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<br /> 4•As additionai s�ecurity,Trustar hereby gives to and rnnfers mpon Beneficiary the rigt�t,pnwer aad authority,duriag the coaSinuance
<br /> of thcse Trugts to coilert the rent�issues and prvfit,4 of said pm�.+ertg,reaerviag un:a Tru�r tlse ri�ht,prior W any default by Tnzstar
<br /> in paymeat of any indeb2Qdn�s�ured hereby or in perfnrmance of any agreemenL hereunder,to co:lect aad retain such rents,issues
<br /> and profits as they become d�1e and pagable. Upon any such default,Beaefisiary map at any time without notice,either in peisoa,by
<br /> s►gent,or bp a receiver to 6e app;inte3 by a cnwt,aad without regard to the adeqnacy oEany security for the indebtednesa hereby secured,
<br /> � enier upon and take possession of said praperty or any part t�ereof,ia his own nsme sue for or otherwise w1IecL such reate,issuea and •
<br /> �ofit+,iaciuding thaYe paet d�e and uapaid,ans�aPPjY the eame�pon eny indebtednens secured herebp.aad in euch order as$ene5ciury
<br /> may determin��`?to entering upon and taking pttssession of said praperty,tdie colIection of such rents,issuea end prafits and the applicaticn
<br /> thereof as afor�said,shall not cure or waive any default or notioe of defanit hereunder or invalidate any ad done puranaat to such aotice.
<br /> �' S.Upon defanIt by Tni.stor in the payment of an}�indE6t�1h�seewed hereby or in the performaace af any ag�+e�m�at eontaiaed herein,
<br /> alt euma secured tie+eby sl�al!immediately became dve an8 rz52e at the o bon of the Benefici �Ea
<br /> P?Y P � ary.Ia�ch event nud vpon writtea request
<br /> of Beneticiary,TnLd.es shall se'�the tnist P�P��9. in accordance with the Nebraska Trust Deeds�at public.auctian to the highe�t
<br /> 6idder.AnY persvn�oept Trustee may bid at Z'n�stee's eale. Tru.stes ehall apgly the proceeds of tITe�Ie as fo�cass(I)to the expense •
<br /> , of the sale,iaciudin�a.reasoaable Tiw'tee's fee�;(2)tn the obligatioQ secured by this Deed of Trvst;�3)the sarplus,i}`eap,ehall be diatributed �
<br /> to the peiaons entfti�i i6azeio. . .
<br /> 6. T'ruslee shall.c�!ic�r ta the}r�rchaser at the sale it�s deed,without warranty, whfci�stiall coavey to the �:aer ihe interest in �•� ;
<br /> the pmperty whictt.'I`ivatnr had ar had the power to convey at the time af'his ezecutipn of this Deed af Ttust,ae�' ssch as hs nr.,}have
<br /> acquired thereafta.�:'Fzustees deed shall recite the facts ahowing thrt ti��s�ale wa9 eondncted in tmuplinnee�vith �ll the req��zg�enta �
<br /> of I�w aad of this IIer�i of Trust,which recitai e�all 6e pri�a facie eri:dian�e of such compliance and u,n_:usiee eci3encg thereof in favor '
<br /> ' , of bona Rde parc6�t�i and encumhsancers for valuo. �� �
<br /> � � 7-`I�e Poc�'er of sale wnferred by this Deed of Trust is nat�i;:,�,�ii*��.��edy;Beneficiary may cuvse this I2c�i a�i n�st to be foreclo?ed
<br /> as a mrr�age.
<br /> 8- In the event of the death, incagacity,disability or resi6matian of'I`iu�*.ee, Beneficiary ma
<br /> and u n the recordin of such a Y BPPo�� in writing a successor hustee,
<br /> Po g ppointment in the mortgage records of tti��county in which this Deed of Trust ie rerorded,the sutcessor
<br /> trustee eha�l he vested with a1I powers of the original ttustee.The trustee;s`not obliged to notify any party hereto o£pending sale under
<br /> any other Deed of Trust or of any action or pmceeding in which Trustor,Trustee or Eenefciary shall be a party unless such action or
<br /> proceeding is bronght by the Tru�tea. , . ,
<br /> 9. Z'hia Deed of Trust applita ta, inures to the benefit of;and is binding not only oss•the parties hereto, But on their heira,devizees, �
<br /> legatees,administrn�zs, execut�:r, s�:ccessorR.and as,9igns. Tee term Be.r,t�,.�iary ehall mean the ho�ldrs and owner oP the nM.r. �er.ared
<br /> herehy,whether or nr_C named se Beneficiary hernln. • � •� �
<br /> 10. Hequest for I�"�z.�e of Default os Notice of Sale. It is requested t.h.:C L copy of any Notice of Bd''nu�} qr Atotice of Sale tw maited W '`
<br /> � each pers�n who i�Ramed in thia Trust Iked at the mailia address of such � ,,�,��;:
<br /> g pereon as set out a6ove. .
<br /> ,;-;,4=
<br /> Nd'�I�E Tp eP�lNSIIMER; l. Do not sign thls paper before you read i� 2.�Yizu are entitted ta a copy� --
<br /> of tlus paper.3a�ou may prepay t1�e unpaid balance at any tune without�nal t y and ma y be e n i�t l e d. --
<br /> to receive a refund of unearned charges in accordanee witL law. • - -
<br /> s��ea th�8 9 day of February ,A.D.19 9n .
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA � . _f„��1..'�yj� i
<br /> ; Ha1j lss. ' -- ' —
<br /> COUNTY ) i7 ,! r __ ,�
<br /> an r.lsi� 9 day of February , p,p„ 19 90 , 6efore me.the under3igtied, a Nota� Public,duty
<br /> . commissioned En.+i qualified for end reaiding in said county, per�onaily cume Eli jio S��pS and Carm���, Santos,
<br /> husband nd �41f2 . to me known t�, be the identical person _S__ whose name ^s� a�xed to the faregoing �
<br /> instsument a�Truetor__�___._ and acknowtedged the aame to be�_..�._ thei r _���.
<br /> untary aCt And deed. -
<br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal the day and ycar last ;
<br /> My Commission ex irea the 8
<br /> AA1-St��I Mir�ski :,�#��
<br /> P day lNilt�p Y�wATSON � --^
<br /> of _._ Februar� _ , 19_ 91_, wr.■a�h1r.a t99t � � ,� �,_� � *��
<br /> ..�- ,
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<br /> � S'�'!:'�L� OF _�.___ --- �..__._
<br /> )s�.
<br /> _.�..w.....,...._.._.�� �:��nty �
<br /> F.nC4-�de in 1Vu.:,erical Index ard filed for record in the oflice of the Rekister of Lleeds oP�atd county, the —___.
<br /> d�y a(' __ _..._.._..�----- - -- . -- . 19 . at ---._.�_ a'ctack and
<br /> minutes ... _.�._--_-_- ------_ ;y.. and duly recorded in Naok . ___.�_.,__ . of ��. -
<br /> Mortgegespnge ..._.._----------..____ _ ..r _____�_.— - -- �_....._- -_.. ___ -�------
<br /> c
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