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_ . .�.r , A„ �. . . .�1�'G➢�r:_= .� �v+ - � `s,iF�Fn,,� <br /> � ..,�,... -..c�r+ Y _.....iS . •�-i. � :. .3w1. .tt� _ l�is_!_� 4�� .�wlis?Y/_'- �'ia <br /> `-- — — ,uc.tti......e,�:.,33y;,.sa:1t �. -o �--4v�:3��s'�t'a"L:a■��a:m,�k�''it'u�nf.��iai3 •�,�'•:fiQ -- =-�-�`�irf�s' .2�,C�..�_ -- <br /> 1 � <br /> � � ��`°'100708 <br /> UKlFffR!NCOYENAVTS B�rroKerandLendercmenantandagree�.sfc�ltaws: <br /> t. P�yment a!Principa)aad Iotcres�PrepaymCnt and I:�te C`barqe�. BoFrower sEtall promptly pay when due <br /> the principal of and interest an the dtb�evidsnced by the Pvote and any prepsayment and late charges due under the Note. <br /> Z. Funds tor Ta:es aad Insarante. Subject taa�licablc law or ta a written waivet by L,ender,�orrower shaII pay <br /> to Lender on thc day montbty pa�r��nts are dece undu the Note.until th�Note�s pai3 in full.a sum("Funds")equal to <br /> � one-twelRh uf: (a) yeariy taxes ancl assessmenis which may attain priority over this Securitp Instrument; (b) yearly <br /> _ leasehald pay�rreents or ground rents an the Pro�rty, if any; (c) yeariy haTar�d insurance preminms; and (d) yearly <br /> martgage insur•aace premiums,iE any.Thesz items ar�called"�crow items."Lender cuay estimate the Fuads due csrt the <br /> basss of eur�ent data and reasonabtt estirr�ates ot Puture�.ccrotiv items. <br /> The Funds shu11 bt hetd in an ins�itution the dCpuSits os accounu o�ivhich are insured or guaranYeed bu a,federal or <br /> st�te ag�ncy(including I.ender iF Len�:r is such an in�tilutiaa).L.ender shal)apply the Funds to pay fhe;��v items. <br /> Lcnd���.±�not charge fo:hoiding anti appyying the 3Furs.d�r�talyran¢the account or verifying the escraR���ur.Ie�s <br /> _ Len'c.�s'�i��'�'�orse�:�interest an t3s�F;m=.��n���]}�Ie1;;,i���r,i;�;i.ender to make.such a chasge. Bc.-ro�ver and ' <br /> �'�'�r:�4`�?s"3°'��t�n8��'-���F s�li'h:p�����t�Fun�-Clnless an agreement is made or applicable law <br /> �'� ' �""'�yr"�.j+►�`="�```�'�-"e P��•�n��s�all nal tr�requittd t��ay Borrower any inte.est or earnings on the Funds. I.�nder <br /> , s�4��i�t�^8orrower,without charge,ari annual ac�nunting of the Funds shawing credits and debits to the Funds and the <br /> - purpase:�r which each debit to the Funds c�as made.'i'�e Funds are pledged ac additional security for the sums secured by <br /> this Security Instrument. <br /> If the amount af the Funds hetd by Lcnder.togeltter with the futurc mnnthly payments of Fund�payable pri�r ta � <br /> the due dates ot'the escrow items,shall exs�ed the amount �equired to pay tl�C�.scraw items when due,the exccss shall be. <br /> at BorroWCr'S optinn.eithcr promptty rcp.�id to Bc►rrower ar crcQited to Barrowec on monthly paymenty of fiunds. (f the <br /> amaunt af the Funds hel�f wy I.endcr is no1 sufficient to pay Ihe escrow items witen dae,Borro��er sh;�ll pay to t,endcr any <br /> amaunt necessary to makc up thede�cierscy in nnr or mnre payments as reyuired by LendPr. <br /> U�n payment in futt nf alE sums secured b�•�Itis Sscurity Incuumem. Lender sF�all promptly refund to Rcsrrawer <br /> any Fund!,held hy Leadc:r. If uttder�ara�;�aph 19�he Prop�r�y is sc►Id or acyuired by�t:r.l,ender shall appiy,nu iater <br /> than immedi.itcly pnsir t���he sate o:'thc Nroperty nt it�acquisition by LcnQcr.any Funds held hy Lender at the tirrie of <br /> apP�lc�tt�matiacredit against