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2� 17��724 <br /> con�inue to pay to Lend�r�he amount af�he separa�ely designated pa�men�s �hat were due when�he <br /> insurance cav�rage ceased to��in effec�. Lender w�l� accep�, use and r�tain�h�se paymen�s as a <br /> n�n-refundabl�loss reser�e�n�i�u of Mortgage�nsuran�e. Such�oss reser�e shall be nfln-refundabie, <br /> notwi�hstanding the fact that the Loan is u�t�mate��paid in full, and Lender shal� no��e r�quired�a pay <br /> Borrower any interest or earnings on such�oss reser�re. Lend�r can no longer require�oss reser�e payments <br /> if Mar��age Insuran��co�erage�in the amount and for�he p�r�od that Lender requires}prov�ded by an <br /> insurer se�ec�ed by L�nder aga�n be�omes a�a�lable, is obtained, and I.ender requires separat��y desi�na�ed <br /> payments�oward the premium.s f�r Mor�gage Insurance. �f Lender required Mor�gage Insurance as a <br /> candi�ion af making�he Loan and Borra�rer v�as required to mak�separa�ely designated pa�ments tov�ard the <br /> premium� far Mort�age Insurance, Borrovver sha�l pa��he prem�ums requ�red�a ma�n�ain N�ortgage <br /> Insuranc� in effec�, or to provide a non-refundable loss reserve, un�ii L,�nder's requ�remen�f�r Mor�gage <br /> Insurance�nds in ac�ordance w��h an� v�ri�ten agreemen�hetween Borr�wer and Lender providing for such <br /> tern�inati�n or until termination is requ�red by App���abie Lav�. Nothing in this Sectinn ��affec�s <br /> Borrower's❑b�iga��on�a�ay interes�a��he ra�e prov�ded in the Nat�. <br /> Mor�gage Insurance re�mburs�s Lender�or an�entity�hat purchases th�No�e} for certain Iosses it may �ncur <br /> �f Barrower does not repay the Loan as agreed. Borrower is no�a par�y to�he Mor�gage�nsurance. <br /> Mor��a�e insurers evaluate the�r to�a� ri�k an al� such insurance in force from�ime�n time, and may enter <br /> into agreements�v��h nther part�es that share�r madif��h��r r�sk, or reduce�osses. These agreements are on <br /> ��rms and conditians that are sa��sfac�ory t�the mor�gage insurer and the o�her par�y�or parties} �o these <br /> a�reemen�s, These a�reements ma� requi�re th�mor�gage insurer�o make pa�ment�us�n�any saurce o�f�nds <br /> that the m�r�ga�� �nsurer may haue a�a�lab�e�whzch rna� �nc�ude funds obtain�� fram Mor�ga�e�nsurance <br /> premiums}. <br /> As a result of�hese agreements, Lender, any purchaser Qf the Note, another insurer, any reinsurer, any a�her <br /> �nt�t�r, �r an� affil�ate of any of�he f�regoing, may r��eive�direc����r indirec�ly} amoun�s that der�ve fr�m <br /> �or m�gh�be character���d as3 a por�ion of Borra�rer's paymen�s for Mor�gage�nsurance, in exchange for <br /> shar�ng or mndifying�he mar��age�nsurer'S r�5k, or reduc�ng losses. �f such agr�emen��r��ides tha�an <br /> affiliate of L.�nder takes a s��are of�he insurer's r�sk�n�xchan�e for a share of the pr�muums pa�d�� �he <br /> insurer, the arrangement is �f�en�ermed "capt��e r�insurance." Furth�r: <br /> �a} An�such agreements w���not affect�he am�un�s tha�Borrawer ha�agreed to pay for Mor�gage <br /> Insurance, or any other��rnras of�he Loan. Such agreemen�s►wi��not increase�he amaunt <br /> Borr�wer vvi�l aw�for Mor��;age Insurance, and��ey wi�l no�en�itle Barrvwer to any refund. <br /> 4 b} An�such agreemen�s�v�il not aff�ct the righ�s Bvrrov�er has-if any-wi.�h re�sp�ct to the <br /> Mortgage Insurance under�he�Iom.e�wn�rs Pro�ect�on Ac�af 1998 or any o#her�aw. The�e rights <br /> may include the righ��a receive certain disciosur�s, �o reques�and obtain cance�lation of the <br /> Niortgage Insurance, �o ha�e�he Mor�gage Insurance�ern��nated au�oma�ic�lly, andlor to rece��e <br /> a refund of any Nior�gage Insuran�e premiu�s tha� ��ere unearned a�the time of such <br /> cance��ation�r term�nat�on. <br /> 7�. Assignment of �1llisce��aneous Prviceeds; Forfeiture. A1� N�isce��aneous Pr�ceeds are here�� assigned�o <br /> and sha�l be paid to Lender. <br /> �f�he Proper�y is damaged, such Misceilaneous Procee�.s shal�be appiied�o res�aration or repair of the <br /> Property, if�he restora�ion or repair is econom.ically feasible ar�d L.ender's se�urity �s nat lessened. Dur�ng <br /> such repair and res��ration per�od, Lender shal�ha�e the r�gh�to hald such Miscellaneous Procee�s until <br /> Lend�r has had an oppartun��y to �nspect such Prop�r���o ensure the wark has been com��e�ed�o Lender's <br /> N�SRASKA-Single�arr�ily-Fannie MaelFredciie Mac UNIFaRM INSTRUMENT �arm 3028�141 <br /> VMP Q VMP6�NEf[�302� <br /> Walters Kiuwer�in�r�cial Ser�ices Page 5 of 17 <br />