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<br /> If there is a surp�us of Funds he�d in escr�w, as defined under RESPA,Lender shall account to me
<br /> for the excess Funds in accordance with RESPA. If there is a shor�age of Funds he�d in escrow,as
<br /> defined under RESPA, Lender shall notify me as required by RESPA,and I shall pay to Lender the
<br /> am�unt necessary to make up the shortage in accordance with RESPA, buf in n� more than 12
<br /> mon�h�y payments. If there is a deficiency of Funds he�d in escrow, as defined under RESPA,
<br /> Lender shall notify me as reQuired by RESPA, and I shall pay ta Lender the arnount necessary to
<br /> make up the deficiency in accordance with RESPA,but in no more than 12 monthiy paymen�s.
<br /> Upon payment in full vf all sums secured by the Loan Document�,Lender shalt promptly refund to
<br /> me any Funds heid by L�nder,
<br /> F. That the Loan Dacumen�s are composed of duly �alid, b�nding agreements, enfor�eab�e in
<br /> accardance with their terms and are here6y reafFirmed.
<br /> G. That al1 terms and pro�xsions of the Loan Documents, except as expressiy modified by this
<br /> Agreemen�, remain in full force and effect; no�hing in �his Agreement shalI be understaod or
<br /> construed to be a satisfaction or release rn whole or in part of the obl�gations c�ntained in the Loan
<br /> Dacuments;and that except as atherwise specifically pr��ided in,and as expr�ssly madif ed by,this
<br /> Agreement,the Lender and I will be bound by,and will cornp�y with,all of the terms and conditions
<br /> of�he Loan Documents.
<br /> H, That, as of the Modification Effecti�e Date, no�w��hstanding any �ther pro�ision of the Loan
<br /> Documents, I agree as f�ltows: If all �r any par� af the Froperty or any interest in it is soZd or
<br /> transferred without Lender's prior written consent, Lender may, at its optivn, require immediate
<br /> payment in full of a�l sums 5ecured hy the Mortgage.Howe�er,Lender shall not exercise this option
<br /> if fed�ral law prohibits the exercise of such optian as of�he date af such sal�or transfer. If Lender
<br /> exercises this optian, Lender shall gi�e me notice of acceleratian.The nfltice shali pro�ide a period
<br /> of not jess than 3� days from the date the n�tice is del�vered or mailed within which I must pay all
<br /> sums secu�ed by the Mortgage. If I fail to pay these sums priar to fhe expira�ion of this period,
<br /> Lender may invoke any remedies permitted by the Mortgage withou�furth�r notice or demand on
<br /> me.
<br /> I. That, as af the Madifica�ian Effecti�e Date, I understand that the Lender may only allow �he
<br /> transfer and assumptian of the Laan, including this Agreement, to a transferee of my praperty as
<br /> permitted under the Garn St. Germa�n Act, 12 U.S.C. 5e�tkan I7�1 j-3.A buyer ar transferee of the
<br /> Fmpert�will not be permitted, under any other circurnstance,to assume the Loan.Except as noted
<br /> herein,this Agreement may not be assigned ta,or assumed by,a buyer or transferee of the Property.
<br /> J. That, as af the Modification Effecti�e Date, if any provision in the Note or in any add�ndum or
<br /> amendment to the Nofe al[owed for the assessment of a penalt�r for full ar partial prepayment of�he
<br /> Note,such provi�ion is null and�aid.
<br /> I{. That, I vrrill cooperate fu��y with Lender in obtaining any ti�le endorsement�s}, or similar title
<br /> in�urance product(s�, andlor subordination agreement�s} that are necessary or required by the
<br /> Lender's proc�dures to ensure that�he modif ed mortgage�oan is zn first lien positivn andlor is fully
<br /> enforceab�e upon rnodification and that if? under any circumstance and not withstanding anything
<br /> else to the con�rary in this Agreement,�he Lender do�s not re�eiWe su�h title endarsement�s}, ti�le
<br /> insurance product�s} andJor subordination agreement�s�, then the terrns of this Agreement will nnt
<br /> become effectiWe on the Modification EfFecti�e Date and the Agreemen�will be null and�oid.
<br /> Wells Fargo Custom FHA Home Aff'orda�le Modiftcation Agreement IVA1936 I����IILI��������
<br /> �iii2oi6_a4s
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