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2� 17��295 <br /> � B. A�� future advances from Bene�c�ar� t� Trus�ar or other future ob��ga�ions of Trustor to Ben�f��zary under an� <br /> �. <br /> promissor� na�e, contrac�, guaranty, �r other e�id�nce of deb� executed by Trus�ar �n fa�or �f Bene�c�ary execu�ed <br /> af�er this Security Ins�rum�ent vvhether �r no� �hzs Securz�y Instrument i� spe�zf�call�r referenced. �f more �han one <br /> per�on signs this Se�urity Instrument, �aGh Trus�or a�re�s that�his Security �ns�rum.en�w�l� secure a�� futur�advances <br /> and future abl�ga��ans that are given �� or incurred by any ane or mare Trust�r, or any ane or more Tru�tor and <br /> a�hers. A�� fu�ure ad�ances and other future obl�ga��ons are secured by th�s Se�u�rity �nstrum�nt e�ren though all or <br /> par� may no� �ret be ad�ar�ced. A�� futur� ad�ances and o�her future obl�gations are secured a� if mad� �n the da�e �f <br /> th�s Se�urx�y �nstrument. Nathi�a� �n �his Se�uri�y �nstrumen� shaX� c�nstitu�� a camm��m�nt ta make additiona� or <br /> fu�ure�oans ar ad�rances z�any amoun�. Any su�h comm�i.tmen�must be agreed�o zn a�epara��v�ri�ing. <br /> �. A�� a��igat�ans T`rustar ov�es��Beneficiary, wh�ch may �a�er arzse, to �he ex�ent n��pr�hibi�ed by la�, includ�ng, but <br /> not�zmited to, ��ab���tzes for overdraf�s rela��n� �� an dep�sxt account a�reemen�be�wveen Trus�ar and Beneficiary. <br /> �]. AI� addi��ana� sums ad�a�z�ed and ex enses �ncurre�b Beneficiar for x�asurin reservin <br /> �h� p Y Y g, p g or a�herw�se pr�tect�ng <br /> Proper�y and �ts �aiue and ar�y other sums ad�anced and expenses �ncurred�y �3eneficiary under the terms of th�s <br /> Securz�y �nstrumen�. <br /> This Securi�y �ns�rumen� wx�� na� secur� any a�her debt �f Benef�c�ary fa��s �o give any required n�tz�� af the right �f <br /> resciss�on. <br /> 5. PAYMEN'�S. Trus�or agrees that a�� payment� und�r �he �ecured De�t w�ll be pa�d v�hen due az�d �n accnrdance with the <br /> terms of�he Secured Deb�and�his S�curi�y Instrument. <br /> �. WARRANTY �F` TITLE. Trus��r warrants tha� Trustor is or �i�� be lawfu��� seized af �he es�ate con�eyed b� this <br /> Secur��y �ns�rumen� and has the ri�h�ta zrr�vocahl� �rant, conve�, an� s�II the Prap�r�y to Trus�ee, �n trus�, ���h povcrer�f <br /> sale. Trus�or a�so vc�arran�� �ha��he Proper�y is unencumbered, exc�pt for�ncumbrarices vf recard. <br /> 7. PRI(�R SECURITY IN'TERESTS. ���h re�ard to an� �ther martgage, deed af trus�, security agreemen� ar other lien <br /> docum�nt tha�crea�ed a prior se�ur��y interest or�ncu�rnbrance an the Pro�ert�, Trus��r a�rees: <br /> A. To make a.11 pa�rm�n�s wh�n due and�o p�rform ar camp�y w��h a�l �o��nan�s. <br /> B. Ta promp��y de�iver�a Benefz��ary any notices�ha�Trustar rec��ves fram the holder. <br /> �. �ot �o a11o� an modi�ca��on �r extension �f nor �o