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<br /> A����9� 90= 100�22
<br /> HoH•UNIFORMCOVENA'.rTS.�������a���,���d���fo��o�s: go--ioo29�
<br /> 14 Aaxferstios: Re�e�a� Lesiee sWl �t:e�ottee to Barrawer�rioe to accetuatios iollawia� Boerowu's �
<br /> bracd of asr cor�t ar ap�ahept in t6fs Seeuftlr I�eat(bat eot ptFot ta socikradoe ueder�taga�13 aad 1T �
<br /> dilers aptky0te!�w pro�Jdes ot�eswire},T�e aolke�WI qecity:(�tD.tbe detaul�tb)tbe sct6�n�c�quircd to cuce t6e �u
<br /> r defiai�tc)�dste.aot 1�dau�3Q i�ys Maa tbe tata t6c aatice is�i�ss Co Horso�er,by wblefi the dehult mme be cared: �
<br /> 1 �
<br /> ui(dD tbst hitoer to cue We de[salt oA or�effutr.tbt�i�t�eeised is t�t�etlCt�wY�t i�ac�ekrstioa oi tbe ws� � •••
<br /> secrred 6�►t8b Secwr��j'In�rauAe�t�1 ate of tbe�'cv}�?.Ttie aotisc siaU�fltrtbst u�torm Borruwer oi the d�ht to � $
<br /> esi�tate stfia ae�eekratlaet�t@a•r�t t�a�a ca��etloa to ssert t�e aos-e=btrase of a dsf��l!or any ot�er � �
<br /> defea�e otBorrower w sccsieratfau asd We.[lt�e dstartt is aot�ued a�ar 6efore die dttc specl8ed ta tie autke.Leader u �
<br /> a its o�ttoa aaa�r rsQeire Lomedbite p��eat ia tti1�af a!I m�s�S3►ti�is Secorit!'�t witbat[urt�er'� °' "o
<br /> destad sed wy fn�o�ce tt�e panyr uf ak aa�as�ot�er re�edies per�itted by aNticabls btw.Le�der sball be eatitkd to
<br /> � toUect stl e�sn incrrfed i�t �qc�[t»�tie r�edia �coYtded i� tlts �pit 19, iaetrdi�,bat eot l�tted t0.
<br /> renoa�sbfe attor�nys'fee�ad en�tof tEtte e�ideece.
<br /> If tfie�awer af ate ir inriiitt�d.T�sl�aari recocd a aodte at deh�tt i�acb oouaty ta wlitch aay paet o[tie
<br /> • Ptoper4y ls loested sad sbatl�e�i aiNies ot suclt aotice is t�e saaur prrseribed 6�apticable tiw to Bocrower aad to tle
<br /> atber�pe+acr6bed 6��pp�t�hle liw.AfCer t6e time reqaired by�lieabk tsw,Trustee a�all�[�e Pa�ltc notice oi
<br /> sale tv f�[F persons a�d in tHc tuaoner pracribed by applinbte t�w.1'r�tee.wftboaR dearand oa Boerows�.s�l�sell t6e
<br /> �!�'!tt:Pobiia aactiaa to t6e t�i�at bidder at the 6me�plue aad under Ehe�ddtgnated in tLe aat�et otsaJe in
<br /> ooe or ieaas pacel�aad in�ts9 otde!Trustee determiaa.Tr�stee e4sy pastpaae seSe�f all or suy pa�cel o!tir�t P�opertY bY
<br /> ----- pn6lfc sanouncemcat ri du time�tad plice o!asy predua:lY Q•.�•aat�tt�r,� ��8er or ib destpee may purchase the
<br /> proper3y�t aaY stii� .
<br /> � UiN�r�aiFt oi paym�oi tbe price bid.Truitt� shall delirer to tlK�Trustee'�dea!comeytna t8e
<br /> � � Prapa3�Tbe re¢it�is is t�e T�tee's deed siall6e prina tacie e*idesce oi tbe a�st6 ot the sntemeab made tberein. .
<br /> � 'Tsentee s�sll��pply the�roceed�of the stk in tie folbwjna order.(s)to a1!expemes ot the sa1e.isct�di��,bnt not Umtted
<br /> to,Tn�tee's fees a��itted by ap�ltcsble!aw�ed re�soeable attaemey�'fee�(b)to Rll snm�secured by this Seaarlty
<br /> Inmrimea�aed(c)�excas W tbe person or peaoas IeatlDy entitkd to it. �
<br /> � ' � IQ:Lendsr im II'assession.Upon acceicration unde��aragraph 19 or a�t�r��;�:�t�f ttte Ptoperty, Lender(in •
<br /> � pe�aon,bv+�gznt vr�+y judicially appointed receiver)sha�l�e entitted to enter e�om.take�ossession of ace�.manage the
<br /> Property aad[o catl�:the rents of the Property including those past dua Any��collected by I.ender cr the receiver
<br /> - � shaU be applied f�r.c�'gayment of the costs of managcment of the�cperty asid collection of rents.including.but not
<br /> . lirnited to.receiver's F�xs,premiums an nceiver's boads and reasona�?e at�.er�se�s•fas,and then to the s�sns secnred by
<br /> , t6isSeeurity Instrument.
