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2� 17��34� <br /> Inspect�an. Le�.der ar �ts agen�m.ay m.ake reasonable entr�e� upor�and i.nspections of�he Prop�rty. Lender sha�l <br /> give Borrower�ao�ice a��he�ime af or prior�o an inspec�i�n specifying reasanab�e�ause f�r the ins�ectior�. <br /> ��ndemnatian. The proceeds nf any award or claim for dama�es, direc�vr cor�se�uentia�, in car�ecti�n wi�h any <br /> candemnatior� or o�ier�aking of any par��f th� Pr�perty, or for canveyance in ��eu of condemna�i�r�, are hereby <br /> ass�gned and shall be paid�a Lender. <br /> In the even� �f a to�a� �aking of the Property, �he proceeds sha�l be applied �o the sums secured by this S�curity <br /> �ns�rurn�n�, ,vvhether �r nflt then due, �r��h an� excess paid �a B�rrower. �n the event af a partza� �a.king of the <br /> Proper�y i�.which�he fair mar�et va�ue of the Proper�y irnmedia�ely before the f.aking �s e�ua�to �r greater than <br /> the amoun� of t�� sums secured by thzs Secur��}r �ns�rument imrnedia�ely before the taking, unless B�rr�wer and <br /> Lender n�herw�se agree in wri�ing,the sums secured by�this S�cur�ty Ins�rumen.t�hall be reduced�y the amoun�af <br /> the proceeds mu��ip�zed by�he folloWing fraction: �a��he�ota�am�ur�.�of�he sums secured�mrnediat��y before the <br /> �aking, d�vided by �b} the fa�r marke�va1u� af�he Pro�ert� immedzate�y l�efare �he taking. Any ba�ance shall be <br /> pa�d �o F3orro�rer. In the evenx of a partzal �a.king �f the Proper�y in v�rhzch �he fa�r m.arket va�ue of the Proper�y <br /> imme�iia�e�y before �he taking is less than the amount af the sums secured �mmed�a�ely�before t�.e �a.�ing, unless <br /> Borrotiver and Lender o�herwise agree in wr�t�ng or u�less Applicable Lativ o�herwise provides, �he proceeds sha�I <br /> be app�ied to the sums se�ured by�his Security Instrumen�whether ar��t the sums are�hen due. <br /> �f�he Prflper�y is a�andaned by Borrovv�r, or if, af��r nat�ce by Lender to Barrov�er t�aa��he conde�nn�r offers �a <br /> mal�e an award or s��t�e a claim for damages, BarroWer fa�1s to respond�o Lender wx�hin�he mir�imum number vf <br /> days es�ablished by Applicable Lavsr after the da�e�he notice�s given,L�nder xs au�harized�o cal�ect anc�app�y th� <br /> proceeds, a� its opt�on, either to res�ora��an ar repair af the Praper�y or to �he sums secured by �h�s Security <br /> �nstrument,�vhether or no��hen due. <br /> Unless Lender and Barrower otherwise agre� xn wrx�ing, any app�zca��on of praceeds�o princ�pa� shall not ex�end <br /> or pos�pone the due date�f the paymen�s due und�r�he Contrac��r change the amoun�of such payme��s. <br /> B�rrower N�t Re�eased; Forbearance By Lender N�t a Waiver. Ex�en�ion af �he �ime far pa�m�nt or <br /> mad�f ca�ion of amor�iza�ian �f�he sums secured by th�s Securfty Ins�rum.en� gran#�ed by Le�.der�o �arrovver or <br /> any success�r i�. �n�eres� of Borr�wer sha11 r�ot opera�e ta release �he ��ab���ty of the �rigi�.a� Bo�rower or <br /> Borr�wer's successors �n interes�. Lender shall not be r�quzr�d�o commence proceedings aga�ns�any successor in <br /> �nterest or refus�to extend�ime for payment or o�herw�se modify amor�zzat�on�f�he sums secured by th�s Security <br /> �ns�rume�.t by reasan of any demar�d made by �he original Borrower or Borrovver's succ�ssors ��. ��.teres�. Any <br /> for�earance by Lender in exercis�ng any righ�ar remedy sh.a��not be a�vazver of�r preclude the exerc�se ❑f any <br /> r�ght�r remedy. <br /> Successors and Assigns Baund� Joint and S�veral L�ab���ty; Accammadation Sign�rs. The Govenants and <br /> agreemen�s of�his