2� 17�� 148
<br /> satisfact�on, provided�hat such znspect�on sha1�be under�ak�n promrpt�y. L�nder may pay for th�repai�s
<br /> and restora�ion in a single d�sbursem�nt�r in a s�ries vf pragre�s pay�nen�s as�he v�ork is c�mplete�.
<br /> Unless an agreem�nt is made�n wr���ng nr App�zcab�e Law requzr�s in�erest��b�paid on such
<br /> Misc���aneous Proceeds, Lender sha�� not be re�u�re�to pay Barrower any �nterest or earnings on such
<br /> Miscellane�us ProC�eds. �f the res��rat��n or r�pair�s nat�conomica���feas�b�e or Lender's securzt�v`rou�d
<br /> be lessened, �he Mis�e��aneous Proce�ds shall b�appl�ed to�he sums s�cur��by th�s Security�nstrument,
<br /> whether or not then due, v�ith�he exce�s, zf any, paid t�B�rra�vver. �uch Nl�sce��aneaus Pr�ceeds sha�� be
<br /> app�xed �n t�e order pro�ided for in�ec�ian 2.
<br /> �n�he e�en�of a�otal tak�ng, des�ru����n, ar�oss �n�alue of�he Proper��, the Nlisce�Ianeous�roceeds sha1�
<br /> . be app��ed to�he sums se�ured b�r th�s Security �nstrumen�, vwhe�h�r or n���her�due, with tYie excess, if any,
<br /> paid to Borro�v�r.
<br /> In�he even�af a par�ial tak�ng, destructi�n, �r loss in�a�ue of�h�Prap�r�y �n whi�h the fa�r mark�t va�ue af
<br /> the Praperty�mmedia��I�b�fore the part�a�. �ai�ing, destruc�i�n, or los�in Walue�s e�ual to�r greater than the
<br /> amoun�af the�ums se�ured by�his S�cur�ty �nstrumen� immediate�y before the par��a�tak�ng, destruction, or
<br /> �oss �n value, unless Borrnwer ar��i Len�er otherwise agree in writing, the�ums secured by��Zis �ecurit�
<br /> Ins�rumen�shal�be r�duced by the amoun�of the M�scellaneous Proceeds mu�tiplied by�he fol�aw�ng
<br /> frac��on: �a}�he�ota� amount�f�he sums s��ured �mmed�a�e�y before�h�part�al taking, destruc�ian, or loss
<br /> zn Wa�ue divi�ed�y ��}t�e fa�r market value of�he Proper�y immed�a�e�y before the partia��aking,
<br /> destru�t�on, ar lass in�alue. Any ba�an��shail be paid to Borr�wer.
<br /> In the e�ent of a par�ial taking, destruct��n, �r loss in va�ue of the Praperty�n vvh�c� �h�fa�r market�ra�ue of
<br /> the Proper��r imum�d�a�e�y before�he par��a1�aking, destruct�on, ar�oss in va�ue is less�han the amount nf the
<br /> sums secured immed�ate�y bef�re the par��a�tak�ng, destruc�ion, or loss in value, unless Borrawer and
<br /> L�nder other�ise agree�n wrxt�ng, �he Miscellaneous Pro�eeds sha��be app�i�d to the sums secured by�his
<br /> Secur��y �flstrumen�v�hether�r not t�e sums are�hen du�.
<br /> �f the Praper�y i� aban�aned�y Borrfl�ver, or�f, aft�r nat�ce by Lender tv Borrawer�hat t�e�pposing Par�y
<br /> �as def�ned�n the���.�s�r���nce}offers �o rnake ar�ativ�rd to sett�e a c�a�rn for d�m��es, B�rro�ver fa�ls�o
<br /> respand to Lender with�n 3�days after th�date the not�ce is g�wen, Lender is autharized t�coll�c�and apply
<br /> th�M�scel�aneaus Proceeds e�th�r to re�tora�i�n or repa�r of�he Property or to the sums secured by�his
<br /> Securi�y �n.s�rument, whether ar not th�n due. "C�pp�sing Par��r" means th��hxrd party�hat owes Borrower
<br /> M�scelianeous Pro�eeds or the party against wh��m.Borr�wer has a righ�of act�on�n regard to Mis�e�lan�ous
<br /> Proceeds.
<br /> Borrower shall b�in defau�t zf a�.y aG�ion or proceeding, �vhe�her c�vx� or crimina�, is�egu�that, in L�nder's
<br /> �ju�igment, cou�d resu�t in forfe��ure�f�he Praper�y or�th�r m.a�erza� �mpair�ment�f Lender's interes�xn the
<br /> Pr�p�r�y or r�ghts under thi�Security �ns�rument. B�rr�wer can cure such a default and, if acce�era��on has
<br /> �ccurr��, r�ins�ate as provi�ed in Section �9, by�a�si�ag th� acti�n or pro��ed�ng�o be d�sm�ssed�rith a
<br /> ru��ng that, �n Lender's�udgment, precludes farfe��ure of�he Prap�r�y�r other n�.a��r�a� �m.pa�rment�f
<br /> L�nder's intere�t in the Proper�y or rights under thzs Securxty �ns�rument. The proceeds of any award or
<br /> ��a�rn for damages that are at�rzbutabl�t�the�mpair�ment flf Lend�r's �nteres�in�he Prop�rty are her�by
<br /> assigned and shall b�paid�a Lender,
<br /> Al� Misce��aneous Proc�eds that are no�applied�� rest�ra��on or repa�r of�he Property shal�be app��ed�n the
<br /> fl rd�r prov�ded for in Sec�i�n Z.
<br /> NE�RASKA-5ingle�am�Iy-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFqRM INSTRUM�NT �ar�3�Z8 1101
<br /> VMP Q VMPfi�NE�t13�2�
<br /> Watters Kluwer Financia!S�r�ices Pag�1 Q❑f 1]
<br />