re ue a <br /> y ,� q st n� fu�ure adWances under an� n�t� or a�reemen� <br /> secured by �h���en documen��v�thauti Benefz�iary s pr�or wr�tten cons�n�. <br /> $. CLAIMS AGA�NST TITLE. Trustor w��� pay all ta�es, assessmentsy liens, en�umbrances, �ease pa�ments, ground r�nts, <br /> ut��z��es, and other �har�es relatin� to �he Property �h�n due. Bene�c�ar� may requxre Trusfor to pro�zde ta Benefc�ary <br /> �opz�s �f al� notices �ha� such amounts are du� and the receip�s e�idenc�n� T'rustor's paymen�. Trus��r will defend ��t�e �a <br /> th� Pro�erty agains� an� ciaims tha� uTou�d impair �he ��en of this Security Instrument. Trustor agrees t� ass��n t� <br /> Benef�c�ar�, as re�uested b� B�n�f�ciary, any rzghts, claims or def�nses '�`rus�or may have a�a�nst parties who supply labor <br /> or mater�axs �o ma�ntain or��nprove�he Praper�y. <br /> 9. DU� �N SALE �R E�T�UMB�ANCE. Beneficiary may, a� i�s optzon, declare �h� en��re ba�ance af the Secur�d D�b� �o <br /> be zmm�diatel�du�and payable upon�he crea�ian af, transfer or sale of a�� or an�part of the Property. Th�s ri�ht �s su��ec� <br /> �o �h� restric��ans �mposed b� federa� Iau� �T 2 C,F.R. 59�}, as app��ca��e. This covenant sha11 run ��th �he Proper�y and <br /> shal� remain Yn effec�until �he Secured Debt is paid in fu�� and this Securz�y �nstrumen� �s re�eased, <br /> 1D. PR�PER'Z'Y C�NDITI�I�I, ALTERATIUN�S AND INSP��T��N. Trustor wi�l �Ceep �he Prop�r�y zn�o�d�andz��on and <br /> make aII repairs tha�are reasonab�y necessar�. Trus�ar shall not cammi�or allow any�uast�, �mpa�rmen�, or de�er��ratian of <br /> the Proper�y, Trustor wi�� ke�p th� Proper�� fr�e af nflxious vveeds and �rasses. Trustor a�re�s that the nature of �h� <br /> oecupancy and use �vi�� not subs�antially chang� without Ben�f�c�ary's pr�or �z��t�en consen�, Trustar w��� not p�rmz� a.z�.y <br /> change in any ��c�nse, r�s�r�����ve covenan� or ea�ement ��thau� Benef�c�ary's prior wr�t�en consent. Trustor will notify <br /> Ben��c�ary�f a�1 demands, pr��eeding�, c�a�ms, and act�ons a�a�ns�Tz ustflr, and of any�oss ar dama�e to�he Proper�y. <br /> Bene�ciar� ar Bene�ciar�'s a�ents may, a� Ben�fc�az-�'s op�ian, en�er the Proper�y at any reasonable time far the�urpose <br /> af xnspect�n� th� proper�y. Bene���azy shal� give Trustor no�zc� at the tim� of ar hef�re an insp�c�ian spec�fy�n� a <br /> reasonable purp�se far the ins�t���an. Any inspec���n af�he Proper�y shall be en�zre�y for Bene�ciary's ben��t and Trus�or <br /> wi�� �n n�wa�rely on Bene�c�ary's �nspect�on. <br /> 11. AUTII�RITY T� PERF�RM. �f Trus�or fai�s �a perfarm any du�y or an� af �he ca��nants conta�ned in �h�s 5ecurity <br /> �ns�rumen�, Benef�ciary ma�, wi�h�ut n�tzce, perform or cause them �o be perf�rmed. Trus�or a�p�ints Benef�c�ary as <br /> attorn� �n fact �o s� n Trustor's name or a an amaun� necessar for er�ormance. Bene�c'a <br /> Y g p y � y p � ry s r�ght to perform for <br /> Trustor sha�l nat cr�a�e an obliga����z to perform, and Benef�c�ar�'s failure tio perform wzll na� preciude Beneficiary from <br /> exerc�s�ng ar�.