2� 17���82
<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> Loan N�: '1 D'I 3��98� t�ontinued} Page 5
<br /> �epresented in the praceeding by counsel af its vwn chvice, and Trus�or wii� deliver ar cause fio be de[i���ed �❑
<br /> Lender such instruments and documentatian as may be requested by Lender frvm time ta time to permit such
<br /> participation.
<br /> Applica#ion of Net Pro�eeds. [f alf or any part���he Property is cond�mned by eminent damain p�'a�eedings ❑r by
<br /> any proceeding or purchase in lieu❑f�ondemnat�on, Lender may at its e[ecfiivn require�hat all ❑r any pvr#ian vfi the
<br /> net pr�ceeds of the awa�d be applied to the Indebtedness vr the repair ❑r �esfioration of the Property. The net
<br /> proceeds of the award shal� m�an the awa�d after payment of all reasonab[e costs, expens�s, and a�torneys' �ees
<br /> incurred by Trustee ❑r Lender in connection with fihe �andemnativn.
<br /> 1MP�SITIDN DF TA�CES. FEES AND CHARGES BY GDVERNMENTAL AUTH�R[TIES. The foFlvwing pra�isions relating
<br /> to go�ernmen�al�ax�s, fees and charges are a part of this Deed of Trust:
<br /> Current Taxes, Fees and Charges. Upon request by Lender, Trustar shaEf execute such documents in addi�ion tv
<br /> this Deed ot Trust and fiake whate�er other a��ion is requested by Lender ta perfect and canfiinue Lender`s lien on
<br /> the Real Praperty. Trustor shall reimburse Lender fiar all �axes, as describ�d below, togefher with a[f expens�s
<br /> incurred in recording. per�ecting ❑r con�inuing thfs Deed of Trus�t, including without limitatian a�l �axes, fees,
<br /> documentary stamps, and o�her cha�ges�ar recarding or registering this Deed ❑f Trust.
<br /> Taxes. The #ol�vwing shall canstifiu�e �taxes to which this section applies: {�� a specEfi� tax upan this type o�
<br /> L]eed of Trust �r upvn al[ or any par� ❑f the ]ndebtedness se�ured by this Deed a�Trust; �2� a spe�i�ic tax on
<br /> T�ustor which Trustor is authorized vr required to deduct from paymen#s on the �ndebtedness secured by this fiype
<br /> ❑f ❑e�d of Trust; �3} a tax on this type of Deed ❑f Trust chargeab[e against the Lender or the holder of the Note;
<br /> and {4� a specifi� tax on a[� vr any portion a�the lndebtedness vr on payments ❑f principal and Enterest made by
<br /> Trus#or.
<br /> 5ubsequent Taxes. If any tax �a which this sec#ion applies is enac#ed subsequent �❑ the date o� this Deed ❑f
<br /> Trust, this e�ent shall have the same effect as an Event a� Default, and L�nder may exercise any or all of its
<br /> avaE�abfe remedies #vr an E�ent ot Defau[t as pra�Eded beEow unless Trus�flr either {1} pays the tax befvre it
<br /> b�comes delinquent, o� �2} contesfis the tax as prfl�ided above in the Taxes and Liens sec�ion and deposits with
<br /> Lender cash ar a sufficient cvrpvrate surety bond ❑r other security satss#ac�ary to Lender.
<br /> SECUFiITY AGREEMENT; FjNANGlNG STATEMENTS. The fa[[owing prv�isions relating tn this Deed vf Trust as a
<br /> security agreement are a part vf fihis D�ed ofi Trust:
<br /> 5ecurity Agreement. This ins�rument sha[[ constitute a Securifiy Agreement ta the extent any v� the Property
<br /> constitutes �ixtures, and Lender shafl have a�! ❑f the rights ❑f a secured party under the Unif�rm Cvmmer�ial Cade
<br /> as amended frvm time t❑time.
<br /> 5ecvrity 1n�erest. Upon reques� by Lender, Trustor sf�a�l take whate�er actEon is r�quest�d by Lender to perfiect
<br /> and continue Lender's securi�y interest in �h� Rents and PersvnaE Prvperty. In additivn to recording th�s Deed o�
<br /> Trust in �he rea[ property recards. Lender may, at any time and without further authorizatian from Trustor, fife
<br /> exe�uted c�unterparts, �vpi�s o� reproducti�ns af this Deed of Trust as a financEng statement. Trustor shall
<br /> reimburse Lender for a[[ expenses incu�-red in perfecting or continu�ng this security interest. Upan default� Trus�or
<br /> shaE� not remo�e, se��r or detach the Persvna[ Prop�rty from the Property. L1pon default, Trus�or sha[l assemble
<br /> any Personal Proper�y nv� affixed ta the Prvperty in a manner and at a place reasanab�y con�enient to Trustar and
<br /> Lender and make i� a�aila�le �❑ Lender within three �3} days after receipt a# wr�fifien demand from Lender ta the
<br /> exten�perm�tted by app�icable law.
<br /> Addresses. The ma�ling addresses n� Trustor �deb�or} and Lender tsecured party} from wh�ch in#arma�ivn
<br /> concern�ng �he security interes� granted by this Deed of Trust may be obtained �ea�h as required by the Uni�vrm
<br /> Commercial Cade} are as stated ❑n the first page of this Deed v�Trust.
<br /> FURTHER A55UR�4NCES; ATT�RNEY-IN-FACT. The fallowing pr��fsivns relating to #urther assurances and
<br /> a�torney�in-fact are a part❑f th�s Deed o�Trust:
<br /> Further Assurances. Afi any time, and �rom time to time, upon requesfi of Lender, Trustor will make, execute and
<br /> deli�er, or will cause to be made, executed or deli�ered, tn Lender or to Lend�r's designee, and when requssted by
<br /> Lender, cause �a be filed, recarded, refii[ed, ❑r rerecorded, as the case may �ae, afi such times and in such o��ices
<br /> and places as Lend�r may deem apprapriate, any and all such marfigages, deeds of trust. security deeds� security
<br /> agreemen�s, finan�ing statements, con�inua�inn statemenfis, ins�ruments ❑f �ur�her assurance, certif�cates, and
<br /> ather documen�s as may, in the sale opinian of Lender� be necessary or desirab[� in arder ta effectuate, cvmplete,
<br /> perfec�i C�C1���1Ll�r or preser�e ��� Trustor's abf igatians under the Note, �his �eed of Trust, and the Related
<br /> Dvcuments, and �2y the Eiens and security interests created by this ❑eed of Trusfi as first and prior liens on the
<br /> Prvperty, whe�her now ❑wned vr hereafter acquired by Trust�r. Unless prohibi�ed by [aw flr Lende� agrees to the
<br /> �antrary in writing, Trustor shall reimburse Lender for afI cvsts and exp�nses incurred in connecfiion wi�h the
<br /> matt�rs referred ta in this paragraph.
<br /> Attorney-in-Fa�t. �f Trustor fails to dv any of the things referred ta 3n the preceding paragraph, Lender may da s❑
<br /> for and in the nam� o�Trustor and at Trus��r's expehse. Fvr such purpvses, Trus�vr her�by irre�vcab�y appvints
<br /> Lender as Trusfior`s at�orney-in�fact for fihe purpose af making, execu�ing, deli�ering, filing, record�ng, and doing aE!
<br /> other things as may be necessary ❑r desirable, in Lender's sv�e opinian, to accvmp[Esh �he matters referred tv in
<br /> the preceding paragraph.
<br />