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<br /> � � 2� 17�����
<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> Laan Na: ��'�3�D83D �Cantinued} Page 7
<br /> such defaul�ar pursuant�o such no�ice of defaulfi; and, natwi�hs�anding the continuance in passession of
<br /> �he Prop�rty ❑r �h� collection, �e�eip� and app�€cation ofi rents, issues ❑r p�o�its, Trustee or Lender shall
<br /> be en�itled to exercise e�ery right pro��ded for fn�he Note ❑r the Related Documents or by law upon the
<br /> accurrence v�any e�ent o�de�aul�, including�he right to�xercise�he pawer o�sale;
<br /> �b} Cammence an activn��foreclose this Deed of Trus� as a mortgage, appoint a recei��r❑r specifically
<br /> enforce any o�fihe coWenants hereof; and
<br /> �c� Deli�er�o Trus�ee a written declaration of de�ault and demand for sa�e and a v+�ritten no�i�e o�default
<br /> and election�a cause Trusto�-'s interest in the Property to be sold, which nvtiGe Trus�ee shall cause t❑ be
<br /> duly filsd�For record in the apprvpria�e of�fices ❑f the County in which�he Property is lacated; and
<br /> �d} Vllith respect to all or any par�❑f the Personal Property, Lender sha�i ha�� all�he rights and remedies
<br /> o�a secured party under the Nebraska Uniform Commercial Code.
<br /> Forectvsure by Pvwer o�5ale. I�Lender elects�o foreclose by exercise ❑�F the Pvwer o�Sale herein �ontain�d,
<br /> Lender shall noti�y Trustee and shall deposit wifih Trustee this Deed of Trust and th� No�e and su�h receipts
<br /> and e�idence o�expenditures made and seGured by�his Deed of Trust as Trustee may require.
<br /> �a} LJpon r�c�ip�o�such no�ice from Lender, Trus�ee shaf[ cause t❑ be r�corded, puh�ished and deli�ered
<br /> ta Trustor su�h N�tice ❑f Defaulfi and Nofiice af Sale as �hen required by law and hy this ❑eed vf Trus�.
<br /> Trustee shall, without demand on Trus�or, after such �ime as may then be required by law and afker
<br /> recordation af such Not�ce of I]efault and after Nofiice ❑� 5ale ha�ing been gi�en as required by law, sell
<br /> the Pr�pe�ty a� the time and place ❑f sale fiixed by it in such Noti�e af Sa1e, either as a whale, or in
<br /> separate lots ❑r parceis or items as Trus�ee shall deem expedient, and in su�h order as i�may determine,
<br /> at publ�c auctian ��the high�st bidd�r�or cash in fawfuE money ❑f the Unit�d States �ayahle at the time
<br /> ❑�f sale. Trustee shall deli�er t� such purchaser or purchasers fihereof its good and sufficient deed ❑r
<br /> deeds con�eying the properfiy so svld, but without any co�enant or warranty, express ar implied. The
<br /> reci�tals in su�h deed �� any matters or �facts shall be conclusi�e proo� af�he truthfulness thereaf. Any
<br /> person, including wi�hou�limitation Trustor,Trusfiee, or Lende�-, may pur�hase at such sale.
<br /> �b} As may be permitted by law, after deducting all cos�s, �ees and expenses ❑f Trus�ee and of �his
<br /> T�-ust, in�luding costs��e�idence af�itle in connection with sale,Trustee shall apply the proceeds of sale
<br /> �a paymen�❑f �i} a[l sums expended under the terms of this aeed ❑f Trust❑r under the terms of the Note
<br /> not then repaid, incEuding but no� limited t❑ accrued infieres� and �ate charges, {ii} a!� other sums th�n
<br /> secu�ed herehy, and {iii�the remainder, i�any,to the persan�r persans legally entit�ed thereta.
<br /> �c} Trustee may in�he manner prv�ided by Eaw postpone sa�e af all or any pa�tivn❑f the Praperty.
