borr�vver: �a} agrees in v�r��ing to the pa�ment af tht ob��gat�on s��ured by the lien�n a manner acceptable <br /> t� Len�er, bu�on�y sa l�ng as Barraw�r�s perfarm�ng such agreemen�; �b}con�ests�he l�en in good fai�h�by, <br /> or defen�s again��enforcemen�of�he lzen�n, l�ga�proceedings wh�ch in Lender's apin�on opera��to pre�en� <br /> th�enforc�ment of th��ien whi�e thase proceed�ngs are pending, �u�only un�i� such proceed�ngs are <br /> �onc�ud�d; or�c} s��ures from the ho�der of the��en an agreexnen�sat�sfactory�� Lend�r subordinat�ng the <br /> ��en ta�his Se�ur�ty�nstrument. �f Lender deternv.n�s �hat any par�af the Proper�y is subj�ct�o a�i�n which <br /> can attain pri�r�t�over this Securi�y Instrument, Lender may give Barrovver a no��ce�den�ify�n�the��en. <br /> '�'i�hin �4 days�f th�dat�on vvh�ch that nntice is g�ven, Borr��ver sha�� sat�sfy�he��en or�ak�one or more <br /> �f�he a��i�n�set forth abo�e�n�h�s Sec�i�n 4. <br /> L�nder may require Borrower to pay a�n�T�ime�harg�far a�a�e ta�verifi�a�ion andlor reparting <br /> s�rvice u����y L.�nder in c�nnection w��h this Loan. <br /> 5. Praperty �nsurance. Borrovver shai� keep the zmpravements now exi�ting�r her�after�r�c�ed t�n the <br /> Prop�r�� �nsured against Io�s by f�re, hazards �nc�uded wi�hin�he term "extended c�v�rage," and any ather <br /> ha2ards includ�ng, but n�t�imited to, �ar�hquakes and ���ods, f�r vvhich Lender re�uires insurance. This <br /> insuran��shai��e ma�n�ained in the amnunts �inC�uding deduc��bxe�e�els} and for the p�riods tha�Lender <br /> r�quir�s. ,"L�hat Lender requires pursuant to th�pr�ceding sentences can change during the term�f the Loan. <br /> The insurance carri�r pr���d�ng�he insurance sha��be�h�s�n by Borrower sub�ect t�Lend�r's right t� <br /> disapprove Borrawer's choic�, which righ�shal�n�t be exer�ised unreasonab�y. Lender may requzre <br /> Borrnwer to pay, �n conne��ion wxth this Loan, either: �a} a�ne-t�m�charg�f�r f�ood zflne de��rm�natian, <br /> cer�zf�ca�ion and trac�ing s�rvices; or�b}a�neMtime charge f�r flood z�ne d�terminatian and cer�ification <br /> services and su�sequen�charg�s each�xme r�mappir�gs or sim�lar�hanges occur which��asonably might <br /> aff���such determination or certificatzon. Borr�v�er shall also be respon��b�e for�h�payment of ar�y fees <br /> im.pflsed��r the Federal Em.�rgency Managemen�Agency in connection w�th the rev�ew af an�r fl��d zone <br /> deter�ninati�n result�ng from an��j ec�i�n by Barr�wer. <br /> �f Borro,wer fails���m.ain�ain any of th�coverages des�ribed above, L�nder may tibtain�nsuranc�co�erage, <br /> at Lender's option and Barro�er's expense. Lender is under na ob��ga�ion t�pur�has�any particular�ype or <br /> arnount of c�verage. Ther�fore, such cavera�e sha�l cover Lender, but m�ight ar might n�t pra�eG�Bor�ro�ver, <br /> Borr�w�r's equity in�he Property, or the cfln�ents of the Praper�y, aga�nst any r�sl�, hazard ar l�ab����y and <br /> �night pro��de great�r or lesser co�erage than was prev�ously in effec�. Borr�wer acknovvledg�s�hat the��st <br /> of the in�uran�e coverage sQ ahtained nught szgn��can����xceed the c�s��f�n�uran��that Borra��r cau�d <br /> hav�obta�ned. Any amounts d�sburs�d b� Lender und�r�his�ec�ion 5 sha��b�cflme addit�Qna�debt�f <br /> Borr�wer secured��this Secur��y �nstrument. Th�se am�un�s sha11 bear intere�t at t�e Nate ra�e fronz the <br /> date of disbursemen�ar�d shal�be pa�a�ale, w��h such �nterest, upan notice fram Lerzder�a Borr��ver <br /> requesting paymen�. <br /> N�BRASKA-SingEe�amily-Fanr�i�MaelFreddie Ma�UNI��RM INSTRUMENT �vrm 3�Z$i1D� <br /> VMP Q VMPfi4NE}t1302� <br /> Waifers Kluwet Ffnancia4 Ser�ic�s Page 6 af 17 <br />