,_.___-___ ' i . � —, �
<br /> � .
<br /> 90'r i00'70£� .
<br /> (� Ii'Lender requiral mortgage insurance as a coaditian of making ti�e lo�n secured by this Security dnstru�een�
<br /> _ � Sorrower sha11 pay tht premiwas req�ired to maintain the instu�,..�.,�in effect until such t�m�as the requirement for the
<br /> .. insurance terminates ifl ar.�ardaace with Borro�•er's a�d Lende�'��.**�...a agre�ment orapglicable law.
<br /> �: � 8. Iaspectioa. I.ender or its agent may ma3c�r,...sor.��:�1Y:�;�r,s r��.t and mspections of th�L�tr.perty. L.ender �
<br /> • stsaII give Horrower nt►licc at the time of ot��ia,ta,:�u�-r.�i��a.-..^���,=c�csT--able cause far the�;.�Yi�n.
<br /> 9. Conalemnat�on. T'he proceeds c�u a*��c.:���-ct.�._�+�.���.�-nages;darect or conse�uential,in cos�nection with
<br /> any conder►ina��o� othcr taking of ar,p g�rc of the Praperty,cr iur conveyance in lieu of condemr+ation,are herehy
<br /> - ' assigned and shali be p��tid to I.ender. �
<br /> _ In the event bf a tatal taking of the Froperty,the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security
<br /> insttument,whether oT nat then due,aith any eacas paid to Borrawer. In the event of a partial taking of the Prnperty,
<br /> unless Borrower and I.ender otherwise agree in writing,the sums secured by this Security lnstrument shall be reduced.by
<br /> the amount of the proc.eeds multiplied by the following frs�tion:(a)the total amount of the sams secured immediately
<br /> before the taking,divided by(b)the fair rnarice�valur af the Property immediateiy before the taking. Any balance shall be
<br /> paid to$orrawer.
<br /> If the Prapeny is ah�ndoned by Borrow�er,or if.after notice by[.ender to Borrower that the condemnor oft'ers to
<br /> make an award or settte a c]aim for damagts,Bonower af'Ii s to respond to i.ettder w7thin 30 da,ys after the date the notice is
<br /> given.Lenderis authoriud to collect and appIy the proceeds,at its option.either to restoration or repair of the Property o'r
<br /> to tt►e sums secured hy this Stcwity Instrument,whether or not then due.
<br /> Unless L.endor and Borrower otherwise agra in writing,any application of proceeds to princigal shall not extend or
<br /> postpont the due date of�ht monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of�uch payrnents.
<br /> !0. Borrower 1io2 Released;Forbearance By Leeder Not a Waiver. Extension of the time for payment or
<br /> modi&cation of amortizateon of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted 6y Lender to any successor in
<br /> interest of Borrawer shatl noi operate to releast the liability of the original Bonower or Borrower's successors in inierest.
<br /> Lender shall not be reqtured to comrnes�ce proceedings against any success�* in interest or refuse ta c_*�tend time for
<br /> p�yment or otherwise rnod"Jy amomzasifla ofthe sums secured by this Securit�:��i::strument by reason eC���-�emand made
<br /> � bs c_:�s original Borroweror Borroaer's��.r.essozs in interest.Any ferbearance by Ixnderirc���:rcis:�L:.�;��sight ar remedy
<br /> s:;ail nof be a waiver of orpreclude the es.°rW:�e oFany right or rear_edy. �, . �
<br /> 11. Sueeeaeors�nd Assi�s Bc�arnt�Jcs�nt�nd Seven!Liability;Co�signers. Tize a;,�e:��-t;..G��agreements of
<br /> this Security Insttoment shall bind and b��t e�c���c::�ssors and assigns of Lender and Bonaa+er,s;:T��aa.i;e the provisions .
