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<br /> (RTith At�sve�o€�ele}
<br /> Amount of Firet Instal nt 26�•Q� Amount oF Other Instaiments S 262.OU
<br /> ? Totai of Payase�ts S 1�2�• � First IastaIment Due Daie March 14 Zg90 '
<br /> Number of Monthfy Ingielments �Q � Finnl tnatalment Due Date� Februarv 1 Qig95
<br /> � .
<br /> THI.S DEED O�7AiI�F,ms�d�thfs 9 day of Februarv ,�g 3t1: �
<br /> � �� EIi_iio �a�ta� and' �armen M Santas hLSband and wife , �
<br /> �,��8;3i� ��;� 2905 tr��Canital Ave. Gr�nA Island. fv . 6880 , . .
<br /> �T�,�,.�ahn Cunninahan,�a���v 222 N Cedar Grand Isiand Ne 688Q1
<br /> , ',� wt,�se matur�aaarieas is .
<br /> ' sg 7�utee,apd ATorwest Finaasial Ne'�msica,Inc., wh�se mailiag eddres9 is Harwest Financia N _ Tp,[_
<br /> . � _,_ . 2337 North Webb��Rd. PO Box 1373 Grand Island, N�_ 68802 ,_ ,as BeneGciary, �
<br /> � • �VITNESS�.�ustars hereby irrevoeably,grant,bargain,eell, aus3 convey to Trustee in tr�t,with power of sate,the foltawing de-
<br /> � , • arx,iibed property in Hdl� CauntY�Nebraste:
<br /> Easterly 42 �/1� f�t of Lot 1, and the Easterly 92 �l1:Q feet of Lot 3, except far the
<br /> , : , Southerly 1�- f��. tl?ereof in Block 4, !lniversi�,� Placd,.�i�y of ��and Island, Hall .
<br /> � ! County� Neht���E;�
<br /> � . '
<br /> . � . .
<br /> T�;�:~. �:z:s tenemeirte,hereditamente,nnd appurtenances thei�s-�ta belongin�or in anyu�,�appertaining and the rente,iasaea and
<br /> an;i:�wlereaf. . �
<br /> Thia conveyance is intended for the purpose af securing the pa�.r.ent W Be-:�c�ary of Trustors'praa.iaeory note of e�en dgte in the
<br /> nmount stnted ebove as'°I'otr�l of Payments". Said"1'otal of Paymes:a"is repayable in the nur�i^.er of monthly inatalmeaY�etated ebove. ' -
<br /> The amount aC ti�e instalment paymenta due on eaid loan is etated cs%�1:e.The fit�t and final i�:;k�ment due dates an eaic�iaan ere atated '
<br /> ubove.Payment may be made in advance in any amount at any ti�.Defoult in making any�a�Tnent ahall,nt the Benefciary�e option
<br /> , end without notice or demand,render the entire unpaid balance of sai�3loan nt once dt�e and paya�i��.lssa any required rebate of charges. . —
<br /> To protect the security of'this Deed of Trust,Tnistor cavenants and agrees:
<br /> 1. To keep tho property in goad condition and repair,to permit no waste thercof;W completz,eny bu�1�r:iructura or improvemeat -
<br /> � being built cr. about to he 6uiIt thereon;to restore promptly any b�':ding,structure or impmL�r_�eat ther�,F�rhich may be damaged or
<br /> � � deatroyed;acc:f tv comply with all lawa,ordinancea,regulations,caves�;rn,conditiona end reatrict'uc�aiFecting s��property.
<br /> 2.To pay beFore delinquent all lawf'ul taxes and a�.aesemente upo:.r���:property;to keep the proyerty free�s clear of all other charqe3,
<br /> . liena or encumbrances imR�iring the security of'thia Qeed af Trust.
<br /> �
<br /> 3. To keep sll buildir.�r���or heroafter erected on the propervp 3c�scribeC sr::�e,r continuously insured against loss by fire or u:�t:r
<br /> hazards in e�: '.y'^1ouat not less than the total debL secured by thie ?eed of Trust. All poliaes r,'.-nU be held Ay the Bene���arf. and be
<br /> in guch cmr.yr��:ie�as the BenefciAry muy approve and hnve lose�;^sb}e Frst to the Bene!'xca�t-,�ae ite interest may:�p�t::r and then -
<br /> to the ZSrustr„�:'�he amount collected under s�ny inaurance policy tr�p�be applied upon any indir�t�edneae hereby secured in such order as
<br /> ' the BeneFiaary ehall determine. Such application by the i3eneficia�ry ehall not cause discontin�Ence of any prsceedinge to foreclase thia
<br /> i2eed of Truat or cure or wnive any defautt or natice oY default or invnlidate any act done purauant to such notia>.f"�tAe event of foreclosure, '
<br /> :c�'�righte of the Tntator in inaurance policies then in force eh�ll paas to the purchaser pt the forectosure sale.
<br /> .'� .':
<br /> 4.To obta3n the written consent of BeneTiciary before eelifing,c�.,<ft,ing or otherwise transfe�r.g the�x���e�:;M ar an;, gi-t thereof end � •�
<br /> any such eate,wnveyance or transfer without the UeneGciery'a writtd;�u�nsent ehall constitute a c�:�':lis�a.�'.e�r',e:erms i^r�!a:l' ' •
<br /> • 5.To defend any action or proceeding purportinR to affect the gecunt_+nereof or the righta or poKers or^fier.c-.":a.:,,ry or Truateo.
<br /> 6. Should Truator fail b3 pay when due eny toxe:.::<:essmenta,insuronce prec^�oms,liens,encumbrar.:��:!.<::-other chargea against the
<br /> property hereinabove deti:esbed, Beneficiary may pas: tl�;e eame,end the nmaur.v:�; paid, with interest bt tne rnte set forth in the notn
<br /> r•ecured hereby,shal!beadded to and become a part��t U-�debt ctecured in this IlecY3�f Trust es�e�itted by law.
<br /> IT 18 MU7'UAY.I.Y AGRF.EU THAT:
<br /> l. in the�:.�:nt eny portion of the property is tsl:r•n �,•r dameged in an eminent domain �n�+.•r:r.sw:ing, the entire omount of the mword
<br /> - ar euch Dur'�zon thereof as may he neceseary to fuliy:Mt'.afy the obligation cecured hereby,e1-s1!��e paid tn i3e�eficiary tu he applied to
<br /> � ea°.�oblifiation.
<br /> '3. S;y .�crx�,�rhR payment of any�um�:cured hereby after its due dnte,Heneficiary dces n:r.�r.�ive itx r:'h�tt t;o require prnmpt payment
<br /> when d�a�c.f nll other sums so secured or to declare default for failure to so pay.
<br /> 3. The Trustee ehall reconvey oll or nny part uf the praperty covered by this Ueed ct Tru.�u;fa the pereson entitled thercto.on written
<br /> request aP the Trustor en.�the BeneficiAry,ar upon FutiNfnct�on uf the obligation�ecured ��;�;rJC'itteh requeaL for recanveyt+nce made bp
<br /> the�neficiary or!he yatsion entitted thereto.
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