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2� 17���82 <br /> vEE� oF -rRu�T <br /> Laan No: �D'13���3�6 ��ontinued� Page 6 <br /> FULL PERFDRMANCE. If T�ustor pays ail the [ndebtedness, including without limifiation all future ad�ances, when due, <br /> and otherwise performs a[[ �he ohiigations imposed upvn Trustar under this Deed vt Trust, Lend�r shal[ execute and <br /> de[iver tv Trustee a r�quest far full recon�eyance and shall �xecu�e and deli�er to Trusfivr suitab�e statements o� <br /> �ermination ❑f any financing sfiafiement an #�le e�idencing Lender's security interest in the Rents and the Personal <br /> Prvperty. Any recon�eyance��e required by iaw shall be paid by Trustor, if perm�tted by applicab[e Iaw. <br /> EVENTS �F DEFAULT. Each o��he �ollawing, at L�nder's op�ivn, shall canstitute an E�ent v� Detau[t under this Deed <br /> of Trust: <br /> Payment Defaul#. Trustor�ails to make any payment►nrhen du� under the lnd�btedness. <br /> �ther ❑e�aul�s. Trustor fails to cvmply with ❑r ta per�orm any ❑ther �erm, ❑bfigatian, co�enant or condition <br /> contain�d in this Deed o� Trust or in any af the Rela�ed Documents ❑r t❑ camp�y with or to perform any term, <br /> ❑bligati�n, c��enant❑r c�ndition contained �n any❑ther agreem�n�between Lender and Trus�vr. <br /> Compliance De#au�it. Failure to comp[y with any other term, ohiigatian, cv�enant or candi�ion contained in �his <br /> Deed nf Trust, fhe Note vr in any of the Reiafied ❑ocuments. <br /> Default on Other F'aymen#s. Failure vf Trustor wi�hin the time requ�red by fihis ❑eed of Trust ta make any payment <br /> far taxes or insurance, or any�ther payment necessary to pre�ent filing ❑f or to e�tect discharge❑�any[ien. <br /> Fa�se 5tatemen#s. Any warranty, representation �r statement mad� ❑r furnished t� Lender by Trustor or �n <br /> Trustor's behaff under�his ❑eed af Trust vr the Relafied ❑ocuments is false or misleading in any material respect, <br /> ei�her n�w nr at the time mad� or furnished or becvmes false ar misleading at any time thereaf-�er. <br /> De�ect��e Co[Iateraliza#ion. This Deed af Trust ar any ❑f the Related ❑ocuments ceases �o be in tul[ force and <br /> effect �including fiai[ure ❑� any �vllateral document t❑ create a �alid and perfected se�urity interest or (ien7 at any <br /> �ime and far any reason. <br /> Dea�h or insolvency. The death of Trustor, the insol�ency of Trustor, the appointment❑f a receE�er for any par�of <br /> Trustor`s property, any assignment tor the benetit of creditors, any �ype �t creditor warkou�, ar the <br /> comm�ncement❑1�any proceeding under any bankrupt�y or insolvency laws by ar against T�-ustor. <br /> Creditar vr Forfei�ure Prviceedings. Comm�n�ement �� �F�reclosure or tar#eiture prvice�dings, whether by judicial <br /> proceed�ng, se[f--he�p, repossession or any❑ther method, by any�reditor o�Trustor❑r by any governm�ntat agency <br /> against any proper�y securing the lndebfiedness. This includes a garnishment o�f any of Trustvr's accounts, <br /> inc[uding deposit �ccoun�s, with Lender. Howe�er, this E�enfi of Default shall nvt apply if there is a gvod �aith <br /> dispute by Trustor as t❑ �the �alidi�y or reasanableness ❑f the c[aim which is the basis ❑f the credit�r or�arfeiture <br /> proceeding and if Trustar gi�es Lender wrififien notice af the credit�r or forfeiture prflceeding and deposi�s with <br /> Lender man�es or�a surety bond fvr the creditvr❑r forfeiture proceeding, in an amount d��ermined by Lender, En ifis <br /> sole discretion, as being an adequa�e reser�e ❑r bond for the dispute. <br /> 6reach of Other Agreement. Any breach by T�-usfior under the terms af any ath�r agreement between Trustar and <br /> Lender that is nvt remedied within any grace period pra�ided therein, including withou� limitation any agreement <br /> concerning any indebtedness❑r ather obligatEon o�Trustor t❑ Lender, whether�xist�ng now ar later. <br /> Events A,ffecting t�uarantor. Any ❑f the preceding e�ents ❑ccurs wi�h respect�o any guarantor, endarser, surefiy, <br /> ❑r accammoda�ion party af any ❑�the lndebtedness ar any guarant�r, endarser, surety, or accammodation party <br /> dies or becomes incvmpefienfi� ❑r reWokes or d�sputes the �a[idity o�, or [iabi[ity under, any Guaran�y of the <br /> lnde�tedness. <br /> Adverse Change. A ma�erial ad�erse �hange occu�s in Trustor's tinancia� conditian, or Lender belie�es the <br /> praspect of payment or performance of the ]ndebtedness is impaired, <br /> Insecuri#y. Lender in gaod faith be�ieves itself insecure. <br /> Existing lndehtedness. The payment of any instal[ment of princ�pal o� any interest ❑n the Exisfiing lndebtedness is <br /> not made within�he time required by the promissory note ��idencing such indebtedness, or a d�fauit occurs und�r <br /> the instrument securing such indebtedness and is nat �ured during any applicable grace periad in su�h instrument, <br /> or any suit ar❑ther ac�ion �s commenced ta-Fare�lase any existing fien❑n�he Property. <br /> Right to Cure. �f any default, other than a default in payment, is curable and i�Trus�or has not been gi�en a nofiice <br /> of a breach of the same pro�ision of this Deed af Trust within the preceding twel�e {�2} mon�hs, it may be cured i� <br /> Trus�or, aft�r Lender sends written notice to Trustor demanding cure of such de�auft: �1} cures the defau�t with€n <br /> fifteen �'�5} days; or {2} if the cure �equires more than fif�een ��5y days, immediat�[y �nitiates sfieps which Lender <br /> deems in L�nder's sole dis�reti�n to be sufficient to cure th� detau[t and thereafte� continues and �ompletes a[� <br /> reasonable and necessary steps sufficient ta praduce compliance as svvn as �-easanably practica�. <br /> R�GHTS AND REMEDIES �N ❑EFAULT. I� an E�ent of Detau[t oc�urs under this Deed of Trust, afi any time thereafter, <br /> Trustee ar Lender may exercise any ane❑r m�re o�the following rights and remedies: <br /> Acceieration �lpvn Default: Additional Remedies. ��any E�ent vf Default occurs as per the �erms ��the Note <br /> secured hereby, Lender may dec[are all [ndeb�edness secured by this D�ed o�f Trust to be due and payabfe and <br /> fihe same shai[thereupon bec�me due and payable withoufi any presentment, demand, prvtest❑r notice of any <br /> kind. Ther�af-ter, Lender may: <br />