2� 17��321
<br /> �EEv oF -r�usT
<br /> Loan Na: '1 Q 7 34'i�8� ��o11t[nued} Page a
<br /> represented in �he proceeding by cvuns�I fl# its own choice. and Trustvr wifl de�i�er or cause to be deli�ered fia
<br /> Lender such ins�ruments and d�cumentativn as may be requested by L�nder from time �o time ta permit such
<br /> parti�ipation.
<br /> ►qpplica#ion vf Net Prv�eeds. lf a!i �r any part❑f the Prflperty Es condemned by eminen�domain proceedings or by
<br /> any prviceeding ar purchase in lieu❑'�condemnatian, Lender may a�its e�ectivn require#hat af! ❑r any portion❑t the
<br /> net prviceeds �f �he award be applied �v the Indebtedness or the repair ❑r restaratian ❑f �he Praperty. The nefi
<br /> proceeds af the award shall mean �he award after paymenfi ❑f ai1 reasvnable cosfis, expenses, and a�torneys' �ees
<br /> incurred !�y Trustee❑r Lender in cvnnec�ion with th� condemnativn.
<br /> IiVIP051TIQN �F TAXES, FEES AND CHARGES BY GQVERN[�ItENTAL AUTHQRlTIES. The #allvwing pro�isivns relating
<br /> #a gv�ernmentai taxes, fees and charges are a part of fihis Deed o�Trust:
<br /> Gurrent Taxes, Fees and Charges. Upvn reques� by Lender. Trustor sha11 execute such documents in addition to
<br /> this Deed ❑f Trust and take wha#ever other action is �equested by Lender tv per�ect and continue Lende�-'s fEen an
<br /> the Real Praper�y. Trustar shal� reimburse Lender fvr all taxes� as described helvw, together wi�h ai! expenses
<br /> incurred in recording, perfecting or can�inuing �his ❑eed of Trusfi, including without [imi�a�ivn ail taxes, fees,
<br /> documentary stamps. and❑ther charges fivr recording vr registering this ❑eed v�Trust.
<br /> Taxes. The fvl[ow�ng sha[[ constitute taxes to whi�h this se�tion applies: {�} a specitic tax upon th�s type ❑f
<br /> Deed ❑f Trust ❑r upon a!3 vr any part vf�he [nd�btedness secured by fihis D�ed af Trust; �2} a spe�ific tax on
<br /> Trustor which Trustor is author€zed ar required to deduct fr�m payments on#he fndebtedness secured by this type
<br /> ❑f Deed ❑f Trust; �3� a tax on this type af ❑eed af Trust chargeab�e against the Lender or the holder ofi the Note;
<br /> and �4� a specific tax on all or any p�rtion at�he lndebtedness or vn paymen�s of principal and Enterest made by
<br /> Trustor.
<br /> 5ubsequent Taxes. I� any tax t❑ which this sectian applies is enacted subsequent ta the date of this Deed of
<br /> Trust, this e��nt shall ha�e �he same effect as an E�ent of ❑efaul�, and Lender may exercise any or all of its
<br /> a�a�lable remedies for an E�ent vf ❑efault as provided belaw unless Trustor either �1� pays the tax be�ore it
<br /> becomes definquent, or t2y cnntests �he �ax as pra�ided abo�e En the Taxes and L�ens section and depvsits with
<br /> Lender cash or a suffi�ient carporate surety bond or vther security sa�isfiactary to Lender.
<br /> SE�URiTY A�REEMENT; FINANClN� STATENIENTS. The fiollvwing pro�isions relafiing t❑ th�s Deed ❑f Trust as a
<br /> security agreemenfi are a part af this Deed ❑f Trust;
<br /> 5ecuri�y Ag�eement. This instrument sha[I consfiifiute a 5ecuri�y Agreement �o the ex�ent any of the Property
<br /> cansti�utes fixtures, and Lender shall have a[[ of the righ�s of a secured party under the Uniform Cammerciaf Code
<br /> as amended�rom�ime to�ime.
