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I.�nder or its asrnt may m�lce reasoniblt entraes upon aad�n�ctians of the Property.Lender <br /> shal!give Borro�ver no�ice at the ame aFor prior to aa in:pection speeifying rcasonablecaus�fnr;�t�e inspection. <br /> 9. Coadeeeutoe. The prviceeds of any ta�ard or ciaim for damaga�direci or co�te�uen�;in connecdon aith <br /> � any condemnatian or other taken�of any part of the Proprrty,or for conveyancx in liru ef candcmnntitm,ue herrby <br /> asxpied ar�d sl�all be paid to Leader. <br /> In t1u event of a tonl talcing of t6e Praperty�tbe praceeds shall be agplie�W•tbe sums saeurat by this Security <br /> � Instrumen��►6ether or not�hen due.Mitb�uy excas paid to Bor�rnver.In ehe event.of p p�rtial tatcing of the Prapsrty,, <br /> WlT!!i BO�iOXEI iAd L!lla�t OtIICiWIEI'i$LO,.►IA WTitlllg,the sums s�acurGd by tbia Security I�stresment shal2 be red�sced by <br /> the amats��of the proceeds muitiplied by c�follo�viag firactior:(a).tbe totnl nmmount of the sums secured irmmed�ateiy <br /> 6efo�e r�etpkina.dividsd bY(h7 r,he fiir rnuket vvue ef the Fmpesa�l.imraes�atcl�►before the tatcing.An��ce shall be <br /> paid ac l�exro�ver. <br />_ f.�t�e Fnoperty is abandas�6y IIanawer,or it;aft�r not3ct b�=L�nder trs Borrower tE�t thr caac�e:r.ner a�'ecs to <br /> �Ittcs ta s��sd cteseEtIe a ctaim fnr daias�,l�nmvower ftu-Is to respc2pcf ui�der�vithire 30�gs sfter t3scd�a;�the notioe�s . � <br /> 8ivea.L�ader zs acuFsarized to caLie�t���t�=ihe pr��ai it�cs�s�r,eith�rta sestoratian vr repair a�tl�e Praperty oa <br /> totI�es�esssecuredbythisSeeuri� � •�rsi,�rhstU�eeJrrtotthenaue.. <br /> G nlas Lender and Bornower other�=�ea�gree ii�v�ziimg,any apPlication af�ocreds to principal ahail not eatrnd or <br /> = poscpane the due d�te of the monthty payrAeuis referted to in garagraptis 1 and 2 or changs the amount of such pzyments. <br /> 10. Borraaer Not Releaud; Fa� By I,ender Not a W�tt�er. Extensimn af the time for paymcnt ar <br /> nco�iEcuion of amortization of the sums s�ecured by tbis Sacurity Instrument granted by r�nder to any successor in <br /> intaest of Borrower sha11 not operata to reie;�se ttie liab�ity of the original Bonowcr or Barrawer's successors in interext. <br /> Lender shaU noi be requ'ued to �ommenae pro¢adings against any su�cessor in interest or refuse to eatend tiase for <br /> payment or oiher�rise modify smortization vf the sums secured by this Sa�urity Insuumtnt by cesson of any demand madc <br /> � by the ori�ntl Ba,�mwer os Bonower's su�csots ia interest.Any forbearance 6y I.ender in eaer�cising any rigbt or remedy <br /> ahall not be a waiv�t of or preclude th�ea:�m.#�ce af any�ight or remedy. <br /> 11. Soe�trwes aed A��s B�.dW1st��e�era!LabWty;Casi�nees. ?he covenaat��3gretments of . . <br /> thisSec�srity Inurument:hall ii������the s�a�x.�.s and aasigns of Leader and Borrower,sut;e�:�the provisions <br /> of�ph 17.Horco�vet's c��ts,��ceements shail be joiat aad�evenl.Any Barrawcr r�ha co-signa this Sxurity • <br /> fnssrumeat but dap not e�ecutr t�tt��u:{�r��'sa co-signing thie Security Instrument only aa aL:±-tgage.grant attd convey � <br /> 6hat BorroWCr's interest in the F�upe�t:r cvsdrx the terms of th3s Sxurity Instrument;(b)is n�r�raonaUy obligated to psy <br /> the sum�secured by thit Sec��r Inf�m��t;and(c)agraa that Lender and any otber Borrower may agrce to eatend� <br /> modify,forbear ar mnlcc any�modations with regard w the urms of this Security Instrument or thc Note without <br /> that Horeower's�apteat. <br /> 12. Lv�m�raes. If tl�a tan ses�:red by this Secunty Inatrument is subjeet to a�s.j�vhich stts maaimum loan :;� <br /> chuges, and tbat l�rv is fnafl}° int�rprete� so that the interest or other loan chargea cauected or to be colaected in . � <br /> coaneztian aith tue lo��cac�eci the pe:�ni�ted limits,t�.un: (a)any such loan sleasge shall be reducod by the amaunt � �.� <br /> na.xsesry to re�uc.tti�ch�tn tiza pertsit�ed limit;�s.d:�;b)any sursts area��f�C�ected Prom Horrower whicb exceeded •} �`" <br /> � permitted timlts�!p be r�eE`uncfat:to 8orrcA�;. Lender may cboase r.,�cr�.,iEu;rJ��,�r=fund by zeducing the princip�!awed z <br /> under the Nate ar b}�faaRing a�irxt payrcte2 e co Botrower.If a rePau.