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2� 17��494 <br /> � SS � I�I�AT'E LI�A`TI l�. I� xs the ��press�d ���n� af C�r�t�r �o �ross c�Ilaterali�e aI� �f 1�s <br /> Ind�b��d.n�ss and obl����ions t� Lender, h�wso�ver �ris�� �d wh�ns���er ��urred, ����pt any �b1i��tx�r� <br /> ��ist�g or�1sir��a�a.�s��h�prir��ip�l d�r�lliri�of any�rar�t�re <br /> � NT°IES. �r�r�tor, f�r its�lf, zts h��rs� pers�n�� r�pr�s�r��at���s, su��ess�rs, �d �551�5, repr�sez�ts, <br /> �r�rrants�c��er���s�d a�rees wi�h L.end�r,1�5 SI.�CC�5S��5�I1d�55I�I15,a.s foll�wse <br /> P�rf�rrr�an�� �f bii��tior�s. C�rar�t�r pr�r�is�� t� p�rforrn aIl t�rrn�, ��r�diti�r�s, �d �o�enants �f�his <br /> Sec�i�ty Ins �nt ar�d Ftelat�d I�o���nts�.a���rdar���with the��rrns�onta��d th�r�ir�e <br /> I]�fense�nd T�tl�t�Pr�p�rty.At th�t���f e��cuti�n and d�1l�ery of this ins �r�t, C�rar�tor is Iawfully <br /> selsed �f the �st�t� hereby ���vey�d and has the ���lus�ve r��h�t� rr���t�a��, �xar�t, ��n�ey and ass1� th� <br /> Pr�p�rtye C�ran�or c�ver�ar��s th��th�Prop�rty is�er��urr�b�red and fr��of alI Iiens�����pt f�r�n���ran�es <br /> �f rec�rd a��ep�able t� L�r�d�r, F� �r, C�rantor c�v�nants �ha� C�ra.�t�r vvill w�rrant and def�nd �er��ral�y <br /> �i� �itle t� the Pr�p�rty a�a�st �r�y �nd all cl��rr�s and d�r�ands �r��.tso�v�r, s�bj�c� t� th� easerri�n�s, <br /> res�rictl�ns, �r �ther er�curr�brances of rec�rd a�ceptable to Lender, �s rr�a� b� list�d � the schedui� �f <br /> ��cc�p�i�ns t� ����r��� � ar�y �bstr��� of titl� or titl� �su.ran�� po1��y lnsur�� L�nder's ��erest � th� <br /> Pr�p��. <br /> ��nditi�n �f Pr�p�rty. C�r�t�r pr�r�lses at ali tirr�es t� pr�se�e ar�d to rr��int�� th� Pr�p�rty and ���ry <br /> p�-t ther��f in ��od r�pair, ��rk�� or°der, �d cor�dition ar�d �ill fr�rri t�� t� t�rri�, r�ake �Il r���dfi.�l and <br /> proper r�p��rs so th�t the�alu�of�h��roperty sh��l n���a.ny vva.y b��p�ir�d. <br /> �rr��val �f any P�rt �f the Pr�perty, C�ra.rit���r�r�is�s n�t�� r�rr��ve �y par�t �f the Pr�pe�y f�°�rr� xts <br /> present l��ati�n,�x�ept f�r r�pl�c�r�er�t,rr�aint�r�����d re���a���n i�th��rd��y���s��f bus�esse <br /> Alt�rati�ns to the Pr�perty. C�ra.r�t�r pr�rrY�s�s �o �bst�� fr�rr� th� �� 1S51��1 �f �11y ��5�� �n ar � <br /> ��ririecti�n with�h�Propertye F°�her, C�rant�r sha�1 rnak��o m�teria�alt�rati�ns, add��i�ns�r ir�pr���rr��nts <br /> of any typ� �rhats��v�r �� �e Pr�p�r�, r��a.rdless �f wh��her su�h �l��r�ti�ns, a�di�ions �r �pro�err��r��s <br /> �r�uld ��reas� th� v�1�e �f th� �r�perty, r��r p�rmi� a.ny�r�� to d� s� ���ept f�r ter�ant �r�prov�r�ents �d <br /> �or�pl�ti�r� of 1�err�s pursuan��� appro��d p��s �d sp���f�ati�r�s, WI�]DL�t I��I1����5 p�1�� �1��I1 C�I15�I1�� <br /> whi�h c�ns�nt r�ay b� w�th.held by Ler�d�r � its s�le dis�r�ti�n. Gr�tor will �or�piy with �11 lavvs and <br /> re�1����ns of all pub�i��uth�rities ha���jurlsdictr�r���er the Frop�rty in�ludz��, vYith�ut l�ita�i�n�th�s� <br /> r�lat�� to the use, o��up��y �d rr��rnt�nan�e #�i�re�f and sh�ll �pon r�qu�st pr�rr�ptly subrriit �� L�r�der <br /> �v1d�n�e of su�h c�rr�pl��n�ea <br /> Due�n Sale-L�nder�s��nsent. �ra.r,��r shall r�ot sel1,f�th�r�n� b�r�r�th�r�ise disp�se�f,����pt as � <br /> h�re� pro�id�d, �.r�y �r ��� of its �ter�s� in ar�y ��� �f�r a11 �f th� Prop�rty �ithout f�rst �bta��a� the <br /> wr°i�ez� cor�s�r�t of L�r�d�re If �y er�curr�braxzce, l�en� transfer or sa.l� �r a�eerr��n� f�r these is cr�ated, <br /> L�r�d�r rr��y d����r�i