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<br /> ITNtFORM CavEx�trris. Borrawu and Lender cavcnant and agree 4s fQllows:
<br /> r 1. Paymeat of Principal and Interas�Pr•s�a�ment and Late GRu�es. �ore�wer shall promptQy pay when,due
<br /> � the princi�ai of and interat on the debt evidenced by tdse Nute and any prepaymertt and late charges due under�tne Dlnte.
<br /> - 2. Fna�aforTuesaad I�raace. Subject t��pplicable taw ar toa wr�tten wsiv6tbv�ender,Barsa�rersball gay
<br /> w Le.ndes on the day rnantlily psyiuents are due urider the Note,untnl che Nau is paid in Cull,a sum('•Fuads")eqaal to
<br /> one-t�veif'th of: (aj•yearly taacs and assessments which may attain prioriiy oeer t�is Secur�t} instsvment; (b) yeardy
<br /> taaehald psyments�ar gtound rents on the Pra�per�y, if any; (c) yearly haiar� insurance pramium�; and (d) yearly
<br /> mort�e insurance praniums,if any.Thae items are catled"esc.row items."Lendcr may esrimare the Fnnds due on the
<br /> 6asis a�c�utent dats and rnsonable atimates of future escraw items. . �
<br /> T�e Funds sha13 be heid in an institution tEta depasits or accounts vf which are insured or guurante:d bs�.a f�xieral.or
<br /> -- sute�cy fincluding I.endcr if L�nder is such an instetvaony. Lendcr shm1l appiy the Funds tQ pay thc esersw iter�,
<br /> Leade�csiy not c�e for hQlding and applying the Funds,analyzing t�e accaunt or verifying the�crow items;��s
<br /> Lmd�s�ays Borrawer interest an the Fuads and apglicable taw permit�Lendcr to malce such a charga.Sare��a.*�d
<br /> Lead�may agree in writing tT�interest shall 6e�id qn the Funds. Unless nn agrament is madc ar�I,_?��?�isw
<br /> roquiires intetest to be pud,Lcrtder shall nat 6e r,-.quiii�.f�pay Baaaaer any interest or earnings on thc F^.�-�s.I.eeQder
<br /> aIuil give to Borro�+u,without charge,an anutatil ttztxnus�ag of the Funds shawing credits and slebitsto t�tc�icu�s and tcic
<br /> p�ose for�rhich each debit to tbe Fvnds wss m�dP'�.Fvnds are pledged as additianal securin,�.Foc ttta�-.u�cs�securcd by
<br /> ��rity Instrument. . ,
<br /> If the amount of the Fnnds hela by Lender,to�¢r with the futurc monttily payments af Fund���ble prior ta
<br /> ' � the due dates of the escrow i[ems�-shall exsac the amount required to pay the cscrow items when due,thr�e��cess shaQ be,
<br /> -� at Horrower's oprion�eitE�er gromptd f r�prid.ta Borrower or credita3 ta Eorr�wer on monthly paymenu ofr'�ur.ds.Ef ef�
<br /> amount of the Fuad�held by Leader is nat snfficient to pay the escra�c rt�ems when due.Borroau shall pay t�Lucd�a�y
<br /> , � ��• amount n�ce�sary tn�neka vp th�tdciici�n.^y in ane ar man�gaymenis as requirect by Lender.
<br /> .. '� . , Upon paymeat in full uf all�sums secured by tl�is�xurity Instrnmant,Lrrder shs�ll promptly r��.�Borrower
<br /> � any Fvndsheld by Lendet It�under paragr�}th 19 the i�r�perty is sold or acquir�by Lxnder,Lender shaSa�Iy.no taizr
<br /> : � thu�anmcdiately pror te t�'�c sale af t��te gc�erty or iu acquisition by Lcnder.any Funds hetd by Lend:r at the tir.fe of �
<br /> appGcatfoo�s a credlt again�t tEae sumssecuEact sy this Security Instrumen�
<br /> � 3. A�liaiefon o�Fsyments. Unias applic�ble law provida oiherwise,all payrrser�cs received i��1.ender under
<br /> pst�gt��s t and Z ahatl be spplihdc fl�i.to Lte charga��e under the Note;secaa�,to prepayment chsrges��a under the
<br /> Idot�thiYd,ta smanntu psyr�bla under parag�h 2;fourth.to interat due;and tasy r.o principal due. ,
<br /> �i. Ctiae�eq Li�s. BoraAwer sI��y all taxcs.as,sessmea�s,c3�uges,Eaa end ira�ositions attn'butsble ta r.&e
<br /> Praperty M1uob may attuitr•priority,over �i�s Securiry Instrumect�, �lessehold paymers�s or ground rents� if ary.
<br /> Borso�ver:hall•psy thase obligatians in the rr,aruur provided in pasagraph Z,or i£r���t paid in t�,at manner,Bo:rower shall
<br /> psy them on time dircctl�r.to tke pe�sQII a�rrd payrnent.Borroaer shaU promIDtly!'ur�ish to Lender all notices of amounts - �
<br /> to be pRid under this par�grapti.ft�erca��malces thae payments dirxtly.Bonower shall prom�tly furnish to Lender { '
<br /> recdpts e`idencing t�e psyments. .