<br /> Remedies Not Exc�usirre. Trus�te� and Lender, and each of �hem, shal� be enfii�led t❑ en��r�e payment and
<br /> per�ormance of any indelatedness or vbligatians secured by�his Deed af Trust and�to exercise all righ�s and powers
<br /> under this Deed o�Trust, under the Note, under any o��he Re�ated Dvcuments, or under any o�her agreemen� or
<br /> any laws nvw or hereafter in fvr�e; notw�ths�anding, some vr all of su�h indeb�edness and ola�igafiivns secu�-ed by
<br /> this ❑eed vf Trust may now ❑r h�reafte�- be vtherwise secured, whether by mortgage, deed af trust, pledge, iien,
<br /> assignment or vfiherwise. Neither �he acceptance af fihis Deed of T�ust n�r �ts enforcem�n�, whe�her by cour�
<br /> activn vr pursuant�o the power af sale or vthe� powers con�ained in this �eed af Trus�, shaiE prejudi�e vr in any
<br /> manner a��ect Trus�ee's a�- Lender's right t❑ realize upon ❑r en�orce any vther security now or hereafte�r held by
<br /> Trus�ee ar Lender, i�being agreed�hat Trustee and Lender, and each af them, shall 1ae entEtled tn enforce this �eed
<br /> �f Trus� and any othe�- security n�w ar herea�-ker held by Lender or Trustee in su�h order and manner as they ar
<br /> eifiher a� them may in their absolute discretion de�ermine. No remedy can�erred upon vr reser�ed to Trus�ee vr
<br /> Lender, is infiended t❑ he exciusi�� of any ❑�her remedy in this ❑eed af Trusfi or by Eaw pro�ided or permit�ed, bu�
<br /> each shall 1ae cumu[ati�e and shall be in addition t❑ ��ery other remedy gi�en in fihis Deed of Trust ❑r n�w or
<br /> hereaf-ker ex�st�ng at law ar En equity or 1�y statute. E�ery pvwer❑r remedy giv�n by the Note or any��the Related
<br /> Dvcuments ta Trustee or Lender ❑r to which ei�her vf them may be o�herwise entitled, may be exercised,
<br /> concur�ently or independent[y, from time t� time and as ❑ften as may he deemed expedien� by Trustee or Lender,
<br /> and ei�her af them may pursue inconsistenfi remedies. No�hing �n �his Deed af Trust shall be �ons�rued as
<br /> prohibiting Lender�rom seeking a deficiency judgment against fihe T�ustor fio fihe exten�such ac�ion is permitted by
<br /> law. Elec�ian by Lender to pursue any remedy shall not exc�ude pursuit ❑f any other remedy, and an election tv
<br /> make expendi�ures ❑r to take action t❑ per�vrm an obliga�ion ❑f Trus�tar under this Deed of Trust, a�f�er Trustor's
<br /> failure tv perform, shall not affect Lender's righ�to declare a defau�t and exercise i�s remedies.
<br /> Reques�#for No#ice. Trustor, ❑n h�half�f Trustvr and Lender, hereby reques�s that a copy❑�F any Noti�e of❑e�aul�
<br /> and a copy o�any No�ice ofi 5ale under�his ❑�ed of Trust be ma�ied to�hem at the addresses set for�h in th�firs�
<br /> paragraph❑f�his Deed o�Trust.
<br /> Aitvrneys' Fees; Expenses. lf Lender institutes any suit ❑r action to enforce any of �he te�-ms ❑� this Deed of
<br /> Trust, Lender sha�� be en�itCed�a recv�er such sum as the cour�may adjudge �-easonable as a�torneys' �ees a�trial
<br /> and upon any appeal. Vllhe�her ❑r not any cvurt action is inWol�ed, and �t❑ the extent not prohibited k�y law, all
<br /> reasonahle expenses Lender incurs �ha� in Lender's apinivn are necessary at any �ime for fihe prv�ec�ivn of its
<br /> interest oi-�he enforcemen�o�its rights shall become a part of�he Indebtedness payable on demand and shall bear
<br /> �nterest at�he Nofie rate�rom the date��the expenditure unti� repaid. Expenses co�ered by this paragraph include,
<br /> wEthnut lim�tatton, however su�ject tv any limits under applicable law, Lend�r's afitorneys' fees and Lender's legal
<br />