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<br /> , ,. ; . . . 90--10�D744 _ �
<br /> If GenQer requised mortgage insurance as a condition of mak�ng the toan Setured by this 5ecurity Instrument, �
<br /> , 8orrower shali pay the premiums require�to maintain the insurance in elfect until such time as the requiremer.�POr the �
<br /> � insurance terminates in accordance woth Borrower's and Lender's written agreement or appticabte law. ;
<br /> •. Insp�cttan. Lende�or its agent may make reasonabte entries upon and in;pectionS ot the Property.Lender
<br /> shalt giue Borrower notice at the tinrte o}ar priar to an ins�ection specifying reasonabte cause for the inspection.
<br /> 4. C�nsttosz, Thsprpr,e�dsalartyaward4rclaimfordamages,�ireciarconsequentia'.incannectionwith ,: �
<br /> any condemnation or other taking ai anY part of the Propeny,ar for cbnveyance in 4ieu ot candemnation,are hereby <
<br /> , assigned and sha��be paid tQ Lender. . ' �
<br /> In the event of a total tak+ng of tha Property,the proceeds shatl he apptied to the sums securetl by this Sec�rity ' '
<br /> -� : Instrument,wAether or npt then due,with any excess paid to Borrower.In the event of a pa�tial taking o!the Property.
<br /> untess 8orrower and Lender ptherwiS�agree in writing.the sums secured by this Security lnstrument shall be reduc�d by •
<br /> ' ? the amount of the proceeds multiplied by the following fractivn:(a)the total amount of the sums secureA immediately
<br /> � . bEforeihe taking,divided by(b)the fair market value ot the Rroperiy immediate►y before thetaking.Arty balartceshaFi be �
<br /> Paid to enrrower. . -
<br /> r::•�
<br /> , ti th�Property is abandoned by 8orrower,or�f,after notice by Lender to Borrower that th�condemnor offers tp
<br /> makean award or ssttte aclaim tordamages.Bor�owertails to respond ta lender within 30 days aftsr#hedateiherrotice is
<br /> � . given,Lender is authorized to collect andapply the proceeds,at its�ption,eitherto.restoration or reR�.rr.of the Property ar
<br /> to the sums secured by this SeCUrity Instrumer,t,whether ar�ot then due. � '
<br /> , ± UnlessLenderand8orrowerotherwiseagreeinwriting.anyapplicationofproceedstoprincip�,'shatlnotextendor
<br /> � postponetheduedateotthemonthiypaymentsreferredtoinparagrapAs?and2archangetheamouistoisuchpayments. •
<br /> ; : 10. Bomowe� Not RMeas�d; For6eannc� By l.�nder Not s WaE�a�s:., Extension of the Utc�a for payment or , • �
<br /> stfoditiestion of amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrurrro�t granted by lend�r eQ any suacessor in -
<br /> � � � interestof8orrowershatlnotoperatetoreleasetheliabilityoftheorigina{BrirrowerorBorrowerss�c�ssor�ininteresE. � �
<br /> .;, Lender shall�sot be required to cor�rnence proceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend ii�ne for � �
<br /> payment ar o2fierwise modity amoctization o!the sums secured by this Security Instrument by rFa.son of any cteman� �
<br /> ; msde bythe ariginal B¢rroweror Borrower's successors in interest.Any forbearance by Lenderin er.ercising any right or
<br /> • � �medy shatt not be a tacaiver of or prectude the exer�ise of any right or remedy. ,;�;�•;`;:��
<br /> ' 19. SucessorsandAssignsBound;JointandSevenlLiabitity;Co-signers. Thecovenantsandagreementsotthis �
<br /> , SeCUrity�r��sumen4 shall bind and bertetit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower,sub�ect to the prpvisions . �
<br /> •;.:�:� of paragrs}h 17. 8orrower's covenants and agreements shatl be joint a�d several siny Borrowes who co-signs this � . . • �.;�,�,;;i..
<br /> Securily lnstrument hu'taxoes notexecutethe Na4e:ia}is co-sigmng this�e:.i.rity lnstrument only t�,:..�rtgage,grantand '•�,?`� `
<br /> conveythat 8orrower a i�►terest in the Property�nwer the terms of th�sSec;s�.`y_ns!rument:(b)isnotFersonally obligated .` , � �'{��`�i
<br /> "�"f to pay the sums securec}by this Sec►�rity Instrurnent;and(cy agrees tha7�er,cer and=�r other Borrower may agree to �"�-�
<br /> • extend,mpdity,fqrbear or make ar.��4commodatians with re�ard to'h s��rr;ot tt�.s�:curity Instrument cr t°.�c Note • =--
<br /> '; without that Borrower's Consent. ��-
<br /> 12. Losn Charges. If the toan secused by this Security I��trur^:^t:s subject to a law whic!�:.�!s maximum loan ' -
<br /> ; charges, and that law is finally interpreted so that the �nterest or other loan charges collected �- :�be coltected in � •
<br /> �onnection with the loan exceed the premi:ted limits,then� (a)any such loan charge shall pe rea�i;�d by the amount �
<br /> ' neeessarytoreducethechargetothapermittedlimit:and(b)anysumsatreadycollectediromBorrowerwhichr�ceeded
<br /> � ; permitted fimits will be refunded ta`Sorrower.Lender may choose to make this refund by reduc�ng thE�r:r.��.�:�;t p�yed �
<br /> � underthe Note or by making a direct payment to Borrower.lt a refund redvicesprincipai,the reductiec..:,��•�.�r;�:,ced asa
<br /> partial prepayment wit°��:et any prepayment charge under the Note. , _
<br /> 13. Leqi�laUon A9fbcting Lendei's Rtghts. tf enactment or ex pirati�,n��:applicable laws has th�ertec;t of rendering
<br /> , any provision of the Note or this�Arurity Instrument unenforceable accarr3:ng to its i�rms.Lender, at its option,may �
<br /> • require immediate payment in full Gia'�sums secured by this Sec�arity Inst�ument and���_;+nvokeany remedies permitted �
<br /> . f by paragraph 19. If Lender exercises this aption. Lender shall take the gteps sp�c':.ed in the second paragraph ot ' '
<br /> < paragraph 17.
