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<br /> - 90--- 100�49
<br /> � If I,ender res�vised martgage insuruace as a wndirion of making t6e Ioan secured by this Security Ins3rumeat,
<br /> Borrower shail pay the premiums requi�ed to maintain the insurance in effect until such tirna as the requirernent far t6e
<br /> � insnr�ace tennina[zs in ucordance with BOrrawa's a�d I,ender's writtm agramsn�or�plicab!e�aw.
<br /> a. laWeetka, Lerider or its agent�sy malce reasonsb2e entries upon and inspeations of the Property. Lender
<br /> sb�ll6ivt Bortaxer r►WiCa st the sime of or prior to an inspection specifying reasonable cause for the inspec�ifln_
<br /> 9 �tioo. Thr procads of any awud or claim for cfamages.direct or ronsequantsal,in cannection with
<br /> aay corsd�ema=tion or other tiking af any part oS the Froperty.ar for canveyance in Geu of condsmnation,are hereby
<br /> �stig�ted and shal!be pai8 ta Lender.
<br /> In tbe event of a tos�l takins of the Property,the proceals sh�ll be apptied to she sums secured by this Sccurity
<br /> �� Instrua�eass�l�etber or not then due,witb any excess paid tv Borro�+er.In the event of a psrtial taking of the Property,
<br /> uriless Borro.ver aad La:der osheewise agrer in writing,ttse sr�s securod by this 3ecurity Instrument shiil be reduced by
<br /> — tbe amount of the praceeds ranitiplied by ttse followm�frsc�i�na:(a)tlrc tatal amo�mt of the sums secured immedieteiy
<br /> befors tBe takina�divided by(b)the fair mu�Cet vaiue af tfie kTaperty ims�ediattly txfare the taicing.Any b�l�ence shall be
<br /> p�id ta Farroa+er. -
<br /> If the Property is abaadoaed by Borrowar,or if,a£ter Qati�bv Lender to Hc��ccss,�er t�at the eondenjs3or offers to
<br /> e�ake aa a�vard ot settle a cTaim for�amages,Borrowu fa�7s to resgond.tn�ertder within 30 day�a�.4er the date the notice is
<br /> pven.Leader is iushcrized to colIa:t and apply she procee�s.at its a�n,cither ta ratoration or repair of the Property or
<br /> 4o the stuss seceired hs�t&:s Sec�si.t��lnstruaneu3,whether or nnc Ahea Ss:�
<br /> Unleas�.ertdar and Bor��er otherwise agree in writing,any application of�roaods to principa!shzll nat eatead or
<br /> postpaae the dua date of the rnantb3y psymcnu referred to m�.paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such paymrnts.
<br /> � I0. Bo�awu Not Refaued; Forbeannca By Leader Not s Waiver. Extension of the time for payment or
<br /> mediscatson nf.amartization of t6e sums sac�red by this Secwity Instr�ment granted by I.rnda to any sucressor in
<br />— inurest of Horrawer shal!nos operate to retease the liabitity of the origina]Bonower or Borrower's successors in interest.
<br /> 3.eader shall eas be reqnired to commence proeezdings against any sr3ccasor in interest or refnu to extenti time for
<br /> ;Qayt�atnt ar oshuwise modify amortizatian of the sums secwed by this Sacnrity Instn�ment by reason of any demand me:le
<br /> :� by the ariginal Borrower or Borrower's suecessors in interest.Any forb�a.�ce by I.�der in cxercising any right or rema�iy
<br /> shall not be a waiva a(`c��preclude the ea�ercise of any right or remedy_� . �
<br /> 11. Sieea���ad Asti�s go��d;Jt�int a�d Se�eral ILb�ity;Co-sigeers. The covrnant�and agreemrnfs:af'
<br /> this Security Inswr.:ent shall bind and beue&t tize succ�ssors�ad assigas of I.ender and Borrower.sub}ect ta the pravisi�rss . �
<br />_ of pere�x:�b 17.Borrower's covtnanu ind agre�ents shell he jflint snd several.Any Boaower who casigns tlfis 9Eentii�� ' �
<br /> lnsmur.�a�ut doa not execute ihe Note:(a)is,co-signing this Socurity Instrument only to mort�ag�e,grsint and canvEy
<br /> rs
<br /> chat Borrower's intsrest in the Property under�i�e iem�s of this Socurity Instrument;(b)is not peisanally obligatesl to pay ;�:
<br /> the swns secured by this Socurity Instrument�.�ur3(c)sgrees that Lender and any other Botrowor may agrae ta exte.nd,
<br /> madify,forbear ar malce any accommadations�ith regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the lUota wiihnut � -
<br /> that HorrowePs consen� �
<br />- 12. Lau t�ar�. If the loan secured by 4his Security Insttvment is subjxt to a law which sets snaaimum loan �`"�
<br /> charges, and tf�L fa�v is finally interpreted.rs �tcad ihe interest or athtr loan charg�.s c�Uoctt�d or to be collected in � ��'��+�";�_:
<br /> connectian wi3ls�i�C 1�a excad the permittrx3!Jimits� then: (a)any such loan chsrge shall be rdlu^.� by the amnunt �?:�='Y---
<br /> neeeasary to re�scr:cis,:r,l.3ar�e to tlte permin,r�r3 iitts.it;snd(b)$ny snms already�Ue�tcd from Bcmowes whi�h excaded ''`'�'`'�
<br /> r.•.�
<br /> pertnitt.�J!l:ii-�its c�ill:tx refundai ta B�noxr� r,ender ma.y chaose to make this refund by rcdu:.:ng the prirtcl�al owed :; '
<br /> � under t):t���te or by r�a�Cing a diror.t tsaymerst rn Barrower.If a refund roduces psin��pxf,th�redu:tian will tx�tr�:ed as a ?
