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<br /> UNIFORM COVENAPJTS.Bocrowerand Lende�covenant and agree as fottews: v��O���� `
<br /> � 1. Paym�rntotP�incipalandlnferesl;PrepsymentandLehC"sn�q!�s. Borrowershatipromptiypaywhenduetfi�e
<br /> princ9pal ot and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and an��p�apayment�nd late charges due under the Note-
<br /> 2. FundsiwTaYesandtnwnnse. SubjecttoapplicaGletaa�crt�,�wri�tenwa+ve�byLender;8orrower�haltpay
<br /> tb Lender on Ihe day monthly payments are due under the Nof.e,unTit ths Npj�ris paid in futl,a sum("Furtds")equal to � ,
<br /> � one-twelfth oi; (ay yeariy taxes and assessments which may attain priorit���vr9r.this Security Irsstru�nenk�.(b) year6y - •-
<br /> � • teaaehold payments or ground rents on the PropeRy.if an�;(ct :te�rt�hazard insurance p:�miums;att4(d) yea�iy �
<br /> mortgage insurance premiums.it any.These items are�a4led"es�r�w!��tems".Lender may est+rr�ateihe Funds due on the
<br /> basis of current data and reasonable estimates of tuture es�rc�M itsms. ,
<br /> The Funds shall�e held"+n an institution thedeRcs+is or accountsof which are insured or guaranteed t�ya fect8ra!ar
<br /> state agency(including Lender if Lender is such an inst+tutic�n).Lender shall appiy the Funds to pay the escrow items. '
<br /> Lender may not charge for holding ana applying the Funds�sn�lyzing the account or ve�itying the eSCrflw items,unless
<br /> . Lender pays Borrawer interest ort the Funds and appliaabla;iaw permits Lender to mak�suCh a charge.Borruwer artd :
<br /> : Lender may agree in writing that interest shalf be pa64 un.{ha�FuRCi�.Untess an.agreement is made or apptica4le Iav►
<br /> , requires interest to be paid,Lender shalt not be�equir�;d.ta.pay 8or�=�e�any intzrest or earnings on the�unds.Lender
<br /> � sMa!lgivetuBorrower,withoutcharge,anan�ualaccairttitjpntt,`�:=�ndss�ox��.ry�reditsanOdebitgtotfteFurtdsandthe � .
<br /> ' � purpose for whicn each debit to the Funds was madei Th�Furttis�r=pledgeG zs��'ditional se-�curity foct!:$sums secured ,_ , ,
<br /> by the Secur�ty instrument. : � ` ' �..;�:'� ,. ,
<br /> . IftheamounioftheFundsheldby!ender.togelherwitt�tf-Ftutnremonthlypayme�ts.���µ.r.dspayabtepriartothe ��.;;�
<br /> ' duedatesof theescrowitems:5halt�xceedtheLmqtmtrerr.�ir�'._r_,_/theescrawitemswt?,��u�tts�3��€cessshaNbe.at `+�'��'�� �•
<br /> � .:'�' �.; . ` �"
<br /> , Barroweis option,either�rcmpt►�� repaid te E3�rrywec�:.r��r�u�.c„to Borrower on monthty paym?r.ts�ct Funds.If the • �
<br /> � � arnountoftheFundsheldb�r�enderisnotSuftlRi�pttc��y�::n�scrowitemswi;er�due.Borroviershatlp2�toLenderany .°
<br /> ' ' `?:;°;.•'
<br /> ' amo�nt necessary to make up the defiaiancy in one or more p8y.^'?nts as required by Lender. �,.,�i;•;.�� �-: .• ' .
<br /> � < Uponpaymentinfuli�f�11;3urr1�s6GUredbythisSecuritylr.�t°u��ent.Lendershallpromptlyrefundto8urrowerany
<br /> • Funds hetd by Lender.I1 undet paraflfaph 19 the Property is soid or a�quired by Lender,Lender shatl appty,no fate�'!�dn
<br /> � �'' � � immediately prior to the sate�af fh�,Prope�ty or its acquisifion by Lender,any Funds held by Lender at the U-�e of
<br /> apptieation as a credit againat�h�sums Secured by this Securiry Instrument. _ _
<br /> i 3. Appttcst�on ot PaytsleMs. Unless applicable law provides otherwise,alI payments received by ler,�.r zr,�sr --
<br /> ' ' paragraphs 1 arr���kall be apptied:first_tQ late charges due under the NQte:second.to prepayment char�es d4�ur.d?r ''�!
