2� 17��5�3
<br /> If Lender exercis�s this ap�ion, Lender shal] give B�.rrav�rer no�ice vf a��e�era��on. The no��ce shall pravide a
<br /> period of x�ot�ess than 3�days from the date�he natice is g��en in accordance w�th Sec�ion �4 vvithin wh�ch�orrower '
<br /> mus�pay al� sums secured by this Securit}�Instrument. �f Borrawer fails to pay�hese su.rns priar to the expirat�o� of
<br /> �his period, Lender may in�oke ariy remedies permitted by this Secur.i�Instrument vvithout fur�her notic�or demand
<br /> �n Borrow�r.
<br /> IS. Borrower's Right to R�instate Affer Acceleration. �f B�rrower meets cer�ain cond�tions, Borrawer shall
<br /> ha�e�he rig�ht��reinsta�ement of a rnortgage. Thase c�nditions are�ha�Borrawer: �a}pays Lender all sums v�hi�h
<br /> then would be due under this Security�ns�rum�nt and�he Note as�f no aceeleration had occurred;�b}cur�s any default
<br /> of any o�her covenata�s or agreements;(c}pays a�l expenses�ncurred�n enforcing�his 5ecu.rity Instrument, i.ncluding,
<br /> but no�limited to, rea.��nable a�torneys' fe�s, pr�per�y inspection and valuatian fees, an�other fees incurr�d f�r the
<br /> purpose of pr�tec�ing Lender's interes�in�he Propert�a�ad rights urid�r�his Security Ins�rument; and�d}takes such
<br /> action as Lend�r may reasonably requir�to assure�hat Lender's�nterest in the Property and rights under th�s Securit}�
<br /> �nstrurnen�, and Borrower's obligation�a pay the�u.�ns secured by�his S�curity�nstrument, �hall cant�nue u.nchanged.
<br /> �owe�er, Lender is n�t requ��ed�o reinstate if: �i}Lender ha� accepted r�instatement after the commen�ement�f
<br /> farec�osure praceedings within two years �mmediately pr`eceding the coxiamencemerit of a current foreclosure
<br /> proceedings; �ii}reinstatement wil�preclude fareclosure on�ifferent grounds i.n�he future, or�iii}re�ns#.at�ment wi�l
<br /> ad�ersely affect�he priori�af the li�n created hy this Security �nstrument. Lender may re�uire that Borrower pay
<br /> su�h reinsta�ernent sums and expenses in one �r mare of�he follawiEr�g f�rms, as selected�y Lender: �a} cash; �b� �
<br /> maney�rder;tc}�r�i�ed check,bank�heck, treasurer's check or cashier's check,pro��ded any such check is drawn
<br /> up�n an institut�on vWhose depos��s ar�insured by a federal agency, instrurnen�ality�r enti�r; or�d}�lectronic Funds
<br /> Transfer. Upan reir�sta�ement by Borrawer,this Security Instrurnent and obliga�ions secured�ereby shall remain fully
<br /> effecti�e as if n�acceleration had occurre�. However, �his.r�ght�o reinstate shall no�apply�n�he case of accelera�ian
<br /> under Sectian �7.
<br /> 19. Sale of Not�; �h ange of Laari Serv ice r; Notice of�rie�a n ce. T�e No�e�r a parti a� interest in the Not�
<br /> �toge�her with this Security Instrumen�}can be so�d orie or rnore ti�nes wi�h�u�priar notice to Borrower.A sa�e m�ght
<br /> resul�in a change in the entity �known as the "Loan SerWicer"�that collects Periodic Fayments due under the Nate
<br /> artd thxs Security �nstrument and perfarms other morfgage l�an ser�i�ing ob�iga�i�ns under the Note, �his Security
<br /> Instrument, and Applicab�e Law. '�ere als�might be 4ne or more changes of the Loan Ser�icer unrela�ed ta a sal�
<br /> of�he I�ote. If there is a change of the�.�an Ser�icer, B�rrovver will be g�ven vvr.itten not�ce of the change which will
<br /> sta#e the nam�and address�f the nevu i��an Ser�ic�r, the address to vvh�ch p�yments should be rnade and any other
<br /> informat�ion RESPA requires in conne��ion vvith a notice of transfer of ser�ic�ng. �f the No�e is sold and thereafter
<br /> the Loan is serviced�y a L�an Se��icer other than the purchaser of the No�e, t.he mortgage Ioan ser�.icing obligations
<br /> to Borrower wxll remain with the.Loan Ser��cer or be transferred#a a sue�essor L�an S�r�icer and are na�assurn�d
<br /> by�he Nate purchaser unless a�herwise pro�ide�by the N�te purchas�r.
<br /> �4. Borrower N�t Th�rd-Party.Bene.fic�ary to Con�ract�f Insurance.Mortgag��nsurance re�mburses Lender
<br /> �or axx�entity tha�purchas�s the Note}far cer�ain losses�t rnay incur if Bar.rnwer does not repay the L�an as agreed.
<br /> Borr�wer acknow�edges and agrees tha� �he B�rrawer �s r�afi a th�rd part� beneficiar� to the contract �f insurance
<br /> between �he Secre�ary and Lender, nor is Borr�wer entitled �o enforce any agreement between Lender and the
<br /> Secretary, unless explicitiy authorized to da so by Applica���Law.
<br /> 21. Hazardous Sub��ances.As used in this Sec�i�n 21:�a�"Hazardous Subs�an��s"ar��hose substarices defined
<br /> as�o�ic or hazardaus su�bstanc�s,pallu�ants, or wastes�y Efl�iro�mental Law and the fo�l�wing subs�ances:gaso�ine,
<br /> ker�s�ne, a�her flammabte ar C�xic petr�leum productis, toxic pe�ticides a.nd herbicides, vola�ile s�l�rents, materia�s
<br /> conta�ning as�es�os ar forma�dehyde,and radioactive mater;als;(b�"En�ironmental Law"means federal lav�s and laws
<br /> of �he jurisdic�ion where the Property is �oeated �ha� relate ta hea��h, safety or en�ironm�nta� �rot�ction; �c}
<br /> "EnWironmen�al Cleanup" inc�udes any res�nns� ac�ion, remedial action, or remo�va� action, as defined in
<br /> Envir�nm�ntal Lavv; and �d} an "En��ronmental �ond�ti�ri" means a ��ndition tha� can �ause, �antribute tfl, vr �
<br /> �therw�se tr�gger an En�ir�nmet�t�l Cleanup.
<br /> Borrawer shal l nat cause or�erm it�he presence,use, d�spasal, st�rage, or rel eas�of any H azardaus Substances,
<br /> or threat�n��.release any Hazardaus Substances, on or in the Prop�rty. Bo.rra�ver shall no�do, nor al�ow anyone els�
<br /> NED�TZ2.FHA �91141�5 Page �a of 13 www.d�cmagic.cam
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