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<br /> 'F$�S J`aa��F'�t,i��("Securlty Instrumefft."it�is inade on � '� February 7 " ` . —
<br /> � 19 g�.�ae.�sIIatar ia mickey m. Ine�ndorff and Garyl K. i�t�ndorff, Husband and Wifcti,-
<br /> ` . �� ("Borra�rer'7�x'he trwtea is AREND R.BAACK,attonMl!t"Tcuatee"!.
<br /> � Tbe beaeScitry is HOME FEDERA6 8AVINGS AND LOAA1��XlCIATION OF�iRAND lSLAMD, NEORASlU.�vhi�h i� �
<br /> or�sal�ed aad e�d+ting aader tl�e lsNrs of MEBRASKfi,�nd whqse sddre�s is Z2/Soulh Lo�uat,Or�nd bl�t,N�bra�lq • �
<br /> Q/�01("Lender").
<br /> � BortoMero�vasLendertheprincipwl�umof Twelve Thausacd and No/100ths------------------------
<br /> ----------------�----------- DoUa:s(U.S.S 12,C100.OD ).Thi�debt is evidenced by Bortower's note
<br /> dited tha s�t�au as thit Seturity Istsirument("Note").which provides for maatbly p�yments,�rith the full debt,if not
<br /> p�d�ii�r�.�aadps�gc march 1 , 'f395. ' �
<br /> Z'f'ai��:r'ss�i r:,dz�merf�st�res to I,mder:(a)the repsymwt of the d�b¢e+rideneed by the Note,a�i#�i interat,sed all ,� �..``
<br /> �,aa�as and modiScatianr,.(b)the Psymrnt of�11��Ire�-sum��vith interest.advanced und�er paraan�b 7 to ,�:'`:i.
<br /> � pr��t tire�iry of this Secuiity Inst►vment;and(c)the perf�ace of BonoMer'a covenu►ts uid agxmeaa-�,�r tbis �sr.,
<br /> gtu�r�e;B�m�er�vocably�rants snd�onvays to Tnuta,ia,ecvst,�vith power of sale.the follo�rin dacn'bed^�r ,'"'�"f-
<br /> 8 w �Y ,:�:;;,�;_:
<br /> �� H�1]. Counry.Nebraslca: :�?;�'?°�?-
<br /> " Lnt Ea.ghty-Eight (88): Buena+�ista Subdivision, an �
<br /> �. Adcfi�i*�n to the City .��' Grand Island, in Hall County, �
<br /> . � .,. Ne�rGska. •��
<br /> • � � ;;
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<br /> .
<br /> _ ', �.
<br /> ' j
<br /> �rldch�the�ddtrssot 419 East .54uth Street Grand Island
<br /> _� [sn..�l � [crty) � ,-->°_�—�_-
<br /> N�� 68801 ("property Addras•');
<br /> t7�v cae.) '
<br /> TOaE7'HER WtTH aA the improvemeutt no�v pr heteilter erected aa the Qroperty, and alt eaaementc, right�c, �
<br /> �ppurtertanca, rrntt, royaltie�, minerd,ojl and 6at ri�hts and profit�. Mater riahts and stock and a115xtures now or
<br /> . hen�Ra a put ot'the propeny.All repIacemrnts and additions sltsll also be covered by this Seturity lastrument.AO of the
<br /> - forc�oin�is referred to in thisSecurity Instrument v the"Propeny."
<br /> � �oR1tOw��t COv�N�thrts tlut Borro�rer is Iawrfully seised of the estate ltereby conveyed and h�s the riaht to grant•
<br /> aad convey tlse property and that the Property is uaescumberal.eacept for eneumbrances ni'record.Bonower warrants r,
<br /> and�ill defe»d tc�e�lty tht titk to tlse Property a�ainst all ciaims�nd dem�nds,subject tn any encumbrance5 of record. �
<br /> TH19 SECURiTY lK5'17tUMENt`cotnbinp uaiform covenaat� for natiae�l use aad non•uniform cdvenents witf� �
<br /> timitod vin�tions 6y jurisdictinn toconstitutes uniform security instrument covenng ral proqerty. r�-.� �J�
<br /> � NEMASIIA,...s:��r. r�m�iy�-JMAU/►N!'AIC i1MIfQR11 Mff1RUMFNT Fo►m �o�e izis�
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