the5umsseeuredb}thiaSs:curity Instrument. <br /> 3. Applicatlon ot Payments. UnEe�s aNplicablc law provides received by Le�der under <br /> para�raphs 1 and 2 shall be applir,� late charges due under the Note;secand,to prepayrnent charges due under the <br /> Note;ihird,to amaunts payable andrs paragraph 2; interest due;and principal due. <br /> � 4. Chorges;LIens. Borrower shal)µ�y aU taxes,assessments.charges, fines and impositions attributable to the <br /> Property which may attain priosity.ovet this Sccurity lnstrument, and leasehold payments or ground rasr.:� �.f any. <br /> HorrAwer shall pay these obligations in the manner psavida�in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manner,Bcc!-„:ri��:shall � ' <br /> pay them an time directly to the person ow�d p�y ment.Borrowes shall promptly furnish to Lender all notices o:arnounts <br /> ,to be paid u�ader this paragraph. U RonoKer makes th�:payme�is directly,Borrower s6all prompily furnish to Lender � <br /> receipts evidencing the payments. <br /> Harrower shall promptly discharge any lien�tihi�h t-�priority over ihis Security instrument unless Borrower:(a) <br /> agreQS in writing to the payment of the obligati�:���ure,�t�y the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender;(b)contests in good <br /> faith the lien by.or de�Fends against enforcem�t nfthe lien in,legal proteedings which in the Leaader's opinion operate to <br /> prevent the enforcement of the lian or fosfeitu��f�ny�rtt of the Property;or(c)secures from the hotder of the lirn an <br /> agreeran�r.satisfactory to Lender suboldinating tt�e lien ta tlsi.s Security Insttument.�f Lender determines thaa any part of <br /> the Pc��y is subject to a {ien whi:h may apain prinrily��ter this Security Instrument, Lender may �ic�L�orrower a .�i <br /> notice identifying the tien. Borrower shall satisfy thc lien ar t�t;e ane or more of'the actions set forth a6a�-�a�::`::n 10 day�s '�' <br /> ��thegivingol'notice_ . ;� <br /> _� 5. Hs�zard Insaranee. Bo:rower shall keep the improvemc�st�ttow existing an c�rcafter er�;;�� ;,;,.?:e Property <br /> insured against bss by fire,hazard,in�ludtd wilhin�he tem�"eatendcd c;overage"and any other haza:�,�'cz c�C�.;ch Lender <br /> requires insurance. This insurance shai) be maintaincd in ��:e amaunts and Pc�r the periods that Ler.d�r requires. The ,'�` <br /> insurttnce carrier pruviding the insusance shall bs rhasen by Borrawer subject to I.ender's ap f.rc;•_:w•hich shall nat be <br /> ' unrcasonahly withhelci. <br /> All insurance palicies an�ren�wals stca,lr F�a�cept�6lc to Lencler and shall include a sta�dard mortgage clause. : <br /> Lender shall huve the right to hnld th�policies::nd ren�c�wt:, lf Lender requires,Borrower 5ha11 promptJy give to Lendcr �• <br /> al!receipts of paid premiums and ren:wal nati;xs. In th:e:es�t o1'loss.Borrower sha?3 give prompt notice to the insurance <br /> carricr anc!l.ender.l.ender may make prooSof la��s if�Sa:ma��promptly hy Bc�rrawer. � <br /> Unless I.ender and Borrower otherw�i=.�:.