Securzty Instrum�nt shall hind and benef��he successars and ass�gns af Lender and Borrvv�er, <br /> subject to �he provisians af sec�ian �i�led Transfer af th� Property or a Bene�c�al Inter�st �n Barro�v�r. <br /> Borrav�er's c�venants and agreements sha��be ja���and several.Any pers�n Who co-s�gns this 5ecur�ty�nstrument <br /> bu� has n� per�ona� liability under the Con�ract �"Acc�mrnadation Signer"�: �a} �s co-s�g�ing �hi� Securzty <br /> Ins�rument a��y to m�r�gage, gran� and convey that Ac�ammodati�n Signer's interest in the Praperty under the <br /> terms of �he Secu�it� �nst�u�m.ent; �b} is na� persanal�y obligated ta pay �he sums secured by �his Secur�ty <br /> Ins�rumen�; ar���c� agrees that Lender and any o�her$orro�ver may agree�a extend, mad�fy, farb�ar or make an� <br /> a�commnda��ons tiv��h�regard to the t�rms�f�us Secur���ns�rumen�or the �flr�trac�without tha�Accommoda�ian <br /> 5igner's consent. <br /> Laan �harges. �f the �oan secured by this Security �nstrumen� is sub�ec� to a iaw whzch sets maxzmum l�an <br /> charges, and�ha��aw is final�y�n�erpre�ed so tha��he interest or��her�oan�harges callec�ed or�o be collec�ed�n <br /> connec��an �i�h the �oan exceed the permi�ted �imits, then: �a� any such Ioan �harge sha11 be reduced by �he <br /> amount necessary t� reduce�he �harge to �he perm��ted lim�ts and�b) any surns already�o��ec�ed fr�m Borrower <br /> �vhich exceed�d perm�t�ed. lim��s wil� be refunded �o �3arrower. L�nder may choos� �o ma�� �his refund by <br /> reducing �he pri�cipa� a�ved under �he �ontrac�or by ma�ing a d�re���ayment to B�rrawer. ��a �refurid reduces <br /> principa�,�he reduct�on vvil�be treated as a�ar��a1 prepaym�nt ur�der th�C���ract. <br /> �ot�c�s. Any natice t� �orro�ver prav�ded for in ��.�s Security �ns�rumen� sha�I be given �y de��v�r�g �t or b� <br /> ma���ng it by firs�class ma��un�ess App��cab�e Law requ�res use of anat�ier me�had. The not��e shall be d�rec�ed�o <br /> the Pr�perty Address or any a�her address B�rrnwer d�signates by nn��ce t� Lender. Borrotiver agrees �o prav�de <br /> Lender with B�rra�er's mos��urren�maz�ing address, a� it may change from��me-to-time. Any nn��c� t� Lender <br /> sha11 be given by f�rs�c�ass mail��Le�der's address s�a�ed herein or any o�her address Lender de��gx�ates by natxce <br /> �a Borr�vtrer. Any notice provided far�n this Securi�y Ins�rument shal�be deemed to have bee�.g�ver�to Borrower <br /> or L�nd�r vvher�g�ve�as prov�ded in this paragraph. <br /> Governing Law; Severabi�ity.Thzs Se�uri�y�nstrument sha��h�gQverned by federa�la�r and the�aws of the sta.�e <br /> of Nebraska. �n �he event that any pravision or c�ause af�his Securi�y Instrumen� ar the Con�ract conflicts ,wi�h. <br /> .Appli�ab�e La�v, such confl�ct shall not affec� o�h�r pr��is�on� of�his Security Instrument ar tihe �antract which <br /> can be given effec�wi�haut the c�nf�z�ting provisior�. To th�s end�he provis�ons of this Secur�ty Instrumen�and�he <br /> �an�ract are dec�axed�o be severable. <br /> Borrovver's Copy.Borrawer shal�be given one capy of�his Securzty Instrurn.en�. <br /> Transfer af the Pr�perty or a Benef�cial In�er�st in Borrovver.�f a��or any par�of�he Praperty�r any zn�eres� <br /> in it is so�d ar transferred {Qr if a benef�cia� zn�eres� ix� Borrovver �s so�d or �ransferred and Borr�wer �s no� a <br /> na�ura� person} ,t�vithout Lender's prior wri�ten cansent, Lender may, a� �ts optian, require immediate payment in <br /> Q Z444-20I5 C�mpIiance Systems,In�.518A-B2B2-Z�I5,t2,3.1.I i l5 <br /> Cvnsumer Real Estate-5ecurity�nstrument i7L2D35 Page 3 vf 5 www.� <br />