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2� 17��494 <br /> Lender�s i�ht to Enter.L�nder or Lend�r°s a�ents sha�l h���the ri�ht�d access t��sp��t the Pr�perty�t <br /> a11 reasonable t�es � �rd�r t� a�t�nd t� L.end�r�s �ter�s�s �d ens�e ��r.�p�xa.xice with the t�rrr�s �f�is <br /> Se��ity Ir�s ente If the Pr�p�r�ty, �r ar�y par� �h�r��f, sha11 requ�� �sp��tl�n, repa�r or r���t�n��e <br /> wh�ch C�r�rator h�s fa�led t� p�°��1de, L�r�der� ��er r�as�nabl� ra�tl�e, r�ay �nt�r up�n the Pr�p�rty t� �ffect <br /> such obli�a�i�n� �d th� cvst there�f shall be added t� �ie Inde�tedr��ss and paid �n Ler�d�r's der��d by <br /> C�r�r�t�r. <br /> ASSI�N E�T F L�ASES A� NTS. As add�ti�r�a1 sec�ty f�r the payrrYent�f the It�d�bt�dr�ess�d th� <br /> perf���c� �f�i� ��v�n��s ��n���d h�re�, C�r�tor her�by a�si�s �d tr�sf�rs �ver t� ��r�der a11 r�n�s, <br /> �corne �d pr�f�ts �44R�nt�°�� �d�r �y p��s�nt or fi��e I�as�s, subleas�s or lx��nses �f th� Pr�p�rty, �clud�� <br /> �y�uarantles, ��C��I�.5��I75, arr�en er�ts �r rer���als ther��f, fr�rri �he use �f�Yie Propertye 50 �or�� �s �r�t�r Ys <br /> r�ot�default, C�r�t�r rr�ay re�ex��, �oli��t�d�njoy all l��r�ts������fr�r�the Proper�,but�a�t r��r�than or�� <br /> rr�or�th in �d���e �f the du� �at�e L�r�der r�ay also r�qu�� C�r�t�r, t�r��at�ad �y�th�r us�r�f�i� Fr�pe�y t� <br /> �a�e payr��r�ts of R�nts dir��tl�t�Lendere I��w�ver,by re�eivixi�a,xiy su�h p�yrr��r�ts,Lend�r is�a�t��r�d shall n�t <br /> be��r�szd�red, an a��nt f�r�y par�ty�r ent��e Ar�y arrio�ts��llected rr��}�,�t L�nder�s s��e d�s�r�ti�r�,b�ap�lled <br /> to prot�ct Ler�d�r@s ir�terest iri �ie Prop�rty, �clud�� but n�t Iirriited to the paym�nt �f �s ar�� �s�ar�ce <br /> prerr�i�s and t� the Indebt�driesse At Lender�s sole dis�r�ti�r�, ai1 1�ases, subleas�s and li��ns�s rrius� f�s� b� <br /> appr��ed by L,�r�dere <br /> � N E �AT°I N. C�rantor shali�1v�Lender n��ic�of�y act��n �r�or thr����ned to b�tak�r�by private or <br /> pub�i�entities t�approp�iat�the Pr�perty�r�}�p�t�her�of,�hz��u�h c�r�de atxon,er�irier�t d�r�a�o�a.r�y�ther <br /> act��na F�h�r, Ler�der shall be p��Y�ted to p�ti�ipat��r�xt��er��ir��y�f the ab��e des�r�bed�r����d��s � <br /> �y rr� �r rt shall at rts sole discr�t��n d�terrr���e L.ender is h�r�by �1ven full ��vv�r� r° t �d �uth�rity t� <br /> re��i���nd�e��ipt f�r any and��� a��s a��rded as�r�sult�f�ie full or part�al ixi�o�appr�pri�t��n and iri <br /> its sale discret��n, to apply said a�ards t� th� Ind�bt�dri�ss, wh�t.�er�r n�t th�r�du� or a�h�r�is� �ac��rd��� <br /> wxth applic�ble law, LTr�1�ss Ler�der other�vvise ��t°��s �writ��, �y �ppZr�ati�r� vf pr�c��ds t� th� Ir�d�bte �ss <br /> sh�ll n�t e�ter�d �r p�stp�n� �h� du� date of the pa�ents due �der the Ind�bte ess �r �h��� �h� o�� �f <br /> su�h p a�er�ts e <br /> � �`T 'S ASSLT �'ES. At an}� t�rt��, up�n a r�qu�st of L�nd�r, GI`�I1t��' W11I ��C�CLI�� �IIC� ���IV�� to <br /> L�nder, and �f appr�priat�, cause t� be re��rded, such her rr��rt�a�e�, assi en�s, a�r �r��s �f I�as�s �d <br /> r�nts, se���ty a�°��r��r��, pled�es, f na�.