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2� 17���81 <br /> DEE�3 �F TF��J�T <br /> LQan No: 'i�'i3U'1a�7 �����[�1u�d} Pa�e 4 <br /> reasanahly �cceptable �v Lender. Trustar, upon request ❑� Lender, will d�li�er to Lend�r from time ta �ime �he <br /> po(icies vr cert��ica�es of insurance �n �orm satis�a�tory �o Lende�, inc(ud�ng st�pula�ians �ha� �o�erages wi[� r�ot be <br /> �ance�l�d c�r d�minished withoufi a�t least ten �1�} days prior vvrittan nv�ice to Lender. Each insurance pvlicy aisv <br /> shall in�lude an �ndorsemen�pr��iding �h��coverage in favv��f Lender wil� not be impaired in any ►rvay by any acfi, <br /> amissian ar de�ault of Trust�r ❑r any other persvn. Should the Real Proper�y be �oca�ed in an area designated by <br /> th� Administrata� af�he Federaf Emergency Management Ag�ncy as a spe�ial flaad hazard area, Trus�or agrees ta <br /> ab�ain and maintain Federal Fl�ad Insurance, if a�aila��e, for the �ull unpaid principal balance o�F �he �aan and any <br /> pri�r ��ens vn the property se�uring the 1oan� up to �he maximum palicy limits set under the Na�ianal Fl�ad <br /> fn�urance Program, ❑r as otherwise requir�d by Lender, and to maintain such insuran���ar-the�erm of�he i�an. <br /> �lpp�i�afion of Prviceeds. Trus��r sha!! promptly not�#y L�nder vf any loss or damage to �he Praperty. Lender may <br /> make prvaf o� loss i�F Trusfi�r fai�s to do so within fif#een {15} days vf �he casual�y. 1Nhe�her or no� Lender's <br /> security is impaired, L�nder may. a� Lender's e�ectian, recei�e and re�ain the prv�eeds of any insurance and apply <br /> the praceeds �o the reductivn o� the fndeb�edness, payment vf any li�n affec�ing �he Proper�y, �r �he restora�ivn <br /> and repair of�he Property. If Lend�r el�cts ta apply �he praceeds �a restc�rativn and repair, Trustor shal[ repa�r �r <br /> replac� �he damaged or destroyed Impra��m�nts in a manner satis�ac�ory �o Lender. Lend�r shall, upon <br /> satisfactary prov� of such expenditur+e, pay ar reimburs� Trust�r fram the proceeds �ar the r�asonab�e cvst �f <br /> repair ❑r rest�ra�ion if Trustvr is nvt in defaul� under this �eed af Trust. Any proceeds which ha�e nat been <br /> disbursed within �8D days after their receip� and wh�ch Lender has nvt cammitted to �he repair ar res�vration ❑f <br /> �he Prope�ty shall �e used fir5t�o pay any amaunt owing to Lender under�his Deed of Trust, �hen to pay a�crued <br /> interes�, an� the remainder, �f any, shall he app��ed �a �he prin�ipa� balance o�the lndebt�dness. I# Lender hQ�ds <br /> any proceeds af��r payment in �uII af �he lnde�tedness, su�h proceeds shall �e paid ta Trus�or as Trustar's <br /> interes�s may ap�ear. <br /> Trus�vr'� Repvrt vn Insurance. LJpon reques� ❑f Lender, hawe�er not more than vnce a year, Trustor shalf fucnish <br /> to L�nder a repvrt on each existing palicy af insurance showin�: {1� the name of the insur�r, ��} the risks <br /> insur�d; {3} the amaunt af �he paiicy; �4} �he praperty insured, the �hen curren� replacemen� �alue vt such <br /> praperty, and the manne�of determining tha��alue; and �5� �he expiration dat� of th� palicy. Trus�or sha�l, up�n <br /> request of Lender, ha�e an ir�dependent ap�raiser sa�isfact�ry t❑ Lender de�erm�ne�h� cash �alue repla�ement cost <br /> af the Prvper�y. <br /> LEiVDER'S E�RENDiTURES. I� any actian ar praceeding is Gommenced �ha� ►nrvuld materia��y a��e�� Lender's �nterest in <br /> the P�vper�y or if Trus�tor fai[s �� �amply rivi�h any pra�ision a#this De�d vf Trus� or any Refated Dvcuments, includ�ng <br /> but not limited �v Tr�s�or's �ailure ta discharge or pay when due any amounts Trustar is required to discharge or pay <br /> under this Deed of Trus�or any Re�ated Documents, Lender vn Trustar's behalf may 4bu�shal( not �e ob�iga�ed ta} take <br /> any actian tha� Lender deems appr�pria�e, including bu� no� limited to d�scharging ❑r paying all taxes, liens, securi�y <br /> interests, encumbrances and other �laims, a�any�ir�e levied ar placed on the Proper�y and paying all cos�s fvr insuring,. <br /> main�aining and preserving the praperty. All such exp�nditures incurred ar paid �y Lender far su�h purpos�s will then <br /> ��ar in�erest at the rat� �harged under th� No�e �ram the date incurred ❑r paid by Lend�r�a �he date �f repaymen� by <br /> Trust�r. All such expens�s vvi�� become a part of �he Indebtedness and, at Lender's option, will �A� be payable on <br /> demand; �6� be added to �he balance a�f �he Nate an� be app�rtioned among and be paya�le wi�h any ins�allment <br /> paymenfis ta become due dur�ng either �1} �he term of any applic�ble insurance poliGy; or 42} the remaining term �f <br /> �he Nate; o� �C} be treated as a �alloon paVm�nt which will be due and paya�le at th� No�e's ma�uri�y. The D�ed �f <br /> Trust alsa �rvi�l �ecure payment of the�e ar�'�aun�s. Such right sha�l be in addi�ion t❑ all athe� righ�s and remedies to <br /> vtirhiGh Lender may �� en�itled upan Default: <br /> WARRAIVTY; DEFENSE❑F T[TLE. The �Fallvw�ng prv�isions relating to awnership���he Prvperty are a part af this �eed <br /> ofi Trust: <br /> Title. Trusfior warran�s that: �ay Trustar holds �ood and marketable title a� recard �fl �he Prvperty in f�e simple; <br /> fre� and ciear o� a�l liens ar�d encumbran��s ❑�her than �hose set forth in the Real Proper�y des�riptivn vr in any <br /> �itle insuran�e polic�y, �it[e report, or �inal tit[e vpinior� issued in �avar of, and acc�pted �y, Lender in cannecfian <br /> with this �eed v�Trus�, and �h� Trustar has the�ull righ�, �ower, and autharity t� execute and de[iver this Deed ❑f <br /> Trus��a Lender. <br /> Defense a�Tit�e. �ubjec�k ta �he excep�ian in the paragraph aho�e, Trus�nr warrants and irvill fore�er defend the <br /> title �o the Prvper�y against the faw�ul ci�ims of afl person�. �n the e�ent any actian or praceeding is cammenced <br /> that questions T�us�or�s title ❑r�he int�rest af Trustee or Lender under�his Deed of Trust, Trustar shall defend �he <br /> acti�n at Trus�ar's �xpense. Trustvr rx�ay b� the nominal party in such praceeding, bu� Lender shall be �ntitled �❑ <br /> participate in the praceeding and t❑ be represen�ed in th� pra�eeding by counse� of Lender's awn cho�ce, and <br /> Trustor will deliv�r� ar cause �a be de�ivered, t� Lender such instruments as Lender may request�rvm time to time <br /> to permit such participati�n, <br /> Cvmpliance �Jllith Laws. Trus�or warrants tha� �he P�roperty and Trustor's use af the Proper�y compiies with ali <br /> existing�pp�icable Iaws, vrdinances, and regulativns of governmen�a� authvri�ies. <br /> Sur�ival vf R�p�resentatians and �I'llarran#ies. A11 represen�atians, warranties, and agreements mad� by Trustor in <br /> �his Dee� o�Trust shail sur�i�e �he executian and deliUery of�his Deed vf Trust, shall be con�inuing �n nature; and <br /> shall remain in�u(��vr�e an� effeGt un�il such xime as Borrower"s [nd�btedness shall be paid in fu�l. <br /> C�NDEMtVATI�N. The�oilov+ring Rro�isions relating�o �ondemnation proce�dings are a part of�his aeed a#Trus�: <br />