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<br /> amounts shall bear intere�t at the N�te rate from the date of disbursement and shal� be payable, with such interest,
<br /> upnn n�tice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment.
<br /> A�1 insuran�e poli�ies re�uire� by Lender and renewals of such poli�ies shal� be subject to Lender's right to
<br /> .
<br /> d i s appro�e 5uch pol ic ies, �h al� i ncl ude d standard mor tgage c 1 ause, and sh al� name Lender as mortgagee andlor as an
<br /> additional loss payee. Lender shali have the ri�h�to hold the policies and r�newal �ertificates. If Lender requires,
<br /> Borrower shall pramptly gi�e to Lender al� receipts af paid premiums and renewal notices. If Borrower obtains any
<br /> form of insurance cc��erage, not otherwise required by Lender, for damage tfl, ar destruction of, the Property, such
<br /> po�icy shall ir�clude a �tandard mc�i•tgage clause and shali name Lender as mnrt�agee andlor as an additional Ioss
<br /> payee.
<br /> In the e�ent of loss, Bc�rrower shal� gi�e prompt not�ce to the insurance carrier and Lender. Lender may make
<br /> prflof of loss if nat made promptly by Borrower. []niess Lend�r and Borr�wer otherwise agree in writing, any
<br /> insurance proceeds, whether ar nat the under�ying insurance was required by Lender, shall be applied to res�aration
<br /> �r repair of the Property, if the restara�ion or repair is ec�nomicaily feasible and Lender's security is not lessened.
<br /> Durin�such repair and restoration period, Lender shall ha�e the right to hoId such insurance prc�ceeds until Lender
<br /> has had an opportunity t� inspect such Property to ensure the work has been comp�eted to Lender's satisfaction,
<br /> pr��ided that such inspection shall be undertaken promptly. Lender may disburse proceeds for the repairs and
<br /> rest�ratian in a sin�le payment or in a series of progress payments as the work is �ompleted. Unless an agreement
<br /> is mdde in wri�ing or App�icable Law requires interest to be pa�d on su�h insuran�e proceeds, Lender shal� not be
<br /> required to pay Borrower any inter�st or earnings on such proc:eeds. Fees for public adjusters, or other third parties,
<br /> retained by Boi�rc�wer� shall not be paid out of the insuran�e proceeds and shdll be th� sa�e obli�atian of Borrower.
<br /> If the restoi�ation❑r repair is nat ecanomically feasibje or Lender's s�curity would be lessened, the insuran�e pro�e�ds
<br /> shall be applied to the sums Secured by�his Security Instrumen�, whether or not then due, with the exce5s, if any, paid
<br /> to Borrower. Such insurance proceeds sha�l be applied in t.he order pro�ided for in Secti�n 2.
<br /> If Borrawer abandnns the Property, Lender may file, nego�iate and settle any a�ailable insurance claim and
<br /> i-elated matters. If B�rrower daes not respond within 3�days to a notice from Lender that the insurance carr�er has
<br /> �ffered to settle a claim, then Lender may neao�iate and settle the claim. The 3�-day periad wi�l be�in when �.he
<br /> notice is �iven. In ei�her event, or if Lend�r acquires the Property under Section 22 or o�herwise, �3orrUwer hereby
<br /> assigns to Lender (a} Bc�rr•�wer's rights to any insurance proceeds in an am�unt nat ta exceed the amounts unpaid
<br /> un��� the NUte ar this Security Instrument, dnd �b} any other af Borrower's rights �other than the right to any refund
<br /> of unearned premiums paid by Borrower� under all insurance paiicie5 co�ering the Property, insofar as su�h rights
<br /> are appl icabl�to the co�erage of the Property. Lender may us�the insuranc�prace�ds either to i•epair or restflre the
<br /> Propei�zy or to pay amnunts unpaid under the Nate ar �his Security Instrument, whether or not then due.
<br /> t5. flc�upan�y. Borrower shal� accupy, establish, and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence
<br /> within ���days after the execut�an of this Security Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's
<br /> principal re�idence f�r at least one year after the date of occupan�y, un�ess Lender otherwise agrees in writing, which
<br /> consent shail not be unreasonably withheld, or unless extenuating circumstances exi�t which are beyond Borrower's
<br /> contro�.
<br /> 7. Preser�ation, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; Inspe�tions. Borr�wer sha�l not destroy,
<br /> damage or impair the Property, a�low the Property ta deteriorate or commit was�e an the Property. Whether or not
<br /> F3arrower �s resid i ng i n the Property, Borr�wer �hall m�intain the Property in orde�• �o pre�ent the Property from
<br /> dexeriarat�ng or decreasing in value due Co its condition. Unless it is determined pursuant to 5�ction 5 that repair or
<br /> restarat�on is nflt ecannmically feasible, Barrower shalj prompt�y repair the Property if damaged tn a�aid further
<br /> deterioration or damage. If insurance or condemnation proceeds are paid in connection w�th damage�o, or the taking
<br /> ❑f, the Property, Borrower shall be resp�nsible far repairing or restoi•ing the Property ❑nly if Lender has released
<br /> proceeds for such purposes. Lender may disburse pr�ceeds for the repairs and restoration in a sing�e payment or in
<br /> �series of progi•ess paym�nts as the work is completed. If the insurance or condemnation proceeds are not suffic�ent
<br /> to t•epair or restc�re th�Property, Horrower is not relie�ed af Borrower's ob�igation for the completi�n of such repair
<br /> or restc�ratian.
<br /> h1EBRASKA--Single Family--Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT DocM��lc
<br /> Form 3028 �Ip 1 Page 6 of 14 www.docmaglc.com
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