��� sta�er�er�ts, �r such other d�c �nt a� L�r�de�° �.aa}� r�quire, � <br /> ��+����pS s�����iS�+�L�1��y t� effe��ate, corr�p�et��d to p�rfect a..s vve11 as t���r�t�ue t�pr�serv�����d�b��dri�ss, <br /> or the I�e��r s�curity�t�r�st�r��t�d by�.iis Security Ins er�te <br /> A°TT EY-IN-FA�`T. C�r�t�r app��ts Lende� as att�rney-�-fa�t �n b�half�f C�rantare If C�r�t�r f�xls t� <br /> fulf 11 ar�y �f C�r�.nt�r�s �bll�at���.s �d�r th�s S�c�i� Ir�s �r�t �r any �telated I7oc �nts� �a��udir�� th�s� <br /> obl��atlons r�er�t��z��d � �h� pr��edin� p�°�graph, L.ender as atto��y-�-fa�� r�ay fulf I1 the �bl���t��r�s r�ithout <br /> r��ti�e t��r��ore�rh�s po��r of at��m�y shaii n�t b�aff�cted by the disabi�i�y�f th��ran��re <br /> EVENTS � E�AI7LT. The f�ll�vvxn� e��r��s shall c�nstl��� default �d�r this S���ity Ins �r�t �each a.ri <br /> °�E�ent�f I7�f�uit���e <br /> �a� Failur���r�a�e requ�red payr��nts�rhen du��der Indebt� �ss9 <br /> �b� F°ailure t� perf�rrr� �r��ep �y of the co�er��ts �f th�s 5e��ity Ir�s er�t �r a defa��t�der any of <br /> th�l��lated I]����r�ts� <br /> �c} The rr�alc�� �f any oral �r�t��n statern��.t or �ss�r�i�n to Lend�r��t is fals� or r�is�ead�r�g �. an}� <br /> r�aaterlal respect by Cir�at�r or any p�rs�n�l�li�ated�r��.ie�ndebt� �ss, <br /> �d� The d�ath, d1SS�1�.I�1DI1, �s�lv�r�cy,b ptcy �r re�el��rship pr����d���f C�rar'.��r�r�f any person <br /> or enti�y�bli�a�ed�r�the Indebt�d�ess, <br /> ��} Ariy assi �nt by C�r�nt�r f�r�h�ber���it�f C�r�t�r@s cr�dlt�rs, <br /> �� A rn�terial ad��rse chan�e ���urs �the fir�����1 �ondlti�r�, ���rship or rr��a��rr�ent �f C�rantor�r <br /> �y p�rs�r�abli�at�d�n th�Ir�debtedri�ss��r <br /> ��� L,end�r deerns itse�f�s�c�e for�y��asor��hats�����e <br /> E E I�S � �FALTLT. IJp�r� the ���urr�r�ce of ar� Ev�r�t �f I�ef�ult� L�r�d�r rr�ay, �ith��t d�r�and or <br /> �otice,p�y a�ay or�11�x�s, �SS�55T�.1�T1t5,pr�rrii s, �ad Ii�t�s requir�d t�be p��d by C�r�t�r� �ff����y i.r�s���� <br /> pr�vid�d f�r h�r��, rr��k� such repa�s, �aus�th� �bs�°ac�s �f t�����r t��le �s�.t°�c�pol��y�d t�histori�s of th� <br /> Property to be ��rtifi�d t� date, �r pr�cure r��w �bs�r�cts �f title or tit1� �s�°��e and t� hist�r��s � case r��ne <br /> ���e lshed�� it, and pro���titie repo�ts c��erxr��the Pr�per�ty, ��1ud��s��yse The ��#s paid f�r�y <br /> such p�pases w111 be add�d t�th�Ir�d�bt�driess and�111 b�ar in�er�st at�e r�t��f�t�rest��Yi�r�r�s��c����on <br /> th� Ir�deb��dr,�ss �til paide In the e��nt �f f�re�lost��, the a�s�acts �f titl� �r titl� �si���� shall be��rr�� th.e <br /> pr�perty �f L��ad�re AIl abs�racts �f tltle,tY��e �sur�c�, t�histories, s���ys, �d ��er d�c �r�ts pe�a° ° �to <br /> th.�Indebt�dn�ss will r�r�a�zr�L,er�d�r°s p��sess��n�.t�1 th�Indebtedr��ss�s paid�fu1L <br /> IN THE EVENT�F°T�IE SAL,E�F°T'I�IS P12�PERT'Y LJ�II]ER T'HE FIZ��EI3LJ F�R F� CL�SLr �F° <br /> A, SECLJI�IT'Y I�STI�LJMENT�Y AI�VERT�SE NT',A5 PR�VII]EI]�Y APPLI� LE LA,���1�II�T°�IE <br /> EVE�IT° I�E�TI�E�E�E1��ISES IT°S RI�H�TS I]EI�T'I�ASSICi�T NT4 �F° I�EASES ANI� N`TS, T° <br /> LE�II3ER 5 LL PR�VII7E �4LL STATLJT� L�Y �LJI I] N�TI�ES �F° SAL.E �4 N�TZ�ES �F° <br /> JLT�I�IAL II�A C�S �EF°� LE E�t E�ElZ��SES A�TY �F ITS RIC�I�TS EI� THIS <br /> I�TSTI�LJ NT'� <br /> LJpon the�cc��nce of an Event�f I3efault,L.ender rr�a}�,w�th�ut n�tic��less req��d b}�law, �d at its�ptlon, <br /> de��are�he e�.txr��r�debtedr,ess du�ar�d payable, �s 1t r�ay elect,r��ard�ess�f the date�r d�t�s of rr�a�lty�her�of <br /> and, if p��i�t�d by stat� Iaw� is authorl��d�d er�power�d t�caus�th�Pr�p�rty to b�s��d at publx�aucti�r�, �.d <br /> �2004-2�15 Comp�i�c�Systems,Inc�4��-�451-2�15.]2.3 l.1fl39 <br /> Commerci�!��1�s��.f�S�urity Instturnent-IJL40d7 Page 3�f 5 �.�rr�p�ias��sy�t�.��t� <br />