<br /> 5ecurity In#erest. Llpon request by Lender, Trustor shall take wha�e�er action is requested by Lender �a perfiecfi
<br /> and cantinue Lender's s�curity interest in the Rents and Persvnal Pr�per�y. In addit�an tv rec�rding th�s ❑eed vf
<br /> Trust in �he real praper�y recards, Lender may, a� any fiime and withou� fur�her autharizafiivn fr�m Trusto�-, file
<br /> executed counterparts. copies or reproduct�vns ❑fi this Deed ❑f Trust as a financing stafiement. Trustor shal�
<br /> reimburse Lender fvr a[[ expenses incur�r�d in perfecting or continuing this security interest. Up�n defiau[t, Trustor
<br /> shal) not remo�e, se�er ar detach the P�rsonal P�-oper�y �ram the P�roperty. Upvn de�ault, Trusfivr shall ass�mble
<br /> any Personal P�-operty not af�ixed t�the Property in a rnanner and a� a place reasana�ly conven�ent to Trustor and
<br /> Lender and make it avai�able to Lender w�thin thr�e �3} days after receipt ❑f wrix�en demand frvm Lender �o the
<br /> extent permitted by applicah�e law.
<br /> Addresses. The mailing addr�sses of Trustvr �debtar} and L�nder �secured party� from whi�h infvrmafiion
<br /> �oncerning the securify interest granted by this Deed o�Trust may be ❑btained {each as required �y the LJnifivrm
<br /> Commercial Code} are as stated on fihe first page of�his ❑�ed of Trust.
<br /> FURTHER ASSURANCES; ATT�RNEY�IN-FACT, The �vl�owing pro�isEvns relating ta further assurances and
<br /> attorney--in�fac�are a par�❑f this ❑eed a�Trust:
<br /> Further Assurances. At any time, and firom #ime ta time, upon request ❑�F L�nder, Trustor will make, execute and
<br /> deli�er, or will cause fiv he made, execu�ed or deli�ered, to Lender❑r tv Lender's designe�. and when requested by
<br /> Lender, cause to be filed, recorded, reti[ed, or rerecorded, as �the case may be, a�t such �imes and in such ❑ffices
<br /> and p�aces as Lender may deem appropria��, any and all such morfigages, deeds ❑f trust, security deeds, security
<br /> agreements, financing s�a�emen�ks, confiinuation staternenfis, instruments af #urther assuran�e, �erti�icates, and
<br /> vther dacuments as may, in the sole opinion ❑�Lender, be necessary or desirable in order tv e�fectuate. comple�e,
<br /> perfect, cantinue, ❑r preser�e ��� Trustor's obligations under the No�e, this Deed of Trus�, and the Related
<br /> Documen�s, and ��} the fiens and security in�erests e�-eated by this Deed of Trus� as ��rst and p�ior liens �n the
<br /> Praperty, whether now owned or hereafte� acquired by Trustor. Unless prahibi�ed by [aw ar Lender agrees to�he
<br /> cantrary in writing, T�-ustor shal[ re�mburs� Lender fiar all costs and expenses incurred in cannectivn wifih fihe
<br /> matters referred to in this paragraph.
<br /> Attorney�in-Fa�t. If Trustar faifs fi❑ d❑ any afi the things referred tn in the preceding paragraph, Lender may dv sv
<br /> #or and in �he name of Trustar and at Trustor`s expense, Far such purposes, Trustor hereby �rre�acab�y appvints
<br /> Lender as Trusfior's at�orney-in-�Fact for the purpose v�making, execu�ing, defi�ering, �iling, recvrding, and doing all
<br /> other things as may be necessary or desirable, in Lender`s sole opinion, fiv a�complish th� ma�ters reterred fio in
<br /> the preceding paragraph.
<br />