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2� 17��34� <br /> ful� of a�l surn.s secured by �his Security Instrum��t. Hovvever, th�s op�ion shal� r�Qt be exercised by Lender if <br /> exercise is pro��ibi�ed by federal�aw as�f th�date�f�his 5ecurity��strument. <br /> �f Lender exer�cises this �p�iori, Lend�r shall give B orrovver no��ce af ar��lera�ion. The n��ice sha�� provide a <br /> period �f n�� less �han the minimum number of d�}�s es�ab�ished by Appl�cable Lavv fr�m the date the not�ce is <br /> de�ivere� �r�ed u�ithin whic� Barrov��r must pay all sums se�uxed b,� this Securi�y Instruxn.en�. �f Borrovv�r <br /> fai�s t� pay these sums przgr to the expira��on �f th�s period, Lender rxzay invoke any remed�es perrni�ted by th�s <br /> Securi�y Instrurment��r�thout further notic�or d�r�and on Borro�er. <br /> B�rrower's Right to Re�nstate, �f B�rrowe� me�ts cer�ain condi�ions, B�rro�ver shal� have the righ� to have <br /> enforcer�.ent o�:'�h�s �ecuri�y�ns��disc�ntinued at any�ime�rior�fl the earlier of: �a} 5 days �ar such o�her <br /> period as Applicab�e Law may specify for re�nstat�ment)before sal�af�h�Praperty pursuant to an�pauTeg of sa�e <br /> contained �n �:his Secur�ty �nstr+umen�; or �b} en�y of a judgment �r�forc�ng this Securi�y Instrum�nt. Thase <br /> canditia�s are tha�Borrower: �a} pays Lender al� sums which th�n va�u��.b� due under this Security �nst�ument <br /> and�he�on�ra�:t as�f no accel�ra.tion had ac�urred; (b�cures an�defaul�o�any a�her covenants or agre�rnents; �c� <br /> pays a��expen�3es incurred in enforc�n�this S��urit�Inst�ument,including,but�a�limited�o,reaso�.ab��a�torneys' <br /> fees �n ��e ex��nt pe�-nli�ted by�aw; and (d} �a��s suc�actio�as Le�.der may reas�nably�o assure�hat the <br /> lien of this Security Instrument, L�nder's r�g�a�s in�h�Property and�orra�er's obl�gation to pay�h�surns s�cured <br /> by th�s Securit�Instrume�� shall con�inue unchang�d, Upon reinstatemen�by B�rrower, �his Security �nstrument <br /> and the �b��ga�:ions secured here�y sha11 r�x�.ain fi���y effec�i�e as i�na a��e�eration had occurred. Hfl�vever, �his <br /> r��h��o reinsta�:e sha�l not apply in�he case of acce�era�ion under the sec��o�n tit�ed Transfer of the Property or a <br /> Bene�cial Int�re�t�n Borro�vex°. <br /> Ha�ardvus Substan�es.�3oxrower shall na�cause or permit the pr�sence,use, dispflsa�, starage, or release vf any <br /> Hazardous 5ubs�ances on�r�n the Propert�,�3�rro�er shal�na�dfl,nor al�o,w anyo�.e el�e t�d�,any�h�r�g affec�ing <br /> the Property th�a� is �n violation flf any E�.�irorim��z�al Lavv. The p�ec�di�g two ser�tex�ces sha�I not app�y�a �he <br /> presenc�,use,c�r storage on the Proper�y af sm�Il quan�ities of Ha2a.rd�us�ubs�ances tha�are generally recognized <br /> ta b�appropriate to r��rmal resid�ntial uses and�Q ma�ntenance of�h�Pr�p�tfiy. <br /> B�r�-ow�r shal�prarnp�ly give�,ender v�rri�t��.n�tice of any investiga�i�n,cla�r�, demand, lawsuit ar��her act�on by <br /> any �ov�rnmental or reg�latory �.gency or pri�rate party �nvolving �he Pr�p�rty and any Hazardous Subs�an�e or <br /> Environmen�ai Law of which �Barroyver has ac�.al knotivledge. If Borr�wer Iearns, or �s no���e� by any <br /> governn�enta�ar regula�ory au#h4rity, that any remflval or o�her rem�diation��any Ha2ard�us 5ubs�ance aff�cting <br /> the Property i� nec�ssary, Borrotiver sha1l pr�mptl� �ake a11 n�cessary remedial actions in accordar�ce �vith <br /> Env�ronmental Law. <br /> As used in�h�s paragraph, "Hazardous Subs�an�es" are th�se subs�ances d�fu�ed as�ox�c or hazardous substa.nces <br /> by Envzr�nme�ta� L�a.vv and the fol���ving substances. gasoline, ker�sen�, o�her flammable ar tflx�c petroleum <br /> praduc�s, tox�c pes�icides an� herbzcides, volatile salvents, materials cor�tain�ng asbestos or formaldeh�rde, and <br /> radioactive mal:eria�s. As used in�his paragraph, "E�nvir�nmen�al La�v" means federal Iavvs and Iavvs of�he s�a�e of <br /> Nebraska�hat relate�a hea��h,safety or envzrar.