2� 17���81
<br /> DEEC] �F T'F�L1�T`
<br /> Loan Na: '1�'i 3�'1��7 ����1t����d� Page 3
<br /> RemaWal v�Imprv►rements. Trustor sha[f na�demvlish �r remove any �mprav�ments fram �he Real Pr�per�y withou�
<br /> Lender's prior writ�en cansent. As a condition to �he rema�al q�any Imprn�ements, Lender may r�quire Trustor�v
<br /> make arrangem�nts �a�isfac�ory �v Lend�r tv rep�ace su�h lmprovements vvith �mpra�err�ent� of a� least equal
<br /> �alue.
<br /> Lender's Right to Enter. Lender and Lender's agents and representa�ives may enter up�n the �eal Praperty at all
<br /> reasonab[e times to attend �❑ Lender`s interests and to inspect the l�e�a� Property ��r purpose$ of Trus�vr's
<br /> com�liance with the terms and conditions of this Deed afi Trust,
<br /> CompiEance with Ga►rernmentaC RequEremen�s. Tru�tor shall promptly camply rrvi�h a�l laws� ordinances, and
<br /> regu�a�ions, naw ar hereafter in e�#ect, of all gav�rnmental au�hvrities appficable �❑ �he �rse ar ❑ccupancy o#� the
<br /> Praperty, including without lim�tatian, the Americans Vllith Di�abilitie� A��. Trus�or may contest in gn�d fai�h any
<br /> such law, ardinance, or �egula�ion and v►�ithhold compliance during �ny praceeding, in�ludi�ng apprvpria�e appeals,
<br /> sa lang as Trusta�has n�tif�ed Lender in writing p�-ior t❑ daing so and sa long as, in Lend�r's sale vpinion, Lender's
<br /> in�erests �n the Prop�rty are not jeapardi�ed. Ler�de� may require Trustor �o �os� adequate securi�y or a surety
<br /> bond, reas�nably satisfac�ary ta Lender, �o pro�e�t Lender's in#�r�s�.
<br /> Duty to Prv#ect. Trus�vr agrees n�i�her tfl abandan or iea�e unattended the P�oper�y, Trustvr shall d� �fl vther
<br /> ac�s, in additivn t❑ thas� a�ts se�farth aba�e in this sectivn, which from the character and use of�he �rap��fiy a�-e
<br /> reasonably necessary ta pr��ect and preser�e the Property.
<br /> DUE C7N SALE-C�NSEIVT BY LENDER. Lender may, at Lend�r's ❑ptian, de�lare immediatefy due and payahle all sums
<br /> secured by this Deed vf Trust upon �he sa[e vr transfier, without Lender's prior written cansent, a�a!1 Qr any part of the
<br /> Real Property, ar any interes� in tf�e Rea� PrQperty. A "sale or trans�er" means �he can�eyance �� ReaN Praperty nr any
<br /> right, title ❑r in�erest in �he Real Proper�ky; whether I�ga�; beneficiaC or e�uitable; �rvhether voluntary ar in�aluntary,
<br /> whether by nu�right sale, �eed, ir�stallrr-�ent sale cor��ract, land con�raGt, �ontrac� ��r deed, �easehQ�d in�erest wi�h a�
<br /> term greater �han three �3y yearsi IBaSE-option con�ract, �r by sale, assignmen�, ar�r�nsfer v� any bene��cial interes� in
<br /> ❑r�a any iand �rus� hvlding title �o the Real Property, or by any other rnefihod o� cc�nveyance of an in�eres� in �he Real
<br /> Property. Howe�er, �his op�Cion shalf no� be exercisecI hy Lende� i� su�h exercise is prQhibited by �ederaC Iaw vr by
<br /> Nebraska law.
