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2� 17��724 <br /> for the repairs and res�arat�an�n a s�ngle pa�ment ar in a series�f progress payn�ents as the work is <br /> completed. If the in�uranCe or Cnndemnat�an proc�eds are nat suffic�erzt to repair or restare the Property, <br /> Borrower is nat reli��ed of Borr�wer's obl�ga�ion for the�ompl�tion of such repa�r or res�oration. <br /> Lender or its agen�may make reasonable entries upon and inspe�:tions of the Property. �f it�aas reasonabl� <br /> cause, L�nd�r ma�r insp�c�the interzor flf the�mpro�ements an th� Property. Lender shall giv�B�rrawer <br /> nat�ce at th�time of�r pri�r to such an �nterior inspection sp�cifying such reasonable cause. <br /> 8. Borr�wer's L�an Application. Borrower sha�� �e �n defau�t�f, dur�ng th�Laan app�ication process, <br /> Borrawer or any pers�ns ar entities acting a� the dire�tion�f B�rrower ar vvith Bnrr�wer's kn�wl�dge or <br /> cans�nt ga�e ma�er�a��y fa�se, m�sleading, or inaccurate informatian or�ta�ements to Lender�nr fa��ed to <br /> pra�ide Lender with mat�r�a� �nforma��on} in Conne�tion with the L�an. Material repr�sentations �n��ude, but <br /> ar�nnt��mi�ed�o, repres�n�ations cancern�ng Bnrrnw�r's accupancy af the Prop�r�y as Borrawer's princzpal <br /> r�sidence. <br /> 9. P�atection af Lender's Interest in the Prope��y and R�ghts Under this Security �rtst�ument. �f�a} <br /> B�rrower fai�s��p�rf�rm�he cov�nants and agreements contained in this 5ecurity Ins�rument, ��} there zs a <br /> �ega�proceed�ng that might signi�cantly affect Lender's �nteres�in�he Prop�rty andlor righ�s under th�s <br /> Se�uri�� �ns�rument�such as a praceeding in bankrup�cy, probate, for condemnatinn or forfei�ure, for <br /> enfarcement�f a lien wh�ch may attain pri�r�ty o�er this Secur�ty Instrument ar t�enforce Iaws or <br /> regula�ians}, or�c}Borrower has abandoned th�Property, then Lender may do and pay for�rhat�ver is <br /> r�asonable or apprapriate to pr��ect L�nder's znteres� in the Pr�p�r�y and rights under this Se�ur�ty <br /> �n.strument, in�luding pra�ecting andlor assess�ng the value af the Property, and securing andl�r repa�r�ng <br /> the Praper�y. Lender's actions�an inciude, but are nat�zm�i�ed to: �a}pay�ng any sums s�cured by a Iien <br /> �hich has priflr��y over this Security �nstrument; �b} appearing in�our�; and�c}pay�ng reasonab�e attorneys' <br /> fe�s �o protect i�s in�er�s�in the Praper�y andlor righ��under this Securi�y Instrumen�, �nc�ud�ng i�s seeured <br /> posi�ian in a ban�ruptcy pr�ceeding. Securing the Propert� �n�ludes, bu� is not limited ta, entering�he <br /> Pr�per�y ��make repairs, change �o�ks, replace or board up doars and windativs, drain water from pip�s, <br /> ��zm�nate�uz�d�ng or o�her cade�iQla�ions ar dangerous condit�ons, and ha��util�t�es turned on or off. <br /> Althaugh Lender may�ak�acti�n under this Sec�ian 9, Lender doe�na�have to do sa and is not under any <br /> dut�ar obl�gation�o da s�. �� �s agreed that Lender incur�na liabili�y far not tai��ng any or a�i actions <br /> author�zed under this S�cti�n 9. <br /> Any am�unts disbursed�y Lender under this Sect�Qn 9 shail be�ome add���nnal debt�f Barrower se�ured by <br /> th�s Securi�y �nstrument. These amounts shall bear interest at the No�e rate fr�m the�at�of disbursement <br /> and shall be payab�e, with such inter��t, upon no�ice fr�m L�nd�r�o Barrower request�ng paymen�. <br /> �f this Securi��r Instrument �s an a�easehold, Barrower sha��compi�with ail the pro�isions of the��ase. �f <br /> Borrnwer acquires fee title ta the Property, the�easehnid and the fe��it�e shall not merge uniess Lender <br /> agrees t� �he merger�n writing. <br /> 7�, lVl�rtgage Insurance. �f Lender requ�r�d Mnrtg�ge In�urance as a condi�ion af mak�ng�he Loan, Borrou�er <br /> sha�l pay the premiums requ�red to mainta�n the N.�artga��Insuran�e�n effect. If, f�r any reas�n, the <br /> Mortgage �nsurance caverage required by Lender c�a�es ��be ava��ab�� fram�he mortgag�insurer that <br /> pre�i�usly pro��ded such insurance and Barrawer wa� required to xnake�epara�e�y desz�na�ed paym�nts <br /> �o�vard �he premiums for Mor��age�nsuran�e, Barrower shall pay the premiums required �o obta�n�o�r�rage <br /> substar���a�iy e�uival�nt t� the Mor�gage�nsurar�ce previously in effeGt, a�a cast substantial�y��uivalen�to <br /> �he cos�to Borrower of the Martgage�nsurance pre�iausly in effect, from an alternat�mor�gage insurer <br /> sele�ted by Lender. �f substantiall��quivalent Mortga�e�nsurance co�erage is not availabie, Barrower sha1� <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Famiiy-�ar�nie Ma�l�reddie Mac UNI�QRM 1NSTRUMENT �nrm 3�28�ID1 <br /> VMP Q VMP6fN��t�3D2} <br /> Wo�ters Kluwer Fina�ciai 5er�ices Page 8 pf�7 <br />