2� 17��341
<br /> oE�� �F rRus-r
<br /> �Contin�ed} Page s
<br /> and remedies set farth above, wi#h resp�c� to a!� Qr any pa�# of the Property, the Trustee shall have the right to
<br /> fareclase by noti�e ar�c� sa�e, and Lender wil! have the right ta foreclose by judicia� forecEosure, in either case in
<br /> accorda�ce with ar�d to the fulf extent p�ovided by appl�cable 1aw.
<br /> Successar Trustge. Lender,a�Lender's aption, may�rom t�me tv time appvint a suc�essor Trustee to any Trustee
<br /> appainted under th�s De�� o� Trust b�r an ir�strument executed and acknawledged by Lender and recorded '+n the
<br /> o�fice af the recarder of Hall �aunt�, State of Nebraska. The instrum�nt shall contain, in addit�on tv al! other
<br /> m�tters r�equired b� state �aw, the names of the original Lender, Trustee, and Trustor, the lavok and pag� �or
<br /> camputer s�stem reference� where this Deed vf Trust is r�corded, and the n�me and address of the successor
<br /> trustee,and the instrument shall be executed and acknowfedged by a��the�enef�ciar�es un�e�this beed at Trust ar
<br /> th�ir successvrs in interest. The suc�essor trustee, wi#hout conWeyance �f the Pr-aperty, shall succeed #a a11 the
<br /> title, pawer,and duties�onferred upvn the Trustee in this Deed vf Trust and by applicable law. This procedure for
<br /> substitution af Trustee shall go�em to th�exelusivn v�all other RrQvis�ons fvr subst�#ution.
<br /> N�TICES. Any notice required to be gi�en under this Deed vf Trust, including w�thvut iimitation any n�t�ee v�default
<br /> and any notice of sale sh�l! �e gt�en in writing, and sha�t be�ffective when actually�ie�iwered, when actuafl�recei�ed
<br /> by telefacs�mile�un�ess otherwise required by faw),w�en depvsite�d wi�� a nati�nall�recc�gnize�ave�night courier,or, if
<br /> mai�ed,when deposited�n the Un�ted States mail, as�ir�st class, certified or re�istered mail pvsta�e prepaid, direc�ed tv
<br /> #he address�s shown near the�inning o�th�s Deed of Trust. All cop+es of notices af foreciosure frc�m #h� halder of
<br /> any�ier� ►�vh�ch has pr�#or��y over#his C]eed❑f Trust shall �e sen�t� Lender's address, as shown near the beginning vf
<br /> this Deed of T�-ust. Any person may �hange his or her addrQss for notices under this Deed of Trust by giving farmal
<br /> written natice to the vther person or persans, speci'�ying #hat the purpose of #he notice is tv change the persan's
<br /> address. For nati�e purpases,Tnasto�-agrees to keep Lender informed at al�fimes af Trustvr's eurrent address. Unless
<br /> atherwise prv�ided �r required by�aw, if ti�ere is more than ane Trustv+�, any na#�ce given by Lender to an�Trustvr is
<br /> de�med to he notice g��en to ali Trustnrs. #t wEli b�Trus#or's respons�bi�ity ta�e�l#he oth�rs of#he notice fram Lende�.
<br /> MI5�ELLANE�IlS Pa�VIS��NS. The fo�lowing miscellanevus provisions are a part of tt�is ❑eed of Trust:
<br /> Am��dments. Vllha# is written in this C3eed o�Trust and in the Reiated Documents is Trustor's en#ire agreement
<br /> �ith Lender c�ncerning the m�tters co�ered by this Deed of Trust. To be effect�ve, any�h�nge vr amendment to
<br /> this Qeed of Trust must be in writing and mus�be signed by whae�er wifl be bound ar ob�igated by the cha�ge ar
<br /> amendment.
<br /> Cap#�vr� Head�ngs. Caption headings in this Deed of Trust are fo� con�enEence purposes only and a�e not #o be
<br /> used ta interpret or define th�prv�isions of this[]eed vf Trust.
<br /> Nler�er. There sha�i be na merger af the interest vr estat� created k�y this Deed of Trust with any ather interest or
<br /> estat� :r�the Prvp�rty at any iime heid �y or far the benef�t o�Lender in any capacity,withaut the written cansent
<br /> of Lender.
<br /> Gv�rerr�in� Law. Th�s �3eed o�Trust w�l� be governed b��ederal law applicable to Lender and, to #h� extent not
<br /> pre�mp#ed by�edQral �aw,the faws of the State of Nebraska w�thout regard to its c�nfltcts af!aw provisions. This
<br /> Deed of Trust has been accepted k�y Lender�n the State v�Nebraska.
<br /> Joint and 5e�eral �iabitity. A�� ab�igat�ons v�Trus#�r under this Deed of Trust sha�l be joint and se�eral, and a11
<br /> rE�enenoes tv TrUstor sha�� rr�ean �ach and eve� Trustvr. This means that each Trustor signing below is
<br /> respor�sib�e fvr all vbligation�in this Deed of'Trust.