<br /> TA�CES AND LlEiVS. The follovving pro�isians relating ta th� �axes and liens on the Prvper�y are part of this Deed a�
<br /> Trus�:
<br /> Payment. Trus�ar sha[I pay when due �and in a!I events p�-ior ta de�inquency} all�ax�s, s�e�ia� �axes, assessments,
<br /> charges �inc�uding wa�er and sewer}, f�nes and impasitions IeWie� agains� or on accoun� v�the Proper�y, and shall
<br /> pay when due all claims for work done on ar�ar servi�es �ender�d or ma�erial �urnished t❑ �he Praperty. Trustor
<br /> sha[[ maintain#he Praper�y �ree of a11 liens ha��ng priarity ❑ver�r equa� to the in�eres�of Lender under�his Deed of
<br /> Trust; excep� for the lien af taxes and a�s�ssmen�s no� due and ex�ep� as v�herw�se pr��ided `rn �h+s Deed ❑f
<br /> Trust,
<br /> Ri9h��o Can�est. Trustar may wi�thhold payment of any tax, assessm�n�, ar c[a�m in connec�ian v�rith a gvod fai�h
<br /> dispu�e o�er�he ❑bligation to pay, sa long as Lender's interest in�he Prop�r�ty is nvt jeapa�-dized. 1�� lien ar�ses or
<br /> is filed as a resu[t �f nanpayment; Trus�flr shall �ithin fifteen {15� days after �he lien arises �r, t� a lien is fifed;
<br /> viwi�hin fi�teen �"I�} days after Trusto�r has no�ice �� �he filing, secure tk�e discharge ❑� the lien, or i� requested by
<br /> Lender, depasit wi�h Lender cash vr a suf�icient�orpvrate surety h�nd nr o�her secur�ty sat�sfactvey tv Lender in an
<br /> amount su�fi�ient t❑ discharge the Cien p[us any cos�s and attarneys' fees, or o�her charges that �ould a��rue as a
<br /> result of a foreclasure or sale under the lien. ln any cvntest, Trus��r sha�� d�fend i�self and Lende�and shall �a��sfy
<br /> any ad�ers�judgm�nt befare enfar�err�en�against�he Pr�pert�. Trus��r shall name Len��r as an addi�iona� abl�gee
<br /> under any surety band furnished in�he con�est p�aceedings.
<br /> EWidenc� vf Paymen#. Trus�or shaf� upnn demand furnish to Lende� satisfa�tory e�idence af paymen�af the taxes
<br /> �r ass�ssmen�s and sha�� authvrize the apprapriate gar�ernmental a��fiGiaf ta de[iver ta Lender at any �ime a wri�t�n
<br /> statement of�he taxes and assessmen�s against�he Property.
<br /> Nvtice of Cvnstruc�ivn. Trustor shall notify Lender a� feast fi�f�een �15} days be�ore any v►�nrk is commenced, any
<br /> ser�ices are furnished, or any materials ar� supplied ta the Praper�y, �� any mechani�'s lien, ma�eriafm�n's iien, ar
<br /> other lien could b� asserted ❑n a�c�un� o� the wark, s�rvices, or m��eria�s. Trustnr wil� upvn request a€ L�nder
<br /> furnish ta L�nder ad�ance assurances satis#ac�ary �o Lender tha� Trus��r �an and will pay the cos� �� such
<br /> `rmpraWements.
<br /> PRaPERTY DAMAGE 1NSURAN�E. The �allov�iing pra�isians rela�ting t❑ insuring the Prvper�y are a part❑��his Deed ❑f
<br /> Trus�:
<br /> Main�enance of �nsurance. Trustvr shall pro�ure and ma[ntain policies v� fire insurance with standard extended
<br /> �a�erage enda�semen�s on a �air �alue basis for the �ull insurabfe �alue coWer�ng all !�r-�pro�emen�ts ❑n �he Real
<br /> Prnper�y in an amaun� suffi��en� tv a�oid applicatian a� any �vinsurance clause, and rivith a s�andard mart�agee
<br /> clause in fa��r of Lender. Trustar shal[ also pracure and ma�n�ain �omp�ehensi�e gen�ral liabili�y insurance �n such
<br /> coverage amaun�s as Lender may request v°vi�h Tru��ee and L�nder being named as additianal insureds in such
<br /> liability insurar�ce policies, Additianalfy, Trus�or shall maintain such o�h,er insuran�e, incl�ad�ng bu� no�t l�mited tn
<br /> hazard, business interru��ion, and bail�r insurance, as Lend�r- may r�asanab[y require, F'a[icies shal! be v�r��ten in
<br /> form, amaunts, coverages and basis reas�nably a�ceptable �� Lend�r and issued by a company or �ampanies
<br />