��sa���anaipel,tF:�uoduetion wilt be trated�s a <br /> p�rtial prepayr�oniwithout any grepsyment�ge under the Nots. � <br /> 13. I�tHos ARectfa� Lesdee'� Ri=6b. If enactmens or exp:ra�os� of applicable laws has the e}fect of <br /> rendorin8 any ptovlsion oPthe I�ate or this Security Instrument unanforceabte�trding to its terms�l.ender,st its option, <br /> msy Eaqnite immod'ute payment in fuU of all sums secured by this Sxurit� L��?rument and may invoke any rtmedies � � <br /> permittacl by p�rsgrapb 19.1f Lender eaercises ihis option,Lendu sh�?L¢atce¢i�e sr�s specified in the second paragraph cF :,` . <br /> P�I�Ph 17: ; <br /> lA. Noliep, My notice to Borrower provided for in this Secusity tnstrw�r.r,e��s.aL;6e given by detivering it or by � <br /> mailln��t by flrat clus mail unless applic�ble law requires use of another rrcee��uct.��:����:ce shall t�e d:rected to the i '.� � <br /> AloptTly Addl'ess OT u�y o1het addiess SOrroweT de3i�etes by flo[iCe to Lr�tefec.u�l.:�y net�t�Les�der shell be given by � <br />- Rrst clus msil to Lender's addtess atatod herein or any otheraddress Lender designates by ncxt��;,-to Bonower.Any notice <br /> providod'for in thi�Security Instrument ehall be damed to heve beea given to Barrower or l.e:�der when given ss provided <br /> in this p�n�raph. <br /> 1S. Cp�ernt��Law;Se�etability. This Security Instrument shall be ge%�r�:ed by federal law and the law of the <br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is tocated. ln the event that aay proci::arc ar sLz�sse oithis Security Instrument or the <br />- Nate conflicts with�pplioabk law,such canfliot shall nat affect other�t�rU=;s:�s a�this Sec�c�ty lnstrument or the Note <br /> which can be sivcn effcct without the cunflicting provision.To this r.ud r,�e pra�is;,r�s af thi��r.:urity Instrument and the <br /> — Note are declared to be sever�ble. <br /> 16. 8artowa'�Ce�y. Bortowet shsll begiven oneconforrned capy aPtiie i�'et:a�:d of this Se�urity Instrument. <br /> 17. Trwfer ot Nie AoDerty or a BeaeflcW Interat In Sorroxsr. if;�ll ce s�ny patt of the Propeny or any <br /> interest in it is sold nr tsansferred(or if a bcnefici�)interest in Borrower is sold or trar.sferrcd and Borrower is not a natur�l <br /> penson>without Lendar'�prior�rittm consent.Lender may,at ita option.require immaliate�aymena in full of ali�ums <br /> - secured by this 9esutity Instrument.However.[his option sha11 not be eaercised�y Lender:f exercise is prohib�ted 6y <br /> � federil law�s of the date of this Security Instrument. <br /> f P Lender exercises this option,L,ender shdl give Bonower notice of acceleration.The notice shall provide a period �L � <br /> of not tas th�n 30 d�ys fram the date 1he notice is delivered or mailed within which Banower must pay all sums secured Ey <br /> th»5ecuvity fnstrument.lf$onower fiils td psy these sums prior to the expiration of this pesiod,Lender may invoke any <br /> remedies permitted by this Security Instrument without�urther notice or demand on Borrower. <br /> IA.8arrowtr'�ptltit to Rel�»tate. IP$orrower ma�S certain conditinns,Bonawer sh�ll hrve ths cight to have � <br /> enforcement of this Security Inserument discontinucd at any time pribr to the earlibr ofi(a)S days(or such other period as � <br /> � � �pplte�ble Itw mty specify for reinstatement)befare sale oE tht Property pursuant to Any power of sale contained in this � <br /> Secur�ty Instrument,at(b)entry aP a judgment enfarcing this Security Instrument. Th�se ednditions are thst 8orrower: <br /> tr) Mys l.,ender ail sums whirh then would be dut undes this 5ecunty instrument and the Note had no gcceleretion �� <br /> �crurre0. (b)curc�any def'ault af any other coven�nts or agreemrntr, (r) p�ys all eapenses incurred in enfarcing this � �t�� <br /> _ Sccur�!y Instrument,includ�ng, but nut limited ta, reasanable attameys'fees; and td)takes such�cticm ds i,endcr may � <br /> re�wn�bly rcquirc�p assure th�t the t�cn oP�his Security Instrument, Lender's nghts in the F'roperty nnd I3�rrt�wer's , � <br /> �Ab6ss�ors tc► ��y �hn sunts sccured by thib SECUnty Jnstrument shall cnntmue unchu��ed !►pnn re�nstatement by '. <br /> � �� Huir�wcr.Ih���ecur�!y Insteument and�heobligations securcd hrreby shall rema�n fully effective as if nn acceleranon had <br /> � ,�l;'. «ccurrrd Nau�c•rr.�his nght tv reinstate�hall nnt apply�n the case of necetttaUan under reragra�shs i�c,r 17 <br /> ,.•� <br /> :. . <br /> : ' � <br /> f,t, ,, <br /> /j�, <br /> _ft� <br /> r�� <br /> � <br />