��r�in writing,insurance procceds tihal)be applicd ta restoration or repair � <br /> af the Property damaged,if the restoratifln ar r�wir i,eco:�nrnically fcasible and Lender's security is not lessened. IP thc <br /> • restoration or repair is not econamically feasibl:os i.en��r's security would 6e lessened,the insurance prc�ceeds shall be <br /> applied ta the sums secured by this Security lnt�rumrnt,�sh�:ther or not then due, with any excess paid to Bnrrower. IP <br /> Borrower aband�ns the Properly,or does n�t ar.swer cvithin 30 days a notice Prc�m Lender that the insurance carrier has <br /> oflereci to settle a claim,then Lender m�y ca}lsei thr insurance prcx;eeds. Lender may use the pracccds to repair or rrstore <br /> the 1'raperty or tc�pay sums secured by this 5:curi��•lns�rument,whethsr ar nc:t then due. The 30•day period will bcgin <br /> whcn the notice is given. <br /> Unless Lender and Hur�nwer atherwi�e agtee in wtilin�r,:my applicatic>n nf proceeds ta principal shall nc�t extenJ or <br /> — {x�stpanc thedue date of the mc�nthly payments referred tdin paragraphs 1 and 2 c�r change the am�►unt uf'thr payments. If <br /> under parag�aph 19 thr P�c9perty is ncyuired by l.endrr.Hnrrowrt's r�ghg tn any in�urarire pnlicies and pr�needs rerulting <br /> frnm dams►ge tn Ihe Yr�perty,riur to the aryuisi�ion shal)pass to l,euder t��hr extent�f the tiumti tecurcd by this 5ecurity <br /> Instrument immediately prior to the acyuisitinn. <br /> 6, Pr�servation and 1ltainten�nce of Proper�;l.ease6olds. Nt�rr��wer shall not desiruy,damagc��r tiubstanti:�lty <br /> --- chon�e the i'roprrty.allaw the Pr�perty tv drteriur�tr ui rommit wastc. If lhis Security lnstrument iti an� lcaschold. <br /> Hnrrnwer shall comply with the provisia:,s o!tt��.t:a�:.antl if I3urruwer acquires fee title t��the f'ro�crty,the Icasel►uld and <br /> � toe ti11r shall nc�t merge untess Ixnder agrees td th��merger i������itiug. � � <br /> 7. Protection of Lender's Ri�6ts in th� i"roperq; '.lfartp,age Ir.surance. IP l�arro�.�_� f,ils t�� prrfnrm thc <br /> • c�venF:rar,s;dzd ar�ee^�entseantained in this S:c�cntg In�lnim�rit,or th=re�.z l:gs:;�.�ti:�din�that m�y signiF,�antly affect <br /> Le:��:r's r.3.ii���ry ii-,4 �mperty(sueh as a pra.�:,c�ing in hankrup:cy„�.��'a;:'e. ;�:r �c�ndemnaliun or to er.':�::� :aws<�r <br /> -- . reKulati€�nsi.t�e-C�,��i�:�r m:�y dc�ant!psy f�-e�l�st�::r as r�rcrssry to�-.:,.e:-�i f I�r waiuc of thc Pmrerty and i.c;:;=:;�i-.c?.�.,_ <br /> in f1t�Proptrty. I,c;�!�t�*'s r�ctions may irrclu�_pajrng;�ny suvns scc�re� by a lien �vhich ha�rritttity c�ver this Security <br />� h��sttumrnt.appear�ng in court.�reying reasor•a��l�e�,Itorne}�s'tees�nd emering�in the!'rnperty to rnakc repairs. Allhnugh �y, � <br /> LLendc�r may tnkr uclicm mt�fer this patagraph 7,1,erc�te��trxs tiaf ha�r tcrdo��� <br /> Any:�mounts dicbutscd by l.cntier un:lsr th��raragrzrh 7 sha{1 hnco►r�c add�tumal drht of Mc�rruwcr tiecured by thn �� <br /> 5ecunty Ittstrununt U►�less iiorr<�wrr an�9 l.en3st agt�6 tuc+lhrt terma�,f paytttrnt.She�e anu+u��tti tihall bear intcre��f'rnu� �' <br /> • the dulc nf'�isbunemeu� tit the (�iote rtst. atr�a►���) � p�y�n1c. �t�lh �mcrctif, up�vi nnt�rc fr��tt� 1 ctidcr ti� H�nr��wcr �U <br />-�„ � rcyu;�tinf;payn►rn1. <br /> .e <br /> � P n <br /> i�e� � <br /> � <br /> � f l'.`t <br /> d�.. � <br /> j�j�t <br /> �`. <br /> :� �. <br /> r S, . <br /> a ; <br /> .. i ��. <br /> ____." .-___ ___-W__� -_��. -�.�.� .�._..__" ;._ --.� -- __" - ' "_ '.� <br /> ,'.� ._.__'" : r. �._ 'a i' "iai <br /> » x-� � ir--' ..xE. �t, t 4_�.' <br /> _ __ -.- .:_ __ _- _ _ _ _ _ '_. <br /> - -_ --__ _ -__ _ ._._ ..... <br /> ___ _ . - . ���� - ._".'_'__'__".-.��- ,._. .-..� '____,_ ' 'T r_�� '_._-._. 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