<br /> Borro�rer shaU promptly dischsrge aay lien which h�s priariry over this Security Instr�.:�ent unless Horrower.(s) '
<br /> ' �reGS in rvriting to the paymmt of the obligaaon securod by the lien in s mmner aceeptable t6�T�@er,(b)contests in gaod '
<br /> faitb�the tien by,or defends aaainat enforcement of the tien in.lesal proceeding�ahich in the Lender's a`si:�ian operate to
<br /> prevmt the enfurcement of the lien or forfeiture of ar►y part af tha Yroperty;or(c)secures from the hc:c£�:r of the lien an : ,
<br /> ajnemrnt asttsfactory to Y,ender subardinatiag the lien to this Sawrity Instrument.If Lendcc s�ermines thst any part of ; a
<br /> tbe Property is subjec4 to a lien which msy attain pri�rity over ttx.i��xurity lnstrument,t.¢r-�.er may give Botraws�a ;—
<br /> nodoe idrntifying the lien.Horrawer shall satisfy the lirn or take one ar sr.ore of the actions sa:C3rth above within 10 dsys
<br /> olthe�ivin�of notice.
<br /> S. Harard I�e. Bonower sh�ll kap the improvemrnts now exis;i,.�or hoteafter erecte�:�:�the Property ;
<br /> iruurod utir►st loss by fire,haurds included within the term"eatended coverage"and sny ottres hautds�'flr which Lender
<br /> roquira insurance. This insurance shsll be rnaintainod in the smaunts �nd for the perio�:+.Aat Le:tder cequira. The �
<br /> insursnce arrier providin�the iruursnce ahaU be chosen by Borrower subject to Lender's apprava!whicb sha11 not be
<br /> unrd�cx►s�ly�vithheld. .�.
<br /> Atl inwrance policia u�d renewals shall be accepuble to Lender md shs!!include a sundard mortgage clause. � -,
<br /> L�ender sh�ll hsve the ri�ht to hold the policies and rcneMala.Jf Lender requires,Borrowor ahall promptly give to Lender
<br /> _ sll re�ceipu of paid premiums�nd renewal notica. In tbe event of lou�Bonower shsll give&G�mpt notice to the insurance
<br /> canier�nd Lender.Lender m�y mske proof oFlou if not msde pront�x�l��by Barro+wer.
<br /> lTnless Lender and Bonoatr otherwise agra in writing�insuc�,.^:ti:e proceeds��.�wl be applied to restoration or repeir
<br /> . o�the Propetty damaged.if ihe eatoation or repair is economiatl�f:uible uid Lknder's security is reat Te:sened.lf the
<br /> ratonHon or reptir is not ecaernr�ic�lly fasible or Lender'�sxutity would be les�ened,the insuranee proceeds shell be
<br /> appiled to the sum�sacured by tbi�Securit�Instrument.whethu�r not then due,with any� �s.ess paid to Bortower. If
<br />- Bocrwver�b�nda�the Property,or does nnr.ansaer within 30 daya s notice from Lender tis�es the insurance arrier Itas
<br /> � o�'erod to aettle a claim�then Ltnder mel+cs�!iaci the insurance praceeds.Lender may use the proceeds to aepair or ratore
<br /> the P'r�:flerty ar to psy sums secursd by tI:is Security in::r*ummt,whether or not ehen due.The 30-day period will begin
<br /> Mhen the notice is pven.
<br /> Unkss Lender and BonaMer otherr�ise agree in writing.any application of'proceeds to principal shall not extend or �
<br /> po�tpane the due date otthe monthly psy��cs referted to in psragraphs l and 2 or change thc amount of the payments.lf
<br /> � under prtjraph 19 the PropeRy is scquired by Lerider,Borrower's right to sny insurance policies and proceeds raulting
<br /> ��� from damaje ta the Property prior to the acyuisition ah�ll pass to I.ender to the eatent of the sums secured by this Secarity
<br /> _ lnstrumerat immediately prior to Ihe acquisition. '--`�
<br /> 6. Praenttton u�d Matatee�nce olProperf�;Le�ehcid�. Bonower shall not destroy,damsge or substantially
<br /> � chu��e the Property.allox the Property to deterionte or commit wute.(f this 5ecurity lnstrument is on a leasehold.
<br /> Horrbwrer ehall com�iy�vith the provisians aithe lease.aad if Bon.awer acquires fee title to the Propeny.ehe ltasehold and
<br /> � feetitte�i��it nvt mergsuntess Lertdec sgrees tv ti�e mergar in writing.
<br /> 7. Prot�ctlon o!Lender's Ri�hb ia the Prooerty; MoRp�e Inwnnce. If Harrower fails to perfarm the
<br /> — ' covmante��nd��rame�ts contained in this Security l�sstrument.or there�sa legal proceeding that may signiftcantly alfect �
<br />� � Lxnder'� ti�hts in the Property(such as a ptoceeding in b�nkruptcy,prob�te,tor condemnation or ta enforce laws or
<br /> te=ulation�),thrn Lender msy do and psy for whstever i9 necasary to protect the value of the Propeny end Lcnder's nghts
<br /> in the Praperty. Ltnder's actcons m�y inrlude p�ying any sums secured by a lien which has pnority over this Seeunty ��„
<br /> 7 In�trumtnt,appurina in court.Qaying reuonabte altomeys ftes attd entrnag an the('roperry to make rePaus. Althc�ugh ���
<br /> Ltnder rruy takt trnbn under th�s paragtaph t,l,endtr does noi have to do so
<br /> Any amnur►tsd�sbursed Dy Lendrr under this paragraph�sh�li become additivaal debi t�f 8ur rower secvred by this ; ^`-
<br /> - Secunty�nstrumcnt lTnless Bvrrower and Lmder agree toother terms of payment.the:eamounts chefl bcar mterrst from r'
<br /> � �- �he d�te Ut d�sbutsement at th� 1Vute rate anal shal! Ee fiayable, w�th entrttst, upon not�cr from L.ender tc- f�orroa•cr
<br /> �+ rtqurstin�payment
<br /> y,�
<br /> �l,;
<br /> . �
<br /> ��' `
<br /> �-,.
<br /> - �j">�r':
<br /> �.,.ry�.
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