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2� 17��7�2 <br /> DEE[� �F TRUST <br /> Loan No: 1D'130�7'14 tConti�nu�d} Page 6 <br /> matters re�erred�❑ in this paragraph. <br /> Attarney-in-Fact. lf Trus�or�ails to do any of�he thin�s rete�-red t❑ in the preceding paragraph, Lender may d❑ so <br /> for and in the name ❑fi Trustor and at Trus�or's expense. For such purposes, Trustor he�eby irre�ocably appvints <br /> Lender as Trustor's afi�arney--in-�a��t fvr the purpase of mak�ng, exe�uting, deli�ering, filing, recarding, and daing all <br /> ��her things as may be necessary or desirab�e, in Lender's sole ❑pFnion, �t❑ accomplish �h� matters referred to in <br /> �he preceding paragraph. <br /> FULL PERF�RMANCE. I-�Trustar pays al��he Indeb�edness, including withou� limita�ion all fu�ure ad�ances, when due, <br /> and atherwise performs all the abligations imposed upon Trustar under th�s ❑eed of Trust, Lender shall execute and <br /> deli�er tv Trustee a reques� �or �ull recon�eyan�e and shall execute and deli�er �o Trustor suitable s�atements ❑f <br /> terminati�n vf any financing sta�emen� an file e�idencing Lender's security in�eres� in the Rents and the Persanal <br /> Pr�perty. Any recvn�eyan�e fee required by law shall be paid by T�us�ar, i�permitfied hy applicahle law. <br /> EVENTS OF DEFAULT. Each of�he fallowing, a� Lender-'s option, shall constitute an E�ent of Default under this Deed <br /> vf Trust: <br /> Payment Defau�t. Trustor�ails t❑ make any paymen�when due under�he lndebtedness. <br /> D�her De�aults. Trustar fails to camply with o� to per�o�m any o�her term, obligafiian, cv�enant vr candition <br /> confiained in �his Deed ❑f Trust ar in any o� the Rela�ed Docurnents vr tv comply with ar ta per�vrm any term, <br /> �bligati�n, cv�enan�or cond�ti�n contained in any vther agreement between Lender and Trustor. <br /> Comp�iance Default. Failure �a comply with�any other term, obligation, cavenant or condi�ion contained in this <br /> Deed of Yrus�,the Na�e❑r in any o�the Re[afied Dacuments. <br /> Defaul�vn �ther Payments. Failure ❑�Trustor within�he time required by�his Deed ❑�Trust�o make any paym�n� <br /> for taxes ❑r insuranc�, �r any other payment nece�sary fio preWen�filing of or to ef�ect discharge of any lien. <br /> False 5�afiements. Any warranty, represen�tati�n ar s�atement made or �urnished fia Lender by Trustor ar an <br /> Trustvr's i�ehal� under fihis Deed of Trust or the Related Documents is false or misleading in any ma�erial respect, <br /> either naw or at the time made or furnish�d or b�cames fafse ar misleading at any time fihereafter. <br /> De�ectirre Co�lateralization. This ❑eed ❑f Trust or any ❑# �he Rela�ed Dvcuments ceases to be in �ulf force and <br /> effect 4including failure o� any callateral document to crea�� a �alid and perfected securi�y infierest or fien� a� any <br /> tEme and fvr any reason. <br /> Dea�h vr lnsvl�ency, The dea�th❑f Trustor, the insol�ency❑f Trustvr,the appointment of a recei�er fvr any par�afi <br /> Trustar's prvperty, any assignment for the benefi� vf �reditvrs, any type of �reditor workout, or the <br /> cvmmencement❑f any pr��eeding under any bankrup�Gy❑r inso��ency laws �y or againsfi Trustor. <br /> �redi�or or Forfei�ure Praeeedings. Commencement af foreclasure ar �orfei�ure proceedings, whether by judi�ial <br /> pr�ceeding, self-help, repossessian or any o�her meth�d, by any creditor of Trus�or❑r by any go�ernmentai agency <br /> against any property securing the Indebtedness. This Encludes a garnishment of any o€ Trustar's accounts, <br /> including deposit accaunts, wi�h Lender. Howe�er, �h�s E�ent ❑f I�efault shali not apply i� there is a good faith <br /> dispute hy Trus�or as to the Walidity or reasonal�leness a�F�he claim which is the basis of the �reditor or forfei�ure <br /> proceeding and if Trus�ar gi�es Lender written natice ❑f the �reditor or fvr�Feifiure prv�eeding and depvsits with <br /> Lender mvnies vr a sure�y bond�or the �reditvr❑r�ar�ei#ure proceeding, in an amount determin�d by Lender, in its <br /> sole discretion, as being an adequate res�r�e or bond far�he dispute. <br /> Breach vf��her Agreement. Any br�ach by Trustor under the terms v�any othe� agreement be�ween Trustor and <br /> Lende�- that is nat remedied within any gra�e periad pro�ided therein, including wi�hout limitativn any agreement <br /> ��nc�rning any indebtedness ❑r other obligation of Trus�or�a Lender, whether exis�ing naw or lat�r. <br /> E�ents Affec#ing Guaranto�. Any o��he preceding ��en�s occurs wi�h respect'ta any guaranfivr, endorser, sure�y, <br /> ❑r aGcomm�dation party �f any af the lndebtedness �r any guarantor, endarser, surety, �r accvmmodatian party <br /> dies �r becvmes in�ompetent, or re�okes or disputes �he �alidity ❑f, or liabili�y under, any �uaranty ❑f the <br /> lndelatedness. <br /> Adverse Change. A mat�rial ad�erse change occurs in Trus�ar's �Finan�ial candi�ivn, ❑r Lender belie�es �he <br /> prospect❑f payment or performance v�fihe lnde�tedness is impaired. <br /> lnsecuri�y. Lender in gvod faith belie�es itsel�insecure. <br /> Exisfing Indehtedness. The paymen�of any ins�allment a�principaf vr any in�kerest on the Existing Indebtedness is <br /> nvt made wi�hin the time required by the promissary note e�iden�ing such indebtednessr or a default occurs under <br /> �khe ins�rument securing such indeb�edness and is not cured during any applicabfe grace period in su�h instrument, <br /> or any sui�❑r other acfiion is Gvmmenced to��reclose any existing lien❑n the Proper�y. <br /> Right tv Cure. lf an�default, other�han a de�ault in paymen�, is curable and if Trustvr has nv�been gi�en a nv#ice <br /> of a breach af the same pro�isivn v�this ❑eed of Trust wi�hin�the preceding tvuel�e �1�} months, i�may be Gured if <br /> Trus�or, after Lender sends written notice t❑Trustor demanding cure a�such default: �1} cures the default within <br /> fi�teen �15} days; or �2y it the�ure requires mo�e than fifteen ���} days� immediat�ly �nitiates s�eps which Lend�r <br /> deems in Lender's svle discretion ta be sufficient to cure the d�faulfi and thereafter cantinues and comple�es all <br /> reasvnab�e and necessary steps suffic�ent�o prvduce cvmpliance as soon as reasonably practical. <br />