<br /> • f . 11. Noticrs. Any notice to Borrower prc�ided(or in Ihis Security Instrument shall be g�v�r::.�delivering il or by , ::,�
<br /> , mailing it by first Class mail unless appl�cable taw re.-�wres use of another methpd.Th c -�trce 5��=".•�e directed to the ' •��
<br /> ' Property Address or any other address�orrower des�gnates by nabce to Lende�.Any r��:ce to 1.����r shall be,ryen by �
<br /> iirst class mail to lender's address stated herein or any other address Lende��esignates�;noticetc�r�rrower.Any notice :;.5.
<br /> provided for in thisSecurity Instrumer.t shall bedeemed to have been giver�r;13orrawer or Lenderv.:�3n given as p�ovided ��j;;, __
<br /> in this paragraph. , --
<br /> t5. Gareming Law;Serenbility. Tnis Secunty Instrurnent shalt C�a��:c�re�;�_, federal law and the law of the -
<br /> jurisdiCtion in which the PrGperty is located. In the event Ihat any provrslon er�!a�.,��w�'ihis Secunty lnstrument or the •
<br /> Note conflicts with apptiCable lew,such conflict shall not attect other prov�:•��ns of thcs Security Instrumenl or the Note
<br /> ' which can begiven ef(E��fi withoutfhe conihcting provislon.7o thisend the�rq•�:sions of this SeCUrrty Instrument and the
<br /> ` Note are Oeclared to b��s.euerabto.
<br /> 16. Borrowe►'s Copy. Borrower shall b�g�;�_n one canformed copy ot the Note and of th,s 5ecunty Instrument.
<br /> �� 17. Tcenst�rotthePrope�tyoraBenefiCfa�C:�;terestin�r�rrawer. Ifalloranypart�aft"�ePrCpertyoranyinterestin
<br /> ' it is solda�.���^sterred(or i}a beneficial interest�n�orrovrer,s sold or trar�ferrF•0 and F��rrovlr�ris^ot a naturat person►
<br /> i' w+thout LE^c�.�s�ri�•ti�rr►llen consent.Lenderrc�r, .,at its o Uon,tQ UIfB In1n'�iC�;:te
<br /> Y P U p•��i�.�:ntirzlullofatlsumssecuredby
<br /> ' , t��isSecur�.ylr.sTrum=rri(-lowever,th�soptionshatlnofbeexsrcisedbyLer,�±�;rifr.xr�►c�:_�_�yr,es�'U�^:•�bylederallaU,asof
<br /> l^e date o!,".�;�g�cur��'rts?.nstrument.
<br /> It lr+��ysr ex�••��ses this oplion,Lender shalt give Borrower notice of oc�c!et�t����r '1'"h.�nvtice sh�ll prov�dea poriod
<br />:- , � ofnotlessthan30dayslromthedatethenoUceisBebveretlarmailedwithin;c�;iChBoi;�rr�rmustpayallsumsseCUredby
<br /> _ this Securty Instrument. It Borrower faits to pay th�se sums prior to thE e-:1;�n;�ion pf this period,Lender may�nvvko any ------ - -
<br /> : - ---_--_
<br /> . �emed�es permitted by this Security Instrument w�thout further notiCe o>dc�`�and on Borrower. �
<br /> 1S. Borrower's pi9ht ta Reinstste. '1f Bnrrower meets certain co�°�:�°�ons, Borrower shall have the nght to�ave �
<br /> entorcamfint of ih��SeCUr�ty Instrument d�scontmued at any time pnor to Eho eartier of.fa�5 days�or such pthor penod as , .
<br /> � appi�cabte law may specify tor remstatement)betore sale ot the Property pursuant to�~;povier of sal�contained�n th�s . f
<br /> Secur�ip lnstrum�nt�r�h�entry�f a��e�g�er!QniorCir�g tt►is S<^,GUtityi fn��r�rer►i.T't�c�s,e GUntifiivns�re fnat�orrpwer-(a) .
<br /> pHys Lender afI sums wh�ch Ihen woutd be due under this Security Instrurr.ent and th2 Note had npaccolerat�on occurred,
<br /> (b)cures any defaull ot�ny other covenants or agreements. (c)pays alt oxpenses incurred�n entorc�ng ihis Security
<br />- Instrument.�ncluclmg,but nat I�m�ted to.reasonable attorneys'fees.and(d)takes such aci�on as lender may reasnnably
<br /> L �equireto�ssurelhdtlhEGgrtotlhisSeeuritylnslrkimenLLend�r'snghtsinlhePropertyand�orrower'sbblcgationtop�y ''
<br /> the sums secured by Ih�s Security Inslrurnent shall ConUnuc unchangec! Upon reinstatement by 9orrov�Er,th�s 5ecurify 1�
<br /> Ingltument�tnd the UbhqaUUn5 5eCUred hereby shall�cmo�R fulty eHect�v��s�f na acceterat�on had accurred Hov�ever.
<br /> thi,nght to rc:nslAt�sfiall not appty�n Ihe casE ot accet�r�t�an under paray►a�hs �3 or 1'� ,
<br /> r
<br /> � �
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