<br /> 21.Reeon�eyan�e.Upon�.�r.nent of all sums secured by this Sec�ty Y:�ssr�,rs�ent,Lende�shall regtuest Trustee to
<br /> reconvey the Property and shall surcender this Security Instrument aad a�C notes evideneing debt secured�ty 2fiis Securiiy .
<br /> Instmment to Trusta.Trusta shall reconvcy the Property without�a^�'arty and without charge:a tbe perso�or persons •
<br /> teg�lly encitied to ic.Such person or persons shall pay any recordation cros2s.
<br /> �1:,Substjtute Truttea Lender,at its option,may fira�ti�e to t�me remove Trustee and appoint a sucuxssor trusta �. �
<br /> to say TcTSS3ee appointod hereuader by an in�ttument ceco.�in tht couniy in whieh this Seeurity Instrument is reeorded. �
<br /> Without conveyartce of the Property.the succeswr trusta�ball sucetx�to�U the title,power and duties confened upon .
<br /> Trustex hercin and h��pplicsbfa lsw. .
<br /> 23.Reqwert for Natica. Banawer raquesss that copia of the notices af default and sale be sent to Borcawer's ,_�::
<br /> address which is the Praperty Addrtss. , '
<br /> Zt.RDdtrs to ttils Secartty Iastru�aeat.If one or more riders ue esecute+d by Borrower and recorded together v►rith
<br /> this Security instrument,the covenants and agreements of ach sucb rider shsli be iacorporated into artd shall�mend and `
<br /> supplement the cov�cnau and agreements oP this Security Instrument as iP ths rider(s) wea�c a part of this Securi�?
<br />— Irutrument.[Check applicable boa(a)] �
<br /> � �Adjustable Itate Rider (� Condas�nium Rider ❑ 2-4 Famc61 Ridu ,_ ;. .
<br /> � Graduated Payment Rider [) Plat�ned Unit De��:lnpment Rider •:;`� ,
<br /> � Other{s) (specify] Acknawledgement �`
<br /> ._
<br /> Bv St�xtHa 8��ow, t�,scrower accspts and agras co the te�s and covenants contained in this Security
<br /> Instrument and in sng rider(s)executed by Bonower and recorded aith c2.
<br /> ........................................................................................ ....�s�s:uur..�� .. .�I? ..�.�l. ................................ ..(Sea3} .
<br /> Edwin 7.�8ills �0"°r"
<br /> ............................... . ...................................... . ............ .....���...�:..�.��X�i�,t......... (Sr,c1)
<br /> Cerc'�;�r� �. BiZZs �-9o.rw..
<br /> STAT�OF NEBNASKA, H811 COUrity SS:
<br />- On this 10th day of Jarsuary ,19 �r.. before me, the undersigned. a Notary Publit
<br /> _ duly commissioned and quali�td for said county.personaUy came Edwin J. gills and Carolyn
<br /> L. 8ills, Husband and Wife .to me known co br the ;
<br /> identicai personis) whose name(s) are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowtedged �he executian ,
<br /> thereof to be t�i�ir voluntary as;�and deed.
<br /> Witness my hand artd notarial seal at Grand Island, Nebraska in said county.the �
<br /> c�Ate�foresai�, 1—
<br /> _ -. � «y
<br /> L My Commissi � ' (��.. � �. ` .�/�?" . ..t:`.� ..... . . .. . .. .. . . �
<br /> �6ENEMl,OTARY•St�M M wlr� .:;�:� !« �, :-� C_
<br /> OEBQftAH L 1(1M81E vatary�Publi� ��
<br /> r,a�..E,�M�,r, 5T �OR RECONVEY nNCE �'
<br /> U]
<br /> • tfs
<br /> To'Cr�ustEF. _ ��
<br /> � 7h�undttsignc�i� �he holder af Ihe nc�te vr notes se�ured hy this D2ed nf Trust. Sa�d nntc�•r nvte�, tugether i.
<br /> wi�h ull other�ndeb�eciness sccuted by ehis IT:ed af t�rust.ha�e heen pafd�n tull. You are hrrrb�elirersed t:+�aneel ca�d
<br /> �� nuir nr nutes and �hi�s beed ot Trust, whieh c�te driwered hrteb},atttl t�� re�t�icoey. �.�thrut ��arr�ruc. ��SI lf�e r��ate
<br /> #«' reow hetd by ce�u under thi� h�ed��t TriFtit tn �he rercun �it �+ersi+nc IeKaliv cnr,fle•a� iheret��
<br /> ��►�
<br /> t>+
<br /> ----- ••:� Uate ' �
<br />__ .��t';
<br /> ,t�_;..
<br /> .},�j�
<br />