�mental protectiom. <br /> Acce��rat�on; Remedies. Lend�r �hall g�v� �4tice �o Borro�er �ri�r �o a�ce�eration followiffig ��rrower's <br /> breach of any covenant or agreement�n th��Security Instrurn�nt�r the��ntract under whx�h �c�el�ration <br /> is p�r�ru�ted�bu�nat pr�or ta acce�eration �nder the se�tion ti�tl�d Tr�nsf�r of th�Property�r a Ber�efic�a� <br /> Inter�st in B��rrower, unless A��plicab�e La�v provides otherwis��. The nat�ce sha�� spec�fy: �a� the defauit; <br /> �b} the ac���n: re�uired to cure the d�fault; �c� a da�e, n�� �e�� �ha� the mir��mum number o� day� <br /> estabiis��d�y Ap�li�abl�La�v fr�m the date the not��e is g�ver� ta�3o�rawer,by wh��h the d�fau�t rrYu�t be <br /> cured; �nc� (d� that fa�lure t� cur� the d�f�ult �n or b�for� th� date sp�cxf�ed in th� notice ma� r�su�t in <br /> accelera�ion af th� sums secu��ed by thi� ��cu��ty Instrurment a�d saie af the Property. To the e�ten� <br /> permi�ted �y�aw, �he no�ice shall furth�r i�form B�rrvv�er of�h�rig�ht t� re�nsta�e af�er ac�e�era���n and <br /> the righ�to bring a caurt ac�iorn��assert the nan�QxistencQ❑f�defau�t or an�other defense of��rr�w�r to <br /> acc��era�ion aand sale. If the de�au�t is not cur°ed �n or�ef��e the d�.�e�pe�ified in the not�ce,Lender at its <br /> opti�� r�nay relqu�r� immedia�e payment ir� fu�l �f alI sums s��ur�d �y th�� Se�urity Instrument �ithaut <br /> furth�r �em�rnd and may i�v�l�e �he p�w�r Qf saie and any other rem�dies permitted by App�ic�.b�� Lavv. <br /> To tb� ext�nt per�itted by Ia�v, �,en�er �h.�ll b� �ntit�ed �� cfl�Ie�� all� expens�s incurred in pursu�n� the <br /> remedxe�pr��ided in this Secti�n,inciuding9 but nfl�Iimi�Q�tos�eason.ab�� a�torneys' fees and�ost��f t�tie <br /> evide�.c�. <br /> If the p�wer�f sal�is in�voked,Trustee shal� record a nat�ce of d�f�ult�n ea�h ��unty in wh��h a�y�art flf <br /> �he Pro�erty i��Iocated and sha][l rnai�copies�f s�ch noti�e in �h� man�er prescrib�d by Appl�ca�Ie Lavv to <br /> Bvrr�w�r and tQ the other persons prescri�ed �y Appii�a��e L�w. A�ter the time requ�red by App���able <br /> Law, Truste� shall give public nnt�ce �f�ale �o the per5fln� and i�. ��e �nanner prescribed by Applicab�e <br /> Law.Trustee,with�u� d�mand an Borr��ver, s��il sell the Pro��rty at�pu�alic auct�on to �he h�ghest bidder <br /> at the time anc�p�a�e and unde�the terms de��gn�ted in�he no�ice of sale�n one nr more par��Is and in any <br /> order Trustee det�rm�ines, Truste� may post�o�e sa�� flf all or an� �arcel of th� Pr�perty �by publ�c <br /> announcement a�the tirr�e and p�ace af any previ�u�Iy�cheduled s�l�.�ender or it�de5ignee ma�pu�chase <br /> the Prv��rty a�any sale. � <br /> Up�n re�eipt c�f payment vf th� price b�d, Trus��e s�a�I de�ver �o the pur�haser Trustee's deed ��nveying <br /> the Pro�erty. �Che r�ci�a�s ua. th�Trustee's d��d �hal�b�prima facie ev�i��nce af th�truth vf t�e 5tat�ment5 <br /> made th�re��. Trustee sha�� a��p�y the pr��eeds of th� sale �n thQ fo�.�oVving vrder: �a� �� all �a5�s and <br /> expenses of ex�YrciSi�g the powe�r flf sa�e, arnd the sale, inclu�ing the paym�nt of the Trustee'� fees a�tually <br /> C�2a04-2415 CampIian�e Systems,r�G.��$A-$2$z-as��s.�a.�.�.r�i s <br /> Car�sumer Real Estate-Secur�ry Instrument DL��3d Pa�e 4 of 5 www.campliancesystems.c�m <br />