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<br /> 2� 17�� 145
<br /> Lender pro��d i n� for siich term ination or unti I term ination is requ ii-ed by Appl icab�e Law. N�th ing in th is 5ection
<br /> 1�] affects Br�r•�-nwer's c�b�igation to pay in�eres� at �he rate pro�ided in the N�te.
<br /> Mortgage Insurance reimburses Lendei• �or any entity that purchases the No�e} for certain iosses it may incur
<br /> �f Borrower does not repay the Loan as agi-eed. Borrower is nc�t a party ta the Mor�gd�e Insurance.
<br /> Martgage insurers e�aluate their ta�al risk on all �uch insurance in force fr�m time to time, and may enter into
<br /> a�reements with othei- parties that sharc or mc�dify �heir risk, or reduce losses. These agreements are on terms and
<br /> conditions that are sa�i�factoi-y to the mort�a�e insurer and the other party (or parties} to these agre�men�s. These
<br /> agreements may require the mortga�� insurer�o make payments using any sourcc�f funds that the mortgage insui-er
<br /> may ha�e a�ai�able�which may include funds obtained from Mort�age Insurance premiums}.
<br /> �s a r�esult of these a�reements, ��ender, any purchaser of the Note, another insurer, any reinsurer, any other
<br /> eiitity, oi•any�ffiliate�f any nf�he foregoin�, may recei�e�directly or indirectly} am�unts tha�deri�e from�or mi�ht
<br /> be cha��acteriz.ed a�}a pr�rtion of�3orrower's payrnents for Mortga�e rnsurance, in exchange for shai�ing or rnodifying
<br /> the mni-t�age insure�-'s risk, Ur rcdLicing �osses. If such agreement pro�ides that an affiliaze of Lei�der takes a share
<br /> «f the �nsui-�r'� risk �n exchange f�r a share c�f the premiums paid tn the insurei-, the ai�i-angement is often termed
<br /> "�apti�e reinsu�-ance." Furthei•:
<br /> (a) Any such agrecmcnts wil� not affeCt the amounts that Borrower has agreed to pay for Mar#gage
<br /> Insurance, or any other terms nf th� Loan. Su�h agreem�nts w�ll not in�reas� the amount Barrower wil� awe
<br /> fi�r Mortgage Insuran�e, and they will not entitie Borr�wer to any refund.
<br /> �b} Any suCh a�recments will not affect �he righ�s Borrower has - �f any - wYth respe�t to the Mortgage
<br /> Insurance under the Homeowners Protection A�t of 199�or any other law. These rights may include the right
<br /> to re�ei�e �ertain disclosures, to reyuest and obtain can�ellation of the Mortgagc Insuran�e, to ha�e the
<br /> Mort�age Insurance terminated automatically, andJor to re�ei�e a refund of any Mortgage Insurance premiums
<br /> that were unearned at the timc of such �an�ellation or termination.
<br /> 11. Assignment of MisCellan�ous Proceeds; �,orfeiture. All Misceljaneous Praceeds ar� hereby assigned to
<br /> and shall be paid to Lender.
<br /> �f the Property i5 damaaed, such Miscellanenus Proceed�sha�1 be app�ied to restoration or repair af the Property,
<br /> if the re�toration or rcpaii- is ec«nomica��y f�as�ble and Lender's security is not �e�sened. During such repair and
<br /> rest��-ati�3n peri�d, Lendcr sha�l have the right to h��d such Miscellaneous Pr��ceeds until Lender ha5 had an
<br /> opportunity to ir�spect such Property to ensure th� w�rk has be�n completed to Lendei-'s satisfaction, pro�ided that
<br /> su�h inspection shal!be undertaken pramptly. Lender m�y pay for the rep�irs and re�toration in a single disbursement
<br /> or in a s��•ies of pro�ress payments as the work is completed. Unl�ss an agreement is made in writin�or Applicab�e
<br /> I�aw i•eqt�ii•es tntei�est tfl be paid on such Miscellaneous Proceeds, Lender sha1� nnt be required to pay Borrower any
<br /> intei-est or earnin�s on such Misc�llaneous Proceeds. If the restoration or i-epair is nat ecoi�omi�arly feasible or
<br /> Lender'�security would be lessened, the Miscell�neous Pro�eeds sha�l be applied t�the sums secured by this Security
<br /> Ins�rumcnt, whether or not then due, with the excess, if any, paid to Borrnwer. Such Miscel�aneous Proceeds sha�l
<br /> be applied in the ❑rdei• prc��ided for in 5ection Z.
<br /> In the e�cnt nt a tat::�l t3king, C��S�.I'L1Ctl�r1, or loss in value of the Praperty, the Miscellaneous Proceeds shall be
<br /> applied to the sums secured by this Sec:urity In�trum�nt, whether nr not then due, with the excess, if any, paid ta
<br /> Bnrrnwcr.
<br /> In the e�cn[ c�f a partia� �akin�, destruction, or �oss in �alue of the Prc�perty in which the fa�r market �a�ue of
<br /> the�'rope�•ty immed�ately bef«r-e�he pa1-tia� �akin�, destruction, oi• �c�ss in value �s equ�l to�i•�reater�han the amount
<br /> �f the �um5 secured by this Security In�trument immedrateiy before the partiai taking, destructi�n, c�r lnss in �alue,
<br /> unle�s Bc�r�•c�wer ar�d Lender c�therwise ag�•ee in writing, the sums secured by this S�curity Instrument shall be redueed
<br /> by the amol��it r�f the �Vlisceliai�eou� Pr�7ceeds multiplied by the foll�win� fraction: �a} the total amc�unt of the sums
<br /> sccured immediat�ly befc�re the partial takin�, destructiUn, nr loss in�alue di�ided by��b) the fair market��lue of th�
<br /> Pr«pei-ty imm�diately befc�re the partia� takin�, desti•uction, or loss rn value. Any balance shall be paid to Borrower.
<br /> in the event t�f a partial takin�, destruc�ian, �r lass in �alue of the Prnperty in which �he fair market �alue of
<br /> the Pi-oper�y immediately before the pai-tial taking, destructi�n, or loss in �a�ue is Iess than the amnunt of the sums
<br /> se�ured immediately before the partial taking, des�ruct�an, or �oss in �a�ue, u��less Bnrrower and Lender otherwise
<br /> NEBRASKA--Single Family--Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT floclN�glc �.
<br /> Form 3428 �1Q 1 Page 8 of 14 www.docrnagic.com
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