<br /> of paragraph 17.Borrower's coverants a.l��ae�ne�r.:shall be joint aad several.Any Borrower wha�s-a`.��s this Security ;
<br /> Instrument but does noI exeaute the h�Y::�a�is ca-si3ning this�.rity Instrument only to mortgas��,�;;ant and canvey � '
<br /> that 8orrower's interest iu the Propert}=c��er the terms of this��.:ity Instrument;(6)is not persor.�:�y obtigated to pay
<br /> , the sums secured by this S`curity Instrtl�ent; and(:;agrees tha::,ender and any other Borrawer�_y agree to eatend, �
<br /> , modify,forbear or make any�mrnodations aitt:r��;,ard to the terms of tlL;.y Security Instrumer.t-::r G!se Note without . -:�-
<br /> � t T�:Borrower's conser�3. ;��:
<br /> 12, Loan Charges. If the loan s�urerl by t:::s Secuaty]nstrument is subject to a law w�-:�.L�,�ers maaimum loan .%`==
<br /> ,,,_.
<br /> charges,and that taw is finally inier�;���s� il�at ti�e i��terest or other loan charges c��.�`�t:; ��r¢o be collected in ._R
<br /> connection with the loan eaceed the pe,�.:'.tted limits, then:(a)a�y such loan charge s:,u:: �s-W�.JCed by the amount ��•,r;�
<br /> r�;;,essary ta teduce the ch�rge to the permiited timit;and(b)any sums already collected fro-: �-rr�n�7 which exceeded •.���i
<br /> �, ��itted lirr►its wil!be refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make thi:refund by re:�Wc�*,�;;��:principal owed
<br /> ' under the Noteor by«iaking a direct payment ta Borrower.If a refund reduces principal,t'.:�-�d;:c�i;:a will be treated as a
<br /> partial prepayment without any prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> � 13. I.egislition Affettfng Lender's Rights. lf enactment or expiration c�av�.�,:�table Iaws has the effect af f
<br /> rendering any provision olthe Note ar this Security Instrument uneRfarceable aecn:u:�g 10 its terr^s,,'....nder,at its optic�n, �
<br /> , may require immediate p,�ment i� full of all sum��.ecured by th�s Security �`r.�9^;L:-:ent and ma�� ir.��uke any remedies -`
<br /> rmitted b ara ra h 19.If Lender exercises this�r���on.Lcndcr sha�l take the ste s s e..;°_�in¢r.e:�,ecand ara ra h of `'s'
<br /> Pe Y P B P } P P "'�' P S P
<br /> , paragraph 17.
<br /> 14. Notiees. �ny nutice ta Ba1r���r pro:ideci for in this Security lnstrument shw!S'���ci:err.i�,j delivering it or by ��%
<br /> mailing it by first ctass mail unless app:i:z�°_ t�w T�quires usc of ano4her method. The r,ct:re�(-.�..1��t�e directed to the �'�:t�
<br />- Prnperty Address or any a�her address $�rrow eP��:.:.ynates by notice to I.cnder. Any no�i�s°�*G,�:-,�:r snaA be given by '
<br /> flrst elass mail to Lender's a�lclress stated E:=Te::b r.•:a;J other address I.�nder designates by ���;r•:�;;e c;�ucsrtnwer.Any notice •
<br /> provided far in this Secarity lnstrument s?�_ir be d�:�:rd ta have bec:n givcn to 8orrower e�-�+r:�_zr�vhen given ac pravided
<br /> in this paragraph.
<br /> 15. Goveming I.Qw;Severability. This Sec�:.rity lnstrument shall be r�:verned by federal law and the law of the
<br /> jurisdiction in which the i'toperty is located.In the event that any prnvision_r clause of this Scrurity InStrument or the
<br /> Note confticts wilh applicahle law.such conflict shali nat affect other pravisinns of this Security lnstrument cir the Nntc
<br /> which can be given effect w�thaut the c�nflicting provision. To thi�end thQ pravisians uPthis Security lnstrumcm and the �
<br /> — N��te�+rc dcclared to be sevcrabte.
<br /> 16. �orsower's Copy. Borrower shap be given one c�mformed a�py c�f the Nate and of ihis 5ecurity lnstrument.