<br /> ' �artiafl p:r,�ayment wislr�ut any prepayment c�r,rcge undtr the Nota .4
<br /> 13. Le�latiaa A}��etie� Leader•�Fi.ig�ts, If enactment or expiration of appli�bl� l�.�vs has the effect of
<br /> , rendering any provision of the Notc or this SecTsrity lnstrument unenforceable according to its terms.l.ender.at its option, ; ;
<br /> msy require immediate payment in full of a!1 sums socured by this Security Insttument and may invoke any remedies �
<br /> permitted by par�gr�ph 19.IP Lender exercises this option.Lender shall take the steps specifi�d in the secand paragraph of I��� .
<br /> par�grapb 17. c:�.
<br /> li. NoNat. hn�°notice to Borrowtr paovidod for in this Seeuniy lestrument shall be givean by delivering it or by ��
<br /> mailing it by firat ci�:rnrail unless applicablr law requires use of anottspc rreethod. The notice shaU be dirested to tl:e � �;.„
<br /> Propertp Addrrss or a.-�y cther address Borrower daignates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall t�s�,iven by
<br /> _ 8r�t clgss cnail to Lender's addres���2ted herein or any other address Y.ender designates by notict to 16arrow�cr.A n;�notice
<br /> pravided for in this Security Enst nu.n�nt shall be damed to have been given to Bonower or Lender wi�e�.giti-c�s;;s provided �
<br /> in this paragaph. ,
<br /> 1S• G�en�g Iiw;5e�6iltty. This Security Instrument shall be govsmed by federal law and the law of the
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is located. ln the event that any provisia�as c:ause of this 5ecurity Inst rument or Ihe
<br /> — Note conAicts vs►ith applicable 1aw�such conPlict shali not affect other provisions oithis Suuriey Instrument or the Note
<br /> - which qn be given�ffect without the conAicting provisian.To this end 1he provisions of this 5ecurity lnstrament and the
<br /> � Note nre declarod to be severable.
<br /> 16. Borroxer's CoOy. Borrowor shall be given one conformecl copy of the Note and of this Stcurity Instrument.
<br /> f7. Tnrrfer o!tiu ProDerty or s Beneflcid Jnterat in Sortawer. 1t atl ar any part of the Property or any
<br /> intercst in it is sold or transferted(or if a benefirial intetest in Borrowor is sold ar transferred and Borrower isnot a natural
<br /> person)without Lender's prior written consent.I.ender may,at its option.require immediate payment in fal)af el)sums
<br /> � secured by this Security lnstrument. However. this option shaU not be exercised by I,ender if exercise is prahibited by
<br /> fed!ral law as of the date af this Security(nsttument.
<br /> lf Lender eaercises this option.Lender shall give Borrawer notice of acedetation.The notice shaU pravide a period ` T`
<br />-- af not less than 30days from the datc the notice is delivered or mailed within whirh I3drrou•er must pay all sums secured by �
<br /> this Secunty Instrument.If Barcower f�ils to psy these sums prior to the expiration of this period,Lender may invoke any
<br /> remedics permitted by chis Security Instrument without further not�ce ordemand on Borrower.
<br /> �S. Svrr�►ers iript tro tceinstate. if�orrov�er metis ceRain cbn��t�nns,Borruwer shall have the right to have
<br /> enfotcemtnl oP this Security instrumcnt d�scontinued at ony time prior tU theearl�tr c�f:(a)5 days(or such other period ns �
<br /> applicab'e law rn�y specify fur r�inst�ttnent)brfntc sale of the Praperty putsuant ta�ny power�7f sale rontnmcd in this �
<br /> � ` Ses:unty lnstrument;or(b)entry of a judgment enfnrcing this Security Instrumen�.Thc+se��ndiunns are thai ibrrower.
<br /> L (a)p�ys Lender ali sums whirh �hen uould bt due under this Security Instrument and the Nate had no accelerenon
<br /> _ -- occutrrd: tb�cures any d�fault uf any o�her cuv��a�nts ur agreements.(c) pays aU enpense�►incurred �n enfnrcing this r.,,
<br /> Sccunty IrisErummt. �ncluding, nw nn�bmued �a, reasonabir attnrneys' fees, and(d)takes such actrbn as l.ender may ��
<br /> rt�sanibfy rtquue tn as3we �hat thr!irn dt thrs 5ecur�ty instrument, Lender'y rrgbts�n the va�prny are�Eiurrdwer'4
<br /> t: c�l�giiion ta piy thr sums sr�ured try this 5ecur��y l�tstn�ntea� s11Lll cantm►►� utichanged l'pan reinstntement by
<br /> ' &►rrowu,th�s 5ecunty Instrument unJ Iltee�bhga�t�ans secure�heret+y shall temn�n fully ef(ecti��e a�.�f ne+ncc eleruuun hu�! " "
<br /> a: tKCU►red Nn+tec�et.lhis nghe to reinstateshnl{nut a�vpiy in thtcascaf�,cetet;�non under paragraphe i i nr�'
<br /> � .
<br /> �,.
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