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<br /> ��tsntsnued� Page �
<br /> cnsts and�xpenses�f aperation and collectivn attorneys'fees, to any indebtedness secured by this�eed
<br /> vf Trust, all in �t�ch order as L�snd�er may de#�rmine. The en�ering upon and taking pvssessinn af the
<br /> Pro�perty, the coilection af suc� rer�ts, sssues and pro��ts, and the appii�ati�n th��-eof shall no� �ure or
<br /> wai�e any�detaul#vr nvti�e�f default under this Deed of T�ust a�invalidate any aGt c#vne in response ta►
<br /> su�h defaul#vr pursuant to such notice of default;and, notwithstanding t�he c�ontinuance�n possesssvn v�
<br /> the Property or th� cvllectivn, receipt and application a�rents, issues or prQfits, Trust�:s Qr Lender sha��
<br /> be entitied to exercise every righ# prvvided for in the Credit Agreem�ent or the Related I]acuments or by
<br /> law u�vn the occurrence af any event vf default, including the right tv exercise the power of sale;
<br /> [b} Commence an activn to foreciose#his Deed af Trust as a mortgage, a�paint a receiver o�spe�ific��ly
<br /> enfvres�ny of the co�enants hereaf;and
<br /> {c} D�li�er�o Trustee a written declaratian af defau�t and demand#or sale and a wri#ten natice ot defiaul#
<br /> and election tv�ause Trustvr's interest in the Pr�perty t�be svld,wh��h nvtice T�-�ustee shaR�r.ause ta be
<br /> duly filed fvr recvrd in#he appropriate vffices of the Cvunty in which the Prv��rty i�lacated;and
<br /> �d} V11i#h respect to all Qr any part of the Personal Property, �ender sha���aWe al�the rights and remedies
<br /> vf a secured party under the Nebraska Uni�Form C�mmer�ia!�ade.
<br /> Fo�eclosure by Pawe�r of 5ale. i��ender e�ects to fpreclose by exerase afi the Power afi 5ale herein cant�ined,
<br /> Lender shal! not�fy Trustee and sha�� depvsit with T+-caste2#his Deed of TruSt and the Creciit Agreement and
<br /> such receipts and e�id�nve vf expenditur�s made and secured�y this Deed af��ust as Truster�may re�quire.
<br /> ta} �lpon re�ceipt of such no�tice fram L�nder,Truste�shail cause ta be reoo�ded, published and deli�ered
<br /> ta Trust4r such Notice o#De�auit and Natice o�Sa�e as then requ�rsd hy��w and by this Deed o�Trust.
<br /> Trustee shall, without derr�nd �n Trustor, after such ti�e as may then be required by �aw and after
<br /> reoqrdation of su+�h Na#ice v�Default and aiter Notice af Sa�e having�een gi�en as�eq�ired by law, se��
<br /> the Prvperty at the #ime and place of sale f+xed by it in such Nv#ice af Sale, either as a whoi�, o�r in
<br /> separ~ate Ivts or parc:els or items as Trus#ee shall deem expedient, �nd in such vrder as it m,ay determine,
<br /> at public auc�idn�o�he highest b�dder for cash in iav+�ul maney�f the United 5tate�payabl�at the time
<br /> o� sa��. Trustee shaii dei'r�er to such purchaser vr pur•c�asers thereaf itS good and suffi�ient deed ar
<br /> deeds t;anWey�ng the property sv sold, but withvut any oa�enant�r warranty, �xpress vr implied. Th�
<br /> r�citalS in such deed vf any matte�s vr#act�sh�all b�conclusi�� prac3f af the�ruthfulne�s thereaf. Any
<br /> per$an,inciuding without Iim�tatian Trustor,Trustee,or L�r►der,may purchase at such sa�e.
<br /> �b} As rnay be permitted by law, aft�r deducting ail costs, �ees and expenseS ❑f Trustee and of this
<br /> Trust,inc�uding�osts of evidence af title in connect�vn with sale,Trustee sha��appiy th�praceeds of sale
<br /> �a payment af �i} al( sums e�pended unde�the ts�ms of this �d of Trust o� undsr the terms of the
<br /> Gredit Agreement not then r�paid, inr�uding but n4t limited ta aocrued in�ereSt as�late ch�rges, tii}a�l
<br /> ather surns then Secur�d hereby, and �iii}the r�mainde�, if any, to the person or persans legal�y entit�ed
<br /> thereto.
<br /> �c} Trustee may in the manner provided hy law poStpa�e sale v�al�os-any portian af the Property.
