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2� 17��341 <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> ��antin ued� �a�e � <br /> �o�erage endorsements on a �air vaiue basis €or the fulf insurabie �alu�e co�ering al! lmprvvements on the Real <br /> Property in an amaunt suffic�ent ta avoid applica#ivn of �ny cainsurance clause, and with a standard mortgagee <br /> clause in#a�a�vf Ler+�er,together w�th such other haza�d and iiabiiity insuran�e as Lender may reasvn�b�y require. <br /> Pvli�ies shall be writt�n in form, am4unts, caveragss and basis ��asvnably acceptable to L�n�er and issued by a <br /> company or cvmpanies r�a��nably a�ceptable to Lender. Trustor, upc�n request vf Lende�, w�ll del��er t� �ender <br /> from time to time the pol�cies vr cer�ificates of insu�ance in fvrm satisfa�tory tv Lend�r, including stipula#ivns tha� <br /> cv�e�ages wili nat he cancel�ed❑r diminished without at least thirty�30}days prior written notice ta Lender. Each <br /> insUra��e pol�cy alsa sha�� inciude an endv�semsnt prv�iding that caverage in fa�ar of Lender will not be impaired <br /> in any way by any act,amissivn vr defau�t of T�ustfl+r a�any othe�person. Shauld the Rea�Praperty be lacated in <br /> an area designa�ed by the Administratar�f the Federai Emergency Management Agency as a spec�al f�o�d hazard <br /> area, Trustvr agrees t❑ obtain and maintain Federal Fiovd Insurance, if available, fa� the maximum arnount of <br /> Trustor`s cred'+t�ine and the fu�f unpaid pr�ncipai balan�e of any pri�r iiens❑n the praperty sscuring the loan, up to <br /> �h�maximum palicy�imi#s set under the Nat�onai F�ood�nsurance Program,or as o#herwi�� required�y Lender,and <br /> #v maintain su�h in�urance f�r the tsrm v�the Rvan. <br /> Ap¢I��at�an o�Prviceeds. Trustor shaf�p�orr�pt3y natify�.end�er ot any Ioss or damage to the Pr�perty. Lender may <br /> make pr�af af lass if Trustar fails tv da sv within �ft�en �'15} days of the casua�ty. Vllt�ether vr n�at Lender�s <br /> security is impaired, Lender may, at Lender's�lectian, recei��and r�tain the pro�eds of any insu�anc�as��i apply <br /> the proceeds to the reductian vf the lndebtedness, payment v�any li�n affecting the Prvperty, ar the restoratian <br /> and repair vfi the Prv�erty. lf Lender elects ta app�y the praceeds tv restvrativn an�! repair, Trust�r sha!! repair or <br /> rep#ace th� damaged a� d�estrvyed Impro�em�nts in a manner satisfac�ory ta Lender. Lend�r shalf, upon <br /> satisfactvey provf of such expen�iture, pay or reimbu�se T�us�nr f�vm t#�e praceecis for the reas�nab�e cost vf <br /> repair vr res#vration if Trustor is not in defaulf under thFs Deed af Trust. Any �raceeds which have nvt bee� <br /> disbursed w�thin 18� days after their receipt �nd which Lender has nvt committed ta the repair vr restoration vf <br /> the F'roperty sha11 be used first to pay any amount❑wing to Lender under thi�Deed vf TruSt, then t� pay accrued <br /> interest, an� �he remainder, if any, shali be appiied t❑ the principai haianoe a�the lndebtedness. !�Lender holds <br /> any �rocseds afte�- payment in full of the Indebt�d�ess, such prvc�eds sha�� i�e paid to ��ustvr as Trustvr's <br /> inter�s#�may appear. <br /> Cvmpl�anc� with Existing lndehtedness. Durting the p�r�od�n whi�h any Existing indebtedness described be3ow is <br /> in effect, cvmpliance with the insurance provisivns contained in the instrument e�idencing suc� E�cRsting <br /> Indebtedness shall canstitute c�mpliance with the insurance provi�ions under this Deed of Trust, ta the extent <br /> campliance wi�h th� terms ❑f this Deed o�Trust wvuld canstitute a duplicatFon of insurance requir�m�nt. If any <br /> prviceeds�rom the insuran�e became payable vn I�ss, the pro�isians in this Deed vf T�ust f�r di�ision of proceeds <br /> shal�apply�nly to that portion o#t�e praceeds not paya#��e to the�o�der of the Existing fndebtedn�ss. <br /> LEIV�ER'S EX'PEN��TURES. If Yrustvr fai�s �A} to keep the Property free ofi a!1 �axes, �iens, seGurity �nterests, <br /> enGumbran�es, and vther claims, �B� to prv�ide any requi�ed �ns�rance an the Praperty, t�} to ma�ce rspa�rs to the <br /> Property or to camply with any obli�ativn to mainta�n Existing Indebtedness in�ovd standing as required b�lvw, then <br /> L.ender m�y�v so. !f any ac�ion vr proc�eding is vammenoed that wvuid materiaily �ff�ct Lender`s interestS in the <br /> Properiy, �hBn Lender vn Trus#or's behaif may, but is nnt requirad to, t�ke any action that Lender beiie�es #o be <br /> appropr�ate to p�otsct L�nde�'s interests. A�� expens�s incurred or paid by Lender fvr such purposes w±�I then bear <br /> interest at the rate char�ed u�nd�r �he G�edit Ag+�eement fsam the da�e incurr�d ar paid by Lender to t'he da#e af <br /> repayment by Trustvr. All such exp�nses wili beGome a part of the Inde�atedness and, at Lender's option,will 4A� be <br /> payabls vn demand; {8} be a�id�d to the balance af the Credit Agr�ement and be appartioned among and be payable <br /> with any ins�al�ment payments to become due durin�either �'!