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<br /> DEED aF TRUST �Q �s ,.:;.
<br /> . c
<br /> � THISDEE�OFTR�3ST ("Seeuritylnstt�sment")ismadeon F�brtoary 7, � ,.. � ' �
<br /> � j9 gp _Theaustoris Roy D. Oemars ��ti� flfary �. Oemars, each ire his and her own right, �nci ��:;,r;:,-�:,?,
<br /> � as spouse of each other ��•Borra��'•).Thecn�stais Earl D. Ahl$chwede, Atts�ney
<br /> ("T'rustee').The ben�frc9ary•is
<br /> � � � The Equitable Bui�ding an� La�n Associaticn .whichiso�rg anizedondcxisting ;��;�;;��'
<br /> underthelawsof the State of Nebraska ,andwha��addressis 113-115 North LOCttst ;� � .
<br /> � Street, Crartd I�1.and, Nebraska 68801 • +` ' , �'''�
<br /> � ------------� L�tde��_: _;i:,.
<br /> � Barrowcr os��:s Lender the principat�rm of Thi.rty Four Thousand and nd/1.f1a . `
<br /> ' ---------------- ------ _ --Dollars(U.S.$ 34,000.00 ).Thi�d�6t is evidenced by Bo�resvicr's note ;�� �' .
<br /> ' dated the same date as this Security Ir.strumorit.{"Nate"),which provides for manthly payments,with the full debE,if n�:: . . �' .
<br /> � paid eariier,cine and payable on ,,�:� `+�.�'�:h 1� 2000 � - _
<br /> This Secarity Instrument secures ta�u�i�:�('al�tae repayr�ent of the debt evidertced by the Note,with interest,•and al!� ' , ;
<br /> renewals,extensioas and modifi,^.a:iii7ss:i:.;{b)the payment cf"isll.other sums,with interest,advanced under patBg.t�ph 7 to . ,
<br /> protett the security of this Security Tr��rument;and(c)the�x.`ormance of Borrower's cnvenants and agreemet�l9s.L��s this ;: . _ .
<br /> purpose.Borrower irr��acabty grants and conveys to Trnstee,in trast,with power oPsaie,the foltowing described�rroperty _ � ,
<br /> ' tocatedin Hall County,Nebraskac . • �:'"`-
<br /> { -
<br /> A tract of land known as part of an island crr towhead lying Nai-�:h of Lot 6 and Westerly of. a ''�"
<br /> county raad in Section Seventeen (17)x Town�l�ip Nine (9) Narth, i?3n�e Eleven (11) West o£ , ,,,,,;---
<br /> � the 6th P.M. . Hall Courrty, Nebraska,: r�ar� �aar�icularly described a� fal�ws: �:--
<br /> � ,:..:
<br /> ; Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Se�ion 17, thence Northerly along the Westerly _ _
<br /> � line of said Lot 6 a distance of One Thousand Four Hundred Twen�y and Three Tenths
<br /> � (1420.3� feet to the meander corner; thence deflecting right 49 37' and in a Northeasts�l3!
<br /> , dir�ction Two Hundre� Sixty-six a�d Five Tenths (266.5a feet (assuming said line bein� �
<br /> - N48 33'E) to the actual point of beginning; thence N$0 36'E a distance of Four Hundred
<br /> � Fifty-three and �our Tenths (,453.4) feet; then�e N44 33' E a distance of 7wo Hundred '
<br /> ' Sixty and Two Tenths (260.2} feet; th�nce N 39 19' E a distance of Thirty-Four and
<br /> � �ir�ht Tenths (34.8) feet; thence N 53 01' E a distance of One Hundred TWenty-five and .
<br /> �1tLee Tenth� (125.3) feet; to a pQirrt on the center of the county road right-of-way; '�:.�..
<br /> � tnence S �LD 15' E t�long the said center af the county road right-of-way e distance of �__
<br /> ' Kour Hundred Ninety �nd Eight Tenths (490.8) feet to apflint on the centerlane of a dry "*�'
<br /> � channel; thence S 75 07' W and along the centerline of a dry ch�nnel a distance of �
<br /> aaven Hundred Fourteen and Four Tenths (714.4) feet; thence N 74 07' W a distance of �
<br /> � �ixty-five and Two-Tenths (65.2) feet to the actual point of beginning and aontaining 4.89 �
<br /> .�i:
<br /> acres� more or less, plus �ccretion to the center of the midd3.e channel of the Platte Hiver.
<br /> whichhastheaddressaf �o�,�� � �st�e�t� ' IrJood R�}4.�r '
<br /> — ;---_,-_
<br /> N�braska 68$83 ("Property Addtess"); �
<br /> tz,v coael
<br /> ' TbGE7HEk WtTH all Ihe irnprovements now or hereaRer erected on the prnperty. and al! easements, rights, ,
<br /> appuften�nces, rents,royaltia, mineral,oil and gas rights and profits.water rights and stock and aU fiatures now or ;
<br /> ' i�srtaft�r a/rnri�i in��iw�rc�iy.AI�i c-�iin�'riitct�is nftcf 3�u'iti8iis S,iaS�s�1�so�i,o��ac.�i�Y t:�is�t;�;�ity i�,isu�es��.,'�.1�cs.t3�c `��
<br /> faregaiag is referred ta in shis Security Instrument as the"Praperty."
<br /> - L fic�RR�w�tt CovENa�vTS Ihat Bottawer is lawfulty seised of the estate hereby amveyrd aud has the nght tu grant
<br /> and com�ey the Prapeny and that the Property is unencumbered,eaccpt for encumbrances af recortl. E3orsowet w�rrant�
<br /> and wil!defend generally the tifle tn the Praperty against all e[aims and demartds,subject tr►any encumbt�nces uf rec�sd. ►'�
<br /> Tnts SECt'Rltv 1tisgRl�ME.�r combines uniform covenarts i'or national use �+nd noz�-unifnrrn �<��eua��t� w�lh
<br /> ��metEd�•anationsby��nsdictian tnec�nstitute a uni�'orm 5e:unty ir�strumeni covenng rca!prupertp r'`
<br /> ��� �� �
<br /> + NE6RASKA•.-s:�-,;:t� Fa=-,���2 iNMAIfHLMC tlHiib(t�A INSTRUMENT Furm �028 12183
<br /> . -- �.i, ,. .,�, i�:•r� �
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