2� 17��453
<br /> �EEv a� T�us-r
<br /> Loan N�: 'I C��3�'i 58� �Cantinued� Page �
<br /> r�citals in such deed vf any ma�ters ar #acts shall be conclus��e proaf o� rhe truthfulness �h�reof. Any
<br /> person, �ncluding without limitation Trustar, Trustee, ❑r Lender, may purchase at such safe.
<br /> �b} As may be permitted by law, after deducting all casts, fees and expenses of Trustee and ❑f this
<br /> Trust, including �osts �f���dence nf ti�l� in �annecti�n wi�h sale, Trustee�hall apply the prQ�e�ds �f sale
<br /> to payment of �iy all sums e�pended under th�t�rms o�this D�ed vf Trust or under the �erms af the Nv�e
<br /> not then repaid, including but nat limited to a��rued interest and Iate charges, f+i� all ather sums then
<br /> secur�d hereby, and �i��} th� remainder, if any, to the per�vn or p�rsans legai�y ent+tl�d thereto.
<br /> {�} �'rustee may in the manner pro�ided by law postpvne sale of all ar any portion�f the Praperty,
<br /> Remedies Nvt Exc�usi�e. Trustee and Lender, and each o� them, shall be ent�tled t❑ enforce payment and
<br /> performance of any indebtedness or abligat�vns secured by this Deed of Trus� and t� exer�ise al� rights and powers
<br /> under this �]eed of Trust, und�r the Note, under �ny ❑# the Relafi�d C��cuments, car under any other agre�ment ar
<br /> any laws now ar hereatter in force; nvtwiths�anding, some ar al� of such indebt�dr�ess and a��igativns secured �y
<br /> this Deed of Trust may nvv� ar hereafter b� otherwise secured, wheth�r by martgage, deed af trust, pledg�, lien,
<br /> assignm�nt �r a�herwise. Neither the a�ceptanGe af this Qeed vf Trust nvr its en#orcement, wh�ther lay court
<br /> activn �r pursuant to the power af sale ❑r oth�� pawers contained in th�s ❑eed of Tru�t, shafl prejudiGe or fn any
<br /> manner affect Trustee's ar L�nder's right to realize upon or en�ar�e any other security nvw ar hereafter held by
<br /> Trus#ee ar Lender, it being agreed that Truste� and Lender, and each of them, shail be entitled t❑enforce this Deed
<br /> af Trust and any ather security now or herea�ter held by Lender �r Trustee in such order and manner as they or
<br /> either of them may in the�r a��olute dis�retion d��ermine, Na remedy conferred upan ar re��r�ed to Trustee ❑r
<br /> Lend�r, iS intended to be exGEusi�e of any other remedy in this Deed of Trust or �y law �ro�id�d ❑r permitted, but
<br /> each sha�l be cumulat��e and shall be in addition to e��ry other remedy �i��n in this ❑eed of Trust or naw vr
<br /> hereatter�xisting at law ❑r in equity or by statute. E�ery pawer vr remedy gi�en by the Note vr any of the Related
<br /> Documents tQ Trustee or Lender or ta which �ither af them may be atherwise entitled, may b� eacercised,
<br /> con�urrently �r indep�nden�ly, from time to t+me and as �ften as may be deem�d expedient hy Trustee �r Lender,
<br /> and either af them may pursue inc�nsistent remedies. Nathing in this Deed of Trust shall be �onstrued as
<br /> pr�hibiting Lender from seel�ing a deficien�y judgment against the Trustor to the �xtent suGh action is �ermitted by
<br /> law. EleCtifln by Lender tc� pur�ue �ny rem�dy shall not exclude pursuit of any ather remedy, and an eiection t❑
<br /> make ea�p�nditures ot� to take actian to perform an ❑bfigation af Yrust�r und�r this ❑eed af Trust, after Trustar's
<br /> faifure t❑ per�orm, shall not affect L�nder's ri�ht ta d�clare a default and sxer�ise its remedies.
<br /> Requgst for Notice. Trustor, �n behalf of Tfustor and Lend�r, hereby requests that a capy �f any Natice of Default
<br /> and a ��py af any Natice c�f Sa�e under this Deed a�F Trust be mai��d t❑ th�m at the addresses set forth in the first
<br /> paragraph o#this Deed�f Trust.