��f Bene��zar� s o�her rzghts under�he �aw or�hzs Securi�y �nstrumen�. �f an� cons�ruction on�he Proper�y xs <br /> discon�inued or no� carr��d on in a r�asonab�� manner, Benefic�a ma �ake all s�e s necessa to rfl�ec� BenefZcia ` <br /> securi� �nt�res� �n the Pro er� inc�ud�n com Ie��on of�he�anstructi � p � � � � <br /> Y P �'� � P an. <br /> 1�. A�SIGNMENT �F LEASES AN17 RENTS. Trustor irre���ab�� assi�ns, grants and can�eys, �a Trus��e, �n �rust for �he <br /> bene�� of Bene�c�ary as addi�iona� secur�ty a�� �he right, ����e and int�res� zn th� fa�lo�v�ng ��.1 referred �o as Proper�y}: <br /> existing ar fu�ure �eases, sublease�, Iicens�s, guarant�es and any o�her v�ritten �r ver�al agreements for the use and <br /> accupancy of�h� Proper�y, inc�uding an� ex�ens�ons, renewa�s, mod�f�catians or repia�emen�s �all referred �o as Leas�s}; <br /> and rents, �ssues and pro�ts �a�� referred �o as Rents}. In �he e�ent any ��em listed as Leases or Rents is d��ermined ta be <br /> persana��raper��r, this Ass��nment wi�I a�so be re�ard�d as a security a�reemen�. Trustor v�ili promptly provzde Benefic�ary <br /> vv�th cop�es of the L�ases and vvi�l cert�f� �hese Leases are�ru� and correct capies. The existing Leases v�rili be prow�ded �n <br /> �xecut�on of the Assxgnment, and al� future Leas�s and any other znformati�n v��th respect �o �hese Leases v�i�� be prflvzded <br /> �mn�.ediatel�r after �he�r are executed. Trustor ma� ca�lect, r�����e, enj�y and use �he Rents so l�ng as Trustor zs not �n <br /> default. <br /> Up�n d�fault, Trustar wzll recei�e any Rents �n trus� far Benef�c�ar� and w��� not�e the Rents v�rzth any other <br /> fund�. Trus�or a�rees �hat th�s Secu�-ity �ns�rument is im�.mediately�ffec�x�e be��e�n Trustar arad Benef�c�ary and eff�cti�e as <br /> to th�rd par�ies�n th� recarding of�his As�ignmen�, As lan� as �hzs Assignmen��s in�ffec�, Trustar v�arran.�s and r�pr�s�n�s <br /> �ha�no defauit ex�s�s under�h� Leases, and the par��es su��ect �o �he Leases ha�e nat �iola�ed an� app�i�ab�e �aw on leases, <br /> licenses and�and�ords and tenants. <br /> 13. LEASEH�LDS; ��ND�N�INIUMS; PLA�NEI] LTNIT DEVEL��ML�N'T'S. "�rustor agrees to campiy w�th the <br /> prov�s�ons �f any �eas� �f�h�s Security �ns�rument is �n a Ieasehold. If the Praper�� inciudes a unit in a condaminium�r a <br /> p�anneal un�� d�ve�opment, Trustar��II p�rform a�� �f Trust�r's du��es under th� c�venants, �y--�a,WSy ar r�gulations nf the <br /> condaminium or p�anned unit deve�opment. <br /> (page�2 nf 41 <br /> � 1994 Wvlt�rs Kluw�r Financiaf 5�r�ices-Bankers Syst�ms�M Fflrm RE-DT-NE 1 ZJ��I�Q�fi ``�� <br /> � <br /> VMP�-C'i 65tNE}{0�0�7 <br />