<br /> No Wai�er by Lender. Trustar understands Lend�r w�il r�o�give up any of Lender's rights under this�ed af Trust
<br /> unless Len�er dves so in wr�#ing. The fact #hat Lender dela�s or❑mits to exercise any right wilt not mean #ha#
<br /> Lend�r h�s �i�en ��a that righ#, if Lender does agree in writing to gi�e up vne of Lender's rights, that dve� nvt
<br /> rr�e�rr Trustar wi�� n�# ha�e to comply with the ather pro�isions vf this Deed of Trust. Trustor also understands
<br /> that �f Lender d�es consent#a a request, tha# does nat mean that Trustor w�ll not h��e�o get Lender's cans�nt
<br /> again if the situa#ion happens again. Trustor further understands that just because Lender consents ta one vr mar�
<br /> of Trustvr's requests, #hat does not mean Lender wi�l be required to �onsent to any a�Trustar's tuture r�quests.
<br /> Trust�r wai�es presen#ment,demand for paymen#,pra#est,and notice of�ishanvr.
<br /> 5e�erability, �f a caurt finds that any pro�ision o#t�ris Deed of Trust is nv��a�+d vr shc�u�d not be enforoed, that
<br /> fact by�tself wil� not mean that the rest of this De�ed vf Trus�wi�l not be�alid ar enforced. Therefore,a co�rt wi�i
<br /> enfvroe the rest nf the pro�i�ions of�his i�af Trust e�er�if a�ravisi�n�f this �e�d of Trust ma�be found ta be
<br /> in��lid or unenforoeable.
<br /> Successars and Assigns. Subject ta any limitations s�a�ed in this f�eed of Trust on transfer of'�rustor's �nte�est,
<br /> this De�d of Trust shal! be binding upan and inure ta the ben�ft of the ��rties, their suc�essvr�s �nd assigns. !f
<br /> awnership af the Proper#y becames�ested in a person other��an Trust�r, Ler�der, withaut natice io Trust�r, may
<br /> deai with Trustvr's success�rs with r�e�Fe�enc�to t��s Deed of�'rust and the lnd�btedness by way vf forbearance or
<br /> extensidn w�thaut releasing Trustor fr�vm#he obli�ations af this Deed�f Trust or liabilify under the Indebtedness.
<br /> Time is af the Essence. Time is vf the essence in the p�rfarrnance�f t�ts D�ed o€Trust.
<br /> Wai►►e Jury. All parties to this D+eed of Trust heceby wai�e#he right to any jury triaE in any actian, proceeding, or
<br /> �ount�rciaim hraught by any pac#y a�ainst any�ther par#y.
<br /> �IVa�ver of Hvmestead Exemption. Trustar her�by re�eases and waives ail righ�s and benefts vf the hvmestead
<br /> exemptian laws of the State af Nebraska as ta all lndebtedness secured by this Deed of Yrus#.
<br /> DEF�NIT��NS. The�n��vwing words st�a!!have ihe fo!lvw�n�meanings when used in this Deed of Trust:
<br /> ' Benet�ciary, The word "Benefic+ary"means First f�ativna�Bank v��maha,ar�d its su��essvrs and assigns.
<br /> Barrower. The word "Borrower" means Wil�iam T Warren and Mary E Warren and inciudes al� ca-sigrters and
<br /> cowm�kers signing the Credit Agreement and a!1 their successvrs and assigns.
<br /> �redlt A�re�ment. The wvrds "Credit Agreement" mean the �redit agreement dated January ?, ���7, Wlth
<br /> cred�t limit of$��,�fl�.�U from 7rustar to Lender,tagether with 2�1i renewals of,extensivns of, mvd�fications
<br /> of, re�inancings of, consvlidations v�,and subs�itutians for the pramissvry note or agreement. The ma#urity date vf
<br /> this C]ee�i❑f Trust is January 7, �047. N[3'TiCE Ta T�tU�T�R: THE��tEt]IT AGREEMENT�UNTA��S A VAk�ABLF
<br /> IN?"EREST RATE.
<br /> D�ed of Trust. The ►n�ords "Deed vf Trust" me�n this Deed of Trust amang Trus#or, Lender, and 7rustee, and
<br /> incfudes without Iim�tatiQn all assignmenf and security interest pro�isians relai�ng ta the Persvnal Praperty and
<br /> Rents.
<br /> EnWiranmental Laws. The wards "Environmental Laws" mean any and a[I state, federa� and ioca� statutes,
<br /> regulations and ordinances reiating tv the protecfivn o� human heaith ar the �n��ronment, in��t�ding without
<br /> iimitatian the Camprehensive Environmenta� Response, �ampensativn, an� Liabili#�Aet ot 'I S8a, �s amended, 4�
<br /> U.S.C. Sectivn 96�1, e# seq. �"CEF���A"), the 5uperfund Amendmen�s and �eautho�izafion Act o� 'i 98fi, Pub. L.
<br /> i�a.99-499 �"S�4RA"}, the Hazardous �Aatsria�s Transpor#atian Act, 49 U.S.C. �ec#�vn 1 SD 1, et seq.,the Resource
<br /> Cans�rvation and RecQv�ry Act, 42 U.S.C. Section �9�1, et seq., or other app�icable state ar�edera� Iaws, ru�es,
<br /> ar regula#ions adopt�d pursuant theretv.
<br />