<br /> � the(�tote;third,to amounts payabte ur�pr�Saragraph 2:fourth,to interest due:an�aasi,ta�r�r.cipal due. , � � `r°
<br /> � d. Cbu�es;Liens. f�er~ower sha►1 pay all taxes.assessments,charges.S'��^�s artd impositi�ns Gttc,s�utable to the . • - . ' ,�
<br /> ' � Fco;:�rty which may attain ��iority over this Secunt;� hngtrurnent, art d leas�~�t d payments or grour.� �ants, if an y. ;.
<br /> Bc:�:awershall pay these oblig3tions in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner.Borrower shall�� - '�'?'��
<br /> pay them on timedirectly to the person owed payment.8orrower shaif promptly lurnish to l.ender all notices of amaunts to :
<br /> j t�a.paid under this paragraph. If 8orrower makes these payments directly. Borrower shall promptty furnish to LEnder � �
<br /> �� � rEC�ipts evidencing the paym�nt5
<br /> •. � Borrower shall promptly discharge any lisn which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower:(a)
<br /> • � t ag�W�°s in viriting to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptabfe to Lender:(b)contests in
<br /> � , good faith the iien by,or detends aga�nst en}orcement of the lien�n,legal proceedings wh�ch in the Lender's opinion
<br /> ' operateto prevent theentorCement of the lien orforfeiture of any Qs:�of the Property;or(C�securesirom theholderof the
<br /> fienanagreementsatislactorytoLendersubordinatingtheliento��.•aSecuritylnstrument �f�2nderdeterminesthatany - �•"
<br /> � � ���t�of the Pro ert is sub'ect to a hen whicn ma atta�r� ���rit ove��his Secur." 6 r�trume^^. R.ender ma4 ive Borrower a �'
<br /> . � F� - 0 Y 1 Y P'� Y �+ •��• g
<br />�� ' nC:ice identifying the lien.Borrower shall satisfy the I:��s.�r take or.z��more a'.4t�,s u�t c.^•s s.`�afth above.vithin 10 days of
<br /> the giving o1 nctice. -
<br /> � 5. Hai��lnsur�nce. Borrowersnall keep the improvemE�-'s now existing or here�42er erected on the Pro;��^ty
<br /> insured against toss by Sire,hazards included within the term"extended coverage"a°C wry other hazaids 4or wh°�h ,
<br /> � Lender requires insurance.Ti�is insurance shatl be maintained in the amounts and for tr�:,�eriods that Lender requires.
<br /> � The insurance carrier providing the:nsurance shaU be chosen by Borrower sukjr;�c;t�Le�•��'s approval which shall n�t be r��
<br /> unreasonabty�x,��rheld. _
<br /> A!�ir s�rar�.a palicies and renev�a.s shall be acceptable to��nder and snaU mc►��:'��:�M:andard mortgage cla�::�e. . --�
<br /> , LCRC°�5�'3llt;�,•?�:herighttoholdthepoliciesandienewals.IfLenderrequires.BorrowersnailpromptlygivetoLenderall ' �
<br /> � rece,::3 zt Ma��pr2miums and renewal notiCes.In th�event of loss.Borrower snall give prompt nplice to the insurance ,
<br /> • carri�r and Ler�d�r lender may make proof o1 loss ifi rr�t made promptly by Borrower. .
<br /> UnIesSLP nder and Borrower othe�wiseagres in wnting,insurance proceeds shall beapplied to�estoration or r�rpair
<br /> � ot the Property damaged,if the restorat�cr:or repair is economica.:!f feasiblo and Lender's SQCUrity is nnt lessened.It tm�?