} the term vf any applicable insurance po�icy; car (�} the <br /> rer�asning term of the Credi�Ac�reement;or �G} be treated as a baf�oan payrr�nt which wFl� be due and payab�e at the <br /> �redi#Agreement's maturity. The Q�ed o#Trust a�s�v wi�l se�re p2�yment vf these ar�ounts. The ri�hts provided#or in <br /> #his paragraph shall he in additivn tv any o#h�r rights or any remedies ta which Lender may be entit�ed vn aoGvur�t o# <br /> any default. Any such activn by Lend�r shall not be canstru�d as curing the default sn as ta bar�.ender�rom any <br /> r�medy that it vtherwise wau�d ha�had. <br /> WARRANTY; D�FENSE�F TITLE. The following provisions relating to owne�ship of the Praper�y are a part af this L7eed <br /> of Trust: <br /> Tit�e. Trustor warrants #hat: �a}Trustar hvlds gQvd and marketable title of record ta the Prvpe�ty in fee simpfe, <br /> free �nd ci�ar at a�l liens and encumbrance� ather than �hose set f�rth in the R�al Property desGriptian �r in the <br /> E�cisting Snd�h#edness sectivn�velow or in any t�tle insuranc�pc�licy, titie repvr�, nr fiinai tit�e vpinivn issu�d in fa�ar <br /> of, and acc�pted hy, Lend�r in�vnnectivn w�th this C?ee�#o�T�uSt, and tb}Trusta�has the full �3ght, pvwer, and <br /> authvrity to execu#e and de�i�er this D�ed�f Trust to Lend�r. <br /> Defense af Title. Subsect tv the exceptian in the parag�aph abflve, T�ustar wa��ar�ts and wil� �ore�er d�efend th� <br /> titie to the Prvpe�ky against the iaw�ul �iaim�af ali p�rs�ns. in the+event any act�an or Rroceeding i�comrr�enced <br /> that quest�ons Trust��'s ti#le vr the interest vf Trustee vr Lender under this Deed of Trust, Trustor shafl defend the <br /> activn at Trustor's expens�e. Trustor may be th� nominal pa�#y in such praceeding, but Lendsr shali be entitied to <br /> pa�ticipate in the proceeding and tv be represented in the ptoc�eding by counsel ofi Lender's vwn chaice, and <br /> Trustor will deli�er,or cause to be deliver�e�,to Lende�such instruments as Lend�er may request fFam time tv time <br /> to permi#such parti�ipation. <br /> �vmpl�ance W�th Laws. Trustor warrants that the P�flperty and Trustor's use v# the P�ope�-ty r.�mp4ies with alf <br /> exis�in�applicable iaws, vrdinan�es,and regulations❑f g�vernmentaf authorities. <br /> Sunr�vaf af Promises. All p�r�mises, agreements, and statements Y�ustvr' has m�de in this Deed of �ru�t sha�l <br /> survive#he execution and deli�er�►at this Deed vf Trust,shali be cvntinuing in nature and shall remai�in full tvr� <br /> and effeGt unti!such time as Yrustvr's Indebtedness is paid in full. <br /> E]CISTING INaEBTE�N�SS. Th�fv��owing provisions cvncernEng Existing Indebtedness are a part af this Deed af Trust: <br /> Ex�sting L�en. The lien of this Deed o# Trust secu�ing th� Indebt�dness may �e secvndary and in�es�ior to an <br /> existing lien. Trustvr expressly covenant�and agrees to pay, or see to th� paym�nt vf, the Existing lndebtedness <br /> and tv pre�ent any defau�t on such indebtedness, any default und�r th�instruments e�idencing such indebtedness, <br /> or any d�fault under any security do�uments for such indebtedness. <br /> No Modification. Trustor sha�l nat enter into any agreement wi#h the holder af any martgage, deed o�irust, or <br /> o�her security agreemsnt wh�ch has priority v�er this Deed ❑f T�ust by which tha# agreement is madified, <br /> arr�e�ded, exten�ied, vr renewetf with�u# the pr�iar writ#en �onsent o� Lender. Tr�ustor sha�f ne��he� request nvr <br /> ac�ept any future advances under any su�h se�u�ity agreem�nt with�ut the pr�or written cvnsent of�.ender. <br /> ��NDEMNATIt3N. Th�fvllowing provisivns rei�ting ta G�ndemnat�on proceedings are a part vf this Deed o�Trust: <br /> Prs�ceedings. 1� any proaeeding in condemnati�n is fled, Trustor shall promptly nnti�y Lender in writing, �xnd <br /> T�stor shall promptly taks su�ch steps as may be neoessary ta defen�the ac'�ion and abfi.ain the award. Tru$tvr <br /> may k�e the nvminal�arty in such prac�e�ding,but Lender s#�a�d be en#itled to parti�ipate in the proceed�r�g an�tv be <br /> repre,ser�ted in thg p�oc.eeding by caunsel of its own c�viae, and Trustar wil� deli��er or cause ta be delivered tv <br /> Lender such fnstruments and documentat�on as may be requested by L�nder from time to time tv permit such <br /> participatian. <br /> Applicatian af Net Proceeds. ff all or any part of ths Prvperty is candemned by eminent doma�n prvoeedingS or by <br />