<br /> 17. Tnnsfer ot the {'roperty or a Qeneflcial Interest in Borrower. lf al) or any part nf'the I'roperry ��r.iny
<br /> interest in it es sald or tiar►sfrtred(ar iPa beneficial intcrest in Hnrrower is sotd ar transferred and liorrower is not a natural
<br /> persnn)without Lcn�er's prior writtPn c.�nsent,l.ender may,ut its aptiun, rcyuire immcdiatc raymcnt in full nf ull sum�
<br /> - tiecured hy this Secuaity 1a.31rument. tlowever. this upti�fn sha11 nnt be exercitied by Lcticicr if rxcrcise iv pruh�bited by
<br /> � federallawr�saPthedateo�this5e�urity Irestrument. _ ____:_
<br /> li'Lcnder exercises this nption,Ler.der shaU give l3vrruwer noiice of ac:t:i_ratic�n.The nc�tice tihal)prmide�penod .
<br /> � nf nu!lcss thUn 30days fro:n th�d�t:°tl:c notice is delivereci dt m�iled w�thirs���.,�:;�3orrcr��r r.zu�t��,. �':;!,ums secured by
<br /> this S:curity Insttument,lf}i�:rc;�;c�fi_°'�:to pay thc,�L sums pri�:r tn thc cxr:-s:::;:,�;;rh. ,-..:.�'.i..,�•::;�r may invokr�my
<br /> , remedies permitted by t bi35tcunty Is�,:7�.�:nt u;*l���..:further nE�nce ur deruancf cr.{?c--�•:�:i:.�
<br /> ��.BorroMer's Ht�ht ta Iteinatste. If t3r.,-r:��r rrecetc��ert:iin c��n�l�ti�ms. Brir...ic�r•.i-.,!I )'�.i4L'�'�IC ftoht LO�3Y£ � -
<br /> ;ru'Forcrmem o1'tbis Secun3y lnstrument d�scontin�t�::at any time pri��r tu ti�e c�rlier nf:(a� 5 days 1���°�r�r:l':<�Iher pcnud a� �
<br /> — � tqtiplic.tMr I�W may 5jrecity fo�re�t�statenne�e4►hef��re sale��t Ihc Pruperty pursuant Iu�my �o�ver F�f tiaic c�mta�ncd in ti�tt ��
<br /> Security Mstrument, or fG�r eotry c►f a�udbment enfi�rc�ng th�c Secunty Instrument."i ho�e c��ndihrm�,ire th�t f�urr��wer:
<br /> (.�)�iay�!. I,cri�icr ali �urns�:P�rch cP�en wc;uld be due utider thi� 5ccur�ty [mlrurnent aad the Note had mr:icceleratwn ��
<br /> ,, irccurred; 4h�cure�an�: d�fault aP any other cuvenantti ur t�gtec:ments, Ic► p;ayt ;iU erper�uti ►�uurrrd �n enfi�rcui�; tluti ►��
<br /> � Se�ut�ly It�Strutttienl. �r�:�L+:�;n(�.hut nnt Ism�trei t��, tCa��m�ble t�U��rncy�' f��rti. and(dl l�ike� wch acttnr� ati 1 cudcr inuy ��,y'
<br /> �.. ; rc;�su�u�hly� re•yu�rr tr�WSQure tbat �he I�er��t th�s tiecunty lu�tru►nent. I.endcr'ti ri�ht�nr the !'rnprtly untl I{nrn»��er'� �,
<br /> -- i�hliE;utu�►� t+s p;Ey thc ;ur,� tirciired hy t6�w 5c�utaty h►�:rutt�trnt �1ri}f c�,nt:nuc amchanFcd Cr�,n rcuast��tcmc�rt hy� � .'
<br /> � . b«►a•���e�r. tlu�5e�us�ly Ir��t�ui:�eieErm�i �i:et�hbF!a[tnti��ccurcd:irret+y�h:illrertt:t�nfu!{�cf�ectn�•a�ttru.cai�rlt•r.itine�h;�d •-
<br /> �� ��:;in trd N�:t�rs cr.tlit�tt�Rt tn rc•tntil,tte tih,ell iu�t:���(�ly�tr t he,.e�r,�f.'�.�elrs.�i t�m unde•r p,e ra�:t,+�,k;ti I ;��r 17
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