<br /> ' restoration or repair is not economical;y f��,�sibte or Lender's secu r��t�v�ould be lessened,the�nsurance proceeds sha11��
<br /> • appliad to 4he sums secu�ed by this Security Instrument,whether or not then Cue,with any excess paid to Borrower.If
<br /> Bo�ro�vor abandons the Property,or does noi answer w�thm 30 days a notic�tro^�Lender that the insurance carrier has
<br /> Ofiered to settle a cl�im,then Lender ma;�colloct the msurance proceeds.LerC�=;r^ay use the proCeeds to repair or restpre
<br /> the Property or b pay sums secured by'1��is Security Instrumeat ,�:t�ether cr t�:r tr.�3n dc�. The 30-day period witl G4gin
<br /> when the not�ca is g�ven.
<br /> UnlessLender and Borrower oth?rwiseagree in writing,any appbcaUr^.f Droceeds to pnnc�pal shall notexten��:.r
<br /> __ pastponethedue dateot the monthly payments re'trr��tn�n paragraphs 1 a��2 2�r change the amount olthe payments.�t
<br /> under paragraph 19 tho Propere,r is acqui��"V�l Ler��f r.Borrower's right to any�nsuranca policies ard proceeds resutt�ng ;
<br /> lromdamagetalheProperlypnortothe��a.,�s�t�cs':,t�allpasst��.��ndertotheextentotthesumssecuredbythisSeCCrr�ty _______,____
<br /> ' Instrument imme�iately prior to the acquisstion. !
<br /> 6. Pre�e�vallon snd Maintenance of Property;Leasehotd�. Bo►rower shall not destroy.or damage or substan- '
<br /> tiatlychangetneProperty.allowlhePropertytb8etenarateorcomm�lwaste.ItthisSecur�tylnstrument�sonaleasehotd, j ,
<br /> 8orrowershallcomplywttMheprov�s�onsotthelease.and�tBorroweracqu�resfe�I�ttetolhePraperty,thele��►s�:notdand I �
<br /> te�titre snau no1 morgQ untess te�der agrees to tho merger in�vrifiny 1
<br /> 7. ProtecUonotL�nOer'�NtyhtsintheRroperty;MoKgayetasurartce. IfBorrowertailstope►tormtht�covrn�nts
<br />._ and agreameMS conta�ned�n th�s Securify Ins4rument,or tAere�s a legai proceed�ng that may s�gn,licantly attect Lw�d�r's
<br /> � . nght9�MhOPrpporty{suchasaproCeedingmbanktuptcy.probEite.lorcondemnat�onortUenforCtlawsortegulnt�on51.
<br /> th�n L�nder may do and pay 1or whalaver is necessary to�Srotect the value bl the F�rpperty and Lej�Qer's�r�c�ts iq thu
<br /> Prqpeity Lend[�r'5 �ci�ons may mcludv p��ym� �ny sums sectired by a I�en which has pr�vnty ovr�r th�s Sef:urdy
<br /> Instrum�nt,appeann�rnCOUrt.paymgreasouabteatto�neys'fEes�ndEntonngo«1hePr�p�rtytornakerepans Altnuugls
<br /> lander may takE act�on under th�t p�ragrry��h 7. Lpnder qoes not nave to do so
<br /> C,nyam�,urtSd�S�iufs�ftbybtn�£'tl+�d�lrth�Sp:lt:�gfa�:h75te�tllb:•G�mRaci[l�t�nn<sFdt?k�lClE3U[►��w�•rSecure�lbythi�. '� z
<br /> � S�cur�tylnstrurnont UF��tESSE3onowerandL�ndt;�agreetE�utherteunsatp:�yn,(!ti1.T�1USE•lr�t(�uh155hF1iihf�armterc�stfsurn
<br /> Ireo da!e vt d�sUUlgErfn4�hL fit thC NOtU rate Uttd.h;�ff be nttyL�tti��• W�tt� �!�tcre;t upor� notice ��v�n Lt�ndet t�y L�C��+��v:'crt
<br />— reJuCStnc�payrnEnt
<br /> � �.
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