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2� 17��341 <br /> - �E�� �F TRUsr <br /> ��ontinued} P��e z <br /> CQmpliance Irlrith En�irvnmental Laws. Trustvr represents and warrants#o �.ender that: �'13 During the periocl of <br /> Trustar's o►n►ner�h�p❑�the Prvperty,there has been no use,generafion, manufa�ture,storage,trea#ment,disposal, <br /> rel�ase or threatened release nf any Hazardous Suhstance by any p�rson on, under, about c�r from the Praper#y; <br /> {�} '�rustvr�has ��kn�wled�e af, �r reason ta belie�e that there has been, except as pre►►iously dis�losed to �nd <br /> acknowledged by Lender in writ�ng, �a} any breach or �iolatian vf any En�iranmen#al Laws, {b} any use, <br /> generation, man�tacture, stvr�ag�, treatment, dispc�sal, re�ease ar threa#en�d release vf any Hazardvus Substance <br /> vn, under, abvut or from the Property by any privr vwners or occupants of the Prvper#y, vr [c} any actual or <br /> threatened �itigativn vr c�aims o�any kir�d a�r an�person rela#ing to such mat#ers; and �3} Except as pre�iously <br /> disclosed to and acknowiedged by Lender in wri#ing, {a} neither Trustvr n�r any tenant,Gon#ractor, agent or ather <br /> au#hvrized user of the Prvperty sh�ll use,�ene�ate, manu�a�ture,store, treat, dispose o�or release any Hazardvus <br /> Subs#ance on, under, about ar from#he Praperty;and �b} any such acti�ity shall be conducted in comp�iance with <br /> a!! applicable federal, state, and IQcal laws, regulati�ns and ardinances, �ncluding withoui l�mitatian a!I <br /> En�iranmental Laws. Trustor authorizes Lender and its agents #o enter upon the Prvper�y tv make such <br /> inspections and tests, at Trustar`s expense, as L�nder may deem apprapriate t� �eterm�ne ct�mp�iance of the <br /> P�vperty with this sectian of the Deed o�Trust. Any �nspections or tests made by L�nder shaii be far 1�ender's <br /> purposes only and sha!! not be construed#� create any responsib��ity ar�iabili#y an the part�f�.ender to Trustor a� <br /> t❑ any oth�r pe�-son. The representations�nd warranties contained herein are based c�n Trustor's due dil�gence in <br /> in�estigating the Property for Ha�ardous Substances. Trustor hereby �1} releases and wai�es any�uture c�aims <br /> a�ainst Lender for indemnity vr cantribution in the e�ent Trustar becvmes liable fvr cleanup ar ather Gosts under <br /> any such laws; and ��} agrees t4 indemnify, defend,and hold harmless Lender agains#any and��i c�aims,�osses, <br /> I�ab��ities, dama�es, penalt�es, and expenses which�ender may dire�tly vr�ndirec#ly sustain or suffer resulting from <br /> a breach of th�s se�tion af the Deed of Trust or as a cansequence vf any use, generatian, manufacture, stvr�ge, <br /> dispasa�,re�ease�r t�reat��ed r-elease occurring prior to Trustvr's awner-ship ar interest in th�Prop�rty,whether or <br /> not the same was or shouid ha�e been known #v Trustor. The pro�isions of this se�tion of the �ed af Trust, <br /> incfudEng th�vbligation tv inde�nni�and defer�d,sh�!!s�rvive the payment of#h�lndebtedn�ss and#he satisfac#inn <br /> and recan�reyance vf the lien of this Deed❑f Trust and sha1� not be affecte� by Lender's acquisitivn af any interes# <br /> in the Property,whether t�y farec�osure or otherwise. <br /> Nuisance, 1Naste. Trustar shall not cause, cvnduct vr permit any nuisan�e nor cvmmit, permit, ar suffer any <br /> stripping of ar waste ❑n or to the Properky or any pvrkion of th� Prap�rty. Withvut limi#ing the generaftty of fhe <br /> ��regc�ing, Trustar wi�l nat remQve, �r c�rant to any other party the right#v remo�e, any timber, mineral��inc�uding <br /> ail and gas},coal,c�ay,scoria, soif,g�a�ei ar rock praducts witho�t Lendsr's prior written cvnsent. <br /> Remvval vf lmpro��ments. Trustvr shall nat demo�ish o�remo�e any Impra�ements frvm the�teal Pr�per�y wi#h�ut <br /> Lend��'s prior wri##en cvnsent. As a conditivn to the remc�val a�any Imprv�emen#s,Lender may require Trus#ar to <br /> make arrangement� satisfactory to L�nde�- to �-epiace such lmprv�emsnts with Imprv�ements vf a# ieas# equa� <br /> value. <br /> Lender's Right#o Enter. Ler�der and Lender's agent5 and representatives may enter upon the Real Property at all <br /> reasonable times to a�tend to Lender's interests and to insp�ct the Re�� Praperty far purpos�s of 7r�stor's <br /> cvmpliance with th�terms and canditions of th�s ❑eed o�Trust. <br /> Compliance with Go�ernmental Requirements. Trustor shall pr�mptly comply with ail laws, o�rdinances, and <br /> r�gulativns, now v� fi�erea�er in eff�et, v�F al� g��ernmental authvrities appliGable tt� the use or accupancy of the <br /> Prap�rty. Trustar may contest in good fai#h any such law,ordinance,ar regulation