2� 17��295
<br /> �4. I]EFAUL'�'. Trustor wzl�be in defaul� xf any par�� ob�iga�ed on the Secured Deb� fails to m.ake payment when due. Trustor
<br /> w��� be in defau�t zf a breach oc�urs under the terms af ����s 5e�ur�t� �nstrum.ent ar an� oth�r document �xe�uted for �he
<br /> purpose of�reatin�, securing or guarantyzng �he Secured Deb�. A �aod faith be�ief by Beneficiary �hat Benefzciary a� any
<br /> ��me �s �nsecure w�th respec� ta any persan or ent�ty obl��ated on �he Se�ured Deb� �r that �he praspec� of any payment or
<br /> the value of�he Proper�y �s zmpa�r�d shall aiso cons��tu�e an even��f de�au�t,
<br /> 15. ��VIEDIES �� DE�A�I�T. Zn some ins�an�es, fer��ral and s�a�e �av� wz�� require Bene�czary �a prov�de Trustar ���h
<br /> no�ice of �h� r�ght to cure or other n��zces and may es�a��zsh �ime schedules for forec�asure act�ans. Subj�ct �� these
<br /> limita��ons, �f arz�: �en��c�ary may ac�el�rate th�S�cured De�t and f�ree�ose�his Securzty �nstrument zn a rz�ann�r provzded
<br /> by �aw zf Tru��or�s �n defau��.
<br /> A� �he opt�on of Bene�czary, alI or an� part af ��e a�reed fees and charges, accrued �za�erest and prznc�pal shall becom�
<br /> imm.edzateiy due arad payable, a��er g�v�ng not�ce xf requzred by �aw, upon the occurrence�f a d�fault or any��me�hereaf�er.
<br /> �n add��ior�, Benef�c�ary shal� b� en��tled �o a�� �h� rerx�edzes�rovzded by �aw, the terms af the Secured De��, thxs Securi��
<br /> �nstrumen�ar�d an� re�a��d documents, �nc�uding w�thou����ra.ztat�on, �he power to se�� the Prop�r�y.
<br /> �f�here is a defau�t, Trustee s�a1l, �n addzt�oz� t� any �ther peznr3.z�ted rernedy, at �he requ�st af�he Benef��zary, ad��rt�se
<br /> and se�� the Praper�� as a �vho�e or zn se�arate parce�s at publ�c auct��n to the h�ghest b�dder f�r �ash and �Qnvey absolu�e
<br /> tx��e free and clear of all rzght, �itl� and xn��res� of Trust�r at such time and p�ace as Trus�e� deszgna�es. Trustee sha�� g�ve
<br /> �.o�zce of sale �n��ud�ng the ��nr�e, t�rms and place of sa�e and a descrzp��on of�he pr�perty ta b� sald as required b� �he
<br /> app�zcab��law in effec� a�the�ime��the prap�s�d sa��.
<br /> Up�n sale af the property ar�d to �he exten� nat proh�bi�ed by �aw, Trus�ee sha�� make a�nd de��ver a deed to �he Proper�y
<br /> sold�rh�ch can�eys absolu�e t����to the purchaser, and af�e�f�rst pa�ing a11 fees, �har��s az�d cos�s, shall�ay ta Bene�c�ary
<br /> ai� m�.oneys advan�ed for repazzs, taxes, �nsurance, �iens, ass�ssm.ents and przor encumbra.z�ce� and in��re�� �hereon, and �h�
<br /> �r�nc�pa� an� znter�s� on �he Secured Deb�, a��ng �he surp�us, zf any, to Trustar. Bez�ef c�ary may purchas� �he Prap�rty.
<br /> The rec��als in any deed of c�n�eyance shall e pr�ma fac�e e��dence of�he facts se��or�h�here�n.