edra��ly du�a�d p�yable,th��r�t�r���l�c��f the Ind�bt�dr,�ss, <br /> Insuran��. �r�r�tor prorr����s t����p the Pr�pe�ty�s�ed a�ain�t such rislcs�d�su�h f��as rriay�ith� <br /> the s��� dlscr�ti�n �f L�r�d�r �� a��ept�.ble, caus�� L�r�der t� b� n�rr��d as loss p�yee or if r�qu�sted by <br /> L►er�d�r, as rrio�����ee T'h� ir�suranc� ��rrip�ny shal� be �h�s�n �y C�rantor subje�t to Le�d�r°s appr��al, <br /> vvh��h sh�11 n�t b� ��s�nably vvithh��de All irisur��� po�i�i�s r�ust pr�vide that Lend�r �ri11 ��t a <br /> rr�xr���of 14 days r�otice pri�r t����e�latior�e A�Lender's dis�re�l�n��ir�tor rr�ay b�r�qu�r�d t�produce <br /> re�eipts �f paid pr�r�l�s�d rer�e��l poli�iese If�r�t�r fai�s t��bta�the r�qui��d����ra��,Ler�d�r rr�ay <br /> d�so at�ra.n�or's e�pensee C�ra.r�tor h�r�by d���ts�a�h�d ev�ry�s��r of the Pr�perty to rr�ake paym�nt�f <br /> l�ss to Lender vvlth th�pro�e�ds t�be appll�d, oniy at Lend�r's�pti�r�, ��the r�p��r and repla�err��nt�f�h� <br /> d��.���r l�ss�r��b��pp�ied t�th�Ir�debt�driess vv�th�h�s 1us�if�y�t�b�p�d by L�nd�r t�C�rantore <br /> Payrr�ent �f Tax�s �nd ther Applic�ble �h�r��s. C�ra.���r pr�r�is�s t� p�y �d t� disch��e �i�ns, <br /> �nc�br�c�s,tax�s,assessr�er�ts� I�as�payr�ez�ts�r�d any�th�r ch�r��s r�Ia���t�th�Pr�pe�ty wh�n���i�d <br /> �r ass�ss�d a���st Cir�.t�r�r th��r�pe�e <br /> En�ir�nrr��ntai L�ws �nd ���rd�us or °T��i� �t�ri�Is. C�r�t�r �t�d �v�ry t�nant ha�e be�n, are <br /> pr�s�r�tly and sha�l contir��� t� b� in s�ri�� ��r�pli�n�� �rith ar�y �ppiicable l�c�.l, stat� �d f�d�ral <br /> �n�lror��ntal laws �nd re�ul��f�r�s, F�h�r, n��ther CTrant�x r��r a.�y t�n�n�sh�ll rn�nufactu.r�, st�r�,handl�, <br /> dischar�� �r dispose �f h��d��s �r to�ic rr�at�ria�s as rr�ay be d�fir�ed by �y st�t� �� f�deral Iaw or� th� <br /> Prop��y� e�c�pt �� th� ��tent th� ��1st�nc� �f su�h r�ateri�Is has b��r� pr�s�ntl}� dis�I�s�d ir� writin� to <br /> L�nd�r. �rant�r�il?irnxr�ediat�Iy n�t�fy L,er�d�r in�°it�r���f any asse�ior��r�lairr�rr�.ad�by�y p�rty as�o <br /> th� possible vlolatior� �f appllcable state �d f�d�ral en��r�rsrr�ent�I l��rs in�l�diri� the �o�at7�n �f �y <br /> h�ard�us or t��t�r�a��ri��s �r��r���ut th�Prvpe�ye C'rrant�r ir�derr�riifi�s�d holds Lend�r h�rx��ess fr�rn, <br /> W1���LIt �1IT11��tI�I], ar�y liabz�i�y �r ��cp�ns� �f wh��soever r�atur� �c�.rr�d dir�ctly �r 1r�dir�ctly �u� �f�r in <br /> coriri��tion�v�the �a�any env�r�r�en�al la�s affect�n�a.l��r�y p�r��f the Pr�p��y°�r�r�t�r, �b}�e past, <br /> pres�nt �r fi.�fia.r� exist�nc� �f any ha��d�us rr�aterials �, on, �der� �bout, ��' �I71��t3I1� ��IZl ��' �}�551I1� <br /> tl�ou�h �he F'r�p�rty �r any p�t th�reof or any prop�r�ty adj a��nt �h�r�t�� ��} �Y Past, pr�s�nt or fi.z�re <br /> h��rdous activity at �r in ��r��ct��n with the Property or any p�rt ther��f, ar�d �d� �he r����ompliar�c� by <br /> C�rant�r ar C�r�t�r�s f�il�.re to��r�ply fi��ly�r�d tirr��l}�w�th er���r�r�ental l�wse <br /> Finan�i�l Inf�rr�n�t��n.C�rant�r��r��s to supply Le�d�r su�h fin��i�1�d�th�r�forrr�ation conce����ts <br /> aff�lrs �d the s�tus �f�y of zts ass��s as L�nder, ��rri tirr�� �� �irr,e, rria}� reason�bly r�questa �r�ntor <br /> f��her a�r��s to pe�i� L.�nder to v�rif� a����.�s �s well a.s t� insp��t� ��py ar�d t� ���1n� the bo�ks, <br /> r���rds�d f 1�s of�r�zzt�re <br /> O 2Q�4-�015 C�rnpli�cc Sy§tems,Inc�4��-�451-20I5.12,3.]1039 <br /> ��mrraer�i�l Real E�tate 5ccurity Instrumer�t-�I..4��1 P�ge�of� �c�mpli�c.�syst�reis.corr� <br />