and withhald campliance during <br /> any prviceeding, inciuding ap�rapt�ia�� appea�s, sc�ian� as Trus#�r has n�tifed Lender in vuri#ing prior to dvin� sa <br /> and sv long as, in Lend�r's sole apinivn, Lender's interests in the Pr�perty are not�evpardized. Lender may require <br /> Trustor to posf adequat�security vr a surety�ond,reas�nabiy�atisfa�tory tn Ler�der,to protect Lender's ir�ter�st. <br /> Duty tv Pratect. �"rustQr ag�ees neither t❑ abandon or �ea�e una�tended the Prvperty. Tnastvr�ha1� do a�l o#her <br /> acts, in addition to those acts set fvrth abo�e in this section,which from the character and use of the Property are <br /> reasonab�y necessary to protec�and p��serue the Property. <br /> DUE C]N SALE -CQNSENT BY LEN�7ER. Lender may, at Lende�'s optivn,declare immediate�y due and payable a!I sums <br /> secured �y this ❑eed af Trust upon the sale or trans#er, without Lender's prior written cons�nt, vf al�or any part v#the <br /> Real Property, or any interest in the Real Property. A "sa�e ❑r transfer" means the conveyance af Real P�aperty or any <br /> �igh#, title vr interest in the Rea� Pro�erty; whether legal, beneficial ar equi�able; wh�ther �vlunta�ry or invaluntary; <br /> whether by outright sale, �eed, instal�ment saie contr�ct, land cvntract, �vntract �or deed, leasehold inter�st with a <br /> t�rm greater�han three �3} years, lease-vption contract, or by sa1e, assignment, ❑r transfer o�any beneficial interest in <br /> �r ta an�land trust holding tiile to the R�aj Pr�pertyt or by any other method of canveyancs vf an interest in the Real <br /> Property. Hawever, �his option shall nat be exercised by Lender if such �x�rCiS� �s prflhibited by �edera� 1aw or by <br /> I�ebraska law. <br /> TAXES AN� L1ENS. The following provisions relating to the taxes and �iens on the Prope�ty are part o�this Deed vf <br /> Trust; <br /> 1�ayment. Trustor s�a�i pay when due�and�n al�eWents pr�or#o del�nt�uency}a!I taxes,spec�al�axes,assessmenis, <br /> cha�ges�in�luding water and sewer},f nes and impasitivns le�ied against or❑n accaunt of the Praperty, and shall <br /> pay when due a�l c�aims for wvrk d�ne an or for services rendered ar material furrrish�d t� the Praper-t�. Trus#ar <br /> shall maintain#he Proper�#y free of all liens ha�ing priority o��r ar equal to the interest of Lender under this Deed af <br /> Trust, except for the lien vf taxes and assessmen#s no# due, exc�pt for the Exist'rng Indebt�dness referred to <br /> �elow,and except as c�therwise pro�ided in#his Deed of Trust. <br /> F�ight ta Gontest. Trustor may wi�hha�d payment vf any tax, assessment, or ciaim in connection with a govd fai#h <br /> dispute aver t�re o�ligativn tv pay, so lang as Lender's interes#�n th�Properly is not jeapard�zed, lf a lien arises❑r <br /> is filed as a r�sult vf nonpayment, 1"rustar sha�� within ffteen �'15) days a�ter the lien arises v�, if a lien is fled, <br /> wit�in fifteen {'��} days after�Trus#vr has na#�ce vf the fi�i�g, secur��the�fischarge vf the lien, ar if r�equested by <br /> Lender,deposit with Lender cast�or a sufficier�t corporate surety band or ather security satisfactory to Lender in an <br /> amount sufficient tv discharge the�ien plus any cas#s and attarneys'fees, v�ather charges that cauld accrue as a <br /> result af a fvreclvsure or sale under the li�n. In any contest, Trustor shall defend itself and Lender and shal�s�tisfy <br /> any ad�erse judgment before enfvrcement agains#the F�roperty. Trustvr shal!nam��ender as an ad�itivna�abligee <br /> under any surety band furnished in the contest prviceedings. <br /> ��idence of Payms�nt. Trustor shall upon demand furnish to Lender satisfac��ry evidenve of payment of the taxes <br /> c�r assessmen#s and s�all aut�orize the a�pra��iate gnve�-nmen�al o�Fi�ia�to deliver ta Lender at any t�me a written <br /> statement of the taxes and assessments against the Prope�ty. <br /> Noti�e of Construction. Trustor shall nvtify L�nder at least fifteen �15}days before any work is commehced, any <br /> services are furnished,�r an� materials are suppli�d to the Property, if any mechanic's iien, materialmen's 1�en, or <br /> other lien cauld be asserted �n ac�ount vf the w�rk, services, or materials. Trustor will upon request o�Lender <br /> €urnish ta L�nder� advance assurances satisfactvey ta Lender that T�-ustor can and wil� pay the �ast af such <br /> impro�ements. <br /> PR�PERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE. The�o!lowing provisions�eiating to insuring the Proper�y are a part of fhis �eed of <br /> Tru st. <br /> Maintenance of Insurance. Trustor shall pro�ure and maintain pviicies af fi�e insurance wi#h standard extended <br />