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2� 17�� 1 �8 <br /> All insurance paiicies requ�red by Lender and renewals�f such p�lzcies sha�l be sub�����o Lender's right�o <br /> disappro�e suc�policies, sha�l �nc�ude a s�andard m�r�gage clause, and sha�l na�me L,ender as mor�gag�� <br /> andlor as an addi�iona� lo�s payee. Lender shal�ha�e the right to hold�he p���ci�s and r�n�wal cert��cates, If <br /> Lender requires, Barrower sha��pron�pt��r gi�e to Lender ali receipts of pa�d premiums and r�newal n��ices, <br /> If B�rrawer ob�a�ns any form of insurance c�verage, not oth�rwise r�quired by Lender, for damag��o, or <br /> destruct�on of, the Proper��, such policy shal� inc�ude a s�andard mor�gage clause and shall name Lender as <br /> mor��a�ee andlor as an add�t�onal loss pa�ee. <br /> In the��ent of��ss, B�rro�er sha1� g��e prompt no�ice���he insurance carrier and Lender. Lender ma� <br /> make praof of�oss if nat rn.ade promp��}�by B�rrower. IJn�ess L.�:nder and��rrower otherwis�agr�e in <br /> wri�ing, any insurance proceeds, whether or no��he under�ying �nsurance v�a� required by Lender, sha11 be <br /> app�xed��re�tora��on ar repair of the Proper�y, if�h�res�ora��on ar r�pa�r�s economically feasible and <br /> I.ender's s�uri�y is nat�essened. During such repair and res�ora�ion per�od, Lender�hal�ha�re the r�gh�to <br /> hold such�nsuran�e proceeds until Lender has had an apportun�ty to inspe��such Praperty to ensure the <br /> work has been con�pleted�o Lender's sat�sfact�on, pro��ded tha�such inspec�i�n sha�� be under�aken <br /> prompt�y. L.ender may disburse prflce��.s for�he re�airs and restora��on in a s�ng�e paymen��r in a series of <br /> progress paymen�s as the work�s completed. Unless an agr�ement is made�n�riting ar Appi��ab�e Law <br /> requires interest t�be paid on such insurance proce��s, Lender shali not be r�quired�o pay Borr�wer an� <br /> in�er�st�r earnings on such proceeds. Fees for pub�ic ad�us�ers, or other�h�rd parties, re�ained b� Borrow�r <br /> sha�l not be paid out of the insurance proceeds and sha��be the sole obl�gation ot Bnrrovv�r. �f�he restora�i�n <br /> or repair is n��economica��y feasib�e or Lender's�ecuri�y v�rouid be lessen�d, the insurance proceeds sha11 be <br /> appl�ed��the sums s�cured by �his Securit�r �nstrumen�, whether or no��hen du�, w��h��e excess, if any, <br /> pa�d�o Borrower. Such �nsurance proceeds shal�be app�ied �n the ord�r prov�ded for in Section 2. <br /> If Borrav�r�r abandons the Propert�, Lender may file, neg��ia��and sett��an�a�a��a�le in�urance c�aim and <br /> rela�ed mat�ers. �f gorrovc�er da�s not r�spond��vi�hin 3D days to a notice from Lend�r�ha�the�nsurance <br /> carrier has off�red�o set�le a clazm, ��aen L.ender may ne�otiate and settle th�c�a�m. The 3�µday period wi�I <br /> beg�n when�he noti�e is given. In either e��nt, ar�f Lender acquires the Proper�y�nd�r Section�.�ar <br /> oth�rwise, Barrov�er h�reby ass�gns�o I.end�r�a} Barrawer's rights to an� insurance pro�eeds �n an amaunt <br /> no�to exc�ed�he amounts unpaid under the Note or�h�s Securit� Ins�rumen�, and �b} an�other af <br /> Borrnv�rer's r�ghts (ather than�h�righ��o an�r refund of unearned premiums paid by B�rrovWer�und�r a�� <br /> �nsurance policies�overin��he Property, insofar as such rights ar�appi�cab�e to the caverage�f the <br /> Proper�y. Lend�r may use th�insurance proceeds either to repa�r or restore�he Proper��or to pay amoun�s <br /> unpaid under the Note or this 5ecurit�r �nstrum�nt, �rhether or no��hen due. <br /> �. Dccupancy. Borrower shall occupy, es�ab�ish, and use the Proper�y as Borrower's principal residen�e <br /> within 6D days after�he e�ecution of this Securit� �ns�rumen�and sha�� c�ntinue to occupy�he Property as <br /> Borrower's principa� residence f�r at��as�ane year af�er the date of oc�upanc�r, unles� Lender otherwise <br /> agrees �n wr�ting, �hich�onsen�sha��not be unreasonabiy withheld, or unless ext�nuating circumstanc�s <br /> exist v�rh�ch are beyond Barrower's co�trol, <br /> 7. Preser�at�on, �aintenance and Protect�on of the Property; [nspecti�ns. Barr�wer sha�i nat des�ray, <br /> damage or impa�r�.he Prflper�y, allow��e Pro�er�y�o deterinrate or��mm�t waste on�he Property. �Vhether <br /> or not Borrovver�s resid�ng in the Prope��, Borrower sha�1 mainta�n�he Proper�y in order to pre�ent the <br /> Proper�y fram de�eri�rating or decreasing in value due�o its cand�t�an. Un�ess it is determ�ned pursuant�� <br /> Section 5 �ha�repair or res�oration�s na�ecanomi�ally feas�ble, Borrow�r shall promp�I�repa�r the Proper�y <br /> �f damaged t� avaid fur�her de��riara��on or damage. If insurance�r condemnati�n proceeds are paid in <br /> connec��on wi�h damage�o, or the tak�ng af, the Property, Barrower shal�be resp�ns€ble far repairing or <br /> res�oring the Praper�y on�y �f Lender has re�eased proceeds for�uch purposes. Lender may disburse prac�ds <br /> NEBRASKA-Single�amily-Fannie Mael�reddie Ma�UNt�aRM INSTRUMENT Farm 3428�1�� <br /> VMP[� VMP6�NEy t730�� <br /> Woiters Ktuwer Financial Ser�i�es Page 7�f i 7 <br />