<br /> Remedies Not Exclusive. Trustee and Lender, and eaGh af them, shaii be en#itled tv en�Fvrce payment and
<br /> pet#ormance af any ir�debted�ess or ab4�gatians secured by this Deed���'rust and ta exercise al� rights and powers
<br /> under this �eed af Trust, un�ier the Credit Agreement, unde� ar�y of the Related Dacum�nts, vr under any other
<br /> agreemsnt or any laws now or hereafter in force; nohnrithstanding, some or a�� a� su�h t�tisbtedness and
<br /> �bligatians secured by this Deed af Trust may now or hereafter b�otherwise secured,whether by mortgag�,d�e�
<br /> of trust, pledge, lien, assignmen#or otherwis�. Neither the acceptance❑f this De+ed of Trust nor i�s �nfarcement,
<br /> whether by court action or pursuant tv the power of sa�e ar other pvwers cantained in this Deed of Trust, shall
<br /> preju�ice�r in any manner afifect Trustee's ar Lender's right�a reali�e upon ❑r enf�rce any other security now or
<br /> hereafte�h�ld by Trustee or Lender,it being agre�d that Truste�and Lend�r, and�ach vf them,sh�ll �e en#itled#o
<br /> �nforce this D��� o�Trust and any vther security nvw ❑r hsrea�ter held by Lender❑r Trustee in su�h arder and
<br /> manner as they or either af them may in thei� absolute d;sc�etian dete�mine. Na remedy canferred upan or
<br /> reserved tv Trustee ❑r Lender, is intended to be ex�lusive vf any oth�r rem�dy in this Deed a�Trr�st or by �aw
<br /> pra�ided �r permitted, but each shall be cumulati�e and shal� be in addition ta e�ery other remedy gEven in this
<br /> Deed of Trust or nvw or hereafter existing at iaw or in equity Qr by statute. Every power ar remedy given by the
<br /> Credit Agreement or any of the l�elated Dacuments to Trus#ee or Lsnder �r to which si#her of them may be
<br /> ��h��►nrise entitled, may be exercised, cvncurrentiy or independently, from time #n tim� and as often as may be
<br /> deemed expedier�t by Trustee �r L�nder, and either of them may pursue ine�nsis�ent rem�die�. Nathing in this
<br /> Deed vf Trust shall be canst�uet� as proh�biting L�nder�rarn seeking a �ef�i�nGy judgment against the Trustor ta
<br /> the extent such actian is permitted by law.
<br /> Eiectfan of R�medies. All vf L�nder�s r�gh#s and remedie� wi�l be cumuiati�e and may be �;xercised alone ar
<br /> together. I� Lender decides to spend maney or ta perform any of Trustvr's obiigations under th�s Deed v�Trust,
<br /> �fter Trustar's failur�e to do sv, that d�cisivn by Lende�wi�l nat a�e�t Len�e�'s right to de��are�'rustor in defau�t
<br /> �nd tv exercise Lender's remedie�.
<br /> Request for Notice. Trustor�, ❑n beha�'F af�rustvr and Lender, hereby requests tha�a cvpy vf any NntFce Qf Default
<br /> and a copy o�any Notsce of Sa�e unde�th�s Deed of Trust be maif�d to them at the addresses set�orth in the first
<br /> paragraph of this De�d vf Trust.
<br /> Atta�neys` Fees; Exp�nses. �f Lsnder institutes any �uit or action to enforoe any v� the terms of thi� Deed vf
<br /> T�rust, Lender�shall be entitled�o recar�er such sum as the�vurt may adjuc��e reasanalaie as attarneys'fees at tri��
<br /> and upan any appeal. Whether ar no� any�awr� activr� is sn�olved, and�v the ext�nt not prahibiteci by faw, al�
<br /> reasonable expenses Lende� incurs th�t �n Lend��'s opinion a�e n�oessary �t any �ims #or t�e p��tectsvn of fts
<br /> interest or the enforcement of its rights sha�� beoome a part of the�ndekatedness payab�e nn dem�nd an�!shal!t�ear
<br /> interest at the Cred+t Agreement rat� frvm the date of the expenditurs until rep�id. Expenses co�ered by this
<br /> paragraph include, without Iimitation, hvwe�er subject to any limits under appl�cable law, Lender�s attorneys'fees
<br /> and Lender's legal expenses, whe�her or not there �s a lawsu it, i ncl uding attarneys' fees and expenses fvr
<br /> bankn.sptcy prr�eedings�inr�uding efforts tv madify or Uacate any autvrnatic stay or in�unction}, appeais, and any
<br /> antir�pated past�udgment callect�vn serv�ce�, �he co�t of se�rching records, obtaining title reports �in�luding
<br /> forec[asure reports}, surveyars' reports,and appraisa!fees, titl� insura�ce,ar�d fees#o�-the Trustee, to the extsnt
<br /> � permi�ted by ap�alicable law. Trustvr al�o wi�l p�y any cvur#c+�sts,in addition to a�l ath�er sums p�ovsdsd by�aw.
<br /> Rights a#Trust�e. Truste�sha�f ha�E all of the rights an�du#Fes of�.ender as set forth in this sec�ion.
<br /> P�W�RS AND �BLIGATI�A�S C]F TRUST�E, The�allawing pravisians relating to the powers and ob�igatians afi Trust�e
<br /> are par�saf this fleed ofi Trust:
<br /> Power�of Truste�. !n addi#ion�o ali powers of Trustee arising as a ma#ter of�aw, 7rustee shal! hav+e the power tQ
<br /> take the fviiowing actions with respect tn the Property upvn the written re�uest vt Lender and Trustor: (a}jain in
<br /> prepar�ng and fii�ing a map ar plat ot the Real Property, including the dedication of streets ar ❑ther rights to the
<br /> pu�iic; �b} ja�n �n granting any easemen# or cre�ting any restriction on the Real Praperty; and {c} join in any
<br /> subo�rdinat�fln o�r other agreement�ffecting this Deed of Trust o�the interest o�Lgnder under th�s fleed af Trust.
<br /> Trustee. Trustee sha�! m�et afl qualificationS required fvr Trustee under applicable law. In addition to the rightS
<br />