<br /> Attarn�ys' Fees; Expens�s, [f Lender institut�s any suit ar actiQn t❑ enfarce any of the terms of this Deed af
<br /> Trust, Lender �ha�� be entitled ta recv�er such sum as the �ourt may adjudge rea�anable as attorneys' fees at trial
<br /> and upon any appeal. 1Nh�ther �r not any �t�urt action is in�al�ed, and ta the extent nvt prohi�ited ay law, a�l
<br /> reasonable expenses Lender in�urs that in Lender's ❑pin�vn are necessary at any time far the pr�tection ❑f its
<br /> interest or the enfar�em�n# af its rights sha�! becQme a part of the �ndebtedness paya�ie vn d�mand and shall hear
<br /> interest at the Note rate fr�m the date of the exp�nditure unCil re�aid. Expenses �o�ered by this paragraph in�lude,
<br /> withaut limitation, hawe�er subj�ct t❑ any limits und�r app�icabl� law, Lender's at�orn�ys' feQs and Lender's legal
<br /> expenses, whether v� not there is a Eawsuit, includ+ng attorneys' �ees and expenses for hankruptcy prac�edings
<br /> �including etfvrts to modify or�acate any autamatic stay vr injuncti�n�, appeal$, and any anticipated post-judgment
<br /> collection ser�i�es, the cost of sear�hing re�vrds, a�taining t�tle reparts f inctuding f�reGlosure re�orts�, sur�eyors`
<br /> reparts� and appraisal fee�, title insurance, and fees for the Trustee, tv the sxtent permitted by ap�licable law.
<br /> Trustar als❑ will pay any court casts, in addi�ian tv all other sums pro�ided by law,
<br /> Rights Qf Trus#ee. Trustee shall ha�e ail of the rights and duties�f Lender as set forth in this section.
<br /> PQINERS AND QgLIGATI�NS ClF 7`�tUSTEE. The fallc�wing pra�isivns relating to the pawers and ohligations nf Trustee
<br /> are part af this ❑eed vf Trust:
<br /> Powers of Trust�e. In addition ta all pawers af Truste� arising as a matter of law, Trustee shaii ha�e th� pawer to
<br /> take th� #ollawing actians vvith res@e�t t� the Praperty upon the vvritten requ�st af Lender and TrustQr; �ay join in
<br /> preparing and filing a map vr plat ❑f the Rea� Praperty, in�luding the dedicativn a� streets or �th�r rights to the
<br /> public; {b7 jvin in grantin� any easement or cr�ating any restriction on th� R�al Property; and �c� jvin in any
<br /> �ubordination or other agr�em�nt affecting this Deed af Trus�or the interest af Lender under this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Trustee. Trustee shall meet a!I qualifi�ations requir�d for Trustee under a��li�ab�e law. In add�tivn ta rhe rights
<br /> and rem�dEes set forth abo�e, wi'�h respect t❑ all or any part t�f the Property, the 7ruste� shal� ha�e the right t❑
<br /> foreclase by notiGe and sale, and Lender shal� ha�e the right ta foreclose by judicial f�r�c�osure, in �ither case ir�
<br /> accordance with and t❑ the fu�l �xtent p�a�+d�d �y app�i�able law.
<br /> Successvr Trust�e. Lender, at Lender's vptivn, may from time to time appoint a successor Trustee to any Trustee
<br /> appvinted under this Deed of Trust by an instrument executed and acknvwledged �y Lend�r and rec�rded in the
<br /> ❑ffice af the recorder of HALL Cvunty, State af Nebraska. The instrument shall �ontain, in additian to all other
<br /> matters reqt�ired by state �aw, the names �f th� ariginal Lender, �`rustee, and Trus�or, the hook and page �ar
<br /> camputer system referen�e� where this ❑e�d a� Trust is recorded, and th� name and address of the successor
<br /> trustee, and the instrument shall be e�ecuted and acknvv�rl�dged by all the beneficiaries under this Deed of Trust or
<br />