<br /> A�1 remedzes are dis�znc�, cum.u�a���e and not exc�us�ve, and the �en�f�c�ary �s ent�t�ed to a�� remedzes �rovzd�d ati 1av� or
<br /> �quit�, whether ar not �xpressl� se� for�h. The ac�ep�anc�hy Benef�ciary of any sum in pay�m.ent �r par�zal pa�ment on the
<br /> Secured Debt aft�r�h�ba�ance�s due ar zs acce�erated or after farec�osure pro�eedzngs are f��ed shai� no�const�tute a wa��ver
<br /> of Bene�ciary's r�ght �o requzr� campl�te cure of any ex�st�n� default. By not exercising an� remedy on Trustar's defaul�,
<br /> B�neficzary daes n�t�a�ve Benefzczary's r�ght�o �ater ca�sider the e�en� a defau��zf z�cantinues or�aappens again,
<br /> 15. ��P�NS�S; AI]VA�T�ES �N C�V�NAN�TS; A.'�`�'C]�NE�'S' �'��5; �C��LE�TI�N ��STS. Except when
<br /> prohibi�ed �y �aw, Trustor agre�s �o pay a�l of B�nef�c�ary's expenses if Trus�or breac�es an� cavenant �n th�s Securz�y
<br /> �nstrumen�. Trustor v�ill als� pay o� demand any amoun� �ncurred b� Beneficiary for �z�sur�n�, �nsp���ing, reserv�ng or
<br /> o�herw�s� ro�e�tin the Pra er� and B�nefz�ia 's securzt interes�. These ex enses �z�� b�ar �nte�es� fr�m t�e �a�e f the
<br /> � , , � P �' , rY Y , P �
<br /> payment un��� pa�d zn fu�� a� �he hzghes� interest ra�e in effec� as pr�vzded zn th� �erms of�he �ecured De�t. Tz-ustor agr��s
<br /> �� pay a�� cas�s ari� expenses incurred by Ben�fzczary �n collec�ing, enforc�ng or protec��ng Beneficiary's rzghts and
<br /> remed�es under �his Secur�ty Ins�rument. Th�s am.oun� m.ay �nclude, but zs no� l�mzted toy a��orneys' fees, court costs, and
<br /> �ther le�al expenses. 'Th�s Se�ur��y �ns�runlen� sha�� reznain zn effect u�til re�eas�d. Trust�r agre�s to pa� for any
<br /> recordatzon cos�s of su�h release.
<br /> 17. ��VIR.�N.N�NTAL LAWS AN�] HA�A�R�UUS SU�3S'I"A��ES. As used �n ��ais section, ��} �nv�ronrnental Law
<br /> means, wzthaut limztation, the �ompr�hens�ve Environm�ntal �esponse, Compensatian and Lzab�Ii�y Act �CER�LA, 42
<br /> U.S.C. 950� e� seq.}, and a�� other federal, state and �acal Iaws, r�gu�at�ons, ord�nances, c�urt orders, at�orney genera�
<br /> �p�n�ons or �nterp�et�v� �e�ters concern�ng the publ�c heal�h, �afet�, welfare, env�ronzxaen� ar a ha�a�da�s substan�e; and �2�
<br /> Hazardous Su�s�ane� means any toxzc, rad�oactz�e or hazardaus ma�er�al, was�e, al�utant ar con�an��zazat �hzch has
<br /> chazac�er�s�ics �h�ch render the substance dan erous or oten�za�l dan erous �o t�e u �ic ���
<br /> . g, p y g p b �a �h, safety, vve�fare or
<br /> env�r�nxnen�. 'T"h� �erm �nc�udes, wz�hout lim�ta��an, any substances d�fined as "hazardaus ma�erial," "�axic subs�ances,"
<br /> "hazardaus waste" a�r t'ha�ardous substance" under any Envzronr�ent�I Lav�.
<br /> Trus�or repre�ents, vvarrants and agr�es �ha�:
<br /> A. �xc�pt a� previous�y d�sc�ased an.d acknowledged �n vvr���ng �o Benef���ar�, n� Hazardous Su�stan�e zs or wi1� be
<br /> ��ca�ed, s�ored or r��eased �n ox �n �he Proper��. Thzs res�r�ct�on d�es not app�y ta smal� quantities af Hazardous
<br /> Subs�azaces tha�are gen�ralxy re�agzaized to be a�prop��a�� f�r the norma�use and mair�tenanc�af�he �zap�r�y.
<br /> B, Excep� as previously disc�osed and acknawl�dged �n �vrz��n� �o Bexzeficiary, Trus��r axzd eWery �enant have been,
<br /> are, and shal� rexr�ain�n fu�l compliance wi�h an� app��cable En��ranmenta� Law.
<br /> �. Trus�ar �ha�� zmmediately norify B�nef�cxary �f a release or threa�en�d re�ease �f a �azardous Substance occurs on,
<br /> under ar �bou� �he Prop�r�� or there is a �io�atz�n of an� Enviranmental Law concerning t�.� Praper�y. �n such an
<br /> e�en�, T��t�r shal� �ake a�� necessar�r�medial acti�n �n acGordan�e with an� �nv�ronmen�a� �aw.
<br /> D. Trust��`�h��� �m.��d�ately notif���nefic�ary zn�r�t�ng as soon a��`rus�or has reasc�n t�b��i����here is a�y pendznn
<br /> or thre�t���d i�ves��gatz�n, clazm, �r praceeding re�atzng �a �he release or threa�en�d �����5� of any Hazardous
<br /> Substa�.C���t�.e����a��an of any En��ronme�ta� La�v.
<br /> 18. CC]N1��1V�A'��C3I�. "��u��vr w��� g��e �enef��iary pramp� ���ice of any pe�.�.�n� or thr��te�ed act��ny b�pr��a�e o� ub��c
<br /> ent����s to pu�ch�se or tak� any �r all �f�he Property �hraug�. coza�emnatzar�, e��r�ent d�ma��a, or an� v�her means. rus��r
<br /> authorizes Bene�ciary to �nterven� zn 7'rustor's name in an� of the ab�ve desGr��ed ac�i�ns or �aaims. Trust�r assigns tn
<br /> Bene�ciar�r t�e proceeds of any award or C�a�m f�r dam�ages �onnec�ed with a c�ndemn.at�o�z or �ther taking af a�� ar an�
<br /> part of the Proper�y. Such praceeds shall be cansid�red payments az�d w��� b� app��ed as provided �n th�s Secur�t�
<br /> Instrumen�. This ass�gnment of proceeds is sub�ect to �he terzxas of any pr�ar m.ar�ga�e, de�d of�rust,.secur�ty agre�menfi or
<br /> flther Iien doGur�en�.
<br /> I9. INSURANC�. Trustor shal� keep Property �nsured aga�ns� �oss b� fire, �.00d, thef� and ather hazards and risks reasonably
<br /> associa�ed vvith �he Proper�y due to �ts type and Iocat�an. Thzs �nsurance sha�l be maxnta�zaed 'zn the amounts and for �e
<br /> periads that Ben�f�ciary requires. What Benef�czaz-� requizes pursuar�t ta the receding sentenc� can chang� dur�ng the term
<br /> of the Se�ur�d Debt. '�`he znsurance carrzer pro�v�d�ng the znsurance sha�� e chosen �y Trus�or sub�ect t� Benefzc�a�`s
<br /> appraval, wh�ch sha1� nat �e unreasanab�y ���hhe�d. �f�'rust�r fa��s �o mainta�n �he coverage described a�ove, Benef�czar�r
<br /> may, a� Benef�ciar�'s op�ion, ob�ain caverage �o pro��c� Beriefic�ary's rzgh�s in �he Pr�p�r�� accordi�zg �o �he terms of�his
<br /> Se�urz�� �n.strum�nt.
<br /> A�I znsura�.ce o�icies a.�d renewal� sha�� �e acce ta��� �o �e�e�c�ary and sha�� �nc�ude a standard "m.or�gage c�ause" and,
<br /> where a �ica Ie "loss a ee clause." Trustor s�iall �n�ediate� notzf �e�ef�cza af cancellation or term�na�zo� af the
<br /> �� � , P �' . . � �' �' .
<br /> . insurance. �enefi��ar�r sha1� ha�e �h� r��ht �o hold th� pol�c�es and renewals. �f �enefic�ary requzres, Trustor sha�l
<br /> �mmed�ate�y �z�e to Benefi�zar� a�� recei��s of paid prem.�ums a�.d renewa� nat�ces. Upon lass, Trustior sha�l gz�e �mmed�ate
<br /> notice ta the�nsurance carri�r and Bez�ef�c�ar . Benefic�a m� �rnake r�of of Ioss zf na�made�mmed�ate� b Trustor.
<br /> S� �`Y Y � Y Y
<br /> .
<br /> .
<br /> . �pag 3 nf��
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<br /> � 7 994 Wolters Kluw�r�inanGiai S�rvic�s•�ank�rs 5ystems�'M �orm R�-DT-N� 1�I1512adfi �`�'""�
<br /> VMP�-c"1 BS�N�� to�osy
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