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2� 17��724 <br /> An�applica��on of paym�nts, insurance proce�ds, or Miscellaneous Proceeds to principa� due under�he Note <br /> shall not extend or postpone�he due date, or chang�the amoun�, of�he Periad�c Payments. <br /> 3. Fund� for Escrow I�ems. Borrovver shall pay�� I.�nder on�h�day Period��Paymen�s are due under the <br /> Note, unti� �he Note�s paid in fu�l, a sum�the "Funds"} �o provide for payment of amoun�s due for: �a} tax�s <br /> and assessments and�ther i�ems which can attain pr�ority over this Secur�ty �nstrument a� a l�en or <br /> encumbrance on�he Proper�y; ��} 1�asehold paymen�s or�round ren�s on the Pr�per�y, if any; �c�pre�n�ums <br /> for any and ali insuranc�requ�re�b� Lender under Sect��n�; and�d} Mortgage �nsuran�e premiums, if any, <br /> or any sums payable by Borrow�r ta Lender in Iieu of�he paym�n�af Mor�gage�nsurance prem�.ums in <br /> accardance�v��h the pro�isions of Sec�ion �D. '�ese�tems are called "Es�row Items." A�origina�ion or a� <br /> any�ime during the Yerm af�he Loan, Lender may r�qu�re that�ammunity Asso�iation Dues, Fees, and <br /> Assessmen�s, if any, be escrowed by B�rrovve�, and such dues, fees and assessrx�ents sha��be an Escrow <br /> ��em. Borrower sha11 promptly fixrn�sh�o L.ender a11 notices af amoun�s to�e paid under this Section, <br /> Borrow�r shall pay L.ender the Funds for�scrow �tems unless Lender wai�es Borrower's obiigat�on�o pa� <br /> �he Funds for any or a�� �scrow �tems. Lender rnay v�ra�ve Borrovver's o�l�gation ta pay to Lender Funds for <br /> any or a�� Escrow �tems a�any��me. Any such wa��er ma�on�y be�n v�rr�ting. �n�he event of such waiver, <br /> Borraw�r�ha�� pa�directly, when and where pa�able, th�amaunts due for any Escrow �tems f�r which <br /> paym.ent of Funds has been waived b� Lender and, if Lend�r requires, sha�� furnish�a L.ender rece�pts <br /> ��idencing su�h payrnen�w��hin such t�me p�riod as Lender may r�quire. Borrov�er's obligati�n�a make <br /> such paymen�s and to pro�ide rece�pts sha11 for all purposes be d�emed t�be a co�enant and a�reemen� <br /> con�a�ned in�his 5�curity Instrum�nt, as the phras� "covenant and agreemen�" �s used in Sec�ion 9. �f <br /> BarrovWer is obligated�o pay Escr�v� I�ems d�re���y, pursuant to a waiver, and B�rrower fai�s��pa� the <br /> amoun�due for an Escrow ��em, Lender may exerc�se ��s r��h�s un�ier Sec�ian 9 and pay such amoun�ar�d <br /> Borr�v�rer shall then be ob�iga�ed under Section 9�o repa� ta Lender an� such amount. L�nder may revoke <br /> the�aiver as to any or a�� Escrav� I�ems at an��im�by a no�ice gi�en�n accordance w��h Se�tion �5 and, <br /> upan such r�vocat�on, B�rrower shal�pay�a i�nd�r a�l Funds, and in such amounts, that are then requ�red <br /> under this S���ion 3. <br /> L�nder may, a�any t�me, co��ect and hold �unds in an amount�a} su�`�cient tn permit L�nder to apply�he <br /> Funds at the t�me spec�f�ed under RESPA, and �b}n���o exce�d the maximum amoun�a iender can require <br /> under RESPA. Lender shal�es�ima�e the arnount of Funds du�fln the�as�s of current data and reasonab�e <br /> estimates of e�pendi�ures of future Escr�v� Items ar otherwise in acc�rdanc�wi�h App�icab�e Lav�r. <br /> The Funds sha��be held in an�nsti�ution whose deposits are insured by a federal agency, �nstrumen��i�y, or <br /> enti�y �inciuding Lender, if Lender is an insti�ution�rhose deposits are so insured} or in an� Federa� Home <br /> . Laan Bank. Lender s�aa�� apply the Funds��pay the�scraw �tems no later�han the�ime specified under <br /> RESPA. Lender shal�not charge Borr�wer far hold�ng and app�ying the Funds, annua��y ana�yzing the <br /> escr�w a��ount, or�erify�ng the Escrow �tems, unless Lender pays Borrower�nter�st on��e Funds and <br /> Applicable Law perm�its Lender tn make such a charge. Unless an agre�men�is made�n wri�ing or <br /> Applicable Law requires interest�o be paid on the Funds, L.�nder shall not be required to pay Barrov�er any <br /> interest or earnings on the Funds. Borrflwer and Lender can agre��n writing, however, tha��nterest sha11 b� <br /> paid on�he Funds. Lender sha11 give to Borrawer, w��.hout�harge, an annual account�ng af the Fund� as <br /> requir�d�y RES�'A. <br /> �f there is a surp�us of Funds held in escrovcr, as def�ned under RESPA, Lender shali accoun��n Borra�ver for <br /> the excess funds�n accordance with RE�PA. �f�here is a shor�age af Funds he�d in escrow, a�de�ned under <br /> RESPA, Lender sha��nat�fy Borra�rer as required by R�SPA, and Borr�wer sha11 pay to L,ender the amaun� <br /> ne�essary ta xnake up�he sh�rtage in accordanc�vvi�h R.�SPA, bu�in no more than �2 mon�h�y pa�men�s. �f <br /> there�s a de�c�enc��f Funds he�d �n escro�, as defir�ed under R.ESPA, Lender sha��no��fy B�rrower as <br /> NEBRASKA-Singie FamiEy-Fannie Ma�IFr�ddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT �a���o�$��o� <br /> VMP� VMPfitNEy{�3Q�} <br /> Wolters Klc�wer Financial